Anubis' "How would you do it?" Thread.


May 24, 2002
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Well, its late, I’m all hoped up on peach schnapps and honey buns, and I guess I feel like starting a thread I have been thinking about doing for a long time. So, here’s the deal, pick a storyline, any storyline, and come up with a way to improve it. What sucked about it? What do you change about it? How can you make a better story arc?

I’ll go first:

Avengers Disassembled. So many problems with this story, but the overall premise is pretty good. What can I change?

Hawkeye’s death.
The retcon of Chaos magic.
The bringing back and then killing of Jack of Hearts.
And the lame ass reason for them disassembling.

First off, Hawkeye. Simple, don’t kill him. Sure somebody has to die in this story, but why Hawkeye? Not that I like the character so much, but I think there are others who could die or disappear that would give more impact to the story. I would replace Hawkeye with Hank Pym. His “death” wouldn’t be an official death. Simply put, Wanda would reverse the Pym Particles, shrinking him from giant form to seemingly out of existence. Of course he wouldn’t be dead, just trapped in a subatomic universe. [Instant mini series] While at the same time, she would make Ant Man grow past the size where the human frame couldn’t handle the weight. Lets say, 600 ft? His bones shatter and he falls, horribly crippled, taking out most of Manhattan in the process. Another thing I would’ve done would be to have Wanda effect Tony’s Armor, causing it to explode, taking Tony’s Legs with it. This would cause a lot of future problems as well as give us a better reason for Tony pulling the funding for the Avengers. He lost his legs, he’s depressed, he also has a public relations nightmare on his hands with what is going on. But eventually he gets it together and builds himself some new legs. Which presents another problem, feeling that he is becoming more machine than man. With mechanical legs and a robot heart, he would be something of a tin man.

And the actual deaths, I would have killed both Vision and Wanda. After a massive fight, involving all the Avengers, Dr. Strange, Agatha Harkness, and even Master order and Lord Chaos getting there @$$es handed to them by a super powered up Wanda, they manage to cut her off from her power source. She has a brief moment were she sees what she has done. Vison picks her up and flies her off, heading for space. He kisses her one last time and the say I love you as he activates his self destruct mechanism. Killing them both.

o.k. now, Chaos Magic, still exists, as a matter of fact, it should be the reason for all of this. This should have easily tied in to the JLA/Avengers crossover, when she went over to the DC earth, and gained a massive power up where Chaos magic is far greater. Coming back, she was now corrupted. She is draining all the power of Lord Chaos and any other being who is subject to the form of magic. This of course effects her mind, causes her to go on an Extant sized rampage and take out, Avengers Mansion, the U.N., and with the help of Scott Lang and some Pym Particles, most of Manhattan. Much better than eliminating something thats been around for years, and there is continuity that supports it.

So, with all this destruction caused by an Avenger, Stark and Scott Lang Crippled, Pym missing and feared dead, and thousands now dead or missing, and all of this caught on national t.v., The Avengers are forced to disassembled.

Well, that’s how I would do it, feel free to express you thoughts,. And Come up with your own ideas for not just improving Disassembled, but any other storyline that just coulda been a hell of a lot better.
The whole New-X-Men thing.

Basically I would have not done any Secondary Mutations. It would have been the Real Magneto all along. No Kick. I wouldn't have made the Imperial Guard suck. Emma Frost Wouldn't have been on the team. Frank Quietly wouldn't have done the art. I wouldn't have called it New and Wolvereine would have stayed under the Glacier. would have been more than four issues.Attacks would be coming left and right.Avengers attacking Avengers. No one would trust anyone until the real mastermind behind the Avengers troubles is revealed....The Space Phantom. Hawkeye dies but he goes out more heroicly than what Bendis did. He takes a bullet for Cap saving Cap's life......No one quits because Cap realizes the world needs he builds Avengers into a massive organization which causes some political leaders to worry
the funny thing is some of that stuff sounds really interesting anubis (particularly the sub atomic pym thing) but you would likely have been as 'hated' as bendis for most of it.
Changing Carnage's death storyline.Bendis had some nerve
Roughneck said:
The whole New-X-Men thing.

Basically I would have not done any Secondary Mutations. It would have been the Real Magneto all along. No Kick. I wouldn't have made the Imperial Guard suck. Emma Frost Wouldn't have been on the team. Frank Quietly wouldn't have done the art. I wouldn't have called it New and Wolvereine would have stayed under the Glacier.

em, not bad, how about a little more detail?
roach said: would have been more than four issues.Attacks would be coming left and right.Avengers attacking Avengers. No one would trust anyone until the real mastermind behind the Avengers troubles is revealed....The Space Phantom. Hawkeye dies but he goes out more heroicly than what Bendis did. He takes a bullet for Cap saving Cap's life......No one quits because Cap realizes the world needs he builds Avengers into a massive organization which causes some political leaders to worry

The whole Space Phantom thing could work, but does that mean that this is all a plot by Immortus? Seeing as the Space Phantom isn't really a single being but one of many denizens of Limbo who have been there so long they have become Space Phantoms.

