The Hype Encyclopedia - Part 1

For the benefit of people curious about the history of this great board, I thought we could start an encyclopedia highlighting many of the famous events/people/phrases that have existed. Post some information and I'll start creating entries,mmkay?:confused:

Spider-Man Hype: The original incarnation of Superhero Hype,created as of a spin-off of by Mirko and Excelsior. It was created to discuss rumors and spoilers for the original "Spider-Man" film. Eventually it branched out to encompass all mediums of comic books.

Avatar: Common in many internet forums, an avatar is a picture displayed under a user's name and title. It must be a certain size (though you can have slightly larger ones when you reach 3,000 and 6,000 posts), and can either be a regular picture, or a moving .gif. Many Hype members are known by their avatars, and certain others have become known for being avatar-making specialists. 'Avvy' is a common abbreviation.

Bump: The act of adding a new post to a thread that had previously stopped getting attention, as a way of keeping a conversation going.

Superhero forums: Created when a new comic adaptation is announced. If the film is successful, and sequels are planned, the forum stays open (see "Spider-Man", "Batman", "X-Men"). If the film bombs, the forum doesn't last far beyond the DVD release (see "Elektra", "LXG"). Sub-forums usually include general discussion, spoiler, comic book/source material discussion/products, sequel talk. Game forums were recently merged into the regular Gaming Forum.

The Games Forum: A section of the hype that for a while went completely unmoderated. It developed it's own community, which would pull stunts a like invade an unused section, renaming it the "Spam forum". Most notable of the regulars there, was Don't Read This or "DRT", who happened to be several regulars, without anyone knowing.

Political Forum: Forum existing only briefly during the summer of 2004.It was created to keep political discussions out of the Community boards,but was eventually deleted in early fall of that year. It is speculated that the reason behind the deletion was because the absence of political threads left community with mostly spam.

Board FAQ's : A list of guidelines with information regarding the forum rules, and user maintenance. It is one of the least used features.

Pwnd/Pwn/Pwn3d(verb): Variation of Owned/Own3d which recognizes a verbal and/or physical victory over an opponent.

Organics suck: Reaction to the revelation that Spider-Man would not have synthetic web-shooters in the movie.See Organics debate

CINO: Catwoman in name only.CINO was inspired by GINO. Godzilla In Name Only.As such, the suffix INO is now widely used to describe film or cartoon adaptations of comic book characters that are nothing like the source material.

Teh: Leet term for the.It is often used in a variety of gramatically incorrect ways.

Teh Puffy: A 'leet' term believed to have begun with fan reaction Christian Bale as Batman. Now generally used ironically.

meh = Word expressing an uncaring emotion toward something. Similar to a shrug.

w00t!/woot = Word expression immense enjoyment about something.

Noob: 1.Someone who recently joined/began posting on the Hype. Often criticized for being naive and/or arrogant.
2. Term used with disparaging intent to describe any newcomer regardless of his or her behavior. See also 'newb', 'newbie', 'noobie'.

Bale, Dammit!: Phrase that people would repeat to express their desire to see actor Christian Bale portray Bruce Wayne in the impending relaunch of the "Batman" movie series. Online support for Bale became extremely popular, and he was eventually casted as the lead in the Christopher Nolan-directed "Batman Begins", a 2005 hit that is considered one of the best comic book adaptations ever made.

Man-Spider: A term used by detractors of the "Spider-Man" films on the Hype who do not believe that they portray their popular namesake hero, generally due to the fact that he has organic, as opposed to self-made, web-shooters.It is believed to have been coined by Bakerboy.

Prep Time: The idea that a person (Most notably batman) can beat anyone with time to prepare and plan. People would often post "Batman w/ prep time" in every "VERSUS" thread, even if it didn't involve batman.

Flame bait: A thread topic that appears to be well intentioned. Usually a discussion on God, the president, what you believe, and topics similar to these. But in reality, they become nothing more than board members yelling at each other, trying to prove how wrong the other is. A trollbait topic is the match that lights the fuse.

