Oh yes indeed, it is that time again where Hypesters fight for ultimate domination, Hype! Deathmatch. Last year I took over hosting duties from JP and this year I have returned to host once more. Now if you are new to the hype you might be wondering, "What in the blue hell is a Hype Deathmatch!?" Well take a look at the description below and find out!
This thread is where we take volunteers and nominations. We need a total of
32 Hype! members to participate in the games. This years sign-ups will be the same as last year. Instead of choosing participants on a first come, first serve basis, I will be extending the time to volunteer. For the next few weeks you can sign up yourself, or nominate a fellow Hype! member.
At the end of the sign-up period, I will go through this thread and select the participants based on who received the most nominations/volunteers. This is the best way to give everyone a fair shot, as well as provide plenty of time for people to volunteer. So don't PM me after the fact saying "aw crap, is it too late to participate?!?".
The deadline is September 29th.
Each match will consist of 2 users and you, the people, will vote in a poll on either contestant.
After we get out 32 participants, the games will begin!
Round 1: 32 users
Round 2: 16 users
Round 3: 8 users
Round 4: 4 users
Round 5: 2 users
May the odds be ever in your favor.
Match 1: Spider Aziz
vs JJJ's Ulcer
Match 2: NewYorkSpider
vs ComicChick
Match 3: The Original Bamfer vs Lord Valumart
Match 4: SpideyFan866
vs AnneFan
Match 5: JP vs enterthemadness
Match 6: DirtyHarry
vs SuperFerret
Match 7: Parker Wayne vs DarkSentinel
Match 8: MrMaooz
vs CosmicPinchy
Match 9: Knowsbleed
vs Duke
Match 10: tacit-ronin
vs E-Man
Match 11: Asteroid-Man
vs SymbioticToxin
Match 12: JustABill vs Fallen Angel
Match 13: OriginalMiles vs LibidoLoca
Match 14: Aesop Rocks vs Shlee
Match 15: Cory vs TheDreamMaster
Match 16: Sawyer vs DarkSovereignty
Match 1: E-Man
vs SuperFerret
Match 2: CosmicPinchy
vs AnneFan
Match 3: JJJ's Ulcer vs Aesop Rocks
Match 4: Cory vs JustABill
Match 5: The Original Bamfer vs OriginalMiles
Match 6: JP vs enterthemadness
vs SymbioticToxin
Match 7: ComicChick vs Duke
Match 8: Sawyer
vs Parker Wayne
Match 1: ComicChick vs Cory
Match 2: AnneFan vs The Original Bamfer
Match 3: JJJ's Ulcer vs JP
Match 4: Parker Wayne vs SuperFerret
Match 1: Mrs. Sawyer vs
Match 2: JJJ's Ulcer vs AnneFan
ComicChick vs JJJ's Ulcer