Days of Future Past A way to incorporate Gambit


Jun 18, 2007
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So with this movie's time travel element and the fact that part of it takes place in the 70s, this could be an opportunity to bring Taylor Kitsch's Gambit, who we saw in the 70's. They could basically snatch him out of that time period. That way, he could be on the team and possibly even become a new love interest for Rogue without the continuity problem. This could be part of the "fixing" that Singer mentioned and something I would love to see.
Just came to my mind, but Origins is late 70's and 80's depending on what side of the argument you are on. It doesn't work.

If Rogue goes back in time, and runs into a 12 year old kid named Remy, obviously no romance will be hinted at. But maybe the kid thinks "Bowm Chicka Bowm Bowm...." when his older self runs into a Rogue 15-20 years younger than him.

Otherwise Origins needs to be reworked completely. Not even worth it.
If this movie creates some sort of new timeline, he could just be taken from the early 70s and into the new timeline (in which the events of Origins never happened).

As far as the age thing, Kitsch looks more or less the same, so I would buy that he's younger than we saw him in Origins.
Kitsch has been in a few turkeys so they won't be giving him a front and centre role anytime soon, i think.

And I think the fact he appeared in XMO: Wolverine is not a good omen for his return either.

Singer will be the one to decide whether to bring him back.

On a positive note, Kitsch's Gambit was better than the one included in X3 (and briefly seen in a still in the forest camp scene). But I don't feel the Kitsch version really embodied the character's more playful side.
That is a good idea, but why put another actor/character in this large cast, just save it for another x-men movie.
I think an easier way of keeping him the same age but having him appear would be to say Stryker captured him again and froze him. We see Strykers son frozen in Origins, then he later appears in X2 a bit older, so I think that would be the simples way to incorporate him.

I wish they would as I love the character, and Kitsh did him pretty well.
Might aswell forget about him until they reboot the franchise. And with TK being cursed to star in box office bombs right now be dont need to be in this movie.
Just save Gambit in the next movie after DOFP. I don't think DOFP would have enough space to give Rogue a new love interest.

One of the problems about X3/Origins is they had so many characters and most of them didn't need to be in the movie. And people here keep suggesting to include Cyclops, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Gambit, Darwin, two new team members of the 70s X-Men... Its just too much!
Could it work for him to be in the 70s X-Men?

I dont see why not, supposedly the ending of Origins took place in the 70's, so he could definately be incorporated, then maybe go back to the future with Rogue at the end of the movie. It can be done.
I agree with saving for the movie after DOFP instead of cramming him into a weak cameo role.
Just came to my mind, but Origins is late 70's and 80's depending on what side of the argument you are on. It doesn't work.

If Rogue goes back in time, and runs into a 12 year old kid named Remy, obviously no romance will be hinted at. But maybe the kid thinks "Bowm Chicka Bowm Bowm...." when his older self runs into a Rogue 15-20 years younger than him.

Otherwise Origins needs to be reworked completely. Not even worth it.

Funny enough, one of my biggest problems with Origins was inconsisentcies with the era. There were HD monitors and then you got that stupid shot of the bridge in Lousiana, with all of them modern cars. Not very subtle.
Like a lot of characters I say wait until the reboot. Things need to be wildly different to fit Gambit in a movie and for it to serve a story purpose.
Wait...What reboot?

Is there news of a possible reboot?
I for one would love to see Gambit in a future xmen movie. But I personally don't care about trying to come up with some way to do the 'Romy' thing. Rogue is one of the worst things to happen to Gambit.
In terms of his age, he fits in fine in relation to Cyclops. In origins, Cyke is about 16, while Gambit is about 21. 5 years difference. No biggie.
Wait...What reboot?

Is there news of a possible reboot?

I really don't think so, at least not anytime soon.

I think they will use the time travel to have a light reboot with either FC going on a separate timeline or fixing the timeline for the problems of the OT. So they can start fresh.

Only way for a full reboot is if this film fails imo. Singer would have to leave and he seems to be in full charge of the franchise right now.
There is a way to include Taylor Kitsch's Gambit without doing a reboot and not retconning his presence in Origins. It all comes to down to writing.
If Taylor comes back he needs:

1) black and red contacts or SFX for his eyes
2) To seem more sketchy and shady

Plus they need to improve the charged throwing cards SFX. It was very forgettable in origins.
If he comes back his character needs to serve the story and not feel pointless and shoehorned in.
If he comes back his character needs to serve the story and not feel pointless and shoehorned in.

Yeah, that would be a good place to start haha. Action scenes that actually make sense would be an improvement as well.
Cosmetic and character traits are important that's why X2 Colossus was 10 times better than X3's.
I agree, all that can be improved on. We have yet to really hear an argument that an X-Men character didn't work cause they were too much like the comic. They gain nothing straying from Gambits comic design and powers.

He wasnt too far off though. Nothing like say Deadpool. In the ****storm that was that film at least they gave him red eyes and cards. Could have been worse...

Thought Kitsch was actually well cast though.
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Yeah, that would be a good place to start haha. Action scenes that actually make sense would be an improvement as well.
What? You didn't like the bit with Wolverine and the ladder? :oldrazz:
What? You didn't like the bit with Wolverine and the ladder? :oldrazz:

Haha man that was Horrible. Or the random cut to him suddenly on a building just so he can jump 100 ft. The wall walking...there was zero logic to that fight. I don't even think it made sense he chose to fight Logan over Sabertooth.

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