Anybody Read The New Issue Of "justice"?


Feb 21, 2002
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Any thoughts??? A certain gent in a red suit was a big surprise! :up:
celldog said:
Any thoughts??? A certain gent in a red suit was a big surprise! :up:

I haven't read 5 yet I am picking it up this week.

- Whirly
Whirlysplat said:
I haven't read 5 yet I am picking it up this week.

- Whirly

You will not be disappointed. A part of me wishes that this was the way the JLA really was. :supes: :batman:
Who was the "certain gent in a red suit"?

Spoil me!
Sweet Merciful Frag!

Big Red's Back! :eek:
i don't understand why seeing marvel is such a big deal. a- this is out of continuity and b- it's not like he ever disappeared.
It's always great to see Captain Marvel.....
and the fact that he saved Superman's ass made it extra special!:supes: :D
Spectre722 said:
i don't understand why seeing marvel is such a big deal. a- this is out of continuity and b- it's not like he ever disappeared.
I don't know if you're referring to me or not, but I was just excited at the prospect of getting X-mas presents. :(
What I found odd is the fact that Parasite also absorbed Superman's weakness to Kryptonite along with his powers. Did that happen alot back in the Silver Age?
I read part of it I decide to drop it I don't have the cash for it anymore. Might as well buy it in trade but it will take awhile.:(
The Question said:
What I found odd is the fact that Parasite also absorbed Superman's weakness to Kryptonite along with his powers. Did that happen alot back in the Silver Age?
I couldn't tell ya. I only have one appearance of Max's, and in that, he was defeated by absorbing too much of Superman's energy and blew up.

It does make sense that he would absorb the weaknesses as well as the strengths though. It's not exactly pick and choose.
GoldenAgeHero said:
theres a thread on this. why the hell did you bump this.

Why do you care??

Look...I don't always go through and read all of these threads. Don't have the time or the will. If people want o go the other one ...fine!! If they want talk on this one, that's cool too. It's not done out of spite or "one upmanship".

Is that okay???
This series is good enough for 2 threads. But it'll prolly be merged at some point.
There has been like 5 threads on Justice, most of which have been deleted.
newmexneon said:
There has been like 5 threads on Justice, most of which have been deleted.

That's biggie.
Finally caught up with issues of Justice. This run is
GoldenAgeHero said:
damn newbie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah those newbs sure are annoying. Almost as annoying as some posters who obsess over a simple thread and constantly post how frustrated they are about said thread, even though we got the poster's point long ago. :rolleyes:
GoldenAgeHero said:
damn newbie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you like anything?
celldog said:
Why do you care??

Look...I don't always go through and read all of these threads. Don't have the time or the will.

look, no one's asking you to "go through and read all of these threads.". You know it's a comic book. moreso, you know it's a DC Comic. had you simply used the 'Search this Forum' function and typed in Justice #5 you would have found this thread -

so spare us.

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