3 Deaths? {SPOILERS}


Harry Potter fan
Dec 1, 2004
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It seems there will be three deaths this Volume. One will be fake and two will be real. Here's the link;


My guess is that

Fake Death: Sylar
Real Death: Nathan, Ando??

I think there really going that 5 Years Gone root, have Sylar fake his death with Peter in the battle. Than he can use that shapeshifting ability I'm sure hey'll gain, kill Nathan for real and transform into Nathan at the end of the Volume. I am not sure how Ando will die, they never said how he died in that future. Maybe an interfearnce with Peter/Sylars battle? Or maybe he's the bombe that was shown in Matts painting?? Maybe he over loads of his power?? Opinions?
Fake: Sylar
Real: Nathan and possibly Matt, HRG, or Mohinder
I hope not a fake Sylar death. It keeps happening every volume.
get rid of Hiro already, his character has run its course.
it sounds like one of the deaths will be tracy, i thinks she will be one of the real deaths.
If this show was still good:

Fake death would be Peter or HRG. Real deaths would be Nathan and Sylar or Sylar and Tracy.

But this show is Heroes:

Fake death is Sylar. Real deaths would be most likely from these characters: Nathan, Matt, Mohinder, That sidekick kid (to avoid cutting out their 'favs'), any other background character... maybe Claire.
Fake: Sylar or Peter

"Real (and I use real loosely):" Nathan and Tracy...however Larter will be brought back next season as the third triplet (God, that's embarrassing to say. It sounds like we're talking about a bad soap opera) and Nathan's will probably be deus ex machina'ed.
Yeah, I'm with pretty much everyone on this...they will most likely fake Sylar's death, hopefully really kill Nathan, and I'd like to see Tracy go but wouldn't be so lucky, they'd just bring in her other character (that leaves as bad a taste in my mouth as it does yours, Matt).
i would love for Tracy to stay but also bring in the 3rd sister. maybe have a sister vs sister fight... ice vs (something really cool)!

although i like him it would be interesting to see the effects of Noahs death.
Yeah, I forgot about that. With the hints of Claire's future being obvious by the end of the season, it occurs to me that one of the most obvious ways to make her go evil is to kill off Noah. Could be interesting. Also we've had a couple hints towards something like that throughout the season...like in the future in "I Am Become Death" when Sylar is living in the Bennet house and Claire says "You've taken everything from me." or something...just a couple thoughts...
From io9 today. Apperently, there are 2 missing in the below cast photo which my lead some to think of who is NOT going to survive til the Last Episode of the Season.

That is such BS if they kill off both Tracy and Daphne. That's two more females to add to the growing list they keep killing off, I mean, that's freak'in ridiculous.

I don't think I've ever seen an actor jerked around on a show as much as they've done to Ali Larter. I want her to stay so bad, but a part of me thinks she's better off getting as far away from this sinking ship as soon as possible.
Not another fake death of Sylar, enough of that. Give it to another character damn it
Ugh...kill off Matt, Hiro, Nathan, Claire, and Sylar.
Also...Nathan could still die seeing as they would need him in the cast if Sylar is impersonating him.
i even hate the idea of a fake death, it annoys me they still feel it plausible to use this gimmick.
But they do it every season!!!! It just wouldn't be Heroes without a fake death:(
We have confirmation from Bryan Fuller himself that two people are dying and that both are going to stay dead. It's from EW's Spring Preview:

This season's final five episodes will become more character-driven. ''We felt like the audience had gotten confused,'' acknowledges consulting producer Bryan Fuller, who says particular focus will be placed on the backstories of Tracy (Ali Larter), Angela (Cristine Rose), and Sylar (Zachary Quinto). And blood will be shed. ''There will be two deaths,'' Fuller reveals. ''And these people will be dead.
Tracey and Nathan seem plausible. However, Larter will be brought back as her third twin :-)facepalm) and Nathan will be being impersonated by Sylar (until they need a twist...then he'll come back too).

Its funny, Nathan's retribution and slow turn on Danko/his realization of being wrong is probably the best plot they have going right now...and their solution? Kill him off!
I'm thinking the fake death is Tracy - I posted my reasoning for it in the Behind the Eclipse thread based on comments from the writers.

As for the two real deaths, I think it'll be two of Nathan, Sylar, Peter.
I'm thinking the fake death is Tracy - I posted my reasoning for it in the Behind the Eclipse thread based on comments from the writers.

As for the two real deaths, I think it'll be two of Nathan, Sylar, Peter.

Killing off Sylar and Peter would be the way to go IMO. Though can Sylar even really be killed? He was shot in the back of the head as he had to be to be killed, yet the second it is removed, he heals. How do you really kill Sylar or Claire? I'm not sure there is a way. The future season 3 episode last year displayed that Claire can survive a nuclear explosion at ground zero, so clearly having your body blown to bits isn't going to kill Claire. Noah was dead long enough to be transported from California to Texas and he was able to be brought back to life. At what point does the human consciousness leave these people and their bodies, despite healing, simply become a vegetable?
I think it would be very very ballsy if killed off Claire. I'm just saying.
He already said the audience was getting confused and to the casual viewer Ali Larter is a really problem area. Consider her gone.

The other real death? I think Mohinder has run his course. He was more interesting back before he had abilities.

(Side note: this bothered me about the Angela/Danko conversation. They both know Mohinder's abilities are synthetic, so Danko's observation about passing abilities through procreation holds much less weight with that elephant in the room)
Here's another quote from Fuller himself in this weeks Ask Ausiello.

Question: I need a Heroes scoop. Got anything juicy? --Aled

Ausiello: Consulting producer Bryan Fuller is putting to rest rumors that Ali Larter wants off the show. "She's not going anywhere," he tells me. "I've never seen somebody so committed to the show as Ali, and the show is absolutely committed to Ali." Fuller says he jumped at the chance to pen an upcoming episode (No. 20) that focuses on Larter's Tracy. "If you look at the 'Fugitives' arc, it all kind of leads up to episode 20 in a nice way," he says. "There's a great twist in her arc." Might that twist be connected to one of the three big deaths coming up (one of which is a fake-out)? Fuller won't budge, except to say Tracy "ends the season in a fantastic way."

With that quote, I still think Tracy will be the fake out death. I think she'll pull herself together after she's shattered. So happy for Ali Larter though, I know she's happy Bryan Fuller is back seeing as he was the one that wrote her Niki/Jessica storyline was season one!

I still stick by my guess that the two real deaths are two of Nathan, Peter, and Sylar.

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