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Sequels Avengers Sequel ideas?

It's important to note the difference between defeating a bad guy and defeating a bad guy's "scheme"

The Avengers don't have to kill Thanos in A2 to conclude the movie

We were talking about Thor 2, in which Thanos' scheme would not be defeated. It's unsatisfying.

I think a pretty logical progression of the movies would be something like

Cap and Iron Man are pretty grounded movies, no cosmic influence but maybe some subtleties like AIM in Cap who it turns out is a sleeper cell organization who is given tech from another dimension, or something involving the Universal Church of Truth

Thor 2 is kinda the IM2 of "Phase 2" which has a big hand in setting up the events of Avengers 2

Thor 2:
Enchantress and Executioner stage a coup on Asgard to capture Loki and take him across the galaxy cause Thanos has put a huge bounty on his head. Thor begs her if there is any other way and she says if they go and get the Infinity Gem that controlls the dead. The gem is hidden deep inside the Nine Realms and they are going to have to use SWORD to help them find the location of it.
They go on the quest and find the stone, Enchantress uses the stone to raise an army of undead to take over the throne of Asgard, but Thor, Loki and co save the day etc.

Avengers 2:
Star-Lord or Adam Warlock come to Earth and their presence alerts SHIELD, they tell them that because of the events of Thor 2 the once thought of mythic Infinty Gems are now known to be a science instead of just a fable. The Mad-Titan Thanos is storming the galaxy, killing anything in his way to assemble the Gauntlet. The Avengers must go and find the rest of the infinity gems and guard them in Asgard, the best equipped place in the universe to battle a cosmic threat like Thanos, so the Avengers travel the galaxy and find the gems and guard them in Asgard to prepare for a huge war.

However Adam Warlock reveals himself to be a servant of the Lord Titan Thanos (clearly under mind control) and battles the avengers with sleeper cell members of the Universal church of truth. A lone spaceship lands in Asgard and Thanos walks out, revealed in full for the first time--Warlock hands him the Gauntlet, Thanos grins and blasts Warlock with a load of energy saying your services will no longer be needed.

The Avengers are noticabley terrified and they actually flee as Asgard crumbles around them with the flick of Thanos wrist. Odin tells them that he is going to use all the power he can summon and get the Avengers back to Earth....they are the universes last hope, he tells them with the Bifrost still broken it will keep Thanos in Asgard for the time being. He sends Adam Warlock too, then Odin implodes with a white light and all the Avengers appear on Earth, Odin is presumed dead so Thor is broken up. Loki says something like "The All-Father could have sent Thanos and Asgard into the Abyss...it could be years before he comes out." Fury "we'll have to be ready when he does."

there is some brief closer and then credits.

post-credits teaser: Thor goes to kill Warlock when Star-Lord appears and says Warlock is the only chance we have at stopping Thanos

Gaurdians of the Galaxy: kind of a prequel to the events that lead up to Avengers 2, shows the relationship between Thanos and Warlock a little bit....Thanos isn't overtly a bad guy in this, more like Loki in Thor 1

A3: Opening scene is Thanos meeting death as a woman. and then it's basically about the infinity gauntlet and avengers being the only ones who can stop them. Maybe some self sacrficie by Loki who knows

You seem to think there's time to introduce a a half dozen new concepts, entities and characters into Avengers and still make the best movie possible. Keep things simpler, so you have more time to keep the characters and their emotional journeys in focus. It makes for a better film. All the infinity gem stuff needs to happen in Guardians of the Galaxy, imho.
I love L0ngshot's idea for Thor 2, but I still feel Thanos should be barely mentioned. If the villains are acting on behalf of Thanos then fine, but much like the "Mandarin" in the Iron Man franchise, we don't need to see "Mandarin" in person. It is assumed someone is pulling the strings. I'd prefer Marvel keep a few surprises up their sleeves and reveal something completely unexpected.
You seem to think there's time to introduce a a half dozen new concepts, entities and characters into Avengers and still make the best movie possible. Keep things simpler, so you have more time to keep the characters and their emotional journeys in focus. It makes for a better film. All the infinity gem stuff needs to happen in Guardians of the Galaxy, imho.