I like the Hawkeye idea. If you were gonna kill him, he should have at least went out in a heroic way. Taking one for Cap is a good way. I thought blowing himself up coulda worked to if done better. Surrounded, and cut off by enemies, Bow broken, mortally wounded, and nothing left but an explosive arrow, then I could see him taking the suicide bomber route. But what was actually done was just plain silly.
gildea said:
the funny thing is some of that stuff sounds really interesting anubis (particularly the sub atomic pym thing) but you would likely have been as 'hated' as bendis for most of it.

I don't know. Not a lot of people are all that pissed about the death of Vision. And Pym wouldn't really be dead or anything. In fact he would get more exsposure as a result. But your probally right. Some people live to hate.
Silver Sable said:
Changing Carnage's death storyline.Bendis had some nerve

Whose to say he's really dead?
Anubis said:
The whole Space Phantom thing could work, but does that mean that this is all a plot by Immortus? Seeing as the Space Phantom isn't really a single being but one of many denizens of Limbo who have been there so long they have become Space Phantoms.

I like the Hawkeye idea. If you were gonna kill him, he should have at least went out in a heroic way. Taking one for Cap is a good way. I thought blowing himself up coulda worked to if done better. Surrounded, and cut off by enemies, Bow broken, mortally wounded, and nothing left but an explosive arrow, then I could see him taking the suicide bomber route. But what was actually done was just plain silly.

well I really would have loved to have Loki destroy the team but im sure he was busy in the Thor monthly so I wanted to use a villian who we havent seen in a while but caused a significant moment to the Avengers(caused the Hulk to Leave). I agree with Hawkeye's death also...if you are going to have someone sacrifice themselves have them go out in a blaze of glory
X-Men-No secondary mutations, no leather suits.

Wolverine-No savage beast, tie up a lotta loose ends.

Spider-Man-Keep Ben Reilly alive an' have him team up with Parker. Aunt May stays dead. Norman Osborn gets bumped off fer once an' fer all. NO CHAPTER ONE! I'd beat John Byrne off with a stick.

Captain America-No Volume 4. Volume 3 was goin' just fine.

X-23-Get a stronger writer with a clue on her.

I'm comfortable enough about my sexuality to enjoy a pint of Peach Schnapps and some ultra sweet Honey Buns at 1:00 in the a.m..
anyhow i could have thought of many different things for Hawkeye to do OTHER than to ram a sapceship
I really like Roach's ideas though, I still wouldn't kill Hawkeye or Vision or Pym.
it's because i am an aspiring
I would kill them but i'd do it in such a way that it was for the greater good
Heroic deaths...Spock in ST2, Optimus Prime in Transformers the movie, Vader in Return of the Jedi....
Hawkeye went out like the female in the Matrix..even said the same thing
to me the best way to honor fans of a character is to have that character go out heroicly
O.K., I got another one. X-Men the end. Now, I only got through about 3 issues of this crap fest before I had to say to hell with it, but I can’t help but think how much better it could have been.

First of all, I woulda went with the War between humans and mutants finally coming about. We would have a united front of Mutants, lead by a new face. Some one young and powerful. They would be the ones who finally set the war off. By assassinating both Charles Xavier and all of congress during a address on mutant tolerance. Humanity is lead by the US. Specifically a new president who seems to be pushing this war along for his own agenda. And caught in the middle would be the X-Men. Mutants are divided on which side to stand on. Lots of people die. Lots of X-Men too. X-Men take out the Mutant leader, but by that time the humans have already created their ultimate weapon. Everything comes to a head when the President tries to unleash some sort of secret weapon to end the mutants once and for all. A new uber powerful Sentinel, that’s like huge, at least 300ft, with nuke capabilities and other earth shattering weapons . But, of course you guessed it by now, it tries to take out everybody. Starting with Vegas, and it works it's way on up to New York, destroying everything in it's path. No one else can stop it so the remaining X-Men are the ones who have to deal with it. WOLVERINE DIES in this battle, as does a number of other X-Men. And it ultimately comes down to Kitty who has to go all the way into it’s reactor core to destroy it. This of course ends the war, and brings about more acceptance and tolerance towards mutants, seeing as they are the ones who saved everybody’s @$$. The X-Men ends with Charles Xavier’s dream finally being realized, but at great cost.

Now, that’s my idea, more or less. I’m sure there’s a lot more that could go into it, but that’s it in a nut shell. I just feel that, if your gonna end the X-Men, then it should involve the stuff that defines the X-Men, Racism, humanity vs. Mutants, and Xavier’s Dream. Nothing about space, and Cable, and the future and even the Phoenix isn’t that important.
i posted in a whole nother thread how I'd do The End and it pretty much killed everyone off and Had Magneto pick up the torch.
MichaelRGrimm said:
Well done, Anubis! On both Dissassembled and X-Men:the End.

Well, thank you. I try to do my best.

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