You'll Believe a Man can Lounge


2 sexy 4 a stormtrooper
Jun 18, 2011
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So I was just thinking the other day... why don't the Man of Steel forums have a lounge?* Now they do. We can't derail the general discussion thread but there's also not much directly film related that is left to discuss during this news drought / famine. This is the place to hang out and chat with your fellow Man of Steel fans in the meantime.

May this lounge be a yellow sun powering decent discussions for this subforum and not the kryptonite that will doom us all.

*(Maybe they do, I'm not sure, but I couldn't find one in search or looking through the first few pages of this subforum)
The All Things Superman thread is basically the lounge :p. Except it's not called the lounge, like how the Batman forums have the 'Tusi.
Really? I thought that was a general discussion thread. Don't the mods try to keep it on topic as film discussion?
The ALL THINGS SUPERMAN thread is for discussing.....wait for it......all things Superman. So, is not a lounge.
Awesome Phantasm!

Ok so I just wanted to add that I now have a fiancé who has read not 1 but 2 of my graphic novels! She has already read Birthright and she recently finished Earth One. This is a first for me. No one I have dated has ever read any comics of mine, let alone 2! We get married a week after MOS comes out. :woot: (knock on wood)

I know Zorex and Tra-El mentioned you are trying to make fangirls and boys out of your fiancés in the merchandise thread. Anyone else have significant others you are tying to put on the Superman fan team?
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I feel like I'm cheating on the "All Things" thread.
What do you do in a lounge?
Awesome Phantasm!

Ok so I just wanted to add that I now have a fiancé who has read not 1 but 2 of my graphic novels! She has already read Birthright and she recently finished Earth One. This is a first for me. No one I have dated has ever read any comics of mine, let alone 2! We get married a week after MOS comes out. :woot: (knock on wood)

Congrats on being engaged! Did she enjoy the graphic novels?
Kinda, yeah. Its a hang-out place, but not a place for spamming (the 'Tusi got in trouble for that a few times). You can talk about music or movies or life in general with your fellow MOS fans. A lot of times if I want an opinion on a movie I'll ask about it in a lounge that I know is frequented by posters I like and trust. Its a place for the chit-chat that would otherwise derail the other threads.
Kinda, yeah. Its a hang-out place, but not a place for spamming (the 'Tusi got in trouble for that a few times). You can talk about music or movies or life in general with your fellow MOS fans. A lot of times if I want an opinion on a movie I'll ask about it in a lounge that I know is frequented by posters I like and trust. Its a place for the chit-chat that would otherwise derail the other threads.

Cool Phantasm,I like the lounge already

So does anyone fancy a cup of tea?...some biscuits?
Guys what does Tusi stand for?
Awesome Phantasm!

Ok so I just wanted to add that I now have a fiancé who has read not 1 but 2 of my graphic novels! She has already read Birthright and she recently finished Earth One. This is a first for me. No one I have dated has ever read any comics of mine, let alone 2! We get married a week after MOS comes out. :woot: (knock on wood)

I know Zorex and Tra-El mentioned you are trying to make fangirls and boys out of your fiancés in the merchandise thread. Anyone else have significant others you are tying to put on the Superman fan team?

I do! She's already read Birthright and has agreed to read All-Star Superman. She also lets me bore her with details of others stories. She's a swell lady.
Kinda, yeah. Its a hang-out place, but not a place for spamming (the 'Tusi got in trouble for that a few times). You can talk about music or movies or life in general with your fellow MOS fans. A lot of times if I want an opinion on a movie I'll ask about it in a lounge that I know is frequented by posters I like and trust. Its a place for the chit-chat that would otherwise derail the other threads.

I like this idea. I mean we could go to the general SHH lounge, but who wants to me new people? I already like you guys.
Guys what does Tusi stand for?

It is short for Batusi, Adam West's dance moves.

The Batman lounge is called the 'Tusi. It used to be pretty active and a lot of fun, but now its a ghost town since the Nolan trilogy is over. I'm sure the 'Tusi will rise again once the next franchise gets going.

So my Dad and I have this running "debate" over who is cooler, Batman or Superman (the classic question). I think Supes is awesome of course, but Batman is my ultimate favorite, whereas with my Dad it is the opposite. Its pretty hilarious sometimes, and never a heated debate, just poking fun. Anyone else have that debate with a friend or family member?
So my Dad and I have this running "debate" over who is cooler, Batman or Superman (the classic question). I think Supes is awesome of course, but Batman is my ultimate favorite, whereas with my Dad it is the opposite. Its pretty hilarious sometimes, and never a heated debate, just poking fun. Anyone else have that debate with a friend or family member?

Yeah, every person that finds out I love Superman.
I need a beautiful woman who likes Superman and Clemson sports just as much as I do...where oh where are you?!?!?!
I drank three Dunkin Donuts Irish Creme Iced Coffees yesterday.

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