I hate defending my "what I would do with MCU" because whenever people give their two cents it's tough for them not to sound too defensive of their idea but I'll try here to defend my take without sounding too sensitive and what not....at the end of the day it's likely that this is not what is going to happen so it often seems arbitrary to argue about it but it's fun anyways

So.....I think in defense of my take the new concepts would slowly be developed.

I.e. Infinity Gems: In Thor 2 we only deal with 1 infinity gem, this keeps things simple while introducing a major concept and expanding the Universe. AvengerMe makes a point that Thanos should barely be mentioned and I think that is absolutely cool....they could continue to refer to him as HIM or something like that to keep Thanos pretty mystified to the audience and not overwhelm them with a million concepts

Avengers 2 my idea was that Star-Lord and Adam Warlock would show up in the beginning of the movie as a plot device to put the movie into motion and set up Thanos a little bit without over exposing him....This would also intro the GoG movie so that it may have a little more box-office viability featuring two major players in the Avengers Universe.

GoG movie would do a good job of setting up some backstory for the Marvel Universe in my idea as it would be a semi-prequel (at least to the events of the Avengers)

There are some big concepts in play with my idea but if you break it down it's kinda 1-2 big concepts per movie....which is traditionally pretty sustainable
We were talking about Thor 2, in which Thanos' scheme would not be defeated. It's unsatisfying.

You seem to think there's time to introduce a a half dozen new concepts, entities and characters into Avengers and still make the best movie possible. Keep things simpler, so you have more time to keep the characters and their emotional journeys in focus. It makes for a better film. All the infinity gem stuff needs to happen in Guardians of the Galaxy, imho.

I'd be very happy for the bulk of Thanos' story to play out in GOTG, since there's a helluva lot of characters on the team with direct ties to Thanos anyway.

But I'm still waiting to see whether or not the IG already officially exists in the MCU. We know that it kinda-sorta does, through the deleted scene in Thor, but that's never been officially locked down afaik. But if we *do* go by what that scene implies, than the Gauntlet has already been created, and somehow, sometime taken from Thanos. Which means that the whole Infinity Gauntlet/Infinity War/Thanos Quest sagas are already in the past as far as the MCU is concerned.

I love L0ngshot's idea for Thor 2, but I still feel Thanos should be barely mentioned. If the villains are acting on behalf of Thanos then fine, but much like the "Mandarin" in the Iron Man franchise, we don't need to see "Mandarin" in person. It is assumed someone is pulling the strings. I'd prefer Marvel keep a few surprises up their sleeves and reveal something completely unexpected.

There wouldn't be anything at all surprising or unexpected about Thanos being the one pulling the strings, though. He was set up in Avengers 1, so now everyone *expects* to see him. Maybe sooner, maybe later, but we're all already expecting him.
Thor 2:
Enchantress and Executioner stage a coup on Asgard to capture Loki and take him across the galaxy cause Thanos has put a huge bounty on his head. Thor begs her if there is any other way and she says if they go and get the Infinity Gem that controlls the dead. The gem is hidden deep inside the Nine Realms and they are going to have to use SWORD to help them find the location of it.
They go on the quest and find the stone, Enchantress uses the stone to raise an army of undead to take over the throne of Asgard, but Thor, Loki and co save the day etc.

Avengers 2:
Star-Lord or Adam Warlock come to Earth and their presence alerts SHIELD, they tell them that because of the events of Thor 2 the once thought of mythic Infinty Gems are now known to be a science instead of just a fable. The Mad-Titan Thanos is storming the galaxy, killing anything in his way to assemble the Gauntlet. The Avengers must go and find the rest of the infinity gems and guard them in Asgard, the best equipped place in the universe to battle a cosmic threat like Thanos, so the Avengers travel the galaxy and find the gems and guard them in Asgard to prepare for a huge war.

