5.20 - Fade (Spoilers)


Jul 23, 2005
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Chloe & Clark Discuss Lana & Lex
- Chloe tells Clark that when he let Lana go, he gave up the right to get involved in her life. Clark is worried that Lana will get hurt. Chloe tells Clark that it was Lana's decision to be with Lex and Clark will have to deal with that.
Clark Gets A Visitor
- A young man named Graham Garrett whose life has been saved by Clark comes to visit. He walks in on Clark in the loft, right after Clark has an angry rage that results in the destruction of his telescope and a framed photo of Lana. Clark is visibly affected and angry over his breakup with Lana.
- When Graham and Clark met, Clark had a press pass around his neck, which is how Graham knew his name and where to find him. He wants to pay Clark back, and buys him a plasma TV flat screen. Great shades of Lex from the Smallville pilot!
- Graham invites Clark to hang out, and Clark catched up with him at a party in Metropolis. Graham reveals his date - a girl he met at the Kent Farm - Lois.
Lois's New Job
- A line is said which reveals that Lois is Martha's new Chief of Staff. Clark threatens to tell Martha that her "underage chief of staff is boozing it up in Metropolis."
Graham's Surprise
- Graham arranges for Clark to meet a woman named Gia who bears an uncanny resemblance to Lana. "Graham told me to make this a night you'll never forget," she tells him. She says "the tab's been paid," so apparently she's a woman of the night. HoYay alert! Of course Clark suggests that it must be a mistake.
What Happened To Lex?
- Something bad has happened to Lex, and a "dark-haired man, about six feet tall" is the one who did it. Lana and Clark talk about it, and Lana says she's going back inside, because "someone should be with him when he wakes up."
- The reason Lex was attacked may have something to do with Graham's "debt" to Clark.
Why "Fade?"
- The episode has a meteor freak with the power to turn him (or herself) invisible. This person knows about meteor rocks, grew up in Smallville, and may have a clue about Clark's secret. Whoever this person is, they aren't showing up in Chloe's "Wall of Weird" database at all.
KalKai said:

Chloe & Clark Discuss Lana & Lex
- Chloe tells Clark that when he let Lana go, he gave up the right to get involved in her life. Clark is worried that Lana will get hurt. Chloe tells Clark that it was Lana's decision to be with Lex and Clark will have to deal with that.
Clark Gets A Visitor
- A young man named Graham Garrett whose life has been saved by Clark comes to visit. He walks in on Clark in the loft, right after Clark has an angry rage that results in the destruction of his telescope and a framed photo of Lana. Clark is visibly affected and angry over his breakup with Lana.
- When Graham and Clark met, Clark had a press pass around his neck, which is how Graham knew his name and where to find him. He wants to pay Clark back, and buys him a plasma TV flat screen. Great shades of Lex from the Smallville pilot!
- Graham invites Clark to hang out, and Clark catched up with him at a party in Metropolis. Graham reveals his date - a girl he met at the Kent Farm - Lois.
Lois's New Job
- A line is said which reveals that Lois is Martha's new Chief of Staff. Clark threatens to tell Martha that her "underage chief of staff is boozing it up in Metropolis."
Graham's Surprise
- Graham arranges for Clark to meet a woman named Gia who bears an uncanny resemblance to Lana. "Graham told me to make this a night you'll never forget," she tells him. She says "the tab's been paid," so apparently she's a woman of the night. HoYay alert! Of course Clark suggests that it must be a mistake.
What Happened To Lex?
- Something bad has happened to Lex, and a "dark-haired man, about six feet tall" is the one who did it. Lana and Clark talk about it, and Lana says she's going back inside, because "someone should be with him when he wakes up."
- The reason Lex was attacked may have something to do with Graham's "debt" to Clark.
Why "Fade?"
- The episode has a meteor freak with the power to turn him (or herself) invisible. This person knows about meteor rocks, grew up in Smallville, and may have a clue about Clark's secret. Whoever this person is, they aren't showing up in Chloe's "Wall of Weird" database at all.

sounds Intresting
Yeah, it does.... invisibility is an invaluable ability for a hit man to have.

Interesting. Wasn't there an invisibility freak of the week back in season 1.
Red X said:
Interesting. Wasn't there an invisibility freak of the week back in season 1.

yeah, some kid had some sort of kryponite goop that made him invisible
Boy its like the rest of the season never happened. Clark is still yearning after Lana, Chloe is still in the middle and SV gives way to another freak in Kansas.