Leet: Internet shorthand, commonly found in forums, chat rooms, and online game play. Known for abbreviations of words and phrases (example: 'Laughing out loud' = 'lol'; 'Right out ****ing loud' = 'rofl'). Letters are also frequently replaced by numbers ('E', for example, is often replaced by the number 3). Fittingly, 'leet' is frequently spelled '1337'. "Adult Swim" often references 'leet', and is credited with popularizing the phrase "teh s uck". A student once bet $1337 as his Final Jeopardy wager on a teen edition of Jeopardy.

The Purge: In April of 2007, after many complaints and issues concerning massive lags and response times, it was decided that all threads that had not had responses in over a year were to be deleted to clear some space. Ultimately it did not make a difference, and the Hype acquired a new server a month later.

Mr.Parker: An infamous poster long gone from the Hype. Founder of the original "Organics Suck!!!" thread.
His constant claims that both Spider-Man movies were not in fact the character from which the films get their titles. It seemed to him that having a boy named Peter Parker who gets bitten my a spider, gains amazing abilities, fights a man named Norman Osborn who has become the Green Goblin after a lab accident was indeed "not Spider-Man, this is ManSpider". He also had an immense dislike of all Batman films.
Often in league with a former poster Bakerboy who shared many of the same views as Mr.Parker.

Bakerboy: A former member of the Hype. Often in league with Mr.Parker also formerly of the Hype. Much like Mr.Parker, Bakerboy also had a strong dislike of the Spider-Man films. Accusing those who liked them of being "untrue fans of spidey" and generally agreeing with most any anti-Spidey remark made by his aforementioned ally.
Bakerboy had an immense love of actress Michelle Pfeiffer. It is thought his name comes from the film Michelle was in The Fabulous Bakerboys. He also thought Michelle should be cast in every movie, no matter what the role. He often called for Michelle to be cast as Mary Jane in the Spider-Man movies.
Bakerboy had a knack for terrible spelling and a lack of basic grammar, even as he accused many Hypesters of being "untrue fans with bad grammar". Often clashed with Hype member Matt.

Mr. Peg: The name given by longtime HYPE mod Hollow Wood Director to a series of supposedly "horrific" top-secret photos he claimed to have in his possession back around October of 2002. HWD started a thread describing the photos as being taken from a secret government experiment and asking for volunteers to sign a "disclaimer" absolving him and SHH of all responsibility if he were to PM this series of photos, which he claimed could result in hallucinations and paranoia after viewing them (somewhat similar to the concept seen in the then-current films The Ring, and Fear Dot Com). Several deadlines to send the PM's to the interested parties came and went, and after HWD went missing from the HYPE boards for a while there were frustrated questions as to what the point of the whole thing was -- a failed experiment? A drawn-out prank with no punchline? No one except the poster Speedin' Bullet ever claimed that they received the "Mr. Peg" pictures, and Speedin' Bullet made numerous rambling posts claiming to have seen hallucinations and even being arrested for attempting to attack a policeman with a sword. HWD later claimed to have erased the photos from his hard drive, and after the original Mr. Peg thread was finally locked to keep curious newbies from bumping it, that was that.
While HWD's ultimate motives in the Mr. Peg incident have never been revealed, the name "Mr. Peg" pops up every now and then as a synonym for some imaginary horrible thing whose bark is worse than its bite.

JPLaya2023: Spammer known for his obsessive loves of Batman and "Dragonball Z" hero Goku (he has, at different times, claimed both would defeat any opponent). Very adamant in his opinions. Has very limited spelling/grammar skills. There is a movement of Hype members who proudly boast having him on their ignore list.

Amerikaz Most Wanted(AMW) and Kittykatr: Two very disturbed poster who acted as if they liked "Batman and Robin" and "Catwoman" for several months, than went crazy and posted a frightening insult post, lots of porn, and were subsequently banned. They even claimed that the time they spent on the Hype was all part of a sociology project.

