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After 5 seasons of mediocrity, Finally Some Quality


Gramaton Cleric
Dec 3, 2002
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I've been a long time critique of smallville, because it was always a show that never delivered. Every narrative move they made, was interesting, yet unfullfilling.

Until now. This second half of season 6 has been brilliant. The first half was reminicent of previous seasons (ie. just too much filler nonsense that has no point, or adds nothing to the story, other than filling the teen moral issue quota outlined by the production company.

But again, this 2nd half of season 6 has had me interested for every episode. So I'm happy now, after a 5 year investment in this sub par show, to finally be getting some sort of return.

hopefully, they can keep up the quality, and keep this Smallville fan from complaining for the rest of the season
they are getting everything to a head now so of course its going to be good. The resolution is always the most satisfying part. Series 7 should be the best and i hope they explore the mythology much more than they have this series
they are getting everything to a head now so of course its going to be good. The resolution is always the most satisfying part. Series 7 should be the best and i hope they explore the mythology much more than they have this series

agreed, but the half decade build up, I say atleast, was not worth what we are getting now. However, I remain content, because we are finally getting episodes that are worthy of the superman property.

Throughout the series there have been good epsiodes, but they have been peppered throughout the series. I'd say IMO, that 70% of Smallville episodes were crap/or slightly decent. Too many interesting plot lines just evaporated, and too many have been strung along for too long.

I feel, that if SV had 2, maybe three seasons cut out of it, it would have faired much better. I honestly feel, that what we are seeing now, should have been season 4 or 5 material. Not season 6.

I think what I'm trying to say is that there is a lot of garbage that passes through smallville. And I think that a shorter series, with higher quality episodes, would have been better than the longer series, with more nonsense, which we got.

regardless, I'm content now, the show is where it should have been 2 years ago. And the plot is finally going somewhere (if they don't tangent it off into oblivion, as has been done so many times on this show). So again, as a fan that has been heavily critical of Smallville since its 2nd episode, I'm finally content, and hope that the show remains on this path of excellence that it seems to have stumbled upon.
That's kind of weird because so far i see the second half of this season as a the lowest point creativtely of the whole show. I mean we got justisce was rocked the body who rocks the party in all but other than that we've got nothing that has changed anything about the characters. I mean the wedding epsiode is the perfect example of what's wrong with this half of a season. Nothing happened in that epsiode,

Lana married Lex, big whoop they've been together a year and this is Lex's third marriage in four years, how can you take marriage as being serious to him, especially when he was so dismissive of his father's affairs.

Lana saw Clark use his powers, but she saw him do that a few shows before and has knew that ever since.

Lex killed someone in cold blood to save himself, he did that way back in the first epsiode of season 2 to stop him telling the Kents he hired him.

Lionel is evil again, which we were shown in the first or second epsiode of this season. Then Clark looked sad.

My basic point is that they have not advanced any of their characters stories but try to pretend they have anyway
I liked Promise because Lana basically got confirmation from Lionel that Clark is in fact different. Plus he threatened her so Lionel is back to his MB ways and it also set up the storyline for the next few episodes until the finale.
I liked Promise because Lana basically got confirmation from Lionel that Clark is in fact different.

Lana *saw* Clark rip off the wine cooler's door with his bare hands, weld its hinges back together with heat beams from his eyes, and run away so fast he literally disappeared right in front of her, creating a gust of wind that blew Chloe's hair back in the process.

She didn't need any further confirmation that Clark was perhaps... I dunno... a tad different from normal human beings. LOL :p

If anything, the shocking revelation to Lana would have been that not only did Chloe know, but Lionel did too.

As to the topic of this thread, I think every season has had its share of good and bad episodes. I find myself just as excited going into the final episodes this year as I have every season before. It's only when you can look back at each season as a whole that you can see the overriding flavor.

S1 FOTW/franchise oriented
S2 mythic/establishes SV's mythology
S3 dark/X-files-ish
S4 fun/fantasy/quest-driven
S5 dramatic/character focused

Depending on the kind of "flavor" you like, some seasons will appeal more than others. This season isn't done yet, but those that find this season the best obviously prefer its flavor over the previous ones.
I've been a long time critique of smallville, because it was always a show that never delivered. Every narrative move they made, was interesting, yet unfullfilling.