However Adam Warlock reveals himself to be a servant of the Lord Titan Thanos (clearly under mind control) and battles the avengers with sleeper cell members of the Universal church of truth. A lone spaceship lands in Asgard and Thanos walks out, revealed in full for the first time--Warlock hands him the Gauntlet, Thanos grins and blasts Warlock with a load of energy saying your services will no longer be needed.

The Avengers are noticabley terrified and they actually flee as Asgard crumbles around them with the flick of Thanos wrist. Odin tells them that he is going to use all the power he can summon and get the Avengers back to Earth....they are the universes last hope, he tells them with the Bifrost still broken it will keep Thanos in Asgard for the time being. He sends Adam Warlock too, then Odin implodes with a white light and all the Avengers appear on Earth, Odin is presumed dead so Thor is broken up. Loki says something like "The All-Father could have sent Thanos and Asgard into the Abyss...it could be years before he comes out." Fury "we'll have to be ready when he does."

there is some brief closer and then credits.

post-credits teaser: Thor goes to kill Warlock when Star-Lord appears and says Warlock is the only chance we have at stopping Thanos

A3: Opening scene is Thanos meeting death as a woman. and then it's basically about the infinity gauntlet and avengers being the only ones who can stop them. Maybe some self sacrficie by Loki who knows
This sounds f***ing epic. I wish the MCU would follow this.
Avengers 2 - Masters of Evil ( Red Skull, Enchantress, Executioner, Abomination, maybe Titanium Man, and HYDRA henchmen.) After Loki's failure, Thanos sends Red Skull to Earth to gather the two Infinity Gems that are there (Mind from Loki's staff, and Power.) The Avengers, including Black Panther, are outmatched so they turn to Hank Pym and his robots made to assist wounded soldiers in war, called Ultron. Pym got the idea for Ultron after witnessing the aftermath of the Chitauri invasion. Hank joins the team as Ant Man and his friend Janet Van Dyne joins as Wasp. Red Skull escapes with the Gems via wormhole from Enchantress, and Ultron maybe corrupted.
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What I REALLY want to see in a sequel is a scene at the climax of the movie, with basically all of the Avengers down, and Cap being the last one standing, he picks up Thor's hammer and strikes Thanos, either defeating him or buying time for the others. I would want more lead-up to show how special and badass it is that he can pick it up, as shown by Hulk not being able to lift it. People need to see how "worthy" Steve Rogers is.
What I REALLY want to see in a sequel is a scene at the climax of the movie, with basically all of the Avengers down, and Cap being the last one standing, he picks up Thor's hammer and strikes Thanos, either defeating him or buying time for the others. I would want more lead-up to show how special and badass it is that he can pick it up, as shown by Hulk not being able to lift it. People need to see how "worthy" Steve Rogers is.

By cheapening his character as well as Thor's....? No thanks. Steve already proves his worthiness. He doesn't need to lift Mjolnir to give him any more validation (which also comes at the price of making Thor even less unique in the cosmos). Not to mention the fact that people will ask, "Well then, why doesn't Cap just use the shield *and* the hammer? Who needs Thor, anyway?"
^Great reason to kill Thor, lol.

Also, why doesn't Tony just make Cap a suit of armor? People only ask if it seems like a viable option. If Cap struggles to pick up what Thor picks up easily, no one will ask that question.
I'd be very happy for the bulk of Thanos' story to play out in GOTG, since there's a helluva lot of characters on the team with direct ties to Thanos anyway.

But I'm still waiting to see whether or not the IG already officially exists in the MCU. We know that it kinda-sorta does, through the deleted scene in Thor, but that's never been officially locked down afaik. But if we *do* go by what that scene implies, than the Gauntlet has already been created, and somehow, sometime taken from Thanos. Which means that the whole Infinity Gauntlet/Infinity War/Thanos Quest sagas are already in the past as far as the MCU is concerned.

There wouldn't be anything at all surprising or unexpected about Thanos being the one pulling the strings, though. He was set up in Avengers 1, so now everyone *expects* to see him. Maybe sooner, maybe later, but we're all already expecting him.