Please tell me they figure out what to do with Lois before they turn her into another Lana.
NHawk19 said:
Boy its like the rest of the season never happened. Clark is still yearning after Lana, Chloe is still in the middle and SV gives way to another freak in Kansas.

Please tell me they figure out what to do with Lois before they turn her into another Lana.

Its doesn't mention anything about Chloe being in the middle?
Chloe & Clark Discuss Lana & Lex
- Chloe tells Clark that when he let Lana go, he gave up the right to get involved in her life. Clark is worried that Lana will get hurt. Chloe tells Clark that it was Lana's decision to be with Lex and Clark will have to deal with that.

I'm not too sure about Chloe's response here.

I think Clark, as an ex-boyfriend, would come off sounding like he is acting out of jealousy, but I definitely think Chloe, as Lana's best girlfriend, should tell her all about Lex's nefarious activities.


Okay, I just read those sides. What is Lana hiding?

Could she really have hooked up with Lex just to find out what he's up to? Very curious.
Morg said:
yeah, some kid had some sort of kryponite goop that made him invisible

It was the 2nd season I believe, and it was the epsiode with the kryptonite tattoos with the other kid from Home Improvement, I think it was called "Shimmer."
NHawk19 said:
Boy its like the rest of the season never happened. Clark is still yearning after Lana, Chloe is still in the middle and SV gives way to another freak in Kansas.

Please tell me they figure out what to do with Lois before they turn her into another Lana.

Chloe is right though. Clark has to live with the fact Lana chose to move on away from Clark who is again doing nothing but lie to her. You would think Clark would understand that by now especially after how Victor was with his Girlfriend.
The Incredible Hulk said:
It was the 2nd season I believe, and it was the epsiode with the kryptonite tattoos with the other kid from Home Improvement, I think it was called "Shimmer."


Shimmer was Season 1. The boy that used the rose petals to make himself invisible.

The episode with the boy from Home Improvement was called Witness. And he sniffed kryptonite to give him extra strength. Season 2

The tatoos episode was Kinetic which involved Whitney. Season 1
All I know is if Clark is still going to be all pissy about breaking up with Lana then Clark still has alot of growing up to do. Yes I know anyone would be upset over loosing someone but it should be obvious to Clark by now with why Lana leaves him. Clark is no man yet
of course not, he's just as dumb as every other 18 year old, in that sense atleast.
avidreader said:

Shimmer was Season 1. The boy that used the rose petals to make himself invisible.

The episode with the boy from Home Improvement was called Witness. And he sniffed kryptonite to give him extra strength. Season 2

The tatoos episode was Kinetic which involved Whitney. Season 1

wow, I was REALLY screwed up. I guess that's what working 15 hour days all week will due to you...... For some reason I was confusing the Whiteny kryptonite tatttoo episode with the one with super strength home improvement guy? Gotta keep my blonde jocks straight... :)
The Incredible Hulk said:
of course not, he's just as dumb as every other 18 year old, in that sense atleast.

In this sense this is pretty much the one time I dont blame Lana for anything with her choices. She has every right to leave the boyfriend who does nothing but lie to her constantly. Sure theres a reason behind it but any girl would get sick of the lying. Clark needs to wake up & smell the coffee.
Yet another useless filler episode!! :mad: :down
Dnsk said:
In this sense this is pretty much the one time I dont blame Lana for anything with her choices. She has every right to leave the boyfriend who does nothing but lie to her constantly. Sure theres a reason behind it but any girl would get sick of the lying. Clark needs to wake up & smell the coffee.

The only thing with that is, that its Clark that broke it off with Lana because he knows how much keeping his secret is hurting her.

Just because he does this, doesnt mean that his feelings for her just go away.

I think Lana's up to something though. All isnt as it seems.
avidreader said:
I think Lana's up to something though. All isnt as it seems.

If you ask me she is simply using Lex to find out Clarks Secret. Because if Lex finds out she knows Lex will tell her.
The Incredible Hulk said:
Gotta keep my blonde jocks straight... :)

I dont know about here, but in Aussie Land, jocks are men's underwear. When you apply that meaning to what you just said, very funny. :D
Dnsk said:
If you ask me she is simply using Lex to find out Clarks Secret. Because if Lex finds out she knows Lex will tell her.

I think the episode Void, is leaving a very big void in the storyline.

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