WiiU - Part 2

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I don't blame anyone for selling a system if they don't have interest in games coming up for it. I do think it's silly to sell a system that you know will have games that'll make you rebuy the thing again down the road. I mean, it's their money and I won't be one to tell them how to use it, but that seems really counterproductive to me.
I've been tempted to sell mine.

But I'm holding onto it. I'm a fan of it. I do believe Nintendo is doing more to sort things out.
I don't know that there will be many games of interest coming down the pike. In that Iwata thing, he made a few references to Nintendo's next platform. I don't know if that's a reference to their next console, or if he's using "platform" to mean maybe an overhauled version of their online service or something like that. IF they are actually openly talking about their next piece of hardware though, I have to imagine that anything they have in the early stages of development for Wii U would be moved to that. That's a big if though.
While the 3rd party well is going to be dry as a bone, I don't regret my Wii U purchase or anything. I know they'll ultimately be enough to justify a purchase, and the VC, while growing frustrating slow, is cool at getting me back to older games. It's just like the GC in that it may not be something that I'll be gaming on all the time, but I know I'll get enough use out of it to feel it was worth the purchase despite how well it may sell.
I don't know that there will be many games of interest coming down the pike. In that Iwata thing, he made a few references to Nintendo's next platform. I don't know if that's a reference to their next console, or if he's using "platform" to mean maybe an overhauled version of their online service or something like that. IF they are actually openly talking about their next piece of hardware though, I have to imagine that anything they have in the early stages of development for Wii U would be moved to that. That's a big if though.

Nintendo always, from my understanding, began the planning stages for their next hardware unit as soon as the current one hits the market. Not to say they start building it, but they start planning stages almost right away. I'm sure there's work being done on that hardware in some way or form, but I think it's doubtful we'll see it soon. As poorly as the Wii U has done, it'd be an even bigger risk to sink such funds into developing a new system at an accelerated rate and having it flop. It's ultimately what killed Sega, and I don't think Nintendo is going to go that route.

It's going to go exactly the way it did with the Gamecube. A rough patch to ride out, get as much as it as you can, and leave it behind when the time comes.
Nintendo President Satoru Iwata said mergers and acquisitions are an option for turning the company's fortunes around in a Nikkei interview. Iwata said the company "should abandon old assumptions about our businesses. We are considering M&As as an option. For this reason, we'll step up share buybacks."

This echos Iwata's statements during a press conference earlier this month in which he said Nintendo is "thinking about a new business structure" and is specifically "studying how smart devices can be used to grow the game-player business." It also follows news of the company having to drastically cut its forecasts for the fiscal year, taking its expected Wii U shipments down from 9 million to 2.8 million.

Additionally, Iwata commented on the option of Nintendo delisting itself from the stock market, saying that "quarterly earnings reporting is not a good fit for Nintendo." He said that even when Nintendo thinks a goal is reachable, it doesn't for sure know whether a product will be a hit. "But it is thanks to the stock market that Nintendo has grown to what it is today. I don't want to turn to a management buyout just because we are inconvenienced now," he added.


Honestly, what I get from that, is that they're open to doing business with a phone company about making a smart device system of their own. I feel that's probably what will ultimately happen.
Yeah. I agree.

I can see the next Nintendo system having a normal controller with maybe a cellphone companion or something..Official licensed NIntendo Cellphone.
I hope a price drop happens soon, I'm saving for a 3DS which I'll probably get within two weeks and next will hopefully be a Wii U. But I cant help but be skeptical to fork over 300 bucks. Even with the great first party titles and wonderful Virtual Console...(really excited A Link to the Past is now available)

There won't be another price drop but there are often other deals. Such as this one:

I can see how a Nintendo fan who is also buying a PS4/X1 or gaming pc would be happy with their wii U with the quality of the Nintendo games, whenever they come out. Just a shame that to be a modern gamer you need to buy more than one machine if you go Nintendo.
I can see how a Nintendo fan who is also buying a PS4/X1 or gaming pc would be happy with their wii U with the quality of the Nintendo games, whenever they come out. Just a shame that to be a modern gamer you need to buy more than one machine if you go Nintendo.
I think there's also the issue of the third party publishers of games always short changing with their over all content from the jump lie always cutting some thing(intead of offer the same deal on every system) and the fact in retaliation the fan's/ user base that are loyal to Nintendo start to make sure not to buy any of the games due to that.

