Who else thought Judith Hoag was hot in the first film?


Jul 13, 2011
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I did when i was 8 years old when i saw it film in theaters and she looked gorgeous here :hrt: and those legs were great.
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She didn't strike me as April....she did have great legs though
Well she with Madonna in Dick Tracy, Tiffani Amber Theissen on Saved by The Bell and Sharon Stone in Total Recall i thought were the hottest chicks of 1990 and brought me to manhood.
Well she with Madonna in Dick Tracy, Tiffani Amber Theissen on Saved by The Bell and Sharon Stone in Total Recall i thought were the hottest chicks of 1990 and brought me to manhood.

Bit too much information there.
Omg ive always had a huge crush on her!! Shes natural, has a nice body, beautiful face, sexy voice and a sassy attitude. Yup ive definitely used plenty of Pantene Pro V with that one in mind :funny:
Not at the time but since going back and watching it last year I think yep she was definitely hot in that movie!

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