Days of Future Past Why isnt this movie called X-Men The Origin?


Dec 28, 2007
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I can understand the whole First Class thing because they want to follow Cyclops and all the other first members of the x-men but from what we have been told there will also be some history of xavier and magneto so essentially its going to be more than just First Class...

If were going back to why xavier wanted to set up the x-men surely shouldnt this movie be called X-Men The Origin?

So here are the big five questions

Why isnt it called X-Men The Origin?
What would you prefer X-Men First Class or X-Men The Origin?
When do you think this movie will take place as in will it be split between one third of the movie featuring xaviers and magnetos story then onto x-men or just starting with the x-men and xaviers past told in flashbacks?
Where will this be set? I mean new york obviously but will we see Africa for storm.
and finally
How will be in it, as in characters and actors? difference being if its an origin story dating back to xaviers and magnetos first meet, will we see characters like Ryker, Marko and Destiney or would we see a more quicksilver scarlett which story.
Because First Class is just a superior title. And I suppose possible sequels could be 2nd and 3rd class.

Yes, we're seeing the beginning relationships between Xavier and Erik, but we're also seeing the foundation of the school and the X-Men.

"X-Men: First Class, following the classic Marvel mythology, charts the epic beginning of the X-Men saga. Before Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr took the names Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time. Before they were archenemies, they were closest of friends, working together, with other Mutants (some familiar, some new), to stop the greatest threat the world has ever known. In the process, a rift between them opened, which began the eternal war between Magneto’s Brotherhood and Professor X’s X-Men."
That hints that we'll also see the Brotherhoods formation as well.
Because First Class is just a superior title. And I suppose possible sequels could be 2nd and 3rd class.

Yes, we're seeing the beginning relationships between Xavier and Erik, but we're also seeing the foundation of the school and the X-Men.

That hints that we'll also see the Brotherhoods formation as well.

Did i write that quote?
sorry thought the quote you wrote in your replie was something i said before, very similar to something i said way way way before would be funny if someone actually listened.
That's the official description of the film.
Well...I don't think they can use it after...

X-Men Origins: Wolverine
I'm pretty sure the title was inspired by the comic book series:

I think originally the movie was just supposed to be about the formation of Xavier's school and the first X-Men team. It seems that the whole backstory with Xavier and Magneto wasn't added until Bryan Singer came on board. I think the opportunity to do that story was what drew him to the project. After the Magneto movie was seemingly abandoned he probably saw a chance to incorporate that story into this film.
Because X-Men: The Origin is a terrible title?

They already used "Origin" in another title. "First Class" sounds much better.
I wonder if it'll end up being called X-Men Origins: First Class.

With Wolverine being so awful however, I think Fox's plans to keep everything under that banner may disappear, especially as there aren't any other particular origin stories planned anymore.
the movie being awful... is an opion not a fact, tho, it does seem to be a major opion, its not stopping them from making a squeal... so, I doubt they see it as such...

I think that titles makes more since for this movie, then it did for Wolverine, anyway
X-Men Origins: X-Men
X-Men Origins: Origins of X-Men
X-Men Revolutions: Evolution of Men
X-Men Evolution: Orgasms of Men

Yeah... I think I am going with FC.
Yeah I like just First Class. Although I wouldn't mind it being called X-Men Origins: First Class.
I wouldn't mind X-Men Origins: First Class either. :up: But it doesn't roll off the tongue nearly as nicely as X-Men: First Class. However, the "Origin" bit could suggest that we'll see more of the mutant's origins, i.e. Storm's or even how Scott got his start.

It will be weird to see an X-Men film focusing on someone else's origin besides Logan's for once. :p
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Well... i do agree that X-Men The Origin does seem very over used, but i still think First Class is to percific for a title that would represent a much larger concept...

However i have another idea...

The Legacy Of The X-Men
Well... i do agree that X-Men The Origin does seem very over used, but i still think First Class is to percific for a title that would represent a much larger concept...

However i have another idea...

The Legacy Of The X-Men

Or "Uncanny X-Men"
The Legacy sounds more like a final title, but Uncanny sounds cool. I always thought the should start using those cool comic titles for the movies, like "The Invincible Iron Man," "The Sensational Spider-Man," "The Mighty Thor," etc.
Uncanny X-Men was my idea for the reboot version of x-men... More based on the original source.
What, now X-Men is getting a "reboot" too? In addition to First Class? Or are we now call all prequels "reboots?"
He was just referring to a hypothetical X-Men reboot. There is no reboot of now, anyway.
yeah, there isnt a reboot... But if there was, Uncanny X-Men would be a brillian title for it.
this is probably the reboot to the x-men series. they will probably just make these instead of x-men 4. sounds like this will be more faithful to the comics. wonder what the x-men will look like.
Reboot would be the smartest thing they can do at this point. You don't go trilogy, to prequel, to sequel trilogy, all within a span of a little over a decade. I don't think they will ever re-visit a direct sequel to TLS if FC makes bank. Wouldn't bet a dime on it, but it could be a blessing in disguise, that is of course until they find a way to screw Vaughn over again.

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