I really don't think the movie can have direct sequels... you just can't expect these movies to be the same without Tobey Kirsten and Raimi... and no matter what you say... the trio is done after SM3 and I am sticking to that... The only way to keep it fresh is to bring in Ben Reily and use Peter/MJ as a backdrop... if not... I want to see a Spiderman in his prime with new characters and new stories... King Pin/Mysterio/Electro/Sinister Six etc... 4-6 should be very loosely related to the original trilogy... MJ should not have a huge role at the start (let her pursue an acting career full time) to give some time to some other female characters... I posted my 4-6 a while back.... here it is again
SM4: Villains: Lizard, Kraven, Wilson Fisk
Plot: MJ takes some time away from Peter to land a gig while Peter trying to balance his full time professional career and crime fighting gig by himself... Doctor Conners formulates the serum to grow back his limb... but when Conner's serum tranforms him into the Lizard, Peter must save his former professor and mentor from the city and himself... Wilson Fisk... a wealthy business man in NYC (secretly the King Pin), introduces Kraven the Hunter to NYC to kill the Lizard... Fisk hopes to gain more recognition in NYC by bringing in the Lizard, while Kraven sees the Lizard as his greatest challenge ever... will Spidey save the day before Kraven's spear lands in the heart of his former professor?
SM5: Villains: Cassidy/Carnage, King Pin, Nick Fury (cameo)
Plot: Peters powers start going beserk and he doesn't know why... he notices an improved performance in bed with MJ and increased stamina during his daily crime fighting routines... he consults Doctor Conners who suggest that SPiderman's powers might actually be evolving... meanwhile John Jameson leads a team of marines to take down an escaped serial killer in hiding... Kletus Cassidy is hiding out in a remote laboratory... he stumbles upon a group of scientists holding the symbiate... knowing its his best bet to escape, Cassidy binds himself to the symbiate... suddenly this creature goes on a killing spree and kills John Jameson... J. Jonah Jameson, grieving for the death of his beloved son, is bent on revenge and blames his son's death on Spiderman for not being there... on top of that... Jameson's former girlfriend Felicia Hardy is now the newest pray to this twisted serial killer... Felicia is soon caught in the middle and doesn't know who to trust... meanwhile... Jonah Jameson soon takes matters into his own hands and consults Wilson Fisk (aka King Pin), the head mob boss of NYC on a plan to eliminate Spiderman once and for all... together they fund the Mac Gargan/Scorpion project to eliminate Spiderman... will Spidey regain control of his new found powers and protect his friends from this vile "carnage" and Scorpion before it is too late?
SM6: Villains: Sinister Six (Doc Ock, , Electro, Vulture, Scorpion, Nick Fury, King Pin)
Plot: King Pin's master plan leads him to a visit with the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, headed by Nick Fury... Fury is apparently holding ex-convicts undergoing intensive training... Fisk and Fury make a deal where King Pin would be assisted by Fury to take down SPiderman and bring him in... Fury provides King Pin with a team comprised of Max Dillon/Electro, Adriane Toomes/Vulture, Roderick Kingsley/Hop Goblin and the shocking return of (you guessed it) Doctor Octopuss... whos tentacles apparently saved him before drowning but soon thereafter was captured and taken in by Nick Fury and the S.H.I.E.L.D... Ock leads the team which is now paired with two of King Pin's thugs, Rhino and Shocker, to form the SInister Six with one goal, eliminate SPiderman... Spidey is shocked that Ock is back to finish the job and knows he is clearly outmatched.... but with the city's fate resting on his shoulders... SPidey knows it is a battle he must face till the end... but will he wage it alone?