

Iron Captain
Jun 10, 2006
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Any Hypesters ever had the chance to see the hangar they keep the impressive dirigibles in---would it be feasible for a zeppelin hangar to have an open ceiling? In this scenario, the zeppelin would be coasting into the hangar which had been abandoned for a good while. It would begin descending then when it reached the hangar would be low enough to "hover-land" akin to a helicoptyer, except with the mooring tower.

Feel free to correct me. :yay:
I doubt it,if the craft was going to come down into it..it could accidently land on the side if there is a wind current. The flight hanger is enough.
Cool. So one would conceivably just "lower" itself into the hangar?
Do tell. :)

Any Resident Evil fans here, btw?
It was much like being in an empty football stadium, except the roof was closed and the ground was concrete instead of astro-turf.. it was cool, really big.. If your near Akron, OH you can take a tour of it.
Thank you.

Hmmm, far from Ohio as can be. So the roof, did it open and allow the blimp entry, or was there a runway of sorts for the blimp to coast into the hangar?
I got thrown off a zeppelin once....no ticket. :(
Thank you.

Hmmm, far from Ohio as can be. So the roof, did it open and allow the blimp entry, or was there a runway of sorts for the blimp to coast into the hangar?
It opened up like an ugly woman and a few shots of Tequila.
I only ever liked the one's made of Led. Otherwise I could care less about them.
I have never heard of a hangar having a retractable roof like that for a zeppelin. As the other poster said...you would only be able to enter during very good weather situations....whereas the possibilities of landing in an open area (and then pulling the zeppelin into the hangar) during bad weather is greater.

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