Xmen movies ... batman mistakes


May 10, 2005
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Hey guys I want to ask you guys if you feel the same way I do about the X-men films

Fist off I just want to say the films have been good but I believe the story is lacking and I just dont how to explain it but I believe these movies are turning out to be like batman forever and batman and Robin.
Okay b4 you crucify me here me out. When thost batman movies came out almost everyone went to see them and later decided that those movies really were'nt that good. now we have Batman Begins out a masterpiece done correctly and has put life back into the batman franchise. Now X-men films so far has had a decent storyline focused around wolvering which I belive is a mistake and most of the mutants that have a past together are not even mentioned its just go w/ the flow. Now some people might like that but what really made the X-men characters so popular their powers and connections w/ each other.

So in closing after the third installment I would like to see a Complete do over w/ a different director and a better storyline
If I were you i'd wait till you've seen it before you compare it to things.
I agree with Electrix. Lets see X3 first, and then make your judgment, good or bad. Hopefully good...
i feel that way about the spiderman movies, but I know what you mean. i wouldnt compare them to batman and robin or batman forever, they were dreadful adaptation of the comics, as well as terrible movies. the xmen seem rather faithful to the comics, are definitely good movies, just seem to lack some depth in certain characters, though with so many it would be hard. better if they focused on one character story per movie, instead of just wolverine. the new one surprisingly looks like it has potential though, so hopefully it wont disappoint.
Octoberist said:
I agree with Electrix. Lets see X3 first, and then make your judgment, good or bad. Hopefully good...

exactly, even tho I have doubts about x3, lets wait till it comes out before we compare it with BB:F or B&R........... I got a feeling X-Men will be kinda like Star Wars, we will have some great films, and some "eehhh" ones, it took two bad movies to destroy Batman, and the Aliens series, X_Men haven't "jumped the shark" yet.....
Yeah, X-Men hasn't jumped the shark, though during the pre-production (the script review, the director switches, plot rumors,etc) I thought it will.

Honestly, I'm surprised by the trailers. They're well made. But there are still somethings that worry me still. And these THINGS, some hardcore people can defend some of the decision all they want, CAN ruin the movie if they went down the path of utter badness.

But I've got hope for X3 still.
If X-Men were going down the Batman and Robin route you would see Phoenix played by Kathy Griffin, wearing red sparkly tights and camping it up like Jim Carey as Riddler. LOL!! But the director and Famke seem to be nailing it with an edgy true-to-comics portrayal. Totally different....
wait intill you see the film before you judge the film people! i can not stress this enough! GAAAHH!!!! lol
Yeah, it's better to wait.
How can people sit there and criticize a movie that they haven't even seen?
See the movie first. Then judge it later. Alright? :)
boy golly I hope x3 is ass good as catwoman
JokerNick said:
dude, your avatar gave me a siezure
Not really. If that gives you a seizure, then you should see xwolverine2's.
Electrix said:
If I were you i'd wait till you've seen it before you compare it to things.

I agree, we should wait until it comes out.
I agree with you 100%. If Fox had paid far more respect to the property (X-Men), we'd have a far better product. Even if they had waited a few years so the special effects technology was perfected more, they still would have come out on top. Their problem is that they didn't want to take a big risk by investing all their money into something that was fairly unfamiliar terrain... Superhero movies. And the Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, and George Clooney movies were a testimate to the failure of a once proud and respected character that was inevitably basterdized into a over-commercialized clown in the end. So I don't blame them for not taking the risk.

Had they waited until the the success of the first Spiderman came out, they probably would have went in a different direction, director, and storyline. But seeing that they needed a tentpole movie for the summer opener, they rushed into producing it without considering the potential success it could have had (with the X-Men fans most of all), had they took their time, researched the material and characters, and produced an origins movie based on the original 6 characters (Xavier, Cyclops, Iceman, Marvel Girl, Beast, and Angel).

Introduce the next wave of X-men in the sequel, and go from there...
chosen1 said:
Hey guys I want to ask you guys if you feel the same way I do about the X-men films

Fist off I just want to say the films have been good but I believe the story is lacking and I just dont how to explain it but I believe these movies are turning out to be like batman forever and batman and Robin.
Okay b4 you crucify me here me out. When thost batman movies came out almost everyone went to see them and later decided that those movies really were'nt that good. now we have Batman Begins out a masterpiece done correctly and has put life back into the batman franchise. Now X-men films so far has had a decent storyline focused around wolvering which I belive is a mistake and most of the mutants that have a past together are not even mentioned its just go w/ the flow. Now some people might like that but what really made the X-men characters so popular their powers and connections w/ each other.

So in closing after the third installment I would like to see a Complete do over w/ a different director and a better storyline

give it ten to twenty years, plus or minus whether or not X3 is good or not. Otherwise it will be a while before we see a different take on this franchise.
thegameq said:
give it ten to twenty years, plus or minus whether or not X3 is good or not. Otherwise it will be a while before we see a different take on this franchise.

Hopefully Peter Jackson will be up for directing the next one, if he's not too old to direct it.....
Then it would be three hours long and a perfect representation of the comics.
x-men....batman.....x-men....batman.....x-men Batman... X-men...


i cant see any similarities. at all.
yes...he make every character look great..peter jackson's characterization is top notch
ProfeZZor X said:
Hopefully Peter Jackson will be up for directing the next one, if he's not too old to direct it.....
God no!
Jackson should never direct an X-Men movie I dont think he could pull it off. Just my 2 cents. I dont hate PJ ethier I love LoTR, etc I just dont think his style would fit this movie.
i believe that batman is batman and not x-men, lol. i'd applaus to ratner for filling in, he is a great director, everybody knows that and without him, nobody can be compared to his craft and dedication to the x-men franchise.
LoGaN's RuNNer said:
God no!
Jackson should never direct an X-Men movie I dont think he could pull it off. Just my 2 cents. I dont hate PJ ethier I love LoTR, etc I just dont think his style would fit this movie.

Yeah. I think Jackson has great vision as a director, but everything tends to be too "pretty" if that makes sense.

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