I agree with your take on Thanos. We also expected to see Lizard at some point in Raimi's films. Never was going to happen by the look of it, so they finally decided to put him in the reboot.

Yes Thanos will be seen at some point, but where and when is the real question. GotG could be years away. Avengers have plenty of other foes. Ultron, Kang, HYDRA/MODOK, Masters of Evil. Thanos could very well be the Apocalypse of the Avengers, saved for a potential part 5 or 6. Or held of until a separate franchise entirely. This is sort of uncharted territory for Hollywood interconnecting these universes. I also do not tend to trend with the trilogy line of thinking, even though you probably only have this cast for three ensemble films. You just have to make do and not compromise on the story you want to tell. Otherwise you end up with an over bloated part 3 that crams way too much in.

I like how Nolan established a big time lapse between TDK and the sequel. Hopefully Batman was not in hiding all along and was active in that time, should they choose to return to other stories in that universe with another actor/director. More opportunities to explore that history. Marvel could do the same instead of restricting themselves to rigid continuity.

Avengers 2 needs to go in a different direction. Do NOT make the same film twice. Give us something new. New characters, new type of threat, new everything. L0ngshot's idea is very good but maybe too out of this world. Better served for GotG. I'd prefer Avengers to be relegated to Earth... for now.
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One thing Avengers 2 should set up is something for the Avengers to Avenge....Coulson was a good start....but maybe they should lose Earth? Thanos actually conquers Earth and the Avengers have to retreat to Asgard or something

or like in the story I broke down I guess they technically lose Odin and Asgard in A2....That would work maybe not on the same level as Earth....but I think A2 should set up something for them to Avenge in A3
One thing Avengers 2 should set up is something for the Avengers to Avenge....Coulson was a good start....but maybe they should lose Earth? Thanos actually conquers Earth and the Avengers have to retreat to Asgard or something

or like in the story I broke down I guess they technically lose Odin and Asgard in A2....That would work maybe not on the same level as Earth....but I think A2 should set up something for them to Avenge in A3

Eh, I'm not too keen on the whole "they need something to avenge" angle. It was awkwardly done with Coulson, and they wound up "Whedon-ing" a popular character for no good reason other than the fact that Joss is notorious for those kinds of scenes.

"Avengers" was just a name in the comics, and had nothing to do with an actual description of the team's role in anything. Hell, I would've just explained the whole reason for the name as a non-sequitur cooked up by Nick Fury. Spies and soldiers always make up code names for operations and initiatives that have little to do with their actual mission parameters....they just sound cool. "Operation Overlord; Operation Arclight; Operation Market Garden; the Avenger Initiative."
If Earth is lost that would affect the next phase of Marvel films too much I think
One thing Avengers 2 should set up is something for the Avengers to Avenge....Coulson was a good start....but maybe they should lose Earth? Thanos actually conquers Earth and the Avengers have to retreat to Asgard or something

or like in the story I broke down I guess they technically lose Odin and Asgard in A2....That would work maybe not on the same level as Earth....but I think A2 should set up something for them to Avenge in A3

I agree, they need something to avenge, they have to earn the name instead of 'oh, it was like this in comics' however, I don't think you need to jump from avenging one guy to avenging the planet earth. It might be better to just avenge a teammate or something. Maybe a city, y'know?
Here's how I see it playing out. Use the Phase 2 solo movies to show Thanos collecting Infinity gems,but only as a sub-plot. Maybe one of "Mandarin's" rings contains a gem. Cap 2 features a return of Red Skull who steals Loki's staff which also contains a gem. Thor sticks to the 9 Realms, where another villain is racing Thor, collecting gems. But in my scenario, Thor 2 is the only movie where the gems are front and center. And Thanos is only seen at the end of each, having the gems delivered to him, growing more powerful each movie. Then, at the end of Avengers 2, after the Avengers defeat an Earth-bound threat, Thanos remotely activates the Tesseract, transporting into Odin's Vault to steal the Gauntlet (and the remaining gems it already holds), and killing Odin in the process.
Then in Phase 3, Thanos reveals himself to the Avengers one by one in their solo movies, defeating each one before they regroup as a team to take him down in A3.

