You Da Boss! of Marvel!


Aug 26, 2005
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If you were EIC (editor-n-chief) of MARVEL how would you handle the line of creative teams and editors?

What rules would you set forth?

How would you deal with death?

Would you limit Wolverines cameos and the number of teams he's in?

Thor lost cause of dial up Alan Moore and Beg?

Your the BOSS!


1. I'd limit the Spider-man books to (two) (I'm not counting USM)

*Amazing Spider-man: Dan Slott / Mike Weiringo

*Spider-man: Robert Kirkman / Steve Skroce

They would be the 'Defacto' creative team, an limit mini-series
with Spidey and his supporting cast.


*Uncle Ben stays dead.
*Clone saga/Sins Past do not exsist.
*No more retcons, move forward not back.

2. Limit the X-books to (3) titles.

*Uncanny: Flag ship title, deals primarily with the school.

Roster: Cyclops/Iceman/Beast/Angel/Emma Frost/Wolverine/Storm

Uncanny will be more reactive and stay for the most part in America.
Their mission statement is to train the next generation of X-men.

*X-Factor: Will move the team to Muir Island, it will be converted to a
Rehabilation/Hospital/Re-Interrgration/Containment compound.
X-Factor will be the proactive force.

Roster: Nightcrawler/Kitty Pryde/Colossus/Rogue/Gambit/Prof.X
With Cecilia Reyes and Multiple man as staff.

X-Factor will be like a F.E.M.A/CDC for mutants and be a gateway
home for mutants in need who are to old to join the school or have
families and just need help adjusting.

*Wolverine: Solo adventures nuff' said.


*Set rosters no change ups for at least 48 issues.

*Wolverine will only appear in his solo book and Uncanny.

*No whole sale creation of new mutants.

*No more alternate world/Aliens/Shi'ar/Mojo stories.

*Magneto will not appear without a solid and concise story.

*Any and all Time traveling/Derivative/Doppleganger/Age-of-whatever
Days of future..characters will be killed off. So no more Bishop,Cable,
Nocturne,Rachel Grey,Dark Beast,Sugarman,Longshot..etc..characters

*Jean Grey stays dead, period let's move on.

*No more Pheonix.

That's just PHASE:1

I would out Slott on more mainstream books
Keep the original numbering for the issues. I understand that a #1 is a marketing tactic, but it's getting really old.
Lay off hiring people from outside the comic industry. It was an interesting idea, with only 1 or 2 good outcomes (and not even that good).
EIC: The Question

1) Only one in continuity Spider Man book. We don't need four. I'd hand it over to Robert Kirkman and Cory Walker, and encourage them to actually move the character forward (have a kid, get a nicer house in the suburbs, stuff like that).

2) Only one main X book. The characters in it would be Wolverine, Cyclopse, Emma Frost, Kitty Pryde, Beast, Storm, Nightcrawler, Ice Man, Collosus, and mabey a few others. Whedon and Cassidy would be behind the book.

3) Wolverine only apears in two books. X-Men and his solo series. And I'd have the X-Men creative team and the Wolverine creative team work very closely together as to not cause contradictions.

4) Death. There would be very few resurections under my watch. The only time I'd allow resurections is if it wasn't a total cop out, made sense story wise, was very well written, and worked well for the character in question. Also, I would only alow character deaths if the story was very well written and respected the characters. No chump deaths.

5) I'd meet with the editors of all the books regularly, to insure that we mantained a cohesive continuity.

6) I would mandate that all artists at least try to draw the costumes how they're supposed to look. As in, if a character's supposed to be wearing body armor, don't make us able to see his impossibly rock hard abs.

7) Spread the wealth. I'd have the Xaivier school move to Boston, the Avengers move to Washington DC, the New Warriors move to San Francisco, and so on. Too many freaks with masks running around New York.

8) The Avengers. They wouldn't just let anyone on the Avengers. The Avengers have, for a long time, been government sponsored. So, I'd actually like to see the defense department screening their recruitment process. Very few street level types, if any.

9) Bendis only gets two books. The guy's good, but not at everything.
1. Limit the amount of books per franchise to two. So just Amazing Spider-man (my dream picks would be THE 90s team of DeMattis and Bagley) and Spectacular Spider-man (Dan Slott and MAD). The X-men titles would be Uncanny and Astonishing.

