12 Movie Sequels That Must Never Get Made


movie fan
Aug 19, 2004
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12 Movie Sequels That Must Never Get Made

Sometimes temptation can be all-consuming, especially when you're still chasing a repeat of your first high. That’s why, Hollywood, we’re staging this sequel intervention — because sometimes, it's like you're on crack. We heard the perverse rumors about a Blade Runner 2. They mercifully proved to be moot, yet we were admittedly quick to believe them. Why? Because time and time again, you’ve let us down by creating crappy, money-grubbing updates to lucrative properties. It’s time to face reality: With the exception of, say, The Empire Strikes Back and Spider-Man 2, the majority of sci-fi-ish sequels won’t match their predecessors in quality. So we’ve provided you with this 12-step list of movies that need no continuation, to get you started in your quest for a new, righteous life. Seriously, back off.

12 Metropolis (1927)
With the economy imploding, we know what The Suits are thinking: Why not tap into the zeitgeist by remaking this stylish, silent, futuristic thriller about socioeconomic-class chasms? Added bonus: At the heart of the film is a hot stripper robot — total box office bullion! To paraphrase Nigel Tufnel, speaking about his precious vintage guitar in Spinal Tap: “Don’t touch it… don’t point, even.” No, don’t even look at it.

11 Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
After the success of his UFO-sighting film, Stephen Spielberg expressed interest in revisiting the property, which haunted our minds and stoked our imaginations as we pondering these mysterious aliens. Soon after, he made the cuddly E.T. instead. Smart man.

10 History of the World, Part I (1981)
It’s a joke, you see: what with history traditionally recalled in successive volumes. As much as we’d love to see the musical “Jews in Space” — which was teased in Mel Brooks’ cinematic romp through times of yore — we’d hate to see this stellar concept stretch into an SNL type skit gone too long. Plus we’ll always have The Schwartz.

9 The Thing (1982)
The late Vincent Canby, one of the New York Times’ greatest critics, once referred to John Carpenter’s remake of 1951’s The Thing From Another World as a "a foolish, depressing, overproduced movie." Which is naturally why we consider it a classic. Carpenter, the Sci Fi Channel, and Strike Entertainment (Slither, Dawn of the Dead), and have respectively tried to resurrect the property. And just last year, it was announced that the latter had succeeded, forging an (unholy?) alliance with Universal for a prequel. Nicely played, Strike, nicely played. But a prequel still feels like a sequel even though it is a prequel. (We’ll pause while you think that through.)

8 12 Monkeys (1995)
A dude goes back in time and hangs at a mental hospital while trying to stop an earth-plaguing virus, in this gripping, plot-twisting head trip. Anything more would simply be anti-climactic. Besides, what would you call it: 13 Monkeys? 24 Monkeys?

7 The Running Man (1987)
We know what you’re thinking. The awesome, sensational Running Man — about a to-the-death reality show for felons — would make a perfect obvious tie-in soon enough. It takes place in 2019! Which is coming up. Like, relatively soon. Too bad Death Race beat you to the punch. As we learned, the game show-as-moral-decay metaphor simply isn’t shocking anymore. Besides, we’ve been getting our fix of dystopian competitions from Japanese competition shows anyhow.

6 Akira (1988)
A thriller about a covert government op and a guy teeming with supernatural powers, this is an apocalyptic epic of sweeping beauty and challenging complexity. To attempt to improve upon — or even mimic — this classic would be utter hubris.

5 Armageddon (1998)
Despite popular disdain, the hysterically ridiculous doomsday asteroid flick made a killing, internationally, at the B.O. And we know you all too well, Michael Bay. We’d hoped you’d learned your quality-control lesson from Bad Boys II, but here’s hoping you will with Transformers 2.

4 Donnie Darko (2001)
Director Richard Kelly’s break-out movie was dark, intriguingly time-twisty, and made ghoulish use of a rabbit. It also went on to become a surprise cult hit, which is why the industry is so ready to juice it with a story about the creepy misadventures of his little sister (Sparkle Motion!) while on a roadtrip. (Nightstalker director Chris Fisher will helm the follow-up.) S. Darko, as it’s called, was said to have started shooting in May. But, as we learned from the original, it’s never too late to change fate and put this risky proposition out of its misery.

3 Ghost Rider (2007)
Nicolas Cage’s painful paean to the flame-headed motorcycle enthusiast made a decent chunk of change, so a follow-up is already in development. But it’s never too late to do the right thing and snuff it out of its misery. According to the actor, there’s been talk about “going international with that character. Taking him into Europe, having him go on a motorcycle.” Perhaps we should use that Penance Stare on the sinful filmmakers—apparently the fate of the Western world depends on it.

2 I Am Legend (2007)
The lucrative, Will Smith-starring adaptation of the Richard Matheson book initially found its stride, then missed the plot mark completely — that the infected vampire/zombies are, in fact, evolved humans — in its frustrating, off-putting second half. Still, not ones to pussyfoot around, Warner Bros., eager to cultivate another franchise, has obtained the sequel rights. But forgive us if we doubt Hollywood’s commitment to the fine source material, given the tendency to transform anything cerebral into a mindless popcorn flick.

1 Watchmen (2009)
Zach Synder recently took the high road and declared that he’s doubtful he’d direct a second Watchmen without the Hollywood-loathing Alan Moore’s involvement — which pretty much settles that. Or not. Once we figure out who owns the big-screen rights to the property, they can theoretically bastardize the bejesus out of it. Surely some things are sacred.