I hate defending my "what I would do with MCU" because whenever people give their two cents it's tough for them not to sound too defensive of their idea but I'll try here to defend my take without sounding too sensitive and what not....at the end of the day it's likely that this is not what is going to happen so it often seems arbitrary to argue about it but it's fun anyways

So.....I think in defense of my take the new concepts would slowly be developed.

I.e. Infinity Gems: In Thor 2 we only deal with 1 infinity gem, this keeps things simple while introducing a major concept and expanding the Universe. AvengerMe makes a point that Thanos should barely be mentioned and I think that is absolutely cool....they could continue to refer to him as HIM or something like that to keep Thanos pretty mystified to the audience and not overwhelm them with a million concepts

Avengers 2 my idea was that Star-Lord and Adam Warlock would show up in the beginning of the movie as a plot device to put the movie into motion and set up Thanos a little bit without over exposing him....This would also intro the GoG movie so that it may have a little more box-office viability featuring two major players in the Avengers Universe.

GoG movie would do a good job of setting up some backstory for the Marvel Universe in my idea as it would be a semi-prequel (at least to the events of the Avengers)

There are some big concepts in play with my idea but if you break it down it's kinda 1-2 big concepts per movie....which is traditionally pretty sustainable

Ah, well, if they show up at the beginning of TA2 to intro the plot that's fine and dandy, but the story you gave involved not only them being characters throughout the film, since Warlock is revealed to be a traitor, but travelling all over the cosmos collecting gems which means introducing different planets/locations, the challenges there, and the particular gem and its abilities. That's more than one or two concepts.

Part of what makes The Avengers so great is that everything spins out of the character development between the team. "A cosmic cube out there, going to destroy the world? We'll sit on our butts. Oh, you kill one of our friends? Now we must spring into action!" Also, I just personally think that GotG add viability/setup/success to Avengers, not the other way around.

Sometimes, it's okay to admit 'this is a movie I'd (or we'd) love, even if it's not mass marketable.' I have a lot of movie ideas like that. Like my Ms. Marvel movie...
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Well, not sure when this would be done, maybe a few Avengers movies later or not. Maybe Hydra or AIM targets the Avengers group because they will get in the way of their plans they are about to finish. So one of their weapons they send after the Avengers is Taskmaster. You would also get the reveal that he was a former SHIELD agent, a sleeper agent planted into the terrorist world to spy on them like Black Widow or Fury but he went rogue. This could tie into the idea that Fury has massive secrets at all times, his secrets have secrets. How many other massive secrets is he keeping that could destroy everyone and everything? His powers would be to mimic anyone's fighting styles like in the comics, a quick ability to analyze their moves. But it would never be said to be a power just a skill like Hawkeye's skills with the bow and arrow or Black Widow's fighting.
He wouldn't have to be the main villain either, like Zola in Captain America he could just be working for the main bad guy.

Taskmaster would work best in the Avengers movie because he would have more heroes to mimic, rather than putting him in a Black Widow solo or a Hawkeye solo or even a Captain America solo. Sure he couldn't match the Hulk's might, or Thor either, but he could match Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and maybe even Stark if he stole a suit of armor, and also Fury and Hill and any other SHIELD agents.
In the film he could even disguise himself as Stark in the armor or as Captain America if he stole the uniform.
He would be a cool side bad guy, sort of like the anti-Captain America in the movie that would also feature a bad guy team to counter them (like AIM or the return Hydra).
I can imagine Taskmaster having as much screen time as Hawkeye in the film, enough to get a good idea of who he is and what he does but it wouldn't have to be a starring role either, but not a cameo either.