The Aunt Petunia Scandal: A supposed attractive female poster (who was known to post pictures of 'herself' was later revealed to be a male. The pictures were actually of another young woman on a different site.It was exposed when the actual girl he was posting pic's of showed up here through a friend of hers and called him on it, embarrassing the hell out of him and forcing to admit what he'd done. Aunt Petunia later became Franklin Richards and still posts,occasionally making jokes about the incident and the illicit private messages he received from various posters complimenting his believed appearance.(

A troll from the old CINO forums. He was a rather enthusiastic supporter of the film in the many months leading up to it's release, and was a rather vocal Halle Berry sycophant as well. He'd post off topic with some rant in support of the film or Halle (usually "Halle is hawt!"), had terrible spelling and grammar, and managed to get himself banned and then come back with a new username (usually something like "roy4Halle" or some other variation that included the name "roy" in it) well over 30 times. He got accused of being a studio plant by some of the CINO forum members and tried to play up to that. The reality is that he was too stupid to really be a studio plant, though. He was, however, the bane of TruthTeller's existence for awhile.

GhostRider87: Infamous gangly, blonde and socially awkward Hype member known for being extremely naive in all things concerning relationships with women. GR87 met a young and cute waitress named Carmen at Hooters. Carmen flirted with him for tips and to get him to order from their outrageous a la carte menu. GR87 took this harmless flirting quite serious and decided that Carmen was in fact very much attracted to him. After writing fan fiction in which he developed a super-heroine based on this girl, he decided to follow up his encounter three months AFTER he met this waitress at Hooters by planning a return where he will give her his number and tell her "she SHOULD call him". However other Hype posters are suspect that he may be a stalker. The remains of the thread can be found here-
Also see I am saving up to go to Barranquilla Colombia entry below.
He is also a die hard (almost to a fault) fan of the Chicago Cubs, and the Tennessee Titans.

Political Threads: Threads created to debate politics, in some form or another. Often start out as reports of events, which are then debated/spun/lied about/ignored by the many far left/far right posters on the Hype. Though civil discourse has been known to last as much as five or six pages in a thread, depending on who is interested in the subject matter, they all eventually spiral into the same few talking points repeated ad nauseam. Great places to meet new friends.

Hype Deathmatch: A series of polls started by Holly Goodhead in an attempt to see which hyper would win in a fictional fight to the death, out of selected individuals by Goodhead herself. DOG LIPS won the first one due to multiple accounts aiding him, and hosted the Second installment. The latest installment was hosted by Erzengel, and Lightning Strikez! was declared the winner.

A Poll for the mature poster only please...: The infamous "do you shave your genitals" thread. This thread spawned 53 pages and has lasted around three years. The last post within the thread came around two weeks ago. It still lives on strong and will continue to draw many curious little boys and girls for years to come.

The Gamma Lounge/Hype Lounge: Long-running thread in Community started by poster GammaMike, used for general discussion, as opposed to specific topics that would otherwise get their own threads, and often populated by former members of the Manties Squad and Batman movie enthusiasts. The original thread was closed and it continues on in a few incarnations before being renamed the Hype Lounge, with each thread being closed after occupying a certain amount of space.

I am saving up to go to Barranquilla Colombia: Is the name of a thread made in late June of 2007. The thread revealed to Hype posters that Hooter's Pimp, Ghostrider87(see Ghostrider87 entry), was at it again. This time, after watching E! specials featuring Sofia Vergera, he had decided to take a trip to her home town in Colombia. He claimed throughout the thread he would go there and "meet women, hug women, and dance with women". The thread progressed much the same as his Hooter's Pimp thread until posters began to suspect Ghostrider87 may actually be mildly ******ed. What followed would go down as one of the most memorable moments in SHH history. After refusing to apply logic encouraged by various members, Ghostrider87 began to change his tune. He continued to insult posters as usual, but this time he claimed himself to be very "successful with women". He proceeded to dazzle his audience with tales of "this chick I once talked to" and "times I hugged and kissed girls" and even "this one time a girl held my hand". After arguing with posters for nearly 10 pages he dropped a bombshell. There was a girl, Jill, who in the coming weeks would be his girlfriend. The story ended up being ten times better than any pathetic story imaginable. Jill was in fact a random girl he had met while viewing a movie alone. She was nice enough to talk to him and high-fived him when the villain in the movie (Hostel) was killed. Ghostrider87 did get her number and she told him to call her if he was going to be at the movies again, but when he called her again at her home she told him she "was moving and not to call her at that number again" without giving him any further contact information. The posters nicely tried to explain to GR87 that this girl had shot him down. However GR87 wouldn't hear it. He insisted the girl would "reunite" with him. He later attempted to back up his claim with a story of a waitress to whom he told his story. He said she told him he was adorable and that "God rewards good people". GR87 claims to be having been waiting 17 months to be reunited with Jill and expects to see her before the year is over. In his eyes, a consultation with an online psychic confirmed this. The thread has since been deleted.

