Days of Future Past 3 Reasons "Days Of Future Past" Is Actually X4

The one major problem with First Class is that it felt rushed. As if you could add another half and hour and it would only enhance the film. Still love it and it is one of my favorites.
Did anyone ever feel like Scott actually got the upper hand on Wolverine in his relationship with Jean? Did anyone ever feel like she actually loved him?

i always liked the rivalry between cyclops and wolverine, not towards jean but the competitive banter

Wolverine: Hey, hey- it's me!
Cyclops: Prove it.
Wolverine: You're a dick.
Cyclops: [pauses, considering] Okay.


Wolverine: [tosses Cyclops the keys to his motorbike] Your bike needs gas.
Cyclops: [tosses back the keys] Then fill it up.

but sadly X3 took that away by making wolvering take a step up, killing of cyclops and making jean out to be wolverines true love :doh:
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Singer and the writers, but specially Singer didnt make Scott as a likeable character for the general audience.

And to me, that was a really bad move. Even with a secondary role, Cyclops could have shined and made the audience loves him and care about him. But X1 and X2 didnt achieved that. sadly (X3 is other story, discussed to death)
If Magneto and Xavier didn't get the attention they had in FC, they simply wouldn't have been the rich characters that they were and IMO the film would have been much, much poorer for it. There's a good reason why most films don't try to juggle several protagonists.

I don't think we needed Banshee and the others elevated to protagonist. But they could have had a little more substance, it only takes a few lines of dialogue to tell us why they are choosing to do what they are doing.

It's a matter of preference I guess. I know many people were happy with it, but the way The Avengers handled its characters did nothing for me (as well as the movie itself really). I kinda felt like I got a little tidbit of every character but nothing of real substance. Also, the most interesting aspect of that team to me was the friction between Captain America and Tony Stark, but again that relationship just didn't get enough time because the movie would then race off to deal with other stuff.

$1.5billion tells us most people were happy with it. But I agree there wasn't much character development - they each had good screentime but not enough of a journey was scripted into it.

Fans are just asking for a little less Wolverine. He's not the whole picture. Notice how there are 10 times as many posts in this section as in The Wolverine section. That's an indication that X-Men as a whole is more appealing than just more and more frickin' Wolverine.

Let's just see a bit more dimension given to other characters, to tell us why they are there. It's really not that difficult to use dialogue interactions to do that, surely? A few sentences of conversation takes up just a few seconds of the movie.
i always liked the rivalry between cyclops and wolverine, not towards jean but the competitive banter

Wolverine: Hey, hey- it's me!
Cyclops: Prove it.
Wolverine: You're a dick.
Cyclops: [pauses, considering] Okay.


Wolverine: [tosses Cyclops the keys to his motorbike] Your bike needs gas.
Cyclops: [tosses back the keys] Then fill it up.

but sadly X3 took that away by making wolvering take a step up, killing of cyclops and making jean out to be wolverines true love :doh:

I hate that first piece of dialogue, it essentially makes it look like Cyclops is admitting he's a dick. And then hearing NSync in his car stereo made him seem like some cheesy kid. It didn't give a very good impression of someone supposed to be a leader.
I don't think we needed Banshee and the others elevated to protagonist. But they could have had a little more substance, it only takes a few lines of dialogue to tell us why they are choosing to do what they are doing.

Yeah, When Stryker has more back story,screen time and presence then a majority of the X Men and Brotherhood then theres a problem somewhere. Quick backstories for some of the X Men would have been better then nothing.
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Did anyone ever feel like Scott actually got the upper hand on Wolverine in his relationship with Jean? Did anyone ever feel like she actually loved him?

Good point. The answer to your inquiry is No.

And that's why X3's greatest crime was that it was Logan--not Scott--climbing that fat pile of trash to "reason" with Jean. Hell, he could've brought Logan's ass up there with him as a human shield and then let Jean finally choose the man she truly loved--which would've wrapped up that "Romeo & Juliet" storyline properly. *sigh*

I sometimes believe we as fans should be writing these films' scripts. :argh:
This "balance" of The Avengers is IMO nothing that the X-Men movies should try to copy. It was so busy hopping from one character to another to another, it just made the movie feel like it was full of supporting characters with no real development to anyone.

If you tried to be "fair" to all the characters in X-Men movies, you wouldn't end up with a movie where every character is a Wolverine, you'd just have a movie where every character is a Banshee.

I think you may be missing the entire point of why this franchise--and the comics it's based on--has been so revered since the 1960s.

The X-Men are very much a family. A dysfunctional family--but a family nonetheless. The storylines are best when they operate as one. They are essentially orphans taken in by one foster father (Xavier) and it's their growing pains together that makes the collective so irresistable.

We're not getting that on screen. In the movieverse the X-Men are little more than co-workers in an office. Avengers succeeded in this area and that's why it was so wildly popular. The writers/directors for that project got it.
Did anyone ever feel like Scott actually got the upper hand on Wolverine in his relationship with Jean? Did anyone ever feel like she actually loved him?

Nope. I felt it was more like Scott was the only male mutant that she met that was her age and attractive so she married.

I always hated how much they focused on Logan and Jean's non-existent relationship. In the comics the "attraction" was much more one sided. Logan really came off as kind of creepy in the start and none of the original X-Men cared for the attention he was giving Jean.

Really Logan and Jean didn't work together that long before she became Phoenix and Dark Phoenix. When she was "resurrected" she was a member of X-Factor...and when she came back to the X-Men she was on a different team than Logan...

How Logan fell in love with Jean in the films is even more baffling...
Haha agreed!

