Animated Thor Movie from Lionsgate for 2009!

awesome, now they can have an unlimited amount of smashing and big fight scenes..

hopefully this is the classic Thor they will be dealing with..

something like the Surtur Saga..
I cant wait for this! I liked how they handled Dr.Strange so with regards to the whole world of Thor and Odin, this should be great, especially seeing as he's hardly in the ultimate avengers movies.
april 2009?

i won't hold my breath for a piece of art.

marvel can't do cartoons anymore...
april 2009?

i won't hold my breath for a piece of art.

marvel can't do cartoons anymore...

I thought the animated lionsgate movies were pretty good at least in terms of animation. Although, the ironman movie's story was pretty dissapointing.
Sa-weet...but this will be totally trumped by the live action Thor movie. Isn't that 2009 also?
Live action Thor is supposed to be 2009 but Marvel has NOT set either of their two 2009 films in stone yet.
Hey all! :)

Would be interesting to know what story they will be telling.

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