Until now. This second half of season 6 has been brilliant. The first half was reminicent of previous seasons (ie. just too much filler nonsense that has no point, or adds nothing to the story, other than filling the teen moral issue quota outlined by the production company.

But again, this 2nd half of season 6 has had me interested for every episode. So I'm happy now, after a 5 year investment in this sub par show, to finally be getting some sort of return.

hopefully, they can keep up the quality, and keep this Smallville fan from complaining for the rest of the season

I'd have to agree. :up:
Eh, I disagree. I think that season 3 was great and Season 5 was the absolute best so far. I think season 6 is one of the weakest seasons.
Eh, I disagree. I think that season 3 was great and Season 5 was the absolute best so far. I think season 6 is one of the weakest seasons.

i agree season 3 was a favourite of mine and season 5 had a beautiful scope when fine was all over the world and it has an epic mythic quality but of course there is only so much time to be spent on characterisation and thats what i think season 6 has delivered if not for clark in this second half as much but for lana and lex. It has also driven plots to resolution that were really wearing thin, i'm thinking 'will lana ever find out?' specifically here
I'm rather likin' this year's flavor myself...

...And it seems a few others are too...which is why they're renewing their memberships for a while...

Of course that doesn't mean that things don't need a new sauce or two, every now and then...

^^I cant get past the sauce. . . .
^ Connoisseurs say it's the most important ingredient. I'm kinda big on the toppings though. Meaty ones. :D

Lana *saw* Clark rip off the wine cooler's door with his bare hands, weld its hinges back together with heat beams from his eyes, and run away so fast he literally disappeared right in front of her, creating a gust of wind that blew Chloe's hair back in the process.

She didn't need any further confirmation that Clark was perhaps... I dunno... a tad different from normal human beings. LOL :p

If anything, the shocking revelation to Lana would have been that not only did Chloe know, but Lionel did too.

As to the topic of this thread, I think every season has had its share of good and bad episodes. I find myself just as excited going into the final episodes this year as I have every season before. It's only when you can look back at each season as a whole that you can see the overriding flavor.

S1 FOTW/franchise oriented
S2 mythic/establishes SV's mythology
S3 dark/X-files-ish
S4 fun/fantasy/quest-driven
S5 dramatic/character focused

Depending on the kind of "flavor" you like, some seasons will appeal more than others. This season isn't done yet, but those that find this season the best obviously prefer its flavor over the previous ones.

I do find this season the best so far. The character development is outstanding for all and they've even gotten a lot of good action in.


I have no complaints but I have to wonder why so many people say they've put up with the show being mediocre or sub-par for 5 seasons...

I'm glad at least some people are happy with this season, but I'm mystified why watch something you hate for that long? Why watch for so long if you don't like what you're seeing?

Me? I stop seeing what I want to see out of a show, I stop watching it.

For example, I used to love Medium and it was one of my "must see" shows every week. Not any more. It's like they have only one way of telling a story anymore.

Allison dreams about something horrible in the tease and then spends the rest of the episode trying to solve the mystery.


Now, I don't go out of my way to watch it. I only watch it if the family is.

Maybe Smallville isn't perfect, and my love has been sorely tested in the past (thinks of season 3 *shudders*), but I love it more this year than ever.
I do find this season the best so far. The character development is outstanding for all and they've even gotten a lot of good action in.


I have no complaints but I have to wonder why so many people say they've put up with the show being mediocre or sub-par for 5 seasons...

I'm glad at least some people are happy with this season, but I'm mystified why watch something you hate for that long? Why watch for so long if you don't like what you're seeing?

Me? I stop seeing what I want to see out of a show, I stop watching it.

For example, I used to love Medium and it was one of my "must see" shows every week. Not any more. It's like they have only one way of telling a story anymore.

Allison dreams about something horrible in the tease and then spends the rest of the episode trying to solve the mystery.


Now, I don't go out of my way to watch it. I only watch it if the family is.

Maybe Smallville isn't perfect, and my love has been sorely tested in the past (thinks of season 3 *shudders*), but I love it more this year than ever.

