Will season six go on sale for black Friday???


Definitely Not 40
Apr 4, 2004
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Like at Target, for instance.
next time, check stores, that season is already selling for 19.99 to 15.99
next time, check stores, that season is already selling for 19.99 to 15.99

are you sure? I went to target and they have S6 for 45 bucks.
yes I'm sure and I didn't say Target, Costo and Wal-Mart were
Thanks. I just hate that Best Buy sells every season that I already have for 14 bucks, but sells season 6 for nearly 50.
What on earth is Black Friday? :huh:

Do we have a Friday the 13th coming up, or something?
What on earth is Black Friday? :huh:

Do we have a Friday the 13th coming up, or something?

No, the day after Thanksgiving is the biggest shopping day of the year.

They call it black Friday because it's the day that many stores will finally be "in the black" for the year...
S6 is $36.89 at deepdiscountdvd.com, and they always have free shipping.

No, the day after Thanksgiving is the biggest shopping day of the year.

They call it black Friday because it's the day that many stores will finally be "in the black" for the year...

LOL! :woot:

It sounds more like something deathly is going to happen on that day.
LOL! :woot:

It sounds more like something deathly is going to happen on that day.
You should try fighting through the crazed shoppers on that day sometime. The bigger stores offer really crazy deals to get people in there at the crack of dawn.

I actually have to work the day after T-Day. :(
count yourselves lucky its at least $102 in england :(
Then Costco made a mistake and selling it at the wrong price :oldrazz:
That happens sometimes.

Down here...season 6 is still at around $45 at all the stores I checked. If we get lucky someone will put it down for the after thanksgiving sales...but I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for it.
well at best buy they had all CW and FOX on sale for $14.99 and the pic they had up there was S5 and under it it said all seasons. I piced up S6 and S3 the only 2 i didnt own yet. to the register, s3 came up as $14.99 and s6 was 48.99, I told him its in the sale paper, he looked and I pointe dto it, i said see all seasons, he laughed, knew it was an error (on their part) and changed the price for me.

I bought seasons 1-5 as a gift, but ordered them online from Target @ $14.99 ea. The physical store had them @ $44. ea., so this was an online deal only. (Wish I had known about Best Buy... )

I got season 6 at Walmart when it was first released, for around $29. They are always marked down there the first week.

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