2006 Congressional Elections Results Thread

hippie_hunter said:
Try telling that to Spider-Bite, he thinks that the Democrats will take both the House and the Senate and will hold on to it for quite some time.

I think that the Democrats will most likely have a very slim majority in the House

Superman said:

Looks like we was wrong. I don't know about you but I'm happy about being wrong. :up: :woot: :woot:
Lincoln Chaffee did seem like a decent sort. Too bad about that.
I don't think it's the US backed government that is causing the destabilization.

Yes it is. Ever since those who wanted to liberate Iraq and take down a secular dicatator (an idiot at that) all three ethnic groups have yet to really work with one another really well. There is no fair share of equal representation of government, and all three groups are targeting one another.

And Al-Qaeda is using it for there advantage, by targeting anyone who is helping the U.S. there even willing to kill their own people.

It's the presence of foreigners, American, British, Polish, Australian, and foreign insurgents such as al-Qaeda

I thought I had made mention of that already on my previous post?

Al-Qaeda is currently using the current conditions in Iraq for their own goals.

As long as there is U.S. backed government in Iraq there will be no stabilization.

I do agree with the Bush Administration of some issues

- I support his Vision for Space. I am a huge supporter of NASA and space exploration

- I support the Afghanistan War
Superman said:
Looks like we was wrong. I don't know about you but I'm happy about being wrong. :up: :woot: :woot:

I feel kinda mixed.

I don't like that Nancy Pelosi is becoming Speaker of the House. She's going to screw the Democrats over eventually. As a matter in fact, if Nancy Pelosi wasn't in charge, I'd actually wouldn't care about the Democrats being in charge of the House.

I don't like that the Democrat I voted for Congress didn't win. Stupid Randy Khul :csad:

I'm actually surprised to see the Senate fall into Democrat hands. My only disappointment was that Lincoln Chaffe lost. He did not deserve it, he was someone willing to work across party lines. I don't like how the Democrats snubbed Joseph Liberman and when they knew they were going to lose, they were willing to embrace him again. As for the other Republicans that lost like Rick Santorum, George Allen, and the other asshats, they deserved to lose and for the most part, the Democrats deserved to win the Senate.
oh santorum. what a *****e.

i'm not sure lieberman getting 'snubbed' is the right word. he was slipping far enough away from party ideals to upset members enough to want a candidate that actually represented them better. he won, but still generally represents democrats better than republicans.

i don't know.
Babs Gordon said:
i think the moderates got hit hardest in the GOP.

Actually I think the Republican leadership, the neo-cons, are the ones who got hit the hardest.

Rick Santorum, the third highest ranking Republican lost his seat.

Bill Frist, the Senate majority leader retired.

George W. Bush's power is now severely weakened.

Tom DeLay, the House majority leader was forced to resign

Dennis Hasert was forced to step down as House Speaker

I wouldn't be surprised if Ken Mehlman resigns.
Slipknot said:
Wow, I can't believe the Democrats took the Senate with Webb winning in Virginia. I was not expecting them to take the House and the Senate. Good stuff.

I'm surprised at the huge swing in the Senate but I'm not shocked at Webb's win. His entry into the race made for a tight, bitter battle in VA. Webb's conservative roots helped him win support in a state where Republicans usually dominate. He's put Allen's presidential aspirations on hold, that's for sure.:wow:
Babs Gordon said:
oh santorum. what a *****e.

i'm not sure lieberman getting 'snubbed' is the right word. he was slipping far enough away from party ideals to upset members enough to want a candidate that actually represented them better. he won, but still generally represents democrats better than republicans.

i don't know.

They rejected him, major Democrats like John Kerry and Hillary Clinton went out and endorsed Lamont, and they even asked Lieberman to step down from the race. They snubbed him, they rejected him, they turned their backs on him. And when they knew that they were going to lose, they came back crawling to him.

If I were Lieberman, I'd be pissed.
49erVenom said:
I'm surprised at the huge swing in the Senate but I'm not shocked at Webb's win. His entry into the race made for a tight, bitter battle in VA. Webb's conservative roots helped him win support in a state where Republicans usually dominate. He's put Allen's presidential aspirations on hold, that's for sure.:wow:

Allen destroyed his Presidential aspirations on his own accord.
hippie_hunter said:
Allen destroyed his Presidential aspirations on his own accord.

