2012/2013 NBA thread: This thread is POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Man, I had this really weird dream last night that where I was responsible for the accidental death of Metta World Peace. I can't remember the details exactly but it began with playing with a butterfly knife (exact same one I have actually) around him and then a single bullet from someone else that compounded the issue. I think I remember the bullet being unintentional in a way too. I remember panicking in the dream like "Oh man, I think he's dying! I'm totally f***ed!"
The Chicago Bulls and Toronto Raptors have engaged in exploratory trade discussions on a potential deal centered around Carlos Boozer and Andrea Bargnani, according to sources.

If talks proceed to a more serious level, smaller contracts will need to be added to the deal to make the salary cap aspect work.

Still, both the Bulls and Raptors have given consideration to the move, sources said.

For the Raptors, the question is whether the organization can afford having both Rudy Gay and Boozer on the payroll moving forward.

The Bulls have long been assumed to be leaning toward using their amnesty clause on Boozer at season's end.

Via Marc Stein/ESPN
Man, I had this really weird dream last night that where I was responsible for the accidental death of Metta World Peace. I can't remember the details exactly but it began with playing with a butterfly knife (exact same one I have actually) around him and then a single bullet from someone else that compounded the issue. I think I remember the bullet being unintentional in a way too. I remember panicking in the dream like "Oh man, I think he's dying! I'm totally f***ed!"
The Chicago Bulls and Toronto Raptors have engaged in exploratory trade discussions on a potential deal centered around Carlos Boozer and Andrea Bargnani, according to sources.Via Marc
The ****?
Yeah, I know. I dream on a nightly basis and have a history of having some of the strangest dreams. I once had a dream that Justin Bieber took my family and I hostage with a knife I kid you not. That one takes the cake in my opinion.
Stop eating before going to sleep.
Stop eating before going to sleep.
I will when you stop drinking before you post.

On another note... The contestants for the dunk contest were revealed. 6 contestants;


Eric Bledsoe
Jeremy Evans
Kenneth Faried
Gerald Green
Terrence Ross
James White

This is already 12x better than last year's bore. The one's I bolded I'm excited about seeing. I wish Blake was in there though. And I'm curious about what types of dunks Faried will pull off. I didn't take him for dunk contest material and I'm not sure what's he's capable of. Can't wait though :up:
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Kobe with no assists at half time and they're losing to a Rondo-less Celtics outfit. Hmm.
I will when you stop drinking before you post.

On another note... The contestants for the dunk contest were revealed. 6 contestants;


Eric Bledsoe
Jeremy Evans
Kenneth Faried
Gerald Green
Terrence Ross
James White

This is already 12x better than last year's bore. The one's I bolded I'm excited about seeing. I wish Blake was in there though. And I'm curious about what types of dunks Faried will pull off. I didn't take him for dunk contest material and I'm not sure what's he's capable of. Can't wait though :up:
Bledsoe in! I was hoping my Jordan got in too but I'll be rooting for bledsoe
Kobe with no assists at half time and they're losing to a Rondo-less Celtics outfit. Hmm.

Not surprised at all. This dude calling out Howard to play with an injured shoulder is straight stupid. He knows Howard doesn't like it AND he's in a contract year so he'd be crazy to play now. If anybody can't see Kobe for what he is, they'll never see it.
I'd almost rather they snag that 8th spot by the skin of their teeth and get disgraced by the Thunder in 4 games. I'm only going to get to see but 1 or 2 more of Kobe's classic playoff team meltdowns, I'm going to miss watching those.

That said, getting to hang over the heads of laker ****asses forever, the fact that Kobe missed the playoffs with the highest payroll in the leauge, and 3 other all-stars/HOFers, would be too much to resist.... That's never happened. I've scanned the history books. No team in NBA history has missed the playoffs, with either 3 HOFers in the starting lineup, or 4 dudes who were current, or 1 year removed from being perennial all-stars. Never happened. This **** would be one of the most epic failures in not only the NBA, but sports history.

I love it
Well they did have Malone, Shaq, Kobe, and Payton. They didn't win anything(thanks Kobe) but yeah this is worse. They won't even make the playoffs this year.
Kobe 0 assist, Lakers lose. 8 assists tonight and Lakers win. Anyone still making excuses for this guy is either blind or psychotic.
Bron has been LeGOD the last few games.
Kobe 0 assist, Lakers lose. 8 assists tonight and Lakers win. Anyone still making excuses for this guy is either blind or psychotic.
At least he tries. The diva in that team however...
Bron has been LeGOD the last few games.

At least he tries. The diva in that team however...

Kobe is the diva. If he had a problem with Dwight, then pull him aside privately. Instead he does it publicly, like he does all his teammates and basically throws away the Lakers future because Dwight is leaving first chance he gets. I can't believe people are actually taking Kobe's side in this. Dude is so wrong its not even funny. :huh:
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I like Kobe but even if the Lakers got it together and made the playoffs. I don't think they would be able to get by the Thunder or Heat. This team has the talent to but they have spent too much time in a negative state instead to grow and get better.
Yep! And Kobe has made it worse. Dude is a horrible team leader but sadly, I think Dantoni is actually worse.
What's awesome is that the suns have the rights to the Lakers pick and three of their last five games are against teams that the Lakers would need lose to make the Playoffs (HOU and MIN) so if the Lakers somehow claw back, the Suns can screw em.
Kobe is the diva. If he had a problem with Dwight, then pull him aside privately. Instead he does it publicly, like he does all his teammates and basically throws away the Lakers future because Dwight is leaving first chance he gets. I can't believe people are actually taking Kobe's side in this. Dude is so wrong its not even funny. :huh:
He's just using the successful model he saw Phil Jackson use, and D'antoni doesn't have the credibility to pull it off. Kobe wants to play with players who will face adversity and challenges and want to prove they are better than the criticism they face. It's been a pretty successful and winning strategy in the past.

And I think we all agree he's much more effective when he takes advantage of the inevitable pressure that comes his way and dishes it out.
If that's the case, why is it always someone else's fault when they lose? It's one thing to call Dwight out because he's hurt and you need him now but its another to blame guys when its clearly your fault when they lose. And Phil didn't call out his players the way Kobe is. Phil did it for reasons that mostly worked. What Kobe is doing is CLEARLY not working.
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