Season 6 Spoilers?

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And I don't think that the movie execs put a restriction on the suit for SV, because if that was the case then why did they let them use the :super: just a few months after the movie premiered.
Because it looks just like the one from the movie.
But what's the fun in just sidetracking the question?:huh: If he gives us different answers to the same question then we will completely be baffled. .

In that interview, however, he doesnt give a different answer to his L.A. con statement. All he says is its major spoilers and doesnt answer the question.

In his L.A. statement, he addresses his past intentions and reveals the new outcome in light of new information. But the thing is, I dont think Gough would lie with such a specific reason as the WB film studios restricting this stuff. Seems a bit far fetched.

And I don't think that the movie execs put a restriction on the suit for SV, because if that was the case then why did they let them use the :super: just a few months after the movie premiered.

WB has been using the \S/ on the DVD covers for ages and Smallville featured in the summer Supes DVD promotions heavily.

The suit restriction thing isnt surprising. They obviously want to keep the seperation in representation that Smallville is young CK and the films are Superman.

I believe the restriction Gough mentioned on 'Clois' ever developing on SV is pretty real too. Same reasons for it.
Didn't Clark technically already do that?
Do what? Accept his destiny? I dunno. In Fallout, Clark said he was ready to stop running from who he is, or something along those lines. Is that the same thing as "accepting one's destiny?" :confused:

See? It's rather convoluted. I think the writers have intentionally made the transition point vague so they have enough wiggle room at the end of each season to metaphorically flip the switch when the time comes.

All that is left now is the training.
Supposedly. But that's something we won't see according to Gough as it "doesn't make for the best in scintillating entertainment." Kinda have to agree with him there. Clark's "training" at the FOS could take all of 10 seconds. We see him go in, screen goes black, text reads 10 years later (or something like that), and then out flies Clark, err... Superman. LOL ;)
Supposedly. But that's something we won't see according to Gough as it "doesn't make for the best in scintillating entertainment." Kinda have to agree with him there. Clark's "training" at the FOS could take all of 10 seconds. We see him go in, screen goes black, text reads 10 years later (or something like that), and then out flies Clark, err... Superman. LOL ;)

I dunno. I was pretty mesmerised in watching him doing that little bit of training he had in Arrival.
I dunno. I was pretty mesmerized in watching him doing that little bit of training he had in Arrival.
Hah! That was some great sheet, wasn't it? :D


... which kinda begs another question: Is it instruction or training? What's left to "practice" except flight?

^ And THAT will likely come before his FOS sojourn.
Hah! That was some great sheet, wasn't it? :D


... which kinda begs another question: Is it instruction or training? What's left to "practice" except flight?

^ And THAT will likely come before his FOS sojourn.

Jor-el has to teach him how to be a proper Krytonian, and their language and history. Also apprently everything he needs to know about Humanity. Not to mention knowledge of the 28 known galaxies that the Kryptonians know of.
Jor-el has to teach him how to be a proper Krytonian, and their language and history. Also apprently everything he needs to know about Humanity. Not to mention knowledge of the 28 known galaxies that the Kryptonians know of.
I had brought that up before about Lionel creating Bizzaro Clark. Someone had brought up that Bizzaro couldn't be done on SV because Lex didn't know about Clark's ablities. I then mentioned that Lionel knew about Clark and had the resources to create a Bizzaro type clone since he was so heavily involved in the blood platelet storyline and already attempted to create a human clone with Emily Dinsmore.
Hey.. I brought up that theory about Lionel cloning again - with shades of Emily Dinsmore too, but I brought it up as a possibility to Lana's air baby.

But yeah, I still think it would be WAY cool to see Tom as a version of Bizarro.
Rene, be careful...this is a loaded thread.:wow: :csad:

S'okay. I'm not in battle mode today. I'm tired.

Someone did send me a hysterical spec recently (;)) that predicted the "new" Big 3 would be Clark/CHLOE/ that Chloe is going to be this extra special meteor freak. LOL... I guess some Chloe fans are conveeeniently forgetting about Lois. If anyone would be a more significant part of the picture in the upcoming season(s), it seems logical that it would be Lois.

There's also some buzz about the "wedding" being a dream sequence. But with the recent comments by Michael, that doesn't really make sense.

I read another spec that was great. But I can't remember it now. LOL!
Because it looks just like the one from the movie.

You think so?:huh: I thought that the:super: on Smallville looked different. I guess I would need to compare them next to each other. Can anyone get a pic of them side by side?
... which kinda begs another question: Is it instruction or training? What's left to "practice" except flight?

^ And THAT will likely come before his FOS sojourn.

