Why Clark sees good in everyone?


Dec 30, 2007
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His speech to young lex in fracture indicated that Superman will see some good in Lex no matter how many bad things he will do for example in comics superman always hesitates to kill villians like joker , lex etc and batman always questions his decision

1st i thought it has something to do with his kryptonian race because Krypton is suppsed to be perfect ethopian society

But after the introduction of other kryptonians like Kara, jor el etc i doubt if kryptonian race was perfect race
Good point. Clark sees that everyone is wrestling with their inner demons.
No, it's not special gift he has because he's a kryptonian, it's a value he learned from his earth parents, the Kents. They raised him and taught him good, strong moral values. That's what makes Clark / Superman so unique from all other Kryptonians (aside from the fact that he was raised on Earth). Most Kryptontians view Earth humans as weak, inferiors and far less advanced creatures compared to themselves (as shown in "Kara" where Kara says Clark is wasting his time asking a human for help). Ma and Pa Kent basically taught Clark how to always look for the best in people, and Clark has always stood by this (even though his parents are gone), and a lot of the time on Smallville it's shown with Lex. Clark always used to give him a chance and trust him despite what others would say about Lex. He truly believes there is some good in everyone and doesn't like to give up on them for fear that they'll give into their dark side, like Lex has, and they'll never make their way back. That's why he told Alexander to keep fighting, so that Lex doesn't turn completely evil.
No, it's not special gift he has because he's a kryptonian, it's a value he learned from his earth parents, the Kents. They raised him and taught him good, strong moral values. That's what makes Clark / Superman so unique from all other Kryptonians (aside from the fact that he was raised on Earth). Most Kryptontians view Earth humans as weak, inferiors and far less advanced creatures compared to themselves (as shown in "Kara" where Kara says Clark is wasting his time asking a human for help). Ma and Pa Kent basically taught Clark how to always look for the best in people, and Clark has always stood by this (even though his parents are gone), and a lot of the time on Smallville it's shown with Lex. Clark always used to give him a chance and trust him despite what others would say about Lex. He truly believes there is some good in everyone and doesn't like to give up on them for fear that they'll give into their dark side, like Lex has, and they'll never make their way back. That's why he told Alexander to keep fighting, so that Lex doesn't turn completely evil.

well said. That's the essence of what makes superman who he is. and that's why he bumps head with batman
well said. That's the essence of what makes superman who he is. and that's why he bumps head with batman

thanks, and yeah Batman's quite the opposite. Superman is more in favor of giving someone the benefit of the doubt, but Batman feels vengeance must be served upon those who commit evil crimes. Batman is more likely to let a villain die, while superman would rather save them then have them put in jail. Superman is all about HOPE that a person can reform, and he tries not to lose faith in anyone, not matter how bad they are (with the exception of characters like Doomsday who are born and bred with pure evil and no goodness inside them)
he has a gift. always seeing the good in people is not easy. but he continues to do so despite there actions. thats the kind of values that will make clark, superman

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