His movie costume could be so similar to Captain America's and Hawkeye's that it would look very similar to the comic and still work in the real world.
An armored mask that looks like a skull, a hood, but no cape. I couldn't see a cape working. Add straps and layered material, armor and padding, like
Cap and Hawkeye had, he would be cool looking.
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Taskmaster pretending to be Stark, (able to mimic his movements, so team can't tell) sounds AWESOME. Then someone with a suit of armor AND uber fighting skills? That sounds super-boss.
Eh, I'm not too keen on the whole "they need something to avenge" angle. It was awkwardly done with Coulson, and they wound up "Whedon-ing" a popular character for no good reason other than the fact that Joss is notorious for those kinds of scenes.

"Avengers" was just a name in the comics, and had nothing to do with an actual description of the team's role in anything. Hell, I would've just explained the whole reason for the name as a non-sequitur cooked up by Nick Fury. Spies and soldiers always make up code names for operations and initiatives that have little to do with their actual mission parameters....they just sound cool. "Operation Overlord; Operation Arclight; Operation Market Garden; the Avenger Initiative."

It didn't actually hit me till Coulson said it, but it makes sense to have them Avenge something too me....

IMO it's the only thing that could garauntee Marvel they are better movies than the Nolan movies (let's be real....I'm happy both movies are awesome but deep down all the Marvelites want the Avengers to be better than Nolan no matter how high road we try to take it) is that they are allowed to earn it.....if it's going to be a trilogy the trilogy should be about something...and maybe that is simply earning the title of "super hero" which would be spelled out in the idea of "Avenging"

I don't think you have to blow Earth or blow Asgard up too do this....but have Thanos conquer it and use it as his home base or something to explore this area of the galaxy? Absolutely.
Well, not sure when this would be done, maybe a few Avengers movies later or not. Maybe Hydra or AIM targets the Avengers group because they will get in the way of their plans they are about to finish. So one of their weapons they send after the Avengers is Taskmaster. You would also get the reveal that he was a former SHIELD agent, a sleeper agent planted into the terrorist world to spy on them like Black Widow or Fury but he went rogue. This could tie into the idea that Fury has massive secrets at all times, his secrets have secrets. How many other massive secrets is he keeping that could destroy everyone and everything? His powers would be to mimic anyone's fighting styles like in the comics, a quick ability to analyze their moves. But it would never be said to be a power just a skill like Hawkeye's skills with the bow and arrow or Black Widow's fighting.
He wouldn't have to be the main villain either, like Zola in Captain America he could just be working for the main bad guy.

Taskmaster would work best in the Avengers movie because he would have more heroes to mimic, rather than putting him in a Black Widow solo or a Hawkeye solo or even a Captain America solo. Sure he couldn't match the Hulk's might, or Thor either, but he could match Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and maybe even Stark if he stole a suit of armor, and also Fury and Hill and any other SHIELD agents.
In the film he could even disguise himself as Stark in the armor or as Captain America if he stole the uniform.
He would be a cool side bad guy, sort of like the anti-Captain America in the movie that would also feature a bad guy team to counter them (like AIM or the return Hydra).
I can imagine Taskmaster having as much screen time as Hawkeye in the film, enough to get a good idea of who he is and what he does but it wouldn't have to be a starring role either, but not a cameo either.


His movie costume could be so similar to Captain America's and Hawkeye's that it would look very similar to the comic and still work in the real world.
An armored mask that looks like a skull, a hood, but no cape. I couldn't see a cape working. Add straps and layered material, armor and padding, like
Cap and Hawkeye had, he would be cool looking.

Taskmaster would be a cool villain to throw into a Civil War storyline.....which I am actually a little against but if it were to happen he would be a fun equation to throw in there
I'd love to see Tasky in a SHIELD movie, or even Cap 2 or 3. He'd be great as a Hyrda or AIM-hired guy who can take down all the non supers by employing all his Taskmastery.
I'd love to see Tasky in a SHIELD movie, or even Cap 2 or 3. He'd be great as a Hyrda or AIM-hired guy who can take down all the non supers by employing all his Taskmastery.