Call You A Jerk
- While seeming like an insult, calling someone a jerk on the Hype is actually sort of a badge of honor. Particularly if you tell someone beforehand that you're going to call them a jerk. This was started by Hype member Ghostrider87, who when faced with a slight dig at him or insult from someone else, GR87 would threaten to "call you a jerk", which he did on several occasions. Since then, a number of Hypesters have picked up on this threat, and they too have carried it out many times.

Ignorant - [ig-ner-uh
- Often used in the Political Forum, this word has been used by many to refer to the opposing Political Ideology or Political Party. It has become one of the most offensive words to use against another Poster. It's use often leads to a banning of the offending Poster.

The word's Real World Definition is "lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact" and can be used correctly, but the use on the Hype can lead to dire consequences. Use at your own Risk.

Deathlok2001 was a former Hype member, who during the SHH fantasy football league of '06, proclaimed to all he was going to "lay teh smackdown!" on all other Hype fantasy teams. He was also of the mind that the Arizona Cardinals were going to "lay teh smackdown" on all other NFL teams that year. He also was an avid crossdresser, and enjoyed laminate flooring. He was eventually banned for trolling, and general dumbassery. He wasn't seen again until...

Dreadstar (Formerly Deathlok2001) - A user who is infamously known for his very unusual stories in the relationship thread. It all started when he was he bragging about his sexual relationship with "Fling Girl" while worrying about his potential ruin the situation. Meanwhile, he was also seeking advice about bedding "comic girl", a 19 year old girl who was 30 years younger than him after they dry humped in a car (with the driver driving). Amidst denials of being a date rapist and a creep, it was discovered that he was Deathlok2001, a previously banned user, and was banned once again.

Political Forum: Forum existing only briefly during the summer of 2004.It was created to keep political discussions out of the Community boards,but was eventually deleted in early fall of that year. It is speculated that the reason behind the deletion was because the absence of political threads left community with mostly spam. Made its triumphant return on January 8th, 2008.

The Hype Name Change Revolution - The revolution sparked Mee's Hype News story about "numberinname" (or numberer) posters, as well as a conflict between Erzengel and cmill216. Because of Mee's highly successful and controversial news story, and Erz's harsh discrimination (coined as R4cism) against cmill216 and all other posters of number, cmill216 started the thread titled "NumbersInName Prejudice is Wrong." cmill216 decided to stand as the leader for the "numbersinname" posters against intense bigotry, racism, and oppression from "non-numbered" posters. Originally thought of as people with a lack of imagination, cmill216 gave them the mentality of such reasons as "these numbers are important to me." This issue was in long debate in the thread "NumbersInName Prejudice is Wrong," thus sparking buzz all over the Hype Community.

cmill216's never ending leadership and determination gave (the newly appointed Administrator) DOG LIPS an idea. This started a chain of events which eventually led to (the other newly appointed Administrator) Hunter Rider being willing to share the intense task of name changing with DOG LIPS. Thus, cmill216 inadvertently and successfully changed the Hype's policy on name changes forever. Once viewed as being forbidden, "numberinname" as well as any other poster now have one last chance to undo their mistake, and change their identity. In the end, cmill216 not only led to the revolution of "numberinname" posters, but also to all who wanted to change their names. cmill216 became a SHH Moderator, and changed his name to Cmill216.

R4cism - the term coined by cmill216, derived from Erzengel's discrimination against posters of number.

