BvS All Things Batman v Superman: An Open Discussion - - - - Part 105

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I'm putting much thought into it, but I would not be against that idea at all.
I'd be against the idea and I will not believe it's true until Warner Brothers says it is. I barely know what a BleedingCool is by the way.
I'm not taking that rumor seriously, or any of their other "scoops" for that matter.
I'd much rather have Diana's films take place on Themyscira and otherworldly planes.

I'm not too interested in a period piece, even with the novelty of it featuring a female superhero.

She's got the entire Greek mythology behind her lore. Use it.
Can't view the link at work.

What's the gist?
Can't view the link at work.

What's the gist?

We know there’s a Wonder Woman movie coming in 2017. We know it will star Gal Gadot in the lead, and she also appears in Batman Vs Superman: Dawn Of Justice.

But as of this date, we presumed it would be set in the modern day. Well, why wouldn't we?

It’s not. I have been informed by those who have seen the greenlit treatment that the film will spends the first half on Paradise Island with warring Amazon factions vying for control.

An arrival of a man on the island changes that status quo, as he asks the Amazons for help. Not necessarily Steve Trevor either…

Because when Wonder Woman joins him on his return to the world of Man, we all discover that it is the 1920s. And the film will then show Diana exploring that world – a world where women have only just got the vote – from her… unique perspective.

A planned sequel would then take place during World War II in the thirties and forties. This of course was the period that the seventies TV show began in, before shifting to the then-modern day.

And a threequel would then take place in the modern day, with the Justice League Of America.

So. Not the Wonder Woman we were expecting. But the period-set Captain America; The First Avenger didn't do too badly, did it?
Having a period piece like that would feel "off" to me. I can't quite put my finger on why it would though.
Talking about a third movie in a franchise that hasn't started yet makes the scoop lose all credibility
Does anyone hete think that the dcu will be able to maintain the continuity established in mos where superman is considered to be the first super powered being that the public became aware of in its future dc films?
Does anyone hete think that the dcu will be able to maintain the continuity established in mos where superman is considered to be the first super powered being that the public became aware of in its future dc films?

Yes, I have a feeling that Supermans now known existence is what brings both heroes and enemies out of the shadows. Batman included. obviously. Put it this way - whatever started the oil rig fire in MoS, whether it was a mechanical error or a cigarette tossed in the wrong bin, is what started the Justice League as we will know it.

Thanks, random cigarette throwing oil rig worker.
I much rather see a modern day set Wonder Woman film. While seeing her role and and thoughts from a unique time in history an interesting thought, I'd like to see her thoughts in this day and age. I don't want to go backwards in the DCCU, I want to go forward and keep learning what's happening "at the moment" with Wonder Woman.
Yes, I have a feeling that Supermans now known existence is what brings both heroes and enemies out of the shadows. Batman included. obviously. Put it this way - whatever started the oil rig fire in MoS, whether it was a mechanical error or a cigarette tossed in the wrong bin, is what started the Justice League as we will know it.

Thanks, random cigarette throwing oil rig worker.

I believe Snyder said something similar to this a year ago. Superman's emergence is essential what opens the door to all these other characters that very well could have been operating for a while before Superman came along (e.g. Batman).
I'd much rather have Diana's films take place on Themyscira and otherworldly planes.

I'm not too interested in a period piece, even with the novelty of it featuring a female superhero.

She's got the entire Greek mythology behind her lore. Use it.
From a hollywood perspective, the whole greek mythology thing hasn't been doing too well...ever. Granted these movies they make are all so terribly misguided(demi gods with no powers) and lack for scale(wheres Ridley Scott's Greece at).

I'm curious if WB wants to game in such a way as a full on fantasy in that world. I think their best route is something in the vain of the current ww run and american gods in which you can still have it fully play out in the MOS/Batman universe.

I do think the benefit of using the greek stuff however is Captain Marv...Shazam or whatever they are calling him now. He's full of that greek juice that allows for a very organic cross over. Also, I doubt there is much truth to this period piece stuff.
That's true. They reported that Fantastic Four was scrapped and starting from scratch just a month before filming began.

Lol, I remember that. They had to redact their story too.
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