I watch for the .03 seconds of every episode that actually relates to superman. That's me. I'm a super nut. And I will say that none of the season finales have ever dissappointed (some of the premier yes, but none of the finales). Anyhow, it's not a bad show... it's just not good when they concentrate on the more non interesting interpersonal relationships (ie. everybody other than the luthors).

What I think has made this half of season 6 so good is this:

Lana (how ever much I hate the character and her protrayal). By placing her in the relationship with Lex, they have made her interesting. As mentioned above, i feel that the Luthor interpersonal relationships are really the only, and most interesting, not to mention entertaining of those on the show.

Clark, Chloe, Lois, the Kent 'Rents, Lana, and the other semi regulars. All the relationships here have been your run of the mill, 7th heaven, happy little WB smalltown kind of ultranormality that is so common these days. I mean it's not bad, it's just boring and repetitive.

By attaching Lana to the Luthor mayhem, it's changed the whole balance of the show. Lana is no longer useless. Chloe, the Kent, and others have someone to worry about, while chasing down the villain. It's very strategically sound narrative move.

I think if they had done this after Lex had sent Lana to Paris, instead of introducing the Teagues, I'd be a much happier audience member.

Basically, what I think it boils down to is this: That annoying Lana Clark relationship that gets so much attention on the show, is now actually kind of important to the plot of the show.
another great epi to rack up for season 6.5.

-this is what will happen I think: Project Aries (otherwise known as Helo) will be the result of all of Lex's work with the Brainiac Vaccine and Kryptofreaks, to create the perfect weapon... Garenteed that in the finale (appropriately titled) that our last Phantom is going to find Aries, and possess him. Leading to the end of the Phantom Hunt, and the reopening of the fortress.

my only comment about this episode, is that Lana, shot the locks off of Lex's brief case, on a glass desk. Did anyone notice that? Is that even possible? I'm pretty sure that the desk would have shattered.

great epi.

I'm just a little worried about next weeks flashback nonsense... seeing that they've already done that
I'm just a little worried about next weeks flashback nonsense... seeing that they've already done that

Its not really a flashback, its just a dream that Jimmy is having about all these new people in his life, that he doesnt know extremely well, but he's kind of getting the jist of who and what they are and he's playing out their roles in life in this black and white dream.

Interestingly, I read somewhere once that when we dream its only in black and white. I'm not sure how true that is though.
Its not really a flashback, its just a dream that Jimmy is having about all these new people in his life, that he doesnt know extremely well, but he's kind of getting the jist of who and what they are and he's playing out their roles in life in this black and white dream.

Interestingly, I read somewhere once that when we dream its only in black and white. I'm not sure how true that is though.

I don't really want to debate the actual form this flashback to 1940, but rather the idea that this will be a total filler episode, That will contribute nothing to the overall plot... other than the stuff that is happening in the currently around Jimmy, while he is halucinating.

I'm just not to enthused about the episode. Just seems like a poor way to fill the episode quota for the year, rather than delivering an extra episode which would contribute to what is building up to be a fantastic second half to this season
I don't really want to debate the actual form this flashback to 1940, but rather the idea that this will be a total filler episode, That will contribute nothing to the overall plot... other than the stuff that is happening in the currently around Jimmy, while he is halucinating.

I'm just not to enthused about the episode. Just seems like a poor way to fill the episode quota for the year, rather than delivering an extra episode which would contribute to what is building up to be a fantastic second half to this season

What precipitates the dream is the events that are happening in the real world, which is by no means filler.
What precipitates the dream is the events that are happening in the real world, which is by no means filler.

that all depends if it's relevant or not. Will what happens to Jimmy, and those events around it relate in anyway to what will come the week after next? Or will it just be a random flick of dominos that causes the halucination...

I'm just worried that the streak is up. If it's good, I'm happy, if it's not, I'll complain

Lana *saw* Clark rip off the wine cooler's door with his bare hands, weld its hinges back together with heat beams from his eyes, and run away so fast he literally disappeared right in front of her, creating a gust of wind that blew Chloe's hair back in the process.

She didn't need any further confirmation that Clark was perhaps... I dunno... a tad different from normal human beings. LOL :p

If anything, the shocking revelation to Lana would have been that not only did Chloe know, but Lionel did too.

