ABC's Once Upon a Time - Part 5

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^ It's not as conclusive as I thought it was, but I believe that Colin's casting was announced relatively shortly after that trailer was released.

The Ariel trailer is much more conclusive (hair color difference aside), and I know for a fact that Ana's casting was announced shortly after that trailer was revealed.
This episode was so boring, as always when it comes to Emma or Hook centric ep!
What was Hook babbling about how Emma defeated Zelena,:huh: Pan :huh:and broke the curse :huh: it was Regina who did all that!!! :woot:

And baby's name :whatever:! when did Neal save everyone? He only saved his father, and doing so gave Zelena the upper hand!

The only good thing in this ep was Regina in her Evil Queen outfits and Elsa!
And I liked the Maid Marian twist in the end. If Regina had her happy ending now I would be worried. Cant wait next season for Regina/Robin/Marian stuff!
I just hope Elsa doesn't kill Marian, i like the character and I want Robin to dump her for Regina, I don't want Regina to be second choice!
You're a female aren't you?
Was not expecting the last few minutes with Regina, Mirian and Elsa and I must say I'm very interested in where this is going. I liked Hook and Emma finally getting together like someone said earlier their chemistry is much stronger than Neal and Emma's was.

Chances are great we're getting Elsa as she was originally intended to be, evil, and I can't wait.
TVLINE | Right, for something as fresh in pop culture as this, it’d seem you have less leeway.
HOROWITZ | Look, we had an idea for how we wanted to approach this story, and we are very well aware of how beloved the movie is, so we’re very careful that we want to tell a story that is uniquely ours but also honors that movie and those characters that everyone fell in love with this past year.
KITSIS | The thing we love about Elsa is she is a character that is perceived to be a villain but is clearly misunderstood, and that goes to the heart of our show.

TVLINE | Does she have a history with Rumple? He seemed a bit afraid of that chamber she was locked up inside.
KITSIS | It seems like they’ve crossed paths….

TVLINE | Is this role Maggie Grace’s or Elizabeth Mitchell’s to lose?
HOROWITZ | We are so excited to dive into the process of casting. We literally delivered the final [cut] of the finale on Friday…
KITSIS | … and now we have two weeks off. When we come back we’ll start dealing with casting.

Mystery Solved. Just a stand in.
^ Okay, I was wrong.

Does anybody know how I might find out the identity of the uncredited actress who played pre-teen Emma?
Then I nominate a blonde Alison Brie as Elsa.
That would be hard if she wasn't credited. Maybe imdb?
So, is the fusion of Frozen and Once Upon a Time going to break tumblr and/or fanfic sites?

Still, good finale. I liked Hook and Emma on an adventure. And that was an awesome way to bring Princess Leia to the show. I like how they brought back Marion. Good to know that she isn't the new big bad.

Looking forward to next year. Be interesting to see if or how far Regina regresses. Also, Kristen Bell for live action Anna.
Somebody on Rangerboard found the actress' (Young Emma) name: Abby Ross.
^ It's not as conclusive as I thought it was, but I believe that Colin's casting was announced relatively shortly after that trailer was released.

The Ariel trailer is much more conclusive (hair color difference aside), and I know for a fact that Ana's casting was announced shortly after that trailer was revealed.

Try about three weeks to a month for both of the casting announcements after the characters were announced. Also, both of the character announcements were made at the San Diego Comic-Con, a perfect type of venue to announce major casting coup's as well, so why would they not do it there? The answer is simple, because they hadn't been cast yet. Stand ins are used all the time in the business because then they don't have to pay the actor for their likeness whenever they want to use the images.
The immediate reaction, I think, was no big deal. She was stunned/hurting. How the writers have her handle it next season, though, is important. When push comes to shove, Emma did nothing wrong, and, in reality, saved the life of a woman that Regina (allegedly) had executed.

Regina's going to have to put on her big girl pants, accept that and get over it.

Yeah, Regina really was in a no win situation. Robin was either going to learn that she had Marian executed at some point, because you just know that was going to come out in some fashion, or she steps back and lets a mother who was thought to be lost be reunited with her family, something she should be familiar with in more than one way. She lost both her mother and son and reunited with both, losing one once again. She should know to just step back.

