Sequels Wolverine: The Series

heck yeh baby X

Jan 1, 2006
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this would be awesome...I know that after the next Wolverine movie that it should be set in stone. It would be great to see other characters show up in it. cameos.....but Im sure that Jackman wouldnt do who could be Wolvie? prob an unknown
A Wolverine series would be better than several spin-off movies in my opinion, it would give the character longer story-arcs and depth and would not require too much CGI. Hugh Jackman would do it, he could still make movies just like other actors who headline major TV shows do, for example, Jennifer Garner and Keifer Sutherland, etc. I think Wolverine and Daredevil are the two Marvel characters that would be better suited to television, although Wolverine is also a must for theatrical releases of X-Men movies.
I'd prefer a series over a full length feature film.... how much are they going to fit in the spinoff anyway??? His involvement with Team X, taken into the weapons X program, Japan, Sabertooth all in one movie??? It won't work... no way Jackman would do a series... but there has got to be someone out there... however... it would just be too expensive to make a series...
no thank you. we have MORE than enough Wolverine as it is...
Keifer Sutherland should quit '24' and do a Wolverine TV series.
are you guys insane? a wolverine tv show? that is insane, and won't work, and it will suck...why? because name more then 1 action tv show that is can't 24 is solid, if lost is considered action then it is good to, but wolverine needs to have tones more action in it then lost regardless

a wolverine trilogy is the way to, rated R, hard violence, intense action scenes...other characters, Sabretooth, and Maverick working with wolverine in the weapon x program death strike pre adimantium, maybe one movie about Alpha Flight...bad guys Omega Red...and my personal favorite(but i know it won't happen) the Hulk, also do the ninja **** that frank miller did would be awsome
L0ngsh0t said:
because name more then 1 action tv show that is can't 24 is solid,

the current season of 24 is more than solid, it's more than good. it's f***in amazing. that, and Prison Break, are more than one good action tv show. so there.

still, a Wolverine series is a bad idea. there are tons of other comic books that not only deserve their own series, but were practically born to be on tv, like Y: The Last Man, Gotham Central and Powers.
:eek: NO!!! Wolverine had the most screen time in X1 and X2, probably again in X3!!! Not to mention his own movie coming out, I think that's enough Wolverine!!!:o
is prison break really that good? i havent seen much of it because the premise looked really lame, and i am convinced action tv shows don't work...but that also means i haven't watched enough of it to give a valid judgement as to weather it actually is good..
yes 24 is better then solid this year...the fantastic acting is what makes that show, and i suppose if they had a cast comparable a Wolverine series "could" work...

but the thing you are underestimating about a series, is it dosen't matter if you like, because you aren't always going to have time to sit down at 7 on wednesday or whatever to watch it, and there is no garuntee it will sit well with the general public...there is a very good chance the series doesn't last 3-5 episodes, and doesn't even finsih one story arc..

i think a movie is just flat out the way to go with wolverinie, i said it before, i think the movie should legitimatly be a Hard R, and have intense action scenes, with ninjas and stuff like Matrix 1
id love to see this. maybe we could have Singer guest-direct a few episodes
L0ngsh0t said:
is prison break really that good? i havent seen much of it because the premise looked really lame, and i am convinced action tv shows don't work...but that also means i haven't watched enough of it to give a valid judgement as to weather it actually is good..
yes 24 is better then solid this year...the fantastic acting is what makes that show, and i suppose if they had a cast comparable a Wolverine series "could" work...

but the thing you are underestimating about a series, is it dosen't matter if you like, because you aren't always going to have time to sit down at 7 on wednesday or whatever to watch it, and there is no garuntee it will sit well with the general public...there is a very good chance the series doesn't last 3-5 episodes, and doesn't even finsih one story arc..

i think a movie is just flat out the way to go with wolverinie, i said it before, i think the movie should legitimatly be a Hard R, and have intense action scenes, with ninjas and stuff like Matrix 1

I do agree that a series wouldn't really work for Wolverine... but even giving him a movie would be going too far.

I say f**k Wolverine. he's already all over the place and his shtick has gotten tired quite some time ago. give a movie/series to someone who deserves it.
how about Josh Holloway from Lost?

yeah, but he just cant do a cajun accent. he would be GREAT in terms of looking the character. but the voice just will NOT translate well to a cajun smoothtalker
he could learn(a french canadian accent isn't the hardest to learn, and its pretty close to the same thing)...but i'm not terribley thrilled ether for him
Prison Break IS really good. And this is coming from a guy who pretty much never watches TV.
As far as action TV series go, nothing's going to touch 24 for a very long time. The Jack Bauer hour of power rules.
FieryBalrog said:
Prison Break IS really good. And this is coming from a guy who pretty much never watches TV.

yeah i never watch tv, the only tv shows i like are because i only buy them on dvd like sienfeld and curb your enthusiasim and mr. show....

if anything that is why i don't want a wolverine series is cause movies are just better forms to tell a complete story and are in most cases just plain better, the directing and acting is better, because normally directors and actors ether get there start in tv, or go back to it for redemption or a career start up (like Keifer Sutherland did, or JJ abrams of MI-3) there is nothing wrong with it, just if i could chose between a well made movie and a well made show there is no competition movie wins out
I think it depends on whether the material is better suited to TV or cinema. For example, I think Wolverine suits both, but I really think Daredevil would be better suited to TV only, just like Spider-Man could only ever work in feature films. Oh well, Wolverine's a cash cow, no way a TV show is ever made when feature films will make so much more money.
Hey guys, I just thought of something here. How about the spinoff movies bleeding into a full blown TV series?

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