You know i think Wally West Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown are all great characters but they grow out predecessors instead of being something different and unique. As legacy characters they make continuity confusing and inaccessible to new comers because it removes them from the core mythos. If you ask most kids who's batgirl they would say the red head from the cartoons. They wont get who the girl with the stichted mask or the blonde with the purple costume are.
I was trying to explain to someone the other day how many different robins there are Grayson, Todd, Drake, Damian, Carrie Kelly, stephanie Brown... Then they asked me where Batman Beyond fits into all that. Facepalm
Useing your logic If you ask most kids who's the Flash they would say the red head from the cartoons for the Flash![]()
Actually, asides from Justice League/Justice League Unlimited, Barry Allen has been the Flash in all animated incarnations of the character. The Barry Allen version of the Flash was used in the Batman, Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Young Justice all of which are much more recent than the DCAU cartoons and Barry Allen was the Flash being used in all the cartoons that pre-date the DCAU. And then take into account that the Flash used in the animated films Justice League: The New Frontier, Justice League: Doom, and the upcoming Flashpoint film use Barry Allen over Wally West.Useing your logic If you ask most kids who's the Flash they would say the red head from the cartoons for the Flash![]()
I think that is one thing DC was so great about, and really separated them from Marvel (not saying DC is/was better or worse, but different). I really liked that characters could grow up. Dick Grayson as Batman was so much fun for me. Tim Drake growing out of the Robin title (partially because Damian came along, of course) was also really cool. Marvel then did it with Bucky taking over as Captain America, and even with Steve Rogers back as the "top cop," it was really interesting.
Oh well.