I think the "training" or what have you is entirely mental. Very Zen. :ninja:

Still, I always liked that this bit about Superman was always shrouded in mystery. No one really knows what went on in all those years in the FOS with Jor-El. He just emerges reborn as Superman.
In that interview, however, he doesnt give a different answer to his L.A. con statement. All he says is its major spoilers and doesnt answer the question.

In his L.A. statement, he addresses his past intentions and reveals the new outcome in light of new information. But the thing is, I dont think Gough would lie with such a specific reason as the WB film studios restricting this stuff. Seems a bit far fetched.

WB has been using the \S/ on the DVD covers for ages and Smallville featured in the summer Supes DVD promotions heavily.

The suit restriction thing isnt surprising. They obviously want to keep the seperation in representation that Smallville is young CK and the films are Superman.

I believe the restriction Gough mentioned on 'Clois' ever developing on SV is pretty real too. Same reasons for it.

I would think that since the series was about the early years of Superman/Clark Kent then they would expect to put him in the suit for the last scene.:huh: It sounds like Singer wouldn't have a problem with it since he's a fan of the show. But talking about this is irrelevant because nobody knows for sure what will happen until after the final scene of the series. So I guess we'll have to find out the old fashioned way and wait till it airs.:cwink:
Hey.. I brought up that theory about Lionel cloning again - with shades of Emily Dinsmore too, but I brought it up as a possibility to Lana's air baby.

But yeah, I still think it would be WAY cool to see Tom as a version of Bizarro.

Yeah that could have been a good direction to go in with the baby storyline.:up:
I would think that since the series was about the early years of Superman/Clark Kent then they would expect to put him in the suit for the last scene.:huh: It sounds like Singer wouldn't have a problem with it since he's a fan of the show.

It's not Bryan Singer. Its the Film division execs.
Hey.. I brought up that theory about Lionel cloning again - with shades of Emily Dinsmore too, but I brought it up as a possibility to Lana's air baby.

But yeah, I still think it would be WAY cool to see Tom as a version of Bizarro.

What if Lionel knows that Clark will be heading to the Fortress for training & he has HIS Clark Kent waiting for the real Clark Kent to leave so that HIS Clark Kent can take over & when Clark is done training the real Clark Kent will face off with the fake Clark Kent :woot: We can still have a show with Clark Kent while the real Clark Kent is in training only Lionel is controlling him. But it wont be long before Clone Clark will want to be freed from Lionel.
What if Lionel knows that Clark will be heading to the Fortress for training & he has HIS Clark Kent waiting for the real Clark Kent to leave so that HIS Clark Kent can take over & when Clark is done training the real Clark Kent will face off with the fake Clark Kent :woot: We can still have a show with Clark Kent while the real Clark Kent is in training only Lionel is controlling him. But it wont be long before Clone Clark will want to be freed from Lionel.

Will the real Clark please stand up, please stand up....:woot:
Jor-el has to teach him how to be a proper Kryptonian, and their language and history. Also apparently everything he needs to know about Humanity. Not to mention knowledge of the 28 known galaxies that the Kryptonians know of.
Yeah, hence my query, is it instruction or training? There's a difference.

I'd also argue that Clark knows more about humanity than Jor-El's program could *ever* teach him. Jor-El had enough interaction with humans to learn that they were special. But Clark was raised BY humans, and good ones at that. He's not human, but his humanity is greater than any Kryptonian could ever know because they haven't experiencing *being* human. After all, Clark grew up believing he was a special boy - a special human boy. That's what separates him from his Kryptonian lineage; he cares more about Earth than he does Krypton. :heart:
What if Lionel knows that Clark will be heading to the Fortress for training & he has HIS Clark Kent waiting for the real Clark Kent to leave so that HIS Clark Kent can take over & when Clark is done training the real Clark Kent will face off with the fake Clark Kent :woot: We can still have a show with Clark Kent while the real Clark Kent is in training only Lionel is controlling him. But it wont be long before Clone Clark will want to be freed from Lionel.
why do i have a feeling that if they would really do this 30% of the fans here would watch it and like it:huh:
Yeah, hence my query, is it instruction or training? There's a difference.

I'd also argue that Clark knows more about humanity than Jor-El's program could *ever* teach him. Jor-El had enough interaction with humans to learn that they were special. But Clark was raised BY humans, and good ones at that. He's not human, but his humanity is greater than any Kryptonian could ever know because they haven't experiencing *being* human. After all, Clark grew up believing he was a special boy - a special human boy. That's what separates him from his Kryptonian lineage; he cares more about Earth than he does Krypton. :heart:

I agree, I hate the entire Fortress Mind rape/Training thing to, But hey Im not the producers.
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