Taskmaster would make an excellent Cap 2 villain especially if AIM was the main "bad guy" but because it is this big crime syndicate the physical threat is Taskmaster who is funded by AIM

The reason I was putting Taskmaster in the Avengers films is because his power to mimic their moves would be best shown with multiple characters like the Avenger films. Just as Mimic would work best in an X-men film instead of a Wolverine movie. He could be fighting all the no super powered Avengers, Cap, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and even Stark or Fury, all at once and be mimicking each fighting style using Black Widows moves against Captain America or Hawkeye's skills against Black Widow. It would be more interesting, to me anyway, than him versus Captain America in a Cap film because then there is only Captain America to mimic, plus SHIELD agents perhaps.

His role in the Avengers film wouldn't have to be too big either, he wouldn't even have to speak much. Similar to Darth Maul in the Star Wars film. He is sort of their hired gun, hitman, bodyguard. Second Banana to the main villain, whoever it is (could be AIM or Hydra, etc). Another example I mentioned before would be like Zola's screen time in the Captain America film. Or sort of, but not exactly, like Justin Hammer's screen time in Iron Man 2 (maybe a better example would be Black Widow's screen time). He wouldn't have to be the focus of the film, but he would have enough to be noticed.

I could see Taskmaster making his big screen debut in a Captain America movie and then brought into the Avengers film.
But I think the best way to use him would be to use him against the Avengers because, like I said earlier, he could have more characters to mimic. More visual effects for the audience to watch as he mimics Captain America, then Hawkeye, then Black Widow, then back to Hawkeye, then Iron Man (without the armor) and finally back to Captain America, in one fight scene where he faces all of them at once. Plus you get the great SHIELD involvement. He is a former SHIELD spy like Hawkeye and Black Widow, but turned rogue and is one of Fury's dark secrets that has come back to destroy the Avengers. Also he wouldn't just be a worthy opponent for the non powered, he could fight Thor too and stand toe to toe like he did in the comics recently.

With that you once again show that Fury is a spy with many secrets and questionable morals. You also get the Avengers questioning him. You get Hawkeye and Black Widow questioning their company, SHIELD. Etc. And that would all just be a small part of the Avengers film, like how the whole SHIELD developing Hydra weapons was a small part of the Avengers 1 film.
I do think he would make a great Captain America bad guy too. But not the main bad guy. Cap has so many good bad guys. Robotic Zola, Baron Zemo, MODOK, Sin (descendant of Red Skull) and her Serpant Squad, um ... others

In whatever movie he first appears in, Avengers or Cap, I want him to eventually be in the Avengers. You can also bring in the idea that the group who he works for AIM or Hydra, had plans for domination until the Avengers saved everyone in Avengers 1. So now the Avengers are their target. Taskmaster is a former SHIELD agent turned rogue who now trains all Hydra or AIM's soldiers. But then they pull him out of that to go after the Avengers himself, along with other bad guys maybe (like Hydra soldiers) and he has as much screen time as Darth Maul or something. You could even get Ray Park to play him while having someone else doing his voice for the few scenes they have him actually talk like they did with Darth Maul or Snakeyes.
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The reason I was putting Taskmaster in the Avengers films is because his power to mimic their moves would be best shown with multiple characters like the Avenger films. Just as Mimic would work best in an X-men film instead of a Wolverine movie. He could be fighting all the no super powered Avengers, Cap, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and even Stark or Fury, all at once and be mimicking each fighting style using Black Widows moves against Captain America or Hawkeye's skills against Black Widow. It would be more interesting, to me anyway, than him versus Captain America in a Cap film because then there is only Captain America to mimic, plus SHIELD agents perhaps.

His role in the Avengers film wouldn't have to be too big either, he wouldn't even have to speak much. Similar to Darth Maul in the Star Wars film. He is sort of their hired gun, hitman, bodyguard. Second Banana to the main villain, whoever it is (could be AIM or Hydra, etc). Another example I mentioned before would be like Zola's screen time in the Captain America film. Or sort of, but not exactly, like Justin Hammer's screen time in Iron Man 2 (maybe a better example would be Black Widow's screen time). He wouldn't have to be the focus of the film, but he would have enough to be noticed.

