1. Buy cheap suit.
2. Buy a cane.
3. By a top hat.
4. Buy a monocle.
5. Get a curly mustache.
6. Talk in a British accent.
7. Find local business of importance and go to it.
8. Burst into important meeting wearing #1-5.
9. Start talking uncontrollably with many hand gestures (doesn't matter what you ACTUALLY say, just throw in big/important words like "stocks", "foundation", "oil", "business", "transaction", "net gross", "trolley car" or even your made up "entrepreneur" word etc.)
10. If previous steps are followed correctly, businessmen will think you're very "much to do", "gentlemanly", and of "great importance".
11. Business men pull out their check books.
12. Tell them amount desired.(Remember to have an account open for the alter ego you desire)
13. Take checks and leave.
14. Cash checks immediately.
15. Use cash for whatever you please.*
*If more cash is needed, go through steps at a different business or a new meeting with new businessmen. Repeat until satisfied.