The Avengers Avengers alternate opening

I like the one they went with since the "whole movie as one big flashback" thing has been done to death.
The only thing i like about this opening is it sets Hill up to be a ***** and at the end of the movie the interview is played again but you get to see the end of the interview where she tells the blowhards to shove it up there ass and walks away like a boss. That would have been a great a moment.

Whole movie your thinking of how she isnt really for the Avemgers and is a ***** then at the end your rewarded when she sides with the avengers and fury. Just think that might have been a cool arc. Would have given her character more substance too.
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Yeah I heard that already. Can't wait to see some of the extras!
I think its horrible, The look and cutting of it comes off like a syfy tv movie.
I think its horrible, The look and cutting of it comes off like a syfy tv movie.


It was cheesy, it's been done WAY too much, it's become cliche and it's not respectful to the story to have it told from the perspective of a minor character.
Eh...bad acting there IMO
I was just going to say this. I found Smulders to be the weakest actor in the group (and in turn gave the poorest performance), and this scene really exemplifies why. To start the movie off with her would have been a mistake.
I think it's pretty cool, I would have put it in an after credits thing though. I would have cut the mopey NY shots though.
Interesting, but I don't like it. It makes the movie a bit too artsy for my taste.
"Kids, your aunt Robin had some interesting temp jobs before she became a famous news anchor, but always had trouble getting along with her coworkers..."
I think they were right to cut it and go with the theatrical intro. The movie really benefited from the overall bright and optimistic tone.
Love that alternate beginning.
But I understand why they didn't use it.
Also, if you do it from her view, or imply it, it could ruin the scenes with Thanos and the Other.
wow, crazy, that one minute of footage is the best footage of the entire film and it didn't even make it. To bad the film didn't go in this direction, I felt way more from this one little piece than I did anything else in the movie. At least it shows Weadon has a dramatic side to him though.
I dont like the Maria Hill interrogation opening. Makes her too much of a b**** too quickly. Also its kinda cheesy.
I dont like the Maria Hill interrogation opening. Makes her too much of a b**** too quickly. Also its kinda cheesy.

The pay off is at the end where they continue the scene that leads into the final scene where she admits that Fury was right & she saves Fury's job as well
wow, crazy, that one minute of footage is the best footage of the entire film and it didn't even make it. To bad the film didn't go in this direction, I felt way more from this one little piece than I did anything else in the movie. At least it shows Weadon has a dramatic side to him though.
IMO, the best footage they cut was the stuff with Steve Rogers/CA. It would have been nice to see it in the final cut, but I can understand why they possibly cut it.
I'm glad they didn't go with it. As others have said, the whole "movie is a flashback" thing is overdone.

The only scene so far I wish they had kept in was Banner's after he fell from the sky.
How could it have ruined the scenes with Thanos? And the Other? What's that?

This is just my opinion, but when you set up a movie like that, it puts that character (in this case Maria Hill) in an omniscient third person narrative position. She would be looking at the events retrospectively and therefore be able to know every event. She could be aware of everything happening on earth, but how would she be aware of and be able to attest to what happened in space with Thanos?

Just my opinion. It would just raise question marks to me.
IMO, the best footage they cut was the stuff with Steve Rogers/CA. It would have been nice to see it in the final cut, but I can understand why they possibly cut it.

Steve's 3 minutes on the cutting room floor would have really helped the movie, and particularly Cap.

But as people have already pointed out, there's a lot of good reasons the Maria Hill interrogation scene was left out. Cliched; gloomy opening; makes you dislike Maria Hill from the get-go, until she "redeems" herself at the very end; and frankly, bad acting and bad writing.
Eh...bad acting there IMO

I was just going to say this. I found Smulders to be the weakest actor in the group (and in turn gave the poorest performance), and this scene really exemplifies why. To start the movie off with her would have been a mistake.

I agree with both of you. That was some terrible acting from Smulders. The writing was a bit stilted, but in the hands of a competent actress it would have been more convincing. Even the actors playing bit roles as council members outdid Smulders in those clips. Sam Jackson made her look like an escapee from dinner theater. Had Whedon opened the film with her wooden performance, it would have dragged the whole thing down.

Cobie Smulders is attractive and has a lot of fans, but the woman flat can't act worth a damn. That was apparent in the theatrical cut of The Avengers, but the deleted scenes make her weaknesses even more obvious. She is definitely more suited to the small screen than to film.

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