I could see Taskmaster making his big screen debut in a Captain America movie and then brought into the Avengers film.
But I think the best way to use him would be to use him against the Avengers because, like I said earlier, he could have more characters to mimic. More visual effects for the audience to watch as he mimics Captain America, then Hawkeye, then Black Widow, then back to Hawkeye, then Iron Man (without the armor) and finally back to Captain America, in one fight scene where he faces all of them at once. Plus you get the great SHIELD involvement. He is a former SHIELD spy like Hawkeye and Black Widow, but turned rogue and is one of Fury's dark secrets that has come back to destroy the Avengers. Also he wouldn't just be a worthy opponent for the non powered, he could fight Thor too and stand toe to toe like he did in the comics recently.

With that you once again show that Fury is a spy with many secrets and questionable morals. You also get the Avengers questioning him. You get Hawkeye and Black Widow questioning their company, SHIELD. Etc. And that would all just be a small part of the Avengers film, like how the whole SHIELD developing Hydra weapons was a small part of the Avengers 1 film.
I do think he would make a great Captain America bad guy too. But not the main bad guy. Cap has so many good bad guys. Robotic Zola, Baron Zemo, MODOK, Sin (descendant of Red Skull) and her Serpant Squad, um ... others

In whatever movie he first appears in, Avengers or Cap, I want him to eventually be in the Avengers. You can also bring in the idea that the group who he works for AIM or Hydra, had plans for domination until the Avengers saved everyone in Avengers 1. So now the Avengers are their target. Taskmaster is a former SHIELD agent turned rogue who now trains all Hydra or AIM's soldiers. But then they pull him out of that to go after the Avengers himself, along with other bad guys maybe (like Hydra soldiers) and he has as much screen time as Darth Maul or something. You could even get Ray Park to play him while having someone else doing his voice for the few scenes they have him actually talk like they did with Darth Maul or Snakeyes.

The obvious problem with Taskmaster as the Avengers bad guy is why the hell do we need 4 of Earth's Mightiest Superheroes to stop the Taskmaster?
It would take a whole team because he wouldn't be the only bad guy. He would be a hired assassin/bodyguard for the bigger boss/team. If he works for Hydra (someone Captain America has already faced and mentioned in the Avengers) then there is a reason the whole team is needed. They wont just be fighting him, they will be fighting all of Hydra. Like Darth Maul he will be a handful that can take on the whole team at once, Cap/Black Widow/Hawkeye, etc, all at the same time while matching their fighting skills move for move learning from them as they fight him. But he will just be one of many bad guys sent after the team.
If Hydra is used in the Avenger film imagine the main bad guy is Baron Struker. His second in command is Madam Hydra. He also many Hydra sleeper agents and soldiers. And Taskmaster, who was hired to train the Hydra agents is sent after the Avengers. Its like in the Bourne Identity or one of the sequels, There was a larger group but they activate some of their agents and send them after Jason Bourne. But in this case they activate Taskmaster and send him to kill Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Stark.
Imagine something like this, we first see Taskmaster at the Hydra base watching footage of the Avengers or old footage of old fighters or superheroes. He is told his new job. Later he breaks into Avengers Tower and attacks. It becomes obvious to the audience that Taskmaster is a major threat when he fights all of them at once. Mimicking Captain America to block Hawkeye's arrow and then counters with a shield throw, then flips backward and uses a Black Widow move on Captain America and then mimic's Hawkeye with a perfect arrow shot at Iron Man knocking out one of his repulsars. Just an example, but in the heat of battle he could be shown to be maybe a minor threat to the whole team but a major threat to many of them. And after a brief fight scene he leaves only to return again in the movie to fight some more. Just like Darth Maul who I don't remember being shown that much Taskmaster could be shown to be a big threat worthy of all the Avengers with only a few scenes and while not being the main focus at all. I see him as being nothing more than a hired assassin in the film, but one that would be awesome to see on the screen. Sort of the Anti-Captain America.

I am not saying he is in anyway on the level of Kang or Ultron but he is a hired gun who is enough to hold his own in a fight with Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Stark, all at once. He could also get captured and imprisoned and that is how The Raft is introduced.
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