Why the hate

Fans of Reilly

Dec 13, 2010
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There is a difference between not likeing a game and hateing a game

I do not understand why people become angry when a game they do not like selling well why people become angry when people loved a game they do not like

There are many games I do not like but I do not get angry because those games sell well or have popularity
Gamer mentalities sometimes. If you don't like it then no one else must or else they're morons and you must set them on the right path.
Gamer mentalities sometimes. If you don't like it then no one else must or else they're morons and you must set them on the right path.

On second thought let's not go to the internet, 'tis a silly place.

If a game you don't like becomes really popular, then there's a fairly good chance it will probably have a negative influence on the games you do like.

Think of how many times developers have said "We want the Call of Duty audience". I have no problem with Call of Duty on its own, but think about the immense effect that has had not just on shooters, but on gaming as a whole. It goes beyond Call of Duty of course, but that's just the most obvious example.

That's why people get upset when certain games do well.
If a game you don't like becomes really popular, then there's a fairly good chance it will probably have a negative influence on the games you do like.

Think of how many times developers have said "We want the Call of Duty audience". I have no problem with Call of Duty on its own, but think about the immense effect that has had not just on shooters, but on gaming as a whole. It goes beyond Call of Duty of course, but that's just the most obvious example.

That's why people get upset when certain games do well.
Good point. I remember alot of gamers hating the changes that was done with the Resistance series when R2 came out bc the developers changed alot of things to make it play more like a CoD game instead of letting it stand as its own original thing that the first game was going for
If a game you don't like becomes really popular, then there's a fairly good chance it will probably have a negative influence on the games you do like.

Think of how many times developers have said "We want the Call of Duty audience". I have no problem with Call of Duty on its own, but think about the immense effect that has had not just on shooters, but on gaming as a whole. It goes beyond Call of Duty of course, but that's just the most obvious example.

That's why people get upset when certain games do well.

:woot: I understand where you are comeing from and almost agreed But should we not turn our negative to companies that try to change their game in order to be just like Call of Duty

people that do Call of Duty are doing their work :jedi
Good point. I remember alot of gamers hating the changes that was done with the Resistance series when R2 came out bc the developers changed alot of things to make it play more like a CoD game instead of letting it stand as its own original thing that the first game was going for

Well that series sucked from the jump, so copying CoD didnt really change anything.
:woot: I understand where you are comeing from and almost agreed But should we not turn our negative to companies that try to change their game in order to be just like Call of Duty

people that do Call of Duty are doing their work :jedi
in way yes but in another way it's their lively hood on the line too. they want their product to sell just as well and if they don't they end up where THQ is right now. serious money troubles All cause the gamer fan base is voting with their wallet as people like to say often to those that make their opinion known with words on various . they are saying what the industry under stands is where the money is flowing. so in a way some certain gamers are to blame as well. which why half the time you see a certain poster on any forum, tell others to try something other then a COD cause something like say Dark Siders series needs their support as well. and showing that support is through money. other wise they end on the bankruptcy side. this kinda the problem some people only like playing one type of thing and it's forcing other people to head on one direction. It shoudn't be the case. but some how it is. oh and alot people are seeing it all as a lack of innovation as well.
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Well that series sucked from the jump, so copying CoD didnt really change anything.
The Resistance series doesnt suck!

FYI, the first game is the only one I dont like. I thought the CoD changes made in R2 improved it for the better
in way yes but in another way it's their lively hood on the line too. they want their product to sell just as well and if they don't they end up where THQ is right now. serious money troubles All cause the gamer fan base is voting with their wallet as people like to say often to those that make their opinion known with words on various . they are saying what the industry under stands is where the money is flowing. so in a way some certain gamers are to blame as well. which why half the time you see a certain poster on any forum, tell others to try something other then a COD cause something like say Dark Siders series needs their support as well. and showing that support is through money. other wise they end on the bankruptcy side. this kinda the problem some people only like playing one type of thing and it's forcing other people to head on one direction. It shoudn't be the case. but some how it is. oh and alot people are seeing it all as a lack of innovation as well.

