Your favourite Scenes in MAN OF STEEL! *SPOILERS*


Feb 17, 2011
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It's not a Secret by now: MAN OF STEEL rocks!

But which moments did we love the most? Go ahead and list some of your favorite Scenes in the Movie and if you want to, explain why. ;)


Here are some of mine:

Superman vs. Zod
Why?...seriously? :D

The Prolouge
Dramatic, Action, Jor-El vs Zod, an exploding Krypton...what do you want more?

Superman's debut
Epic and beautiful.

Jonathan Kent's death
...tears! :(

It's not a Secret by now: MAN OF STEEL rocks!

But which moments did we love the most? Go ahead and list some of your favorite Scenes in the Movie and if you want to, explain why. ;)


Here are some of mine:

Superman vs. Zod
Why?...seriously? :D

The Prolouge
Dramatic, Action, Jor-El vs Zod, an exploding Krypton...what do you want more?

Superman's debut
Epic and beautiful.

Jonathan Kent's death
...tears! :(


There are so many things to love, but one of my favourites is the oil rig scene. Just they way the steel was buckling under him as he pushed against it to hold/brace the tower up was amazing. It shows, that even though he is strong enough to hold it up, the force of him doing it compromised the whole structre leading to it's collapse.
"You Are Not Alone".

That was a great and effective scene. I like how it was handled and there was a nice build up to Superman meeting them.
1) I loved the entire Act-1 on Krypton. That was the FIRST time in either comics, movies, or tv that I wanted to actually stay on Krypton. Normally the Kryptonian backstory bores me, I feel no connection to it, I just want to jump to the Superman stories.

But this movie really made me want to experience Krypton for longer. I actually want a prequel Krypton movie that focuses on it's history.

2) I love Zod's speech right before he fights Superman. It made me feel real empathy for Zod. "I was born to protect my people. My sole purpose is to protect my people. Now I have no people." That scene was the scene in the movie that really had me tearing up surprisingly.

3) Everything Faora. But her taking out those soldiers using her speed was the best of the lot.

4) The journeyman Clark (oil rig, bar scene, talking to hologram Jor-El finding out about finally where he came from)

5) The whole schoolbus flashback - very powerful

6) I love the way the World Engine lands, it feels like an organic and alive machine. Very War of the World's like with the tripod look, loved it.

7) Superman turning himself over to humanity, and the entire "interrogation" scene when he speaks to the general through the glass "You're afraid of me because you can't control me..."

8) There were some poses that Cavill did have that just struck me so much that "this is Superman." Like when hologram Jor-el changes the atmosphere on the Black Zero and Cavill breaks his restraints and sits up looking pissed off. At that moment specifically I was like "this is Superman and I wouldn't want to piss off Superman."

9) "You think you can threaten my mother!?!"

10) The scene with young clark freaking out because of his powers and hides in the closet. That whole sequences was perfect. The dialogue was impeccable in that, really emotional and felt very real.

I could go on for days so I'll stop there. Can't wait to see it in theaters a 3rd time tomorrow, I'm sure I'll have some new favorite moments.

Surprisingly a lot of my favorite moments didn't involve Superman (in suit) at all.
The scene where Ma Kent is being threatened by Zod and Clark swoops in and wails on him "You think you can threaten my mother!" or something close to that line of sorts. Had me at the edge of my seat when I saw that scene.
I liked almost everything... if i have to mention something, i jumped on my seat when supes punched Nam-Ek into the train :hrt:
But all the second half was a perpetual goosebump.
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I think, looking back, the scene that left me the most in awe was just Superman flying for the first time. That whole sequence left me trembling in joy from the beginning to the end. That, to me, felt the most like a Superman film. I think the music helps a ton there.

Another scene I loved was the school scene where Clark loses control of his powers. I really loved that part, since it put Superman's existence and powers into perspective.

Of course, the whole Faora/Supes fight was nonstop bad-ass. I felt Superman took the biggest beating in that scene. It felt he had to try the hardest there--even more so than the tentacle scene.