There has to be middle ground there. as soon as that stop's it will work out better over all. but not until then.

this isn't about the brand it's about who's doing what too whom now.
This is what I've been seeing most argue about on the comments and forum of game informer.
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I can see how a Nintendo fan who is also buying a PS4/X1 or gaming pc would be happy with their wii U with the quality of the Nintendo games, whenever they come out. Just a shame that to be a modern gamer you need to buy more than one machine if you go Nintendo.

My enjoyment of my Wii U is totally independent of whether or not I chose to get a PS4 or One. I'm not sure what connection is suppose to be there. I enjoy a console for what it has/will have, not what it doesn't/won't that another console might have.
My enjoyment of my Wii U is totally independent of whether or not I chose to get a PS4 or One. I'm not sure what connection is suppose to be there. I enjoy a console for what it has/will have, not what it doesn't/won't that another console might have.
I don't want to talk for anyone else, but I think Iceman's point is that if you are a big gamer, it is hard to have the Wii U as your only, or even main console.

It reminds me of the Wii. I was fine with my Wii, but that was because I also had a 360 and PS3. I'd go months without even looking at my Wii. It spent more time unplugged then plugged in. But every once in a while I pull it out to play a pretty darn good game, usually from Nintendo. This was fine because I had a 360 and PS3, where I spent the vast majority of my gaming time. If the Wii was my only console the last 8 years, I'd probably hate it.

Just look at the next few months. If the Wii U was my only console, or if I didn't have a gaming PC, I wouldn't be able pay LoS 2, Titanfall, Metal Gear Solid V, or Dark Souls 2. Those are all mulitplatform, and not on the Wii U.
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My enjoyment of my Wii U is totally independent of whether or not I chose to get a PS4 or One. I'm not sure what connection is suppose to be there. I enjoy a console for what it has/will have, not what it doesn't/won't that another console might have.
I hope this point I'm trying to make isn't causing offence or getting annoying (have probably mentioned it a few times by now) to people who are happy with their wii U like you, as it's not intended to do either. I guess I'm seeing it more through my own eyes than yours as I could see myself enjoying and having no problems with a supercheap wii U because there will be some really awesome games on it like the recent Mario one and if I had another machine, the slowness of the big Nintendo games coming out wouldn't bother me. But like being a reader who can call himself well read, the wii U will be the hardest machine to own in isolation in the PS4/X1 generation and be able to be a broad gamer who experiences the majority of gaming events. This is partly due to the strange 3rd party relationship management that has led to many multiplatform titles that should have no problem being released on wii U not seeing a release and also the limited specs of the machine which is going to make seeing the top releases in 2yrs+ time probably not appearing at all. It's how I expected even strong Nintendo fans to think (outside of refusing to buy anything else for loyalty to Nintendo) but I guess your viewpoint proves me wrong to an extent.

Are you planning to stay wii U only or likely to get another next gen machine..or don't now yet? It's definitely interesting to come across viewpoints I wasn't aware of.
I don't want to talk for anyone else, but I think Iceman's point is that if you are a big gamer, it is hard to have the Wii U as your only, or even main console.

It reminds me of the Wii. I was fine with my Wii, but that was because I also had a 360 and PS3. I'd go months without even looking at my Wii. It spent more time unplugged then plugged in. But every once in a while I pull it out to play a pretty darn good game, usually from Nintendo. This was fine because I had a 360 and PS3, where I spent the vast majority of my gaming time. If the Wii was my only console the last 8 years, I'd probably hate it.