As for fancasting Elsa (and God help you, Primal Slayer, if you disagree, I will go APE****), I have three words:




This or Kristen Bell. I will take no substitutes. :o

Though damn if TVLine didn't have some interesting suggestions in the latter half of this article:
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Well they set up the whole, "will Belle find out the dagger is a fake/will Rumple have the truth about Zeleena revealed" angle for next season along with Regina and Robin's complications. I'd say those are going to be two of the larger issues at play when the show comes back. Speaking of romantic complications... Isn't it time Henry started a budding romance with another character? And... Are we ever going to find out what Mulan did after her departure from Aurora and Philip?

Heh, reading this makes me think of this part of an article about this season and laugh:

Dorothy was in half an episode (misleadingly titled "Kansas"), but it felt like a waste. Dorothy and Henry should be about the same age, and if there's one thing that boy needs besides acting lessons (no, I will not let it go), it's friends. And who better to start him down his obviously inevitable road to homosexuality?
If they handle next season like the did this one (with two arcs) I hope to see Mal or The Shadow Man (Princess and the Frog) be the big bad for the second half of the season. Having Storybrook covered in Ice and then taken over by the shadows would make for an epic season.
These interviews should answer some questions I know people had about stuff like Aurora's pregnancy, Elsa's "villain" status, and a possible Mermaid/Frozen connection:

ABC’s Once Upon a Time at the close of Sunday night’s two-hour Season 3 finale served up a chilling twist, when it was revealed that in the course of time-traveling to and from The Fairy Tale Land That Was, Emma and Hook brought back to Storybrooke an uninvited guest. TVLine invited series creators Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis to clear the air on the new character’s identity as well as weigh in on the heartbreak they threw at Regina, in the form of a different blast from the past.

TVLINE | First things first: Who are we looking at there at the very end?
ADAM HOROWITZ | That is Elsa. We fell in love with the movie Frozen when we saw it, my daughters are obsessed as is Eddy’s son… It is something that ever since we saw it would gnaw at us, “Is there a way to fit it into our world?” And we cooked up a way to do it. We pitched the studio and the network and they were kind enough to say, “Go do it.”
EDDY KITSIS | What’s funny is that people think Disney called us up and was like, “You need to do Frozen,” and it’s really actually quite hard to get these characters. It’s not like they call you up and say, “We’d like you to do this.” It’s actually quite the opposite. You have to work at it and have a vision and the spirit.

TVLINE | Right, for something as fresh in pop culture as this, it’d seem you have less leeway.
HOROWITZ | Look, we had an idea for how we wanted to approach this story, and we are very well aware of how beloved the movie is, so we’re very careful that we want to tell a story that is uniquely ours but also honors that movie and those characters that everyone fell in love with this past year.
KITSIS | The thing we love about Elsa is she is a character that is perceived to be a villain but is clearly misunderstood, and that goes to the heart of our show.

TVLINE | Does she have a history with Rumple? He seemed a bit afraid of that chamber she was locked up inside.
KITSIS | It seems like they’ve crossed paths….

TVLINE | Is this role Maggie Grace’s or Elizabeth Mitchell’s to lose?
HOROWITZ | We are so excited to dive into the process of casting. We literally delivered the final [cut] of the finale on Friday…
KITSIS | … and now we have two weeks off. When we come back we’ll start dealing with casting.

TVLINE | Moving on to Maid Marian: Obviously the Regina fans are none too happy this morning. To quote one, “Why did you go to the trouble of redeeming her only to crush her heart all over again?”
HOROWITZ | Heres the thing: What we feel like we’ve done with Regina over three years is grown the character. She has changed and evolved, and this doesn’t change that. What it does is it changes the way she reacts to this. That’s the drama for us — how does this “new” Regina deal with this kind of adversity? We’re throwing a challenge in her way. This is not about her suddenly becoming that character we met three years ago.
KITSIS | Also, there’s Emma’s side of this — does she feel any guilt? She saved someone’s life, but in a lot of ways crushed someone’s [life], just like her mom did. We’d like to play out the reality of all this.
HOROWITZ | [Regina and Emma] are in new place. That doesn’t just go out the window. If it did, what would have happened at the end of the finale is Regina’s eyes would have glared red, she would have conjured a fireball and Emma would be toast.
KITSIS | I disagree — she would have tried to do a heart-rip first, and when she couldn’t do that, then she would go to fireball.

TVLINE | Will you be playing a love triangle, or will Robin Hood up and bail on his new love?
HOROWITZ | We’ll just have to wait and see.

TVLINE | But Robin Hood did think Marian already was dead before Regina went to execute her, right?
HOROWITZ | To clear it up: In Season 2 we saw Marian ill, which is why Robin was trying to steal the wand from Rumple. And then she was cured, and she went on to give birth to Roland. In Season 3, Robin Hood talks about how he lost his wife — not from the illness but a whole separate thing. So something clearly happened that we’ll explore next season, where they were separated and she died — and he certainly didn’t think the Evil Queen killed her. There’s a story there to be told.

