B89 has been on television alot lately!!!!


Jul 14, 2002
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It's amazing how much this film has been on television lately. There was a time when the only bat-films on television were the Adam West Batman, Batman Returns, and Batman Forever. Now, like two or three times a week B89 is on television.
Good for them. I've already got the DVD.
the anthology somehow made everyone batman 89 freaks
It was on TBS just last night, I'm surprised since they've always shown Forever and B&R constantly.
Batman beyond return of the Joker has been on HBO fanily alot lately.
Catman said:
It's amazing how much this film has been on television lately. There was a time when the only bat-films on television were the Adam West Batman, Batman Returns, and Batman Forever. Now, like two or three times a week B89 is on television.
I saw B89 on TBS Saturday, I just watched it on dvd like two hours before so, I didn't watch it, not that I would've anyway since I don't wwatch movies that I love all cut up and constantly interupted by ******ed commercials every two seconds, I hate tv. I'm always watching dvds.
Lazlo Panaflex said:
It was on TBS just last night, I'm surprised since they've always shown Forever and B&R constantly.

Yeah, many stations that usually air the other films, are airing B89.
it would be awsome if some station aired a batman marathon all day with all the movies and TAS cartoons. That would be downright awsome
Morgoth said:
Batman beyond return of the Joker has been on HBO fanily alot lately.
Yeah, it has... I watched it for the first time on there... Pretty sweet, scored three stars...
My tv guide used to have Batman and Batman Returns listed with **+ stars, but earlier this year it changed to *** stars out of ****
Batman was on television again last night... again.
i guess it's a little christmas present for us batfans.:)
kooguy911 said:
it would be awsome if some station aired a batman marathon all day with all the movies and TAS cartoons. That would be downright awsome

It's actually possible because WB owns HBO, Cinemax, TNT, TBS, Cartoon Network, and TCM. So, those channels can air the Batman films and cartoons for free.
maybe the TV executives are finally starting to realize that schuamchers movies suck ass.

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