Will The Avengers movie be completely CGI?

I really, really doubt it, seeing as how it's going to be a coming together of the live action films Marvel Studios is making.
Beat me to it. :) Just posted that on my movies group, sent it to SHH front page, and then went to post it here and...you beat me. :) Marvels financing arrangement allows them to do animated films but animated action films don't really do great or never have huh? Marvel said they're gonna do all live action and use the actors from the movies they've put out already. CGI would be a mistake unless it's a huge improvement over Beawolf and films like that.
Why do people only care about live action movies based on comic books?

I for one am 100% behind this if they do it Avatar style.
Only movie that should be CGI in Marvel Universe is Silver Surfer. IMO.
Why do people only care about live action movies based on comic books?

I for one am 100% behind this if they do it Avatar style.

I don't know, just seems like a glamorous cartoon to me.
We grew up with these characters on paper, then on cartoons, I think there just isn't the same wow factor involved.

Nothing beats a well executed live action movie.
I don't know, just seems like a glamorous cartoon to me.
We grew up with these characters on paper, then on cartoons, I think there just isn't the same wow factor involved.

Nothing beats a well executed live action movie.

I respectfully disagree.
You guys are being naive thinking they are going to pull Avengers off the ideal way... I could definitely see this... I mean they might keep the actors voices... but the budget would be absolutely astronomical for live-action... the movie isn't even 50% likely to happen if you ask me... with the same cast and all...
I'd personally hate a CGI movie, first because I can't stand them anyway, but second because I wanna see all the Avengers get together live action, not in a cartoon.
Why do people only care about live action movies based on comic books?

I for one am 100% behind this if they do it Avatar style.

Because comic books are already drawn anyway, it's nice to see a real live interpretation of these characters.
Has Anyone Played Marvel Ultimate Alliance? The CGI Animation sequences in that were awesome. Marvel could go to that style for some of their lesser known hero's.
Yeah and we thought Bale and Routh were locks if they ever made JLA in the near future... don't kid yourselves.... I still think the movie will happen... but I'll be more confident once the Hulk/IM numbers are tallied...
And it will be good numbers (PRAY WITH ME, BROTHERS!)
the only think i dont like in live action heros .
most of actor have wuss and puny physique.

they dont have impressive physique (with some exeption like christian bale how have a great batman shape or charather like tony stark how is buisness man dont need a intensive physique)

i dont find any actor in the wold can play a look alike captain america shapeno actor have perfect specimen physique

ok comic superheros are not bodybuilder of today but they build like a bodybuilder of 70' .

superheros are more built than spiderman most actor are less built than spiderman
they need a custom made actor for some role like captaine america ,thor, hecules, absobing man, rhino,falcon,

ok hugh jackman do a good jobwith wolverine but it always nerve me he to tall and to thin

a trow a challenge just find a casting physique for playing super heros dont chose christan bale(he can play most of community of super heros
ok he have a square jaw but 6.1 170 lbs to small for me he can t play a captain america he will be smaller than batman
a christian bale is 6.1 for 205 lbs
he need a captain america a american flag not a america f.. a most super heros are over 200 pound and i said most
i not casting the player of american gladiator they have good physique not today body builder they a to freaky big today

but a can play a good absorbing man or a good ben grimm :)
Jason Lewis is fine. Him and Batman are not going to encounter after all.
If you are an actor that is going to be taking on a major superhero role... and if your costume shows enough of your own skin... then getting into shape is pretty much mandatory... for a guy like Tony Stark it isn't because the suit covers everything... so Downey just basically needs to maintain the chest and keep the weight down... but for a guy like Captain America... Thor... well... getting into shape isn't optional for the actor... they are sort of getting paid for building a decent body that suits their roles... if they can make every male Spartan look like that in 300... then its possible for anyone to put on the proper weight and get into shape... obviously you aren't going to go from 170 to 230 in a few months while maintaining a physique... you just got to have the right frame/size for your height... anyone in Hollywood is capable of doing it considering they have their own personal trainers and all... if Marvel sees an actor they like who is around the 5'11 180 mark... so be it... but the guy will look 6'1 ish and 215 by the time they start filming...
It can work. Jason Lewis would be a perfect match with Robert Downey Jr. (And he's better than Matt Damon).
If you are an actor that is going to be taking on a major superhero role... and if your costume shows enough of your own skin... then getting into shape is pretty much mandatory... for a guy like Tony Stark it isn't because the suit covers everything... so Downey just basically needs to maintain the chest and keep the weight down... but for a guy like Captain America... Thor... well... getting into shape isn't optional for the actor... they are sort of getting paid for building a decent body that suits their roles... if they can make every male Spartan look like that in 300... then its possible for anyone to put on the proper weight and get into shape... obviously you aren't going to go from 170 to 230 in a few months while maintaining a physique... you just got to have the right frame/size for your height... anyone in Hollywood is capable of doing it considering they have their own personal trainers and all... if Marvel sees an actor they like who is around the 5'11 180 mark... so be it... but the guy will look 6'1 ish and 215 by the time they start filming...

Remember Keaton's chiseled physique in Batman?
I could of swore he was carved out of marble.
Which made sense... Since he didn't have any actual powers, he was expected to be in peak physical shape. :woot:

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