X men 2 sucked a$$


Dec 8, 2005
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im glad i didnt see it in theaters, theyre showing on fox for the upcoming X3/ they completely ignored the history of the characters. the relationship between lady death strike and wolverine, and the guy who was stuck in the wheelchair was legion(charles xvaiers son), they completely disregarded all of it, including the rogue and gambit relationship. piece of crap film. if they had kept these elements they films couldve been alot better. using stryker was garbage, but whatever. the ending sucked ass too.

and they completly missed the character of nightcrawler.
I thought X2 was great. One of the best comic book films.
Y'know, I like X-Men in general, the concept, the characters, etc, but no matter how hard I try I just can't seem to make myself like the movies. I don't know if its too much Wolverine or what... but not being able to enjoy the X-Men films makes me feel bitter and alone.
what's this doing here? shouldn't it be in the X-Men forums?:confused:
Yes, both films suck.

Singer is one of the most bland, point and shoot directors out there. He has no sense behind the camera, and he hacked great source material to pieces. The movies are just bad episodes of the Wolverine show guest starring the X-Men, and even with all the time they spend(waste)on him, Singer managed to royally **** him up too. He's nothing more than a generic bad-ass with some corny one-liners that can't back up his bs since he gets his ass handed to him on a silver platter every time he fights a mutant.
Storm, Cyclops, and Jean might as well be clones of a character named Generic. Rogue and Iceman are absolutely pathetic. Neither has contributed a damned thing to helping the team in either film, and both are wildly miscast; Ashmore is among the most wooden actors in Hollywood today. Deathstrike could've and should've been a great character, and this should've been Kelly Hu's chance to shine, yet Singer totally wastes her with 15 minutes of screen time, one irrelevant line, and then killing her off(and she still manages to be easily one of the best things in either film, even with such poor material to work with).
How someone can have such great characters to adapt and still come up with such paper thin, less than run of the mill films is a mystery, but that incompetent hack Singer and his crew certainly found a way.
The fact that he's gone to go butcher another comic book franchise is why I still have some faith in X3.
Stormyprecious said:
Yes, both films suck.

Singer is one of the most bland, point and shoot directors out there. He has no sense behind the camera, and he hacked great source material to pieces. The movies are just bad episodes of the Wolverine show guest starring the X-Men, and even with all the time they spend(waste)on him, Singer managed to royally **** him up too. He's nothing more than a generic bad-ass with some corny one-liners that can't back up his bs since he gets his ass handed to him on a silver platter every time he fights a mutant.
Storm, Cyclops, and Jean might as well be clones of a character named Generic. Rogue and Iceman are absolutely pathetic. Neither has contributed a damned thing to helping the team in either film, and both are wildly miscast; Ashmore is among the most wooden actors in Hollywood today. Deathstrike could've and should've been a great character, and this should've been Kelly Hu's chance to shine, yet Singer totally wastes her with 15 minutes of screen time, one irrelevant line, and then killing her off(and she still manages to be easily one of the best things in either film, even with such poor material to work with).
How someone can have such great characters to adapt and still come up with such paper thin, less than run of the mill films is a mystery, but that incompetent hack Singer and his crew certainly found a way.
The fact that he's gone to go butcher another comic book franchise is why I still have some faith in X3.

I completely agree with you, man.
Singer is a hack.
Singer makes movies deeper and better than most Hollywood directors today.

you guys can't tell me he DIDN'T made Nightcrawler badass!
I thought all the characters were fine and intact but could have been used better. It's like the stage has been set and now everyone is thinking "...now what?". I managed to enjoy them as movies in themselves. Like an alternate reality of sorts...Like the Singerverse or something.
In order for him to make movies deeper, he'd have to make me give a flying **** about the characters. He couldn't even do it when he was making movies based on source material where I already did.

He does make my hatred for his lackluster work run deeper than most Hollywood directors today though.

Nightcrawler was decent, that alone puts him above most "characters"(a term I use loosely, since in most cases, Singer doesn't even give them enough to qualify)in these disasters.

The problem with Singer(well, one of the many), is that he almost no clue how to put the words "character" and "development" in the same sentence. He tends to define mutants by their powers rather than by distinct characteristics that give them actual personalities that make them worth caring about.
That post has almost as little depth to it as the extremely shallow film that it's defending.
Your judging X2 on a Crappy Ass edited TV Version ?
GoldenAgeHero said:
you also like the mercy reef trailer. you have bad taste.
When did I say I liked it? I think I said I liked parts of it. I wouldn't have watched the show.
GoldenAgeHero said:
you also like the mercy reef trailer. you have bad taste.

Got to love to hate the idiots that think their opinions are 100 % fact & if you dont like it no one else does & if someone does like something that one person does not they get bashed. Typical & should be something that can get one banned or at least a probation ban if you ask me
GoldenAgeHero said:
and the guy who was stuck in the wheelchair was legion(charles xvaiers son),

No he wasn't. At all. He was Mastermind.
For those of you who didn't like it, you gotta at least like the Wolverine vs. the SWAT team scene. Right?
Savage said:
I thought all the characters were fine and intact but could have been used better. It's like the stage has been set and now everyone is thinking "...now what?".

"I know! Let's bring Magneto back for a third movie!"
Mee said:
For those of you who didn't like it, you gotta at least like the Wolverine vs. the SWAT team scene. Right?

Hated it. It's a perfect example of what I was talking about with Wolverine in these films. He kicks ass against regular people, yet gets his ass kicked against any mutant he fights.

That's like me beating up school children, then getting knocked 3 ways from Sunday against someone my own size, and acting like I'm a big tough bad-ass.
GoldenAgeHero said:
im glad i didnt see it in theaters, theyre showing on fox for the upcoming X3/ they completely ignored the history of the characters. the relationship between lady death strike and wolverine, and the guy who was stuck in the wheelchair was legion(charles xvaiers son), they completely disregarded all of it, including the rogue and gambit relationship. piece of crap film. if they had kept these elements they films couldve been alot better. using stryker was garbage, but whatever. the ending sucked ass too.

and they completly missed the character of nightcrawler.

No, it was supposed to be Mastermind. Guess they know the characters better than you.:o
Stormyprecious said:
Fitting, since the movie it's about does too.

hold up, i wasnt talking about the movie, just the wrong placement of this thread sucks...

Darthphere said:
No, it was supposed to be Mastermind. Guess they know the characters better than you.:o

like i said they still managed to completely effed up the character. and you cant blame me for thinking ti was legion. legion is also a telepath and suffers from autism, which it looked like the guy in the wheel chair was.

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