And...Pa Kent dying in a tornado. Just--that is one of the most unintentionally hilarious scenes in the last year! I mean--I can't be the only one who cracked up with that, right? Like--just his totally laid back approach to getting freaking killed, just "Nah, bro, it's cool. I got this." I mean--just--nothing against Costner, but that scene is so ridiculous...
Loved the threaten my mother scene. Tense interrogation by zod being forced, when all of sudden superman just flies in from nowhere and then the music starts. Favorite moment
After my fourth viewing of the film, I can't help but choose the opening 15 minutes as my favourite sequence in the film...if not one of my favourite CBM sequences ever.
I think I may be better equipped to fill this in tomorrow as I'm finally seeing it for the second time but here goes. Tbh I enjoyed the whole movie but ill just go or the big stand outs:

The Prologue

The opening on Krypton may have been the best part of the entire film to be honest. It was awesome. I totally bought into all this, Crowe as Jor El, Zod, flying dragon thing etc the whole planet just so majestic and wonderful.

Learning to Fly

The scenes when Clark was learning to fly were amazing. I loved how excited he got, that's exactly how any of us would react.

Escape from Black Zero

From the amazing dream sequence between Superman and Zod to Jor El telling Clark he can save them all was jue :wow: Jor El helping Lois escape from the ship been a personal highlight along with Superman getting his powers back and giving Jax Ur that look of I don't have time for this as he ripped off the shackles with ease, yeah that's probably my favourite moment in the entire film.

Showdown in Smallville

Superman charges at Zod, you think you can threaten my Mother and then Superman vs Faora and Nam-Ek, don't really need to clarify that lol

There's also some great moments with Col Hardy and Faora and let's not forget the wonderful moment when the Army lower their guns and Hardy claims Superman is not there enemy.

Superman that's what they're calling him

Don't need to go into detail just loved this moment

Superman vs Zod
I was waiting for this all the way through the film. When Superman floated towards Zod and said “You're a Monster Zod and I'm gonna stop you” I was like Hell Yeah! This fight was incredible, it was exactly what I had wanted to see on screen for years. The ending is so emotional too when he snaps Zod's neck and screams, it gave me shivers.

I'm from Kansa
When saw that drone crashing from the Sky I thought what the hell is going on?! Then I saw Superman and I realised. I just loved this scene, and I even liked the comedic he's kinda hot moment.

Welcome to the Daily Planet

Best ending to a CBM ever. I thought this was a perfect way to end the movie. It ended on such a hopeful note.
Welcome to the Daily Planet

Best ending to a CBM ever. I thought this was a perfect way to end the movie. It ended on such a hopeful note.

I had the biggest smile on my face during that whole scene.

In fact I cant remember the last film that left me with a huge beaming smile while credits rolled.

I had the biggest smile on my face during that whole scene.

In fact I cant remember the last film that left me with a huge beaming smile while credits rolled.


Same here :up: don't think I've ever been so satisfied by a final shot in a CBM as I was for MOS.
Too many to count, but some off the top of my head:

Superman vs. Zod (WOW!)

Superman vs. the World Engine

Lois and Superman share their first kiss

Lois and Jor-El's "ghost" team up to take down some Zodites

The entire Krypton sequence

Jonathan Kent sees young Clark with the cape

Superman vs. Faora

Superman's talk with Swanwick after destroying the satellite

Lois puts Hardy and Hamilton in their place after arriving in Canada

"Welcome to the planet."
Too many to count, but some off the top of my head:

Superman vs. Zod (WOW!)

Superman vs. the World Engine

Lois and Superman share their first kiss

Lois and Jor-El's "ghost" team up to take down some Zodites

The entire Krypton sequence

Jonathan Kent sees young Clark with the cape

Superman vs. Faora

Superman's talk with Swanwick after destroying the satellite

Lois puts Hardy and Hamilton in their place after arriving in Canada

"Welcome to the planet."

That was a great scene indeed. It got alot of laughs in my theater.