As to the topic of this thread, I think every season has had its share of good and bad episodes. I find myself just as excited going into the final episodes this year as I have every season before. It's only when you can look back at each season as a whole that you can see the overriding flavor.

S1 FOTW/franchise oriented
S2 mythic/establishes SV's mythology
S3 dark/X-files-ish
S4 fun/fantasy/quest-driven
S5 dramatic/character focused

Depending on the kind of "flavor" you like, some seasons will appeal more than others. This season isn't done yet, but those that find this season the best obviously prefer its flavor over the previous ones.

This is the way I feel also, I have yet to be completely let down by a season...but I have had issues with episodes here and there, and with maybe a arc or so.

The only season that came close to letting me down was the fourth...and mostly because I just plain hated the asinine witch/Teague story, and hated the mis-handling of Jason, who was a potentially great character. But the season was still nowhere near a bust, because some of the BEST EPISODES OF THE SEASON came during four: Crusade, Run, Tranference, Jinx, Krypto, Commencement, but it also had some guilty pleasure type episodes for people to just enjoy.

To me though, Season six has been the outright best that the show has been so far. There have been maybe two or three episodes that I hated: Static and Rage mostly. Some of the ones that others seem to hate (Wither and Subterranian) I actually enjoyed quite a bit. Aside from the Poison Gloria silly villian, Wither was a fun one off episode that I would love to watch again.

On top of that the Green Arrow story was well done, and even though he is off the show, his presense is still felt, they have done much to fix some of Lana's errors and made me care about her character again, and they have also taken strides to explain some of the character motivations over the past couple of years. Not to mention the purely awsome super-hero romp that was "Justice."

To each their own though, I have yet to feel like I've wasted my time on the show so far. Even when it's bad, it's still better than half the crap they forcefeed people on tv. Like every show that works off a episodic nature, there will be good episodes and bad ones, but the overall show is top notch quality.

*Rant off* :O
^Great to see you around again, B8. I missed you.
Brainiac8 said:
To each their own though, I have yet to feel like I've wasted my time on the show so far. Even when it's bad, it's still better than half the crap they forcefeed people on tv. Like every show that works off a episodic nature, there will be good episodes and bad ones, but the overall show is top notch quality.

I've never understood this kind of statement and I realise that you arent expressing this sentiment Brainy. However, how can you waste your time on a TV show? I mean, isnt watching TV a guilty pleasure that we do to entertain ourselves and take time out from our busy schedules to just sit, relax and enjoy ourselves. How can relaxing be considered as wasting time. You stop enjoying it, you stop watching it.

It all seems pretty simple to me, but then that's the way I look at most things in life.
You stop enjoying it, you stop watching it.

It really is just that simple. I don't really get it either, but I'm pretty quick to walk away from things that I don't like. Like LOST and Grey's Anatomy. I tried both of them for half a season or so, but then they started to bore me so I stopped. Meh.

Have I mentioned how beautiful your new avy is, Avid? Truly lovely.
It really is just that simple. I don't really get it either, but I'm pretty quick to walk away from things that I don't like. Like LOST and Grey's Anatomy. I tried both of them for half a season or so, but then they started to bore me so I stopped. Meh.

Have I mentioned how beautiful your new avy is, Avid? Truly lovely.

maybe to you... but let me break it down to a metaphor that will explain:

when someone is the fan of a sports team (a football, baseball, rugby, soccer/football, cricket... whatever) they watch loyally. If their team is losing on a particular day, do those fans just turn off the game because it sucks? Or do they keep watching with the hope that their team will win?

moreover, let say the said fan's team loses big time. Does their loyalty as a fan stop them from complaining that the team sucks donkey balls? And if that fan's team wins, do they not rejoice aswell.

as a superman fan, smallville ends up like one of these weekly sporting events. I'm a superman fan, and I want smallville to rule the day. But it hasn't been until this part of the season 6 that the show has produced a consistent streak of good episodes.

So, in conclusion, to all those idiots who continue to cling to the "you don't like it, then don't watch it' slogan, remember that if smallville was as good as most of you represent the show on this board, it would be a show worthy of Emmys in all categories, which it clearly is not.

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