DHasselhoffLover - Formerly known as the moderator Lightning Strykez, the name change was the idea of the newly appointed Hype moderator, Kel. The idea was carried out by the newly appointed administrators, DOG LIPS and Hunter Rider. DHL was quoted as being extremely unhappy at the tyranny of the administrators, perhaps a bad joke gone wrong in some posters' eyes. DHL has since started a thread, revolting against DOG LIPS and Hunter Rider. Whether the change will be reversed or not is still shrouded in mystery.

Superhero Hype Creepiest Poster Competition - A tournament started by Asteroid-Man to determine who is the creepiest poster of The Hype. Unfortunately, there was not a nomination period and most posters involved in the tournament were not creepy at all, but seemed to be just posters who have recently interacted with Asteroid-Man. The tournament had no clear qualifications for creepy, and seemed to be set up to declare Asteroid-Man the winner. In the end it was an unprecedented failure.

Eternal Flame - An endless source of fire controlled by Hype user Immortalfire. He discovered it in the mountains of North Carolina while on a camping trip, and it became one with him, granting him amazing abilites concerning fire. It is capable of many things, including incinerating any subtance, and even creating words or images out of fire. It was long sought by The Exalted, who wanted it for it's immense power. But he was never able to come up with a plan for obtaining the Flame. It is thought that the name "Immortalfire" is given to anyone that controls the Flame.

CS or ComingSoon: Often referred to as our "sister boards". The forums on ComingSoon deal more with movies than we do here. However, when the Hype is down (which thankfully has occurred less frequently of late) most members of the Hype do a temporary migration to the CS boards.

Superhero Hype Fantasy Football League (SHHFFL) - The fantasy football league of Superhero Hype. Founded by Malice currently in its fifth season, commissioners include: Malice, Daisy, and Themanofbat. It is ran through Yahoo Fantasy Football. The current reigning champions are The Mindless Minions coached by Mee. The current commissioner is Themanofbat.

Concerned Mom: Brainchild of Mee, was used in a thread made by Assassin to coax Ghostrider87 to post in it. Concerned Mom represented GR's real-life mother. This poster was commenting on "his fine artwork," and such, telling certain Hypesters to stop mocking and insulting her son. Great times were had by all, until Dew k. Mosi did an IP check, and temporarily perma-banned Mee. Mee's ban was lifted a day later, after much protest from several Hypesters, including farmerfran. An hour or so after the Concerned Mom fiasco, the thread was closed and soon deleted. Dew is reported to have given Mee a screencap of his first post under the Concerned Mom name.

J Alba's Lover (JAL) - True to his username, he's a huge fan of everything Jessica Alba. He's also one of three posters o have over 100,000 posts.

He is known for his "outbursts" when angered about people saying anything negative about him, or Jessica Alba. This usually has a mod admonishing everyone but temporary banning JAL for his actions.

He has spoken in the past about a past "love" whom he slowed danced with and shared his first kiss. He later alleges that this was a 14 year old Jessica Alba. While many do not believe it, he refuses to provide any proof because people would still not believe him.

Early on JAL use to post anything about Alba do to constant ridicule by the posters of SHH. However, because most of the posters have moved on from SHH, he has found newer, younger posters who encourage his obssessive, persona towards Jessica Alba.

One of his stories included him getting turned away by Alba, and then trying to sneak in to see her. When her he was thrown out by security, he spat on and kicked a homeless man. He also had a Maury-like situation at work where he thought he got a girl pregnant and had a few cyber-sex incidents with several members on the hype. He later changed his name to The Apatow Crew and was banned after his 10th infraction.

Had a pathological hatred of the film series Paranormal Activity.

Dancing Spider-Man will Make You Gay: A bit of a web phenomenom that spread like wildfire for a while.

LordSnipe: Notable poster in the Batman forums, especially prior to the theatrical release of Batman Begins. Along with Clerk, popularized the term Bale Dammit!!! :cmad: Was made the mod of the Batman forums during the turbulent months leading up to Batman Begins's release. Also runs

Clerk: Along with Snipe, creator of the phrase Bale Dammit!!! :cmad: Also known for his comics of movies done in superb stick figure style.

