William Moody made the Wrestling Thread smile

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Awwwwwwwwww yeeeeaaaahhhhhhh [/Paul Bearer]
- Jack Swagger vs. Alberto Del Rio will be continuing after WrestleMania 29 as a submission match is planned for the Extreme Rules pay-per-view.

- The Miz vs. Antonio Cesaro is said to be just a TV feud to give them something to do between now and WrestleMania 29.

While Miz and Ric Flair continued their angle together on Monday’s RAW, word is that we should not read too much into that, and that the thing to really think about is why Dolph Ziggler has not only been on a losing streak but has gotten limited interview time and didn’t even get an entrance on RAW.

Once again......Did Ziggler piss in Kevin Dunn or Mcmahon's cornflakes? Why is HE getting buried and depushed after being given momentum at the end of 2012!? Frick WWE Creative, Frick Vince McMahon, Frick Kevin Dunn and Frick Backstage politics over all. I can't stand this breaking process they put stars through because its irritating as hell. Ziggler is more than ready to be a top star and WWE keeps teasing at that happening but burying him the closer it gets to that time. They'll never build new stars if they keep this crap up.

Read more: http://www.pwmania.com/submission-m...pv-backstage-news-dolph-ziggler#ixzz2MsHaHXot
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Also, despite my feelings towards the Rock as WWE Champion, he ought to be commended for not being forced to use Tout.

It's stupid and there is no reason the Rock should use it.
Once again......Did Ziggler piss in Kevin Dunn or Mcmahon's cornflakes? Why is HE getting buried and depushed after being given momentum at the end of 2012!? Frick WWE Creative, Frick Vince McMahon, Frick Kevin Dunn and Frick Backstage politics over all. I can't stand this breaking process they out stars through because its irritating as hell. Ziggler is more than ready to be a top star and WWE keeps teasing at that happening but burying him the closer it gets to that time. They'll never build new stars if they keep this crap up.

Read more: http://www.pwmania.com/submission-m...pv-backstage-news-dolph-ziggler#ixzz2MsHaHXot

I don't think Ziggler did anything, as this is mentioned on another site:

The feud between Alberto Del Rio and Jack Swagger is not expected to end at WrestleMania 29, according to F4WOnline.com. The current plans have them going on to work a "Submission Match" at Extreme Rules.

Of course, the World Heavyweight Championship won't necessarily be involved in that match, as many are calling for Dolph Ziggler to cash in his MITB contract before then.
I'm going to buy WWE 13 today,I don't have a PS3 yet,but I'm getting one (again) in a week or 2.
I don't think Ziggler did anything, as this is mentioned on another site:

But what if people don't buy him as Champion and WWE blames Dolph for it and strips him of the title 3 months later? They did that to Daniel Bryan.

This needs good buildup to it as opposed to being jobbed out constantly and getting minimal screen time.
The pics are OK, but I've seen pics of her in her birthday suit and I saw everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, but those were from before Mickie got the diva makeover.
Yeah, but those were from before Mickie got the diva makeover.

Is that what they call it when Batista sleeps with you, breaks your toilet, cleans out your fridge and never calls again?
CBS Larry Richert Interview with Bruno Sammartino & HHH[YT]B5WMkU4Gwts[/YT]
Is that what they call it when Batista sleeps with you, breaks your toilet, cleans out your fridge and never calls again?

Of course not.

Orton has to defecate on something of theirs too. :o
But what if people don't buy him as Champion and WWE blames Dolph for it and strips him of the title 3 months later? They did that to Daniel Bryan.

This needs good buildup to it as opposed to being jobbed out constantly and getting minimal screen time.

I actually think he may fail with the cash-in and someone, maybe HBK, coems out and tells him he needs to shed the baggage of AJ and Langston and this will reboot him and be used as a reason for all the losses.

I say HBK because he knows what it's like to have a valet and a bodyguard, plus Big Show said that himself and others within the company were pushing for Dolph to start using the Superkick as his finisher, so this could also set that up with HBk endorsing him.

I think Pac still has something to offer the mid card in WWE as an active wrestler.
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