Fear: Idol will be the best thing coming on television. They're going to CLEAN UP during this writer's strike... it's going to be crazy.
I enjoy the singing part, I enjoy analyzing their voices, and seeing who's good, who's just a good performer, and who's totally out of their element. It's fun to see when people suddenly 'get it,' though I'm always confused when they lose it a few episodes later. I also enjoy the comments by the judges, just cuz it's so ridiculous. Randy's my favorite, because he always has momentously hollow praise, so that when someone actually does a good job, you can't tell or don't care. "Yeah, dawg... you had a few pitch problems in the beginning, but you rocked the house, and you're still down with the dog pound, baby! Yeah!" (insert rocker's salute)...
And Paula's worse.
Simon: "Paula, tell her she did a horrible job..."
Paula: "I don't know what he's talking about, but you look beautiful tonight..."
I crack up every time.