Comics Who's up for a good 'ole fashioned one page story?


Jan 9, 2007
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I did this at some point last summer while the bosses were out at work. All I had was a pen, a sharpie, photoshop, and the undying urge to prove you can do a satisfactory Spider-Man story in one page as opposed to 6 issues. Enjoy!

(Since it's pen I couldn't erase and I had no reference but definitely had Romita on the brain that day.)

That Spidey looks SOOooOOOoo Ditko....and that's definitely a good thing.
That Spidey looks SOOooOOOoo Ditko....and that's definitely a good thing.

Thanks Shin! I usually go for the bigger eyes and I was having him do the "im in pain!" impossible eye squint thing, but since I don't show his face more than once it could be taken both ways.
good stuff. Wow, a one-shot without implications. :woot:
Nice work, very enjoyable. Now if only JQ could read this and understand that we don't need more big events at Marvel, just more good light-hearted stories like these.:up:
I did this at some point last summer while the bosses were out at work. All I had was a pen, a sharpie, photoshop, and the undying urge to prove you can do a satisfactory Spider-Man story in one page as opposed to 6 issues. Enjoy!

(Since it's pen I couldn't erase and I had no reference but definitely had Romita on the brain that day.)


That's pretty great!!

One suggestion though: for the next one could you please have something happen that will forever change the lives of Peter Parker and everyone he knows and loves? :D
Thank you all!

I guess what gets my goat is the writers who take the tragic aspect of Spider-Man and blow it obscenely out of proportion. Peter has money problems and a stressful social life sure, and that's an important part of keeping him grounded, but The deaths of Uncle Ben and Gwen Stacy are arguably the only extremely "tragic" things that happened to him up until the 90s. They should stop trying to top themselves and just keep the adventurous, yet sometimes somber atmosphere that is "Spider-Man".

I should make another one of these soon. It was kinda fun.
My fav panel was the one were Spidey fires his webline, I like your style- very nice. Could use a little tightening up.
dude! That was one sweet short Spidey story... careful Marvel might sue you... copyright infringement and making them look bad or something...
Eh, I'm not selling anything I guess, and the only way I'd be making them look bad is by making Spider-Man look good. (oh no he di'n't!)

As for that panel Dangerous, I actually screwed that one up cuz I was in a hurry. His webs go on the outside of his sleeve. Doh!
i was bored so i coloured the page... old school style, fitting the artwork..
hope you like it^^

i was bored so i coloured the page... old school style, fitting the artwork..
hope you like it^^


Nice! and thanks! It's not often I've got someone else coloring stuff I do. I would've never chosen blue and pink for Gwendy's outfit either, that turned out awesome.

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