Ironically, he was being viewed as bulletproof by the media until, recent months.
hippie_hunter said:
Allen destroyed his Presidential aspirations on his own accord.

yeah he really shot himself in the foot with that maccaca thing.
hippie_hunter said:
They rejected him, major Democrats like John Kerry and Hillary Clinton went out and endorsed Lamont, and they even asked Lieberman to step down from the race. They snubbed him, they rejected him, they turned their backs on him. And when they knew that they were going to lose, they came back crawling to him.

If I were Lieberman, I'd be pissed.

They all lined up behind Lieberman before he lost the primary. Lieberman took his Ct voters for granted and got his Independent bid on before the primary started, thus declaring he could care less about the outcome. What do you expect the party establishment to do when the actual registered party votes out the incumbent candidate? Out of party loyalty and unity, they had to endorse Ned Lamont, they can't afford to divide the party and undermine the wishes of the primary voters.... Lieberman had everything given to him on a platter and he just used and abused it for the sake of himself. He won, glad he's caucusing with Dems, although I have concerns he might do something shady with Republicans like accept a Cabinet position, etc....
Originally Posted by hippie_hunter
Try telling that to Spider-Bite, he thinks that the Democrats will take both the House and the Senate and will hold on to it for quite some time.

I think that the Democrats will most likely have a very slim majority in the House

I actually didn't think dems would take the senate. I thought they would come up two seats short.

But as for the house? I was dead right.
Erundur said:
yeah he really shot himself in the foot with that maccaca thing.

Yes he did. Seeing the footage, I honestly don't think he meant anything malicious but that's the kind of thing that sticks with you. Candidates need to watch trying to be too cute when they are name calling. It can come back to bite them in the butt.
Mr Sparkle said:

Bush comes off as sounding like an idiot, but on on 9/11 he gave powerful speeches, and all of the anaylsts said it only helped him.

you have to remember that much of his base is stupid. With his speeches he appealed to them very well. they don't think he's stupid, they think "he's down to their level" and he makes them think about having a barbecue in the back yard and going fishing.
Spider-Bite said:
I actually didn't think dems would take the senate. I thought they would come up two seats short.

But as for the house? I was dead right.

I could have sworn that you said that you predicted that they would take both the House and the Senate.
souloffire said:
The conservatives, as you say, in the middle east don't care if an American is liberal or conservative, they just want us dead.

all the more reason to be liberal I say. Don't mix politics with religion and don't go conservative because look how you could end up.
Spider-Bite said:
and he makes them think about having a barbecue in the back yard and going fishing.

I love barbecues, except for all the people that show up. I just like the food.

And I hate fishing, it's so damn boring
hippie_hunter said:
I do agree with the Bush Administration of some issues

- I support his Vision for Space. I am a huge supporter of NASA and space exploration

- I support him giving more funding to the military. I come from a military family, so it's kind of natural that I would support such a thing.

- I support his leadership capabilities during the time of September 11, 2001. It's a shame it hasn't lasted.

- I support the Afghanistan War

- I supported the Iraq War on the grounds that Saddam was a threat to American interests (not America itself) and intelligence reports indicate that he did indeed have weapons of mass destruction. The WMDs turned out to be wrong, yet I still support the war on the grounds of supporting our troops and we need to fix the mess that we have created.

- I support his policy on North Korea.

- I support his disapproval of the ABM Treaty and the Kyoto Protocol (for different reasons than Bush)

Is that good enough for you.

you should never use the words "I support war" I was opposed to the afghanistan war. It was a mistake. Alquida's mistake. It was wrong and they were the ones that were wrong. We didn't go to war with Afghanistan, they went to war with us, and they killed 3000 Americans in the process. That's why the war was bad.

But to be clear, deploying troops to afghanistan is not the same thing as going to war with Afghanistan. Of course I obviously supported deploying troops to Afghanistan, but I was not supportive of their launching a war against us.

I know you agree, I'm just pointing out why you shouldn't say you support that war. Nobody in any country should ever support any war. Unfortantely too many do too often.
hippie_hunter said:
I could have sworn that you said that you predicted that they would take both the House and the Senate.

No I really thought they would pick up 4 senate seats, I predicted a huge win in the house, rather than a slim one. and I said between 30 and 40 seats. and I said and I still say they will have the house for a long time.
hippie_hunter said:
I love barbecues, except for all the people that show up. I just like the food.

And I hate fishing, it's so damn boring

I feel the same way, but nonethe less if it wasn't for the Iraq war and other policy problems Bush would be real popular. His personality and the way he delivered speeches did come in extremely handy for him for a long time. He's being undone by policy failures, and not by any lack of ability to give a speech.

I know he's made a lot of funny Bush moments, and one that was extremely offensive, but that stuff is more rescent.

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