But I did feel like Cyclops got the upper hand by the end of X2. It was just so much time was spent developing Wolverine/Jean, and we hardly saw Cyclops and Jean as a loving couple.
It cracks me up that some are saying X-Men could be a billion dollar is lol. With the next film, this franchise will cross the $2 billion mark. Remember guys the first two movies were made in a time when comicbook movies were a big risk. By the time X2 came out, comic book movies were starting to hit their stride. But only a few we're decently made films
But I did feel like Cyclops got the upper hand by the end of X2. It was just so much time was spent developing Wolverine/Jean, and we hardly saw Cyclops and Jean as a loving couple.

I think there was like one scene in X-MEN and one scene in X2 featuring just Wolverine and Jean actually interacting alone together. Cyclops and Jean were portrayed as a loving couple a lot more than Logan and Jean were in these films. I feel sometimes like people didn't watch these movies, or don't remember what's actually in them.
It's a matter of preference I guess. I know many people were happy with it, but the way The Avengers handled its characters did nothing for me (as well as the movie itself really). I kinda felt like I got a little tidbit of every character but nothing of real substance. Also, the most interesting aspect of that team to me was the friction between Captain America and Tony Stark, but again that relationship just didn't get enough time because the movie would then race off to deal with other stuff.

To me, I felt like the movie was lacking in depth. Everybody got a right amount of screentime, everybody played a role in the story but I didn't really feel that strong connection between the cast. And there were some scenes in the movie that felt really forced like for example, Avengers' reaction to Agent Caulson's death. :o

I don't think we needed Banshee and the others elevated to protagonist. But they could have had a little more substance, it only takes a few lines of dialogue to tell us why they are choosing to do what they are doing.

Fans are just asking for a little less Wolverine. He's not the whole picture. Notice how there are 10 times as many posts in this section as in The Wolverine section. That's an indication that X-Men as a whole is more appealing than just more and more frickin' Wolverine.

I thought Banshee was a good addition not because of his role in the movie but because the actor that was playing him did a good job and I felt he had personality.

Wolverine needs X-Men as much as X-Men needs Wolverine. Wolverine's solo movie is not going to be as big as X3 if he's not fighting with the X-Men. X-Men's movie is not going to be very successful if the most popular character is missing. They need each other to really appeal to the mass audience.
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I think there was like one scene in X-MEN and one scene in X2 featuring just Wolverine and Jean actually interacting alone together. Cyclops and Jean were portrayed as a loving couple a lot more than Logan and Jean were in these films. I feel sometimes like people didn't watch these movies, or don't remember what's actually in them.
Trust me. I've watched these movies plenty. In X1, Cyclops was protective and caring of Jean, but there was never any reciprocated love on Jean's part. There was more affection in the way Jean treated Wolverine than Scott.

In X2 Scott and Jean had their moment in the museum and in the dam, but that was the only interaction they had. All of the time was spent developing Wolverine and Jean, until after the fight at the dam.
We're not getting that on screen. In the movieverse the X-Men are little more than co-workers in an office. Avengers succeeded in this area and that's why it was so wildly popular.

I felt that The Avengers had all the warmth and camaraderie of a corporate summit, personally. It was like all these characters got together for a job, then just parted ways without even a decent farewell scene. It was all very business-like.

I agree though that the team in the OT did feel like a bunch of co-workers sometimes.
How in the world is Fox going to make a coherent universe out these films? I mean do you believe Singer/Millar (who FYI still haven't even met yet) are going to be able to make sense out of this mess while still counting all the films in canon? (As Singer promised recently?)

X-Men: Quality and Continuity
X2: X-Men United: Quality and Continuity
X-Men: The Last Stand: No Quality but Continuity
X-Men Origins: Wolverine: No Quality and No Continuity
X-Men: First Class: Quality but No Continuity

Plus The Wolverine takes place in the future and X-Men: Days of Future Past involves time travel. And did I also mention The Fantastic Four have to fit in here somewhere too? And the fact that Millar is a BS machine? Good luck Fox!
How in the world is Fox going to make a coherent universe out these films? I mean do you believe Singer/Millar (who FYI still haven't even met yet) are going to be able to make sense out of this mess while still counting all the films in canon? (As Singer promised recently?)

X-Men: Quality and Continuity
X2: X-Men United: Quality and Continuity
X-Men: The Last Stand: No Quality but Continuity
X-Men Origins: Wolverine: No Quality and No Continuity
X-Men: First Class: Quality but No Continuity

Plus The Wolverine takes place in the future and X-Men: Days of Future Past involves time travel. And did I also mention The Fantastic Four have to fit in here somewhere too? And the fact that Millar is a BS machine? Good luck Fox!

Its actually not that hard to follow the continuity if you aren't focusing on every single detail and giving the continuity errors a lot of attention.
Its actually not that hard to follow the continuity if you aren't focusing on every single detail and giving the continuity errors a lot of attention.

So if you close your eyes and ignore what is "not in continuity" all suddenly becomes "in continuity"? I bet that could work for a lot of things. :cwink:
I guess this should be here.
"This movie's gonna be not only quite epic, 'Days of Future Past,' but it also takes place in completely different times than the 'X Men' movies have taken place," Singer told me. "There'll be new technology, new things we haven't seen before in 'X-Men' films. Certain characters and certain story and certain drama that hasn't be done yet, so it's not so much sequel. It's more of its own kinda thing."
So if you close your eyes and ignore what is "not in continuity" all suddenly becomes "in continuity"? I bet that could work for a lot of things. :cwink:

No you ignore it and you move on to other things instead of talking about it again and again.

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