2. Death is death. I dont give a ****. Colossus is still doing absolutely nothing.

3. Limit writers to two books a month, three at most. Bendis a prime example of talent being stretched far too thin.

4. Massive Avengers expansion. I'm talking the Justice League Unlimited treatment. I want bases in LA, Frisco, Houston, Atlanta, Seattle, Chicago, Miami with main HQ being NY. I'd have at least five members per diversion, with NY being the biggest. I'd make the new Avenger roster include Spider-man, Cap, IM, Rogue, Human Torch, Wolverine, War Machine, Black Panther, Invisible Woman, Hulk, Namor, Dr.Strange, Moon Knight, Elektra, Hercules, Ant Man, Wasp, Silver Surfer, Cyclops, Speedball, Nova, Firestar, Iceman, Rage, Storm, Thor, Emma Frost, Thing, Mr.Fantastic, Ghost Rider, She-Hulk, Spider-woman (I and II) and Quasar. No one is a rookie and everyone brings something different to the table. I'd have teleporters be the mode of transportation from base to base. Plus this way, no one has to leave any teams they're already affliated with since theres a rotating roster. Also, in case you've just stumbled upon the biggest doomsday plan since WWII, you've got 30 some odd people to back you up.

5. Regular meetings with Editors and, when possible, writers. Everyone has to be on the same page.

6. More risks on uncharted territory. Say I want to bring Ghost Rider back. Get a meeting together as to why the last attempt failed, bring back the elements that worked about the character (get back to the roots) and fix what went wrong in the first place. The first couple of titles I'd try to get going would be Namor, New Warriors, Silver Surfer, Defenders and Dr.Strange.

7. Claremont would offically be fired from anything X-men.

8. Certain stories would just be forgotten rather than retcon explaining them. I dont care what who says, Magento was Xorn. End of Stroy. Also, while I didnt find Sins Past a particularly bad story, it just openned a whole can of worms. There are no twins. Gwen and Norman never did it and Gwen was Peter's first. I just hate the notion that Black Cat was Pete's first.

9. Spread out the titles, state wide. USA is one of the biggest countries out there. Why is everyone in NYC?
i came up with this idea to kinda recton all of marvel.

sometime in late 90's when spiderman is fighting the green goblin the fight until there both exhausted. spiderman punches the goblin through a wall that causes debris to fall onto both spiderman an GG. the avengers show up late to this fight between spiderman an GG. GG dies from the fight an spiderman is rescued from the rumble but is seriously injured. it turns out spiderman has been under the avengers care since this fight with GG an has been hospitalized from soemtime during the late 90s until present day. spiderman has been in an out of acoma since his fight with GG. ironman has filled peter in on the worlds events these past few years. when peter falls back into acoma he dreams about what ironman tells him but his dreams are not 100% accurate. finally spiderman wakes up present day an ironman fills him in on what parts of his dreams did happen an what didnt. this leads into spidermans friendship with ironman. now marvel can erase anything bads thats happened since late 90s an keep whats good by saying last 7 years or so have been seen through spidermans dreams. finally GG is dead. an from this point forword if you die you stay dead. not sure if this would work but i think it could fix alot of stuff.

only 2 spiderman books
amazing spiderman
ultimate spiderman

during m-day mutant genes are not gone jsut dorment or weakened. wolverine an deadpool's healing factor is intact but weakened so there not invincible anymore.
wolverine in 1 x-book an 1 solo series
I'd just do gimmicky ****, like "Everyone wears their classic costume!" month.
...mostly because I'm a sucker for Daredevil in Yellow.
why the hell do you people still want wolverine to have his own series?

There are far more interesting characters.
I'd kidnap Alan Moore's daughter and force him to write Dr. Strange, Captain Britain, and the Defenders. Then I'd drug Kurt Buseik, steal his brain, and put it in a jar hooked up to super computer to write Avengers from now until Doomsday. And finally, I would totally put a Coke Machine in my office.
Big events will become EVENTS again. Meaning, they will be big, entertaining, and rare. No more huge crossovers every year. How can all the heroes still give a **** anymore?

Lay off the killing of big characters. It's a dumb gimmick. Also, if a character is to be ressurected, make it interesting to read (like Colossus), but don't make it seem unworthwhile later (like Colossus).

No more Thugvengers. They were created as an answer to the Justice League, and there is no reason to change that.

