You know you're a true gamer when...

Hellboy Jr.

Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
...You've actually played all 999 levels of Populous

...You've spent more money on your game station and library then you have on your car

...You've learned how to play your favorite game music on an instrument

...You've literally gotten to the point where you can play a game level with your eyes closed

anyone got any more?
Hellboy Jr. said:
...You've actually played all 999 levels of Populous

...You've spent more money on your game station and library then you have on your car

...You've learned how to play your favorite game music on an instrument

...You've literally gotten to the point where you can play a game level with your eyes closed

anyone got any more?

Yep, since I don't have a car.

I can't play an instrument.


I started teaching myself the MGS theme on my guitar
But I'm not even close to a true gamer
- You own an NES, NES top-loader, and a Famicom.
when you have every pokemon possible on a new pokemon game.
you know you're a true gamer when you've used up 85% of your life force blowing into cartridges.
I can play the main Katamari theme on Guitar... and Mario and a few Zelda tunes.
Ummm... In the middle of a conversation you say 'Loading, please wait.' Then stare into space for 10 seconds?
Mentok said:
I can play the main Katamari theme on Guitar... and Mario and a few Zelda tunes.

Oh sure, you can play the main theme, but what about the others? That takes true devotion to crazy ass concept gaming.
Sandman138 said:
Oh sure, you can play the main theme, but what about the others? That takes true devotion to crazy ass concept gaming.

I tried some of the others... you need to be on drugs.
Weak excuse, obviously you need an increase in your narcotics intake.:o
When you realize that most of Sony's star games are giant piles of crap. Metal gear, Final Fantasy, all those terrible naughty dog games, the generic crap that isn't even worth mentioning (which is bad, since "generic crap" makes up about 99% of sony's star titles), all of them suck. It may also occur when you realize that generally, japanese developers are incapable of introducing a decent narrative these days, especially one that isn't presented with all the skill of a high school film student, and are ALMOST incapable of new ideas, though there are some exceptions.
Hellboy Jr. said:
...You've actually played all 999 levels of Populous

...You've spent more money on your game station and library then you have on your car

...You've learned how to play your favorite game music on an instrument

...You've literally gotten to the point where you can play a game level with your eyes closed

anyone got any more?

God no. I won Populous in a cereal competition. I gave up when that bint got trapped and I couldn't use her powers.

I don't have a car... so I guess I do spend more money on games

I have the MGS theme on my phone... does that count?

I could play MGS2 asleep, let alone with my eyes closed.
...You buy a penny arcade shirt that says "Jesus is my guild leader".
...You go on a 20 minute rant about how EA is the work of f**king Satan.
...You go on a 40 minute rant about how casual gamers are ruining games.
...You pay for WoW.
...You pay for FFXI.
you start talking and acting like you are from guild wars (ew)

instead of money you call it "gold" or "gold pieces"
You know you're a true gamer when you vote politics based on games. boycott EA. hate California. want to know Warren Spector's opinion before you make your own.'re not impressed by tech demos. know how to build your console.'ve downloaded all the Half-Life patches. know which engine your games use. know that nothing's ever "confirmed". expected Duke Nukem Forever to come out before it was actually a joke. buy the SE of all games. never buy used. quote your heroes quite frequently. can guess when the next game in a series will come out before it's announced. actually play Morrowind. skip meals and sleep to keep playing.
WhatsHisFace said:
You know you're a true gamer when you vote politics based on games. boycott EA. Nope. hate California. Nope. want to know Warren Spector's opinion before you make your own. Nope.'re not impressed by tech demos. I am impressed with tech demo's. know how to build your console. NO! :eek:'ve downloaded all the Half-Life patches. Never played HL. know which engine your games use. Sometimes. know that nothing's ever "confirmed". Yep. :) expected Duke Nukem Forever to come out before it was actually a joke. Huh? buy the SE of all games. SE? never buy used. I do, but rarely. quote your heroes quite frequently. Definately. can guess when the next game in a series will come out before it's announced. Yeah. Sometimes. actually play Morrowind. OBLIVION PWNZ!!!!11 skip meals and sleep to keep playing. Gaming > Sleep, eating, school.

Not a true-gamer in all aspects. :(
I still say DNF will come out. Not only that but it will come out next year...I hope.

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