Taiwarriorz (Updated) - Taiwarriorz is a poster at the hype who is distinctly Southern in both appearance and habits. However his true quirks lay elsewhere. Taiwarriorz came upon the Hype last year and often is known for a gimmicky posting style with bad grammatical and spelling errors. Most noticably is his pension for the word "geuax" in place of "go". He also types very phenetically, and is known to use slang, exposition and "accent" in expressing what he has to say. Another particularity is his "name dropping": meaning he will mention several of his friends, acquintances and friends of friends in telling stories. He is incredibly arrogant, and most of these "gimmicks" stem from that.

"I can Squat 550" - Taiwarriorz claimed he could squat 550lbs, which would've broken currently held High School records. Ignoring the fact that all his photos revealed a moderately out of shape teen with a beer gut, he continued to insist this fact even giving ShadowBoxing his high school coaches number to verify his claim. ShadowBoxing didn't call his school, but said he did, inflating Tai's numbers to 600lbs. Tai admitted that, yes, he could Squat 600 lbs and was being modest. ShadowBoxing then told him he never called the school, and simply increased the number because "he knew he'd admit to anything so long as it inflated his ego".

"The Hunting and Fishing Thread" - This is probably Tai's most popular thread. It was the site of events described above and his personal stomping ground. Recently Taiwarriorz began bragging again in this thread, this time about working on an "oil referie" (Oil Refinery). Needless to say, no one who has a job that doesn't involve working endless hours as an oil refinery grunt, was impressed.

"National Day of Repentence" - Taiwarriorz, again appearing to be pulling information out of his ass, started the "National Day of Repentence" thread. He claimed in it there would be a National Day of repenting one's sins. He said something about his preacher telling him about a committee getting together and talking with Bush - either way it was all a bunch of bullsh**, you don't have to know. It again became a "Politics v Religion" thread. Taiwarriorz, for some reason, put the word "spoiler" in the thread title. He also apparently beganing PMing several posters, including Toven, with hate mail and threats. How very Christian.

Hype Wormhole - n. - An very occasional (as of late) phenomenon when a post made by a specific poster is transported in front of a post, which was technically after it. When this takes place, a post that was clearly a response is put in front of the post that was quoted, thus, giving the poster(s) the feeling of "WTF?"

braincrusher - A troll, who was known for his troll threads. In early summer 2012, his first thread was about a fear that he'd get eaten by a shark. He then made thread bout how he might climb k2, the second highest mt. in the world, with only his "IPOD and some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches". He also started threads on roasting live fish and the proper way to wear underwear. Left hype after temp ban.

*Superhero Hype Awards 2012: D*** of the Year:
FilmNerdJamie got the biggest amount of votes to receive that award, some pointed to threads showing why this guy deserves this award. Things went too far and thread was renamed "Villain"

Memphis Slim (Formerly known as CellDog) - A banned user who was known for his racism and homophobia. He was also known for his controversial views in the Religion thread. After he was banned, a "Should we Water Board CellDog to Save Lives" thread showed up.

JustABill vs. Cory Deathmatch thread - A now infamous deathmatch thread that got so bad it was shutdown early and deleted from the Hype. JustABill came into this Deathmatch expecting an easy win until Cory called upon the Batboards (and The Tusi) to even the Deathmatch. Things got heated between Bill and the Batboards, as Bill felt that, being a community mainstay, angry at the Batboards for influencing a comminity forum event. Eventually relations between the Tusians and Cory also soured in the same thread. The mods came in, and things got worse as accusations of cheating for both sides erupted. It was then discovered that after Cory sent a PM for Matt asking to vote for him, Matt got most of the mods to vote against Bill and for Cory, which pissed Bill off even more. After more mudslinging and many insults, the thread ended in a 56-56 tie and the thread was deleted. This lead to the Wildcard between Bill, Cory, Darthphere, Leo, Superferret, and Poopdeckpenispa which ended up being a disappointment numbers wise. This event also lead to more Batboards posters posting in the other parts of the Hype after the release of The Dark Knight Rises.

HowardStark - a previously banned poster who, under this name, briefly ran tournament threads on the hype. Looking to switch his username again, he faked a stroke, then a tumor, and then his death while having his "cousin" DarthQuiGon (who was really HowardStark under a different username tell the users in his "hottest female celebrity tournament" thread all of these things. After much sympathy was given, it was revealed by C. lee that both DarthQuiGon, HowardStark, and other other troll accounts were all the same person and that DarthQuiGon was an attempt for Howard to change his username. All accounts are currently banned.

