0. Frank Miller on this really scares the **** out of me.
YOu know the relative lack of activity on the SPirit forms makes me wonder what kind of reception the Spirit will get at the box office.
THere's obviously a lack of faith in Miller by one contingent of fans. I wonder how these two elements will affect the box office.
Addtionally, despite Eisner's brilliance, the Spirit is not exactly well known beyond comic book fans.
I'm not too sure about the recognizability of the Spirit to the younger generation (I think many older folks know about him). I don't think they know enough about the character and his world to come here and discuss it much....but once they see trailers from it they will be interested.
My hype level is 9.
Miller is good and I have faith he'll bring the Spirit to life in a good way. (Also based on some of the pics.)