TVLINE | Can you confirm yet that Sean Maguire will be a series regular for Season 4?
HOROWITZ | What we can say is we certainly hope to have him back next season — as what [status of cast member] remains to be seen.

TVLINE | And then we have Emma and Hook, who outside of the Charmings are now Storybrooke’s most stable relationship!
HOROWITZ | Give ‘em time. [Laughs] They had a nice moment, but we’re not fast-forwarding to ordering in Chinese and watching movies.

TVLINE | Who in the writers room gets credit for “Princess Leia”?
KITSIS | Give credit to “the writers room of Once Upon a Time,” a room of Star Wars geeks staring at the life-size Boba Fett helmet in Adam’s office. So when she started to say, “Princess…,” the entire room went, “Leia!”

TVLINE | All told, how much fun was it Back to the Future-ing the Snow/Charming meet-up?
KITSIS | Whenever Adam and I are asked, “What’s the script you wished you wrote,” it’s always Back to the Future. We wanted to write [the double-episode finale] like a two-hour movie, so it was like, “Let’s go for it.” We knew that the theme for this second half was “There’s no place like home,” so we really wanted to thematically watch Emma see what it was all about. It’s probably the most fun we’ve had.

TVLINE | And one last bit of housekeeping: All of the friendlies who were turned by Zelena into flying monkeys were returned safely?
HOROWITZ | Yes. We saw Aurora smiling happily at the baby naming…. Grumpy explained that she did not give birth to a flying monkey. What happened with her was the pregnancy was put into stasis as she was monkey-fied. Now she’s back to where she was.

The Once Upon a Time season finale, aptly titled "There's No Place Like Home," was all about finding home, and Emma (Jennifer Morrison) did just that, but she wasn't the only one!

After going back in time to see her parents Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Prince Charming (Josh Dallas) meet and fall in love, Emma realized that Storybrooke was where she and Henry (Jared Gilmore) truly belong. But the time portal they used to return to town brought along two familiar faces that are likely to cause a lot of drama next year as they've also now found a new home in Storybrooke.

First, the less surprising is Maid Marion (Christie Laing), who was reunited with Robin Hood (Sean Maguire), much to the anguish and heartbreak of Regina (Lana Parrilla). Emma, who seemed to get her happy ending with Hook (Colin O'Donoghue), better watch out because Regina looks thisclose to turning back to the dark side after blaming the savior for Marion's arrival.

But, more importantly, the final minute introduced Frozen's Elsa, who appears to be the villain in the fourth season — or is she? pressed executive producers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz for the scoop:

Introducing Elsa was a great surprise! She's not really a villain in Frozen, though I have to imagine that she'd be pretty pissed after being locked up in that vault. What can you tell us about her and have you cast her?
Adam Horowitz: We have not cast her. We haven't started that process yet. As for her being a villain, the thing we loved so much about that movie, among a million other things, was that Elsa was misunderstood.
Edward Kitsis: She was never a villain. She was only thought to be. For us, that's powerful.
Horowitz: We truly want to honor the character that everybody has fallen in love with so quickly. When you see how our interpretation of her and what we do with her, you will see that's exactly what we're trying to do.

Is there a possibility to see Anna, Olaf and others from the Frozen world?
Horowitz: We would be very disappointed if Elsa was the only one from that world that you saw. Who else may appear, we're not ready to tell you just yet.

Have you guys heard of the theory that The Little Mermaid and Frozen are connected? That the shipwreck in The Little Mermaid is the boat that Elsa and Anna's parents died in. Is there any chance you guys might explore that?
Horowitz: We're not really familiar with that theory, but our plans for Elsa and how she'll fit into our world we hope will be a surprise.

Will Regina now set her sights on destroying Emma after losing Robin Hood?
Kitsis: That is the question that we wanted to leave the audience with. The finale was our 66th episode. We've seen so much growth from her, so how does she handle this? Regina's greatest villain is her own weakness. We want to see how she handles this setback. Does she revert to her old ways? Does she continue on a new path? And also, how does Emma react? Does Emma feel the guilt like her mom did when she found out about Daniel? All that messiness is what we want to get into. We think it's more complicated than her returning to her vault and killing Emma — unless, of course, she returns to her vault and kills Emma.