The Great Raimi War of 2010 - In the second half of 2010 there were two types of Sam Raimi threads: The "I loved Sam Raimi's Spider-Man thread" and the "I hated Sam Raimi's Spider-Man" thread. While the Raimi haters thread was in The Spider-Man trilogy forums, the Raimi lovers thread was in the reboot forums. One day, several posters from the Raimi haters thread (led by NinjaCarm, a notorious Raimi hater) went into the Raimi lovers thread and pointed it out along with trolling Raimi lovers thread. This led to months of arguments and trolling in each others threads until a mod finally noticed and place the Raimi lovers thread in the Spider-Man trilogy section. Most of the war is in this thread.

Nivek - A long time member on this site until he was banned for having more than 50 accounts to his name. All with but one purpose.To back him up in any given arguments so that it'll seems that alot of people agreeing with him.

matchesMalone - A long time poster and a harcdcore Superman fan. He was a staunch defender of Superman returns, and he would got into a heated argument with anyone who's had anything bad to say about-at that time,SR trailer...which according to him, got this 'messianic feel'or some such bullcrap.But his claim to fame was when defending the movie, he vowed to eat his copy of the death of Superman comic, live on webcam for all too see...if the kid in the movie turns out to be Superman's kid.

Godman- Poster known for posts in the Religion Debate thread. Insisted that Bruce Lee was God Incarnate. Also believed in the godship of George Carlin, Bob Marley, Steven Spielberg, Leonardo Di Vinci and many others Believed Hitler had "phenominal ideals" and said he "learned from" him. Also noted for saying many inaccurate statements about the KJV.

The Batboards - Arguably the craziest group of fans you will not only see on a forum, but also the internet. The Batboards is the name given to the infamous Batman forums. The Batboard didn't really come to life until TDK came out...that's when all the crazies came out of the quickly gained a reputation here on hype...

It all started when Ledger died...with mebers on that boards claiming depression, missing works,can't stop crying yadda yadda should ask Matt about this. I'm sure he remembers.

Then it's all downhill from there.

First there were the Oscar nominations thread. Bear in mind the movie hadn't even came out at that point. When the movie came out,that's when all hell broke loose.That's when we get such gems such as: 'this is the Woodstock of our generation!', 'TDK helped the presidential election! ', No more Joker on future Batmovies 'couse no one can top Ledger!'

The Batboards also gave birth to new style of posting. For example you'd say something simple such as: i dont like the movie!'the ..ehmm 'posters'that dwells in that section would then write a VERY lengthy essay on how you opinion is actually wrong.

After that, they 'insisted' that no discussion about CB movies without mentioning Nolan, Bale or TDK...or that every CB/reular movies shall be compared to TDK from now on..

Sub entries for The Batboards featured such gems as....

BrianTheMute - After the release of TDKR there was a poster named BrianTheMute who in his only 2 posts were these. He tried to goad people into donating money by making up a story of losing his mother to cancer and saying he used the remaining of his money to see The Dark Knight Rises in IMAX. Morg caught on to his spamming quickly and banned.

The Dark Knight had a role in Obama 2008 victory/is the woodstock of this generation - A hype member named UltimateJustin created a thread called "What role did TDK play in Obama's election". In this thread, he claimed that not only the The Dark Knight influenced his opinion on who to vote for in the 2008, but influneced America's. Then he claimed that TDK is Woodstock of our generation. He was proceded to be both laughed at and facepalmed.

Ben - The base of the joke is that this person kept referring to Bane as "ben". After that "r u from south america or something" and "ben" would sporadically be used when talking about TDKR as a way to poke fun at that brilliant post. It started when Numb1Batfan posted this gem:

lol do you guys really think bens going to have a south american accent in a reelistic bat man movie?

ben: hello im ben.

bat man: ??? r u from south america or something?
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I'm pretty sure I was around for the whole "Shave Your Gentiles" thing. Strange. Very strange.
Is there an entry for the "10 minutes with...." Thread?
No Hype encyclopedia is going to be complete without enrties on Bakerboys and Mr. Parker...or the infamous ´mechanic vs organic ´thread..

