I don't know if these is right i found these website www.fasthack.com/archives/222 and it said chuck norris id the true apocalypse
x-periment said:I don't think its true.
Spidey 2007 said:you never know man!
Lol And Jackie Chan is Longshot ..Wolverini said:You guys are missing the bigger picture.
If Chuck Norris is Apocolypse and Steven Seagal is Sinister then surely ...
Arnold Schwarzenegger is GAMBIT!!!
Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.
Chuck Norris invented the rainbow. Soon thereafter, he roundhouse kicked that rainbow because he thought it looked gay.
Shortly after winning the 1978 international Kung Fu title Chuck Norris flew around the world in a hot air balloon in 3 days, prooving that records are simply a list of things Chuck Norris has never attempted.
When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.