Wolverine and Emma Frost are NOT the only X-Men. Deal with it.
First I'd double tap Quesada's fat ass and his entire band, and tea bag JMS for good measure

After that, I'd put J.M, DeMateis back on Amazing with Deodato, and put Slott on FNSM with Wieringo or Steve Skroce or Luke Ross

Spider Girl and Marvel Team Up would remain the same, only now free of cancellation

After I sold my soul to the devil (DC) I'd put Busiek back on T-bolts, an find Joe Casey and put him back on Deadpool

New Avengers would be removed and the Young Avengers would be incorporated into the big leagues

Luke Cage, Jessica Drew and every other Seventies has - been that Bendis has a hard on for would be sent back to obscuerity (Or at least another Hero's for Hire)

No more big events. Period

As well no more trade paperback padding (No six parter Iron Spidey goes to Washington)

Can't think of much else, going to McDonalds
Unleashed said:
why the hell do you people still want wolverine to have his own series?

There are far more interesting characters.
How does Wolverine having his own series prevent anyone else from having theirs? This argument makes much more sense as a reason to keep Wolverine off team books. E.g., he's taking an Avengers roster spot that could have gone to, say, an actual Avenger. I also think his plethora of guest star appearances are pretty irritating.
Seeing all the bad ideas presented in this thread, I'd make sure Marvel continued ignoring the internet fans. :)
Blackmail and illegal Brain surgery is not a bad idea!!!
It would either restart the Marvel Universe from the FF's first fligh into space or stenghten continuity. By making a year happen in a standard time. Like 2.5 Earth year is equal to 1 Marvel year or something like that.

Marvel hasnt done a full retcon since the it started in 1960's. (Maybe even a little of the stories from the 30s!)
euroq said:
Seeing all the bad ideas presented in this thread, I'd make sure Marvel continued ignoring the internet fans. :)

boywonder13 said:
It would either restart the Marvel Universe from the FF's first fligh into space or stenghten continuity. By making a year happen in a standard time. Like 2.5 Earth year is equal to 1 Marvel year or something like that.

Marvel hasnt done a full retcon since the it started in 1960's. (Maybe even a little of the stories from the 30s!)

That's already confusing within itself.
As far as deaths are concerned I would keep characters dead who were killed, and only allow characters to die if it was part of the story and meant something, not just to try and get people to read.

Other than that I dont know,
Id like to see Prime introduced into the regular marvel Universe as a mutant.
Citizen_Kaine said:
First I'd double tap Quesada's fat ass and his entire band, and tea bag JMS for good measure

After that, I'd put J.M, DeMateis back on Amazing with Deodato, and put Slott on FNSM with Wieringo or Steve Skroce or Luke Ross

Spider Girl and Marvel Team Up would remain the same, only now free of cancellation

After I sold my soul to the devil (DC) I'd put Busiek back on T-bolts, an find Joe Casey and put him back on Deadpool

New Avengers would be removed and the Young Avengers would be incorporated into the big leagues

Luke Cage, Jessica Drew and every other Seventies has - been that Bendis has a hard on for would be sent back to obscuerity (Or at least another Hero's for Hire)

No more big events. Period

As well no more trade paperback padding (No six parter Iron Spidey goes to Washington)

Can't think of much else, going to McDonalds

you forgot to say that you would bring back ol benny boy (reilly for the fools)
sanders20 said:
i came up with this idea to kinda recton all of marvel.

sometime in late 90's when spiderman is fighting the green goblin the fight until there both exhausted. spiderman punches the goblin through a wall that causes debris to fall onto both spiderman an GG. the avengers show up late to this fight between spiderman an GG. GG dies from the fight an spiderman is rescued from the rumble but is seriously injured. it turns out spiderman has been under the avengers care since this fight with GG an has been hospitalized from soemtime during the late 90s until present day. spiderman has been in an out of acoma since his fight with GG. ironman has filled peter in on the worlds events these past few years. when peter falls back into acoma he dreams about what ironman tells him but his dreams are not 100% accurate. finally spiderman wakes up present day an ironman fills him in on what parts of his dreams did happen an what didnt. this leads into spidermans friendship with ironman. now marvel can erase anything bads thats happened since late 90s an keep whats good by saying last 7 years or so have been seen through spidermans dreams. finally GG is dead. an from this point forword if you die you stay dead. not sure if this would work but i think it could fix alot of stuff.

only 2 spiderman books
amazing spiderman
ultimate spiderman

during m-day mutant genes are not gone jsut dorment or weakened. wolverine an deadpool's healing factor is intact but weakened so there not invincible anymore.
wolverine in 1 x-book an 1 solo series
....... and that is why you will never be a writer.

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