I agree with you Some COD fans need to play games that is other then a COD

But the problem is most people on the Internet do the wrong way to try to convince these people to try other games

i will do an example and use Dragon Age II a game most Internet has a problem with

I enjoy Dragon Age II and if some one come to me and said you enjoy Dragon Age II that's not a good game this is not a real RPG this game ........ any RPG Internet like more than Dragon age 2
this is Much better than Dragon Age 2 you must play this game
not Dragon age 2

guess what there is no chance and I mean there's no chance I'm going to try the game he is talking about

This is the problem when trying to persuade fans of a game you do not enjoy to Try a game you enjoy and Think deserves more attention
do not Insult their taste or the game they enjoy
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the problem is some people just don't know how to talk to others and just shouldn't speak til the find out how and the other is well dragon age is a tuff one for me, to even touch up on but the issue there was reused dungions for it now being the best title. but for certain players that are used to playing the RPg genre a certain way that were turned them off cause all that stuff that made it an rpg for them were taken away.

Now if it was done in a way that you can play in the way you choose. like more action and classice style may be just may be there wouldn't have been that issue. We'll know.

But I choose to keep away from that one for a reason. while under stand some of what they are saying some people ether go too far and then there are those people that don't care ether way that are there to incite the problems by being nasty with their words . so as I said that one is tuff.
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If a game you don't like becomes really popular, then there's a fairly good chance it will probably have a negative influence on the games you do like.

Think of how many times developers have said "We want the Call of Duty audience". I have no problem with Call of Duty on its own, but think about the immense effect that has had not just on shooters, but on gaming as a whole. It goes beyond Call of Duty of course, but that's just the most obvious example.

That's why people get upset when certain games do well.

You've obviously have a well thought out and valid reasons, but in most cases it's as simple as pettyness, jealousy and pure pissing contest between fans.

Just look at how fans behaves when it comes to CB movies for example.

It's not something that exclusive to gamers, it's something that exist in all forms of fandom.
Well hoss that was how it started out as but it evolved to what soapy said. it still shows up from time to time in individuals. but now its a bit more complicated. well that and some things/ games are loosing their identity cause of comparison and that certain people want to make the same amount of money as COD. just to bring those kinds of player too. and that alienates certain players that played a certain ip formerly. There are alot of factors now for why this happens now.
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I think you're giving those people too much credits. Sure, some rational ones thinks like Soapy and you probably...but after being in so many gamers/nerds forums....i don't think so.
I did say they show up time to time but most of the time their ignored when they admit to that with what they say. It depends doesn't mean their not there. I've seen them a well.
My initial reaction is to agree with 'Hoss on this one. Soapy certainly makes a valid point and no doubt that's why a small section of people who bothered to analyze and construct their argument are coming from -but most of the time it's just petty nonsense. It's not exclusive to fandom either, it's just the nature of humans in general. Look at how much hatred the Twilight books/films get from hoards of people who've never read nor seen them. Sure, there are those who have read the books or seen the films and have genuine criticisms, but the vast majority are hating because it's not something they happen to be interested in yet it's wildly popular anyway.

Personally I think people should spend less time worrying about things they don't like and more time focusing on the things they do.
My initial reaction is to agree with 'Hoss on this one. Soapy certainly makes a valid point and no doubt that's why a small section of people who bothered to analyze and construct their argument are coming from -but most of the time it's just petty nonsense. It's not exclusive to fandom either, it's just the nature of humans in general. Look at how much hatred the Twilight books/films get from hoards of people who've never read nor seen them. Sure, there are those who have read the books or seen the films and have genuine criticisms, but the vast majority are hating because it's not something they happen to be interested in yet it's wildly popular anyway.

Personally I think people should spend less time worrying about things they don't like and more time focusing on the things they do.
hmm what you just dis scribed is kinda like what I've seen at hockey games or things where people see a crowd dumping on some one with out knowing why their dumping on that person and yet they join right on in to be part of that crowed doing so. yeah they are nonsensical people and just like to join in on the dog pile. It is stupid. .
The Resistance series doesnt suck!

FYI, the first game is the only one I dont like. I thought the CoD changes made in R2 improved it for the better
I love the first game

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