Will we see Robin Hood return next season and see him struggle with his feelings between Regina and Maid Marion?
Kitsis: Absolutely.
Horowitz: The journey of Robin and Regina is something we really want to explore when the season starts.
Kitsis: It took us this many episodes to get Regina to put her wall down, just as we saw with Emma.

Emma has seemingly found happiness deciding to stay in Storybrooke and be with Hook, but happiness never lasts long on this show. Should we expect her world to get quickly turned upside down?
Kitsis: I hope so. It would be a lot easier for me and Adam to just write Emma and Hook go out to dinner, then come home and decide whether or not to watch Orphan Black or catch up on Game of Thrones. It would be a great hour. We're hoping there's some drama and crisis next year.

Will you be exploring more of what it's like for Emma to be in this relationship with Hook?
Kitsis: Yes.
Horowitz: What we saw in the finale was the beginning of something, which could go in many different ways and many different avenues down which they could go. It's not like they're going to suddenly go to order Chinese and watch Netflix. There's going to be some challenges ahead and we're going to have to show you some surprises about where the two of them go.

What will raising baby Neal be like for Charming and Snow White?
Kitsis: It will be interesting for them to have a newborn because we've never seen them have that experience. They had to put Emma in a wardrobe and she came back to them 28 years later. Don't forget — they both share one heart. We still have to dive into what that means.

It's only a matter of time before Belle (Emilie de Ravin) learns that Rumple (Robert Carlyle) killed Zelena (Rebecca Mader). Will you address that head on next season?
Kitsis: Rumple, as he's told us, is a difficult man to love. He's clearly up to something. As we've said before, his love for her and those vows were genuine. He's also the same man who promised her he wouldn't kill Regina and then found a loophole with the wraith. She's definitely going to be upset when she finds out. It's a matter of when and how. Last year, what we loved is that Rumple finally broke the cycle of bad dads from his family and sacrificed himself, and then Neal (Michael Raymond-James) brought him back from the dead. We didn't really get to explore what is going on in his head because he was held a prisoner by the Wicked Witch, so we really want to focus on Season 4 and get in depth into what he's thinking. What is it like to lose your son? To die and come back to life? What is it like to marry the person? What is it like when you get what is supposed to be your happy ending?

Now that Elizabeth Mitchell's and Josh Holloway's shows have been canceled, do you have anything in mind for bringing these Lost alums onto Once Upon a Time?
Horowitz: We love those guys so much.
Kitsis: Once has always been a beautiful home for people who were stranded on the island. But to be honest, we locked the cut [of the finale] about a week ago, so I can say that Adam and I are off the grid.
Horowitz: To be perfectly honest, we delivered the cut of the finale Friday.
Kitsis: We haven't even thought about casting.
Horowitz: Our eyes are just opening up and we're trying to catch our breath. Obviously we love those guys.

I vote for Mitchell to play Elsa.
Horowitz: Your vote is noted.
If they handle next season like the did this one (with two arcs) I hope to see Mal or The Shadow Man (Princess and the Frog) be the big bad for the second half of the season. Having Storybrook covered in Ice and then taken over by the shadows would make for an epic season.

I think the shadow man would be a interesting villain to bring in. During 3a before pan was revealed I actually thought the shadow man was controlling pans shadow.
They paid an uncredited actress to play pre-teen Emma in a scene that lasted less time than the Snow Queen reveal.

.. because that's likely the only time we will see her. Come on now.. you know better than that DW... Elsa is at least going to be a somewhat "known" tv actress (probably from lost with the way most of this show is cast) who would obviously be paid far more than 12 year old Emma.. and be shown MUCH more.. considering at best.. she'd be a half season star
These interviews should answer some questions I know people had about stuff like Aurora's pregnancy, Elsa's "villain" status, and a possible Mermaid/Frozen connection:

TVLINE | And one last bit of housekeeping: All of the friendlies who were turned by Zelena into flying monkeys were returned safely?
HOROWITZ | Yes. We saw Aurora smiling happily at the baby naming…. Grumpy explained that she did not give birth to a flying monkey. What happened with her was the pregnancy was put into stasis as she was monkey-fied. Now she’s back to where she was.
ahh i was gonna say, we watched it tonight, and it appeared she was holding her belly.. so still preggers. Grumpy just meant it as a joke as she "could" have almost had a monkey baby. she didn't yet deliver
@spideyboy: Since posting what you quoted, I've learned the identity of the actress who played Young Emma. Her name is Abby Ross and she did receive a credit for her role.
Wonder whether or not Elsa's the only character we'll be seeing from Frozen next season...
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