Just look at the next few months. If the Wii U was my only console, or if I didn't have a gaming PC, I wouldn't be able pay LoS 2, Titanfall, Metal Gear Solid V, or Dark Souls 2. Those are all mulitplatform, and not on the Wii U.
Exactly, and the difference being that in generations prior to wii, most gamers could own a Nintendo console as their main and only gaming device and be completely satisfied in terms of playing a good number of the main games of the generation.
I do get the point of what you're saying, but I just chose not to look at things that way. I prefer to look at consoles in a isolated view in what they offer. While the third party drought on it's obvious, I don't hold that against the console. I've got a few games and have had a good time both with single player and multiplayer. Whether or not I plan to get a next gen isn't all that relevant to how I chose to use my Wii U.

To answer your question, I do plan to get a next gen system at some point, yeah. But I'm not in a big hurry. The only game I'm super interested in in the near future is MGSV, and I'll probably just wait until The Phantom Pain comes out to actually get Ground Zeroes anyway
Let's say if I only owned a Wii U and felt content with it, knowing myself to well, I think there's will be a breaking point where I would turn my attention towards an X1 or PS4.

The problem with Nintendo is that they're not aggressive enough, not even with their own 1st party games. I don't feel like they're as passionate as they should be, and they're just strolling along. NOW we're getting some passion because frankly, they're NOT in a good spot and NOW its make or break time. Personally, they need to change the higher ups somehow. I think they've lost touch. Create new IPs that will wow people. Make sequels to games that people want (Metroid, Star Fox). Stop using Mario as a crutch for everything.

Be more vigilant and initiative, Nintendo. You can still do 'your thing' but step it up.
I do get the point of what you're saying, but I just chose not to look at things that way. I prefer to look at consoles in a isolated view in what they offer. While the third party drought on it's obvious, I don't hold that against the console. I've got a few games and have had a good time both with single player and multiplayer. Whether or not I plan to get a next gen isn't all that relevant to how I chose to use my Wii U.

To answer your question, I do plan to get a next gen system at some point, yeah. But I'm not in a big hurry. The only game I'm super interested in in the near future is MGSV, and I'll probably just wait until The Phantom Pain comes out to actually get Ground Zeroes anyway
And I'd say in an isolated view of what they offer, The Wii U is seriously lacking and it is only going to get much, much worse.
I've gotten a good deal of use out of my Wii U and will in the future, so I say otherwise. So, what now? Dance off?
I've often ummed and ahhed whether to get the wii U,i did enjoy my wii..but again it was always second to my ps3.
Now i have ps4 even my ps3 barely gets played now..even though i have brill games for it i instinctively pick up the ps4 pad.
now i love nintendo games and would love to play sonic lost world too but i feel there just arent enough incentives to get the wii U..only currently mario and sonic.
They need to do a MMO pokemon game with massive open worlds..that would be a system seller just there.
And I'd say in an isolated view of what they offer, The Wii U is seriously lacking and it is only going to get much, much worse.
it almost feels as if it already is when we keep hearing of big third party games announced for the next gen systems and PS3/360, yet omit the Wii U
And I'd say in an isolated view of what they offer, The Wii U is seriously lacking and it is only going to get much, much worse.

While I really want a Wii U, as a big gamer it wouldn't be enough for games if that's the only console I owned. Good thing I have several other consoles. But I think the first-party published or developed games are easily worth owning the system for. I don't know if it will get much worse, there seems to be alot of indie support for the Wii U. But in terms of AAA third-party titles....yeah...better off owning another console if that's what you want.
In the end, it's just like the GC era. It comes down to how much you like Nintendo franchises. They'll be the odd 3rd party title to pop up, but how much you want and will enjoy a Wii U is based on just how much you like those franchises. If you don't care for them, or don't see them as worth owning a system, then you're not going to find value in it. But if you do, and you find yourself enjoying all the major Nintendo releases typical of a home console, it'll easily be worth it in the end when all the usual suspects get released. That's the simplicity of it, in the end.
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