I disagree with the statement that they should never attempt to make an AKIRA sequel. For someone who lists movies like Metropolis and Blade Runner in this list , the writer hasn't got a clue that they should in fact make a AKIRA sequel..or better yet sequels.
To use Harry Potter as an example. Imagine if JK Rowling was busy with the 4th Potter book and still had ideas how the story would end. Some producer comes to her and says that he wants to make 1 Potter movie and asks Rowling to write a script based on her ideas. Rowling decides to condense the first 4 books and uses some ideas from the others books ( including the ending) for her movie script. Thru some miracle the movie is hailed a classic.
That's exactly what happened with AKIRA. When the anime came out , the writer wasn't even finished with the story. There are a grand total of 6 books and the anime falls somewhere between the 3rd and 4th book with some ideas from the last two books .

Anyone who's read the manga will know just how "incomplete" the anime really is. The books flesh out the characters much more and also explain the ending of the anime which many people still don't understand.
I would absolutely love to see a really well-done Metropolis. Jesus, I think 81 years is enough time to say, "I think we can go ahead and remake that." The rest of those twelve I agree with.
I agree with all of those. Here's some more:

1. Independence Day- Tom Rothman recently said "never say never".
2. Clockwork Orange- What would it be? And how could a sequel make the same theme and be as shoking? Not possible. There was talk of a remake or sequel without Alex.
3. Saw 6- It was over after 2, give up. Saw 5 comes out soon and they are having open auditions for 6. But dumb people love these movies so...
4. No more movies from the creators of Date Movie, Disaster Movie, etc., etc...
I'd actually like to see the Running Man remade, the '80s movie was a fun chessy action movie, but a movie made closer to the book would be really cool
I would add these to the list:

Blade Runner - A real sci-fi classic, and with a perfect ending to boot. A sequel would ruin it.

Sixth Sense - Really no more stories should come after this.

Gladiator - Well, can't do it without Crowe anyway.
Stop remaking movies that are good. Metropolis is a ground-breaking movie that is the standard for every sci-fi movie that folowed.

The Usual Suspects - Oh, wait, they're doing a female version of it. Oh, God, the horror. The horror...

Watchmen - Need I explain myself?
I would add these to the list:

Blade Runner - A real sci-fi classic, and with a perfect ending to boot. A sequel would ruin it.

Sixth Sense - Really no more stories should come after this.

Gladiator - Well, can't do it without Crowe anyway.

If Blade Runner was remade I would flip out I would be sooooo pissed! It's the best Sci-Fi film ever made.
God, so much mentioning of Blade Runner makes me want to see it even more!
I would love to see a remake of Metropolis.
With the right director, yes, a remake of Metropolis could make a really great film. This is something that needs to be remade. It's 80 years old. Not 5, not 10, not 20 or 30, not made yesterday. 80 years ago. I think this qualifies as a film that should be remade.
With the right director, yes, a remake of Metropolis could make a really great film. This is something that needs to be remade. It's 80 years old. Not 5, not 10, not 20 or 30, not made yesterday. 80 years ago. I think this qualifies as a film that should be remade.
Agreed, I would imagine Darren Arynofski (sp?) would do a great job.
With the right director, yes, a remake of Metropolis could make a really great film. This is something that needs to be remade. It's 80 years old. Not 5, not 10, not 20 or 30, not made yesterday. 80 years ago. I think this qualifies as a film that should be remade.

Since they've remade The Day The Earth Stood Still, I think it's just a matter of time before they remake Metropolis and Forbidden Planet in the future.
Agreed, I would imagine Darren Arynofski (sp?) would do a great job.

I think his last name is spelled with a y at the end. And he is an interesting coice. Very interesting indeed. Possibly Ridely Scott? Or is that too much?
Since they've remade The Day The Earth Stood Still, I think it's just a matter of time before they remake Metropolis and Forbidden Planet in the future.

Yup. Though barely anybody has heard of Metropolis. And unlike the other films, this films NEEDS a remake. Think what they can do. A great, great director with the use of tasteful special effects. Don't go to ILM though. I'd like to see another SFX company take a crack at it.
Anything from the 80s shouldnt be remade - not enough time has passed. This includes everything from Back To The Future to Weird Science to Ferris Bueller.

No 80s remakes or sequels.

There is only one exception- and thats Ghostbusters 3 (which needs a good sequel after GB2)
No remake to Back to the Future. Oh, God, I don't even want to imagine.
I would add these to the list:

Blade Runner - A real sci-fi classic, and with a perfect ending to boot. A sequel would ruin it.

Sixth Sense - Really no more stories should come after this.

Gladiator - Well, can't do it without Crowe anyway.

Here is the script review of the Gladiator 2 script, written by musican/writer Nick Cave (The Propersition)


What Cave did was amusing, and he was given the blessing by his friend, Russell Crowe. However, the studio wasn't too keen on it.

Pretty much, it's Max in the afterlife, in this surreal fantasy, with mythological monsters, etc.

Image Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey, with swords..baby.
Anything from the 80s shouldnt be remade - not enough time has passed. This includes everything from Back To The Future to Weird Science to Ferris Bueller.

No 80s remakes or sequels.

There is only one exception- and thats Ghostbusters 3 (which needs a good sequel after GB2)

Why is it a Ferris Bueller remake starring Lil'Bow Wow seems entirely probable to me?

I hear they are working on a sequel...but if this movie happens and Jean-Claude is involved...look closely in the background because the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse is close behind.
A sequel to 'The Thing' is not a terrible idea IMO

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