Door slams on Kryptonian,
Lois: "Did you do that?"
Jor-El:" pick up that sidearm."
Yeah, same in my theater. Lots of laughs. Scenes like that are why I don't understand how some people are calling the fill "too serious" and "joyless."
Yeah, same in my theater. Lots of laughs. Scenes like that are why I don't understand how some people are calling the fill "too serious" and "joyless."

Me either there's plenty of humour in this its just not in your face like some of Goyers stuff in Begins (that's not a dig I love that movie).
I had the biggest smile on my face during that whole scene.

In fact I cant remember the last film that left me with a huge beaming smile while credits rolled.


The fact she says "Welcome to the Planet" which is a double entendre, makes it that much better. (welcome to the daily planet, and she is saying welcome to this planet!)
I loved the movie full stop, but the following scenes really stood out for me ....

The start of the Smallville battle - specifically the bit from the TV clips where Clark superslams Zod right from the farm into the heart of the town. It was a great tracking shot which really showed the power of these 2 beings, and also Superman's rage when you threaten someone he loves.

Zod releasing his armour and beginning to hover - that was an 'oh *****, now he can fly too' moment

The soldiers lowering their guns as Superman walked towards them - finally accepting him as an ally/friend, and not an enemy.

The Zod/Superman fight about to begin - when they're both facing each other across the crater at the center of Metropolis. Again, there's a bit of a western stand-off vibe to it, much like when Superman faces the other 2 Kryptonians earlier in Smallville
The Zod/Superman fight about to begin - when they're both facing each other across the crater at the center of Metropolis. Again, there's a bit of a western stand-off vibe to it, much like when Superman faces the other 2 Kryptonians earlier in Smallville

That was really cool. And then that shockwave when they both collided... pure awesomeness.
I loved the movie full stop, but the following scenes really stood out for me ....

Zod releasing his armour and beginning to hover - that was an 'oh *****, now he can fly too' moment

Oh I missed that off mine, I loved that moment
I'm from Kansa
When saw that drone crashing from the Sky I thought what the hell is going on?! Then I saw Superman and I realised. I just loved this scene, and I even liked the comedic he's kinda hot moment.

This was actually one of my least favorite scenes. Mainly because telling Gen. Swanwick he was from Kansas is such a bad idea. If Superman doesn't want the military to find out where he "hangs his cape," telling them he was raised in Kansas would totally tip them off to the Kents. Lois tracked him all the way to Smallville without knowing he was from Kansas. Now that the U.S. Military know he was "raised in Kansas," I'm sure they can follow the crumbs to the Kents.

But back to the topic at hand, my favorite scenes are by and far the whole first half of the movie. In fact, I wish there were more pre-Superman scenes. But learning to fly has got to be the best. I just love how Henry reaches higher and higher and gains more air beneath his feet.
But back to the topic at hand, my favorite scenes are by and far the whole first half of the movie. In fact, I wish there were more pre-Superman scenes. But learning to fly has got to be the best. I just love how Henry reaches higher and higher and gains more air beneath his feet.

That flying scene surprised me. I was expecting something like what the trailers had implied, that he would just walk out of the FOS, soak in some rays and then take off. But instead we got a few short flights (almost super-jumps :D ) before he kinda mastered it. But yeah, the entire sequence was great and the flying looked very real.
This was actually one of my least favorite scenes. Mainly because telling Gen. Swanwick he was from Kansas is such a bad idea. If Superman doesn't want the military to find out where he "hangs his cape," telling them he was raised in Kansas would totally tip them off to the Kents. Lois tracked him all the way to Smallville without knowing he was from Kansas. Now that the U.S. Military know he was "raised in Kansas," I'm sure they can follow the crumbs to the Kents.

But back to the topic at hand, my favorite scenes are by and far the whole first half of the movie. In fact, I wish there were more pre-Superman scenes. But learning to fly has got to be the best. I just love how Henry reaches higher and higher and gains more air beneath his feet.

I think Swanwick already knew to be honest and I think that he'll keep his secret. I can see Swanwick been Superman's go to guy in the army.
flight scene, smallville fight, superman and lois kiss, zod vs superman and welcome to the planet... wow that was an awesome movie....

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