World of Warcraft

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Mar 26, 2001
Reaction score
If you like character building RolePlaying games, like Everquest, this is the best game out there.


I have been playing it since it came out, really is a great game.
Might pick it up for Christmas, but I'm playing about 5 games right now.
how is it as compared to COH? (I realize its a totally different genre, just looking for a comparison as a MMORPG)
The Incredible Hulk said:
how is it as compared to COH? (I realize its a totally different genre, just looking for a comparison as a MMORPG)
No clue, since this it the only MMRPG that I have ever played like this....
Really, Mal? I didnt think you would like this. Get up with me, if you want. Im on East Server, on Bloodhoof server, names Drakkhan.
Oh come on! Theres gotta be more than 3 of us who play this!!
It's on my Amazon xmas wish list. Which means I won't be getting it:):up:
My Tauren Hunter is on the East Caost server of Durotan.
I just put up a forum for the game.
Basically for support and chatting about the game.

MACRO HELP is the biggest reason for it in my thoughts.

If you know macros in WoW, please join and help me out.
I might get it for christmas

From the reviews it seems to not have everything i didn't like about CoH.

And Everquest 2 sucks, i was in the Beta,
I know two guys that were in the beta of WoW and they love the game, the reviews are great and because Blizzard is my second favorite game developer, i might take a crack at it some time soon
Is there anyone else who plays the game, now that launch is gone past? I know I still do, Malice and I are in the same guild now,and I post on his webforum as well!!

Come on! Anyone?
World of Warcraft got Game of the Year honors at Gamespot.
I´ve heard the game it´s amazing, the best in the MMORPG genre, and one of the best games that came out this year.
I didn´t expected otherwise from Blizzard.
I never played a MMORPG before, but i have to play this :)
I should be getting it from a friend soon.
seems like fun, but I've played many MMORPG's, and they usually take time which I don't have.. besides I have a sucky comp. -.-
Do they have like all the units from the WarCraft Series in it?
I'm playing on Burning Blade. I got it this morning, I'm a level 5 Orcan Hunter. Pretty fun so far, still learning everything though.
Well, Brodeh, give us a whisper, I play as Drakkhan, or go to the site listed above. Im always there [more than I am here nowadays].
damn video card isn't supported by this game, Will it ever be supported or what?
cause I already payed and I can't play the game. :mad:
All I need is this dum video card to work, I guess I'll have to change them, or transfer my other sucky compatable video card to this comp...

I'm gonna go play WC3. :(
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