Or Spiderfreddie...
So my Wife and I were invited to a Junta... - Mr. Wooden Alligator created a thread in which he said he and his wife was invited to a "Junta". All of the posters were confused over what a Junta is. It got even more baffling when he said his wife was pregnant. After all the confusing posts, the thread was closed. It was later revealed by Mr. Wooden Alligator himself that he's a teenager without a wife.
I would but I know very little about it :o
Hmmm.....nothing about the SHH Awards, 15 Minutes or even Hype Survivor.
lol do you guys really think bens going to have a south american accent in a reelistic bat man movie?

ben: hello im ben.

bat man: ??? r u from south america or something?

This is the Bane/Ben post I was mentioning last night. It started a whole long joke about Bane being called Ben and he being from South America. According to craigdbfan:

Here's the link to the thread. Good times. XD

The base of the joke is that this person kept referring to Bane as "ben". After that "r u from south america or something" and "ben" would sporadically be used when talking about TDKR as a way to poke fun at that brilliant post.
Nah, I just like pointing out the obvious. :p

Plus I am just starting to feel better so I can't spend too long in front of a computer.
They're all there.

Oh! curse my made in Taiwan glasses!

Anyway..a few more suggestions;

- If talking about JAL, one should also mention his infamous cybersex incident with a couple of members here-Holly Goodhead and some other poster i can't remember.

-Nivek. A long time member on this site until he was banned for having more than 50 accounts to his name. All with but one purpose.To back him up in any given arguments so that it'll seems that alot of people agreeing with him.

-matchesMalone. A long time poster and a harcdcore Superman fan. He was a staunch defender of Superman returns, and he would got into a heated argument with anyone who's had anything bad to say about-at that time,SR trailer...which according to him, got this 'messianic feel'or some such bullcrap.But his claim to fame was when defending the movie, he vowed to eat his copy of the death of Superman comic, live on webcam for all too see...if the kid in the movie turns out to be Superman's kid.

Needles to say, he was never seen again after the movie came out.

There were also a few good members of the Hype that i feel should be included.

Logan's runt, Shinlyle, Daisy , just to name a few..these people were at the time prominent members of the Hype.
*extensive portion of Hype's history*

1 of 2 things. You are either very knowledgeable about Hype's history even before you joined or you had sex with Mirko and he told you all this information...

... either way, I gives you my applauses.
Damn, according to my bad spelling, neither can I :hehe:.
Ah, I wish I had enough knowledge on the matter to put an entry for the whole Marvel TV News issue.
Yiddish for Jew.
I feel tht if let anti-Semites appropriate it, they've won.
Last edited:
1 of 2 things. You are either very knowledgeable about Hype's history even before you joined or you had sex with Mirko and he told you all this information...

... either way, I gives you my applauses.

Thanks, but only about 5 or 6 entries are mine. The others are from other users that wasn't put in the original post.

Oh! curse my made in Taiwan glasses!

Anyway..a few more suggestions;

- If talking about JAL, one should also mention his infamous cybersex incident with a couple of members here-Holly Goodhead and some other poster i can't remember.

-Nivek. A long time member on this site until he was banned for having more than 50 accounts to his name. All with but one purpose.To back him up in any given arguments so that it'll seems that alot of people agreeing with him.

-matchesMalone. A long time poster and a harcdcore Superman fan. He was a staunch defender of Superman returns, and he would got into a heated argument with anyone who's had anything bad to say about-at that time,SR trailer...which according to him, got this 'messianic feel'or some such bullcrap.But his claim to fame was when defending the movie, he vowed to eat his copy of the death of Superman comic, live on webcam for all too see...if the kid in the movie turns out to be Superman's kid.

Needles to say, he was never seen again after the movie came out.

There were also a few good members of the Hype that i feel should be included.

Logan's runt, Shinlyle, Daisy , just to name a few..these people were at the time prominent members of the Hype.

I'll edit and also add a few of these to the encyclopedia.

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