Would You Trade 1 Year of NO SEX for No STRESS??

Lightning Strykez!

Former Mod On Pension Pay
Jul 7, 2004
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Checking The Hype Pulse--Part I
Would You Trade 1 Year Of No Sex For No Stress?

By Lightning Strykez!


Welcome to "Checking The Hype Pulse"--my 1st series of poll-driven articles for 2008. In these threads we will explore the thoughts and opinions of the Hype populace as it relates to some of the hottest issues of today's world. As usual, I'm yer host, Hoff-master extraordinare, Lightning Strykez! :hehe:

And now, without further bloviation...


Sometimes, when a teenager tries telling the average adult or parent that they're under stress, likely they get some sort of lecture. They'll probably be told that they don't know the meaning of stress. How many times has the old cliched retort been used? Ya know, the one that goes something like: "Wait until you've got bills to pay and a real job and kids, then you'll know about stress!"

Wrong bucko. Everyone lives with some kind of stress.

Be it at school or work, whether we're male or female, black or white, young or old, EVERYONE deals with some sort of stress in their lifetime. And for the vast majority of us, it's ongoing throughout our lifetimes. You can see the truth in this by how people choose to cope with their stress. Some elect to use druggery, while others pitch themselves into alcoholism. Still others choose to gamble their worries away, shop till they drop or engage in some other vice to give them that temporary high.

And then--of course--there is the S-word. Ya know...the freaky one that scientists have long said is the probably one of the best ways to release that pent-up tension. But let's be frank, shall we? Just like the other vices I mentioned above, the relief that some good sexin' can bring is also fleeting--momentary at best. In other words, the problems that stress us out don't exactly shoot out of our lives when we...ya know...fleet.

So I'm checking the Hype pulse by asking a question for discussion. It may look simple, but give it careful thought.

Would you give up having sex for one full year in exchange for a year of blissful, stress-free existence?

Now, before you chiles just start a-typin', keep in mind that this would mean that ALL sources of problems in your life would be eliminated from your radar for 365 days--leaving you with not a care in the world. BUT, the catch is you would not get ANY luvin' for the same period of time. That includes...ahem...self-love too.

Could you do it? Would such a trade be worth it to you? Why or why not?
Hmm, this is a toughie. My first instinct is to say that I would prefer to still have sex, because sex is a stress reliever for me.
I would say that it could very well be worth it. But I actually enjoy being put under incredible pressure. It sounds crazy, but I find that persevering through it can be incredibly rewarding and educational. Or at least for me, it has been thus far.

Also, my job, volunteer work and college are intended to be stressful. It's part of the fun; and once I'm done working on a project or a paper or what have you, that sigh of relief at the end is quite amazing. I'd probably be bored stiff if I didn't have all the ruckus.

And sex, at the end of the day, is a great way to counter all that, albeit for only an hour or so.

I think I'd have to pass on the offer.
Can I trade a year of constant stress for a year of constant sex?
I'm going to be separated from my wife for 1 year starting in May. So I'll tell you how stress free I am in May '09.
Can I trade a year of constant stress for a year of constant sex?

You mean, exchanging real life for an everlasting-gobstopping orgasm? Hmmmm...Well, non-stop sex would be a very dehydrating situation that would inevitably put you in a hospital--which would equal big bills and sadly more stress.

But if that's yer thing....:hehe:
You mean, exchanging real life for an everlasting-gobstopping orgasm? Hmmmm...Well, non-stop sex would be a very dehydrating situation that would inevitably put you in a hospital--which would equal big bills and sadly more stress.

But if that's yer thing....:hehe:

Seriously, non-stop sex would be the most un-enjoyable experience ever :csad:
It's hard to imagine a life without any stress whatsoever.:huh:
thats a tough call for me... no stress at all.. very tempting, but then a whole year of no sex wouldnt be very nice... damn, i'd have to deal with the stress
considering how much stress 2007 brought me, if you could guarantee a whole year of NO stress, heck, i'd prolly give it up for 2 years
Well I've gone without for over a year now and I swear I have more gray hair then before I quit humping. :down

I know by this time tomorrow this thread will be over run with spam and I'll not be combing through it.
You mean, exchanging real life for an everlasting-gobstopping orgasm? Hmmmm...Well, non-stop sex would be a very dehydrating situation that would inevitably put you in a hospital--which would equal big bills and sadly more stress.

But if that's yer thing....:hehe:

I'm a man that owns his own IV drip. :o

But I said Constant Sex - not Non-Stop Sex. A bit different. At least in my mind.
In a heartbeat. Sex is essential in my life, but my goodness the thought of a stress-free year:wow: That would be amazing.
I hope you also own a replacement dick for when yours falls off from the chaffing :o

I wonder if there are as many varieties of prosthetic ***** as there are arms. I could have a variety. A penis for ever occasion!

Japanese Waiter: "Will you need a set of chop sticks, sir?"
Me: "No, I have my own *zip*"
Hmm, this is a toughie. My first instinct is to say that I would prefer to still have sex, because sex is a stress reliever for me.

You're looking pretty stressed out by this question, let me help you.

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