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Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG (Short-Term) - IC Thread


The Marine Marvel
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG



Some people would call me a scholar, but I merely choose wisely with my words. Others would claim that I a man of god; a preacher. I have my beliefs, and fear the Almighty for his presence is indeed here, but I do not praise him. Many would go to label me a prophet, believing that my stories fortell possible future events, but I merely re-tell tales of the past, no trickery in this.

I am none of these. So who am I? That matters not. I am untamable, bearing ties to no one. My alliegance lies not with the elves, nor the dwarves, nor even the humans. My heritage, bears little, next to no, importance in why I am here. I have been away from home, for so long, after I have told my tale, you too will have forgotten me. For once I have sang my song, I will no longer be here. I am a recluse. I am a hermit. I am a nomad. I am an outcast. But you may call me Caed.

But, as I have already stated, my name and origin are insignificant; that is not why I am here. I am here to educate, but not as a scholar. I am here to enlighten, however please do not look at me like a preacher. And I am here to open your eyes and your mind, to worlds and adventure you have only dreamed of, without making me a prophet. I am a humble bard, at your service. And as is my service to entertain, this I shall do. And as is my service to inform, I shall do so as well.

Are you listening closely? First I must tell you this old bit of history. But before I begin, let me reveal to you that this no fairytale. No. You will not see the charming prince and the young and fair princess living happily ever after. You will not always see good triumph over evil, for we live in harsh times. Forgive me for I am not here to tease. But you will experience the pain, the sorrow, the grief, as well as the drops of happiness and joy as I tell my tale. I know this story too well, and hold it dearly too much to lie.

If you seek happy endings, then I am afraid here you will find yourself lost. I have lived...seen the world long enough to come here now and tell you such a thing is achieved by few, yet pursued by many. As I am honest with you now, so shall I be honest with my tale. But of course, such a thing is easy when the brief bit of history I speak of is of course past tense: already passed through the Sands of Time, already woven into the Threads of Fate. Now can you see why there are those who have claimed that I am many things such as a scholar, preacher, and prophet? Really? Neither do I.

Thus begins my first song, this first bit of history, and it's rhythm and beat help move the story forth as I play the first verse. You will not notice it though, for you will become entranced. But you need not worry, I do not deal in enchantments of trickery. Such an ability are pursued by only the most foolish and weak-minded of men. Shall I begin now? Listen closely to the wind. Listen...as I begin to recite my poem of the wind. Are you listening? No? Listen closer. For it is the only ingredient I need.

Pay no attention to the plucking of my strings, just keep listening to the wind. If you fail to do so, you will be unable to hear my song. Oh, how hard I have worked on the melodies and harmonies I do wish it that you listen to the wind. Do you finally feel it? Can you hear my grand crescendo? Good. Now become lost in it.

Now begins my Ballad of Tears.

The elven Kingdom of Caldoria, if you can believe it, was once a beautiful and peaceful kingdom. All who dwelled in its realm were free to think and free to act within the reasonable laws under the reign of King Lance. This change in history started out like many conflicts began: between brothers. Lord Magus, twin brother to Lance, was forever jealous of his sibling. Soured and twisted by this anger and never-ending hunger for the throne one day Magus, harnessing the arts of Black Magic and mastering them, took it upon himself to finally face his twin brother.

And for the first time, as these two brothers waged violence against once another in the magical arena, Lance was not superior; Magus was successful. In challenging the King, with Lance having no choice but to except for it is Caldorian Law, Magus had finally gotten what he had wanted. But while his actions may have been within the law, his methods were not for Black Magic was forbidden in the lands of Caldoria. And for that, a resistance was formed.

Many elves, loyal to the memory of King Lance, challenged Magus' reign for the first century of Magus' reign and died. As Magus tried to spread the territories of the Empire to the lands, leagues of men, dwarves, orc, and all other types of creatures tried to rebel. Some were successful, and others were not during what is known today as the War of the Sentinels.

There was a newphew of Magus, whose birth was unknown to Magus for the former and exiled Queen gave birth to him in secret shortly after Lance had been slained. After the great war, with Kelvin now being ready having studying the arts of magick and skills in swordsmanship, he rallied up 11 comrades--men and women of different race--willing to embark on a mission that was known to be suicide. And suicide it was for they were to sneak into the palace and attack Magus head-on. None, not even the newphew known as Kelvin, made it out alive they say; but the mission was not in vain. Before he met his Fate, as his evil uncle was about to finish him off, Kelvin casted a spell that would save the world.

Casting a stasis spell, that would keep both he and Magus imprisoned and animated in suspension, they say Kelvin smiled at his uncle as he drew his last breath. The spell, a rare and powerful one, would keep Magus prisoner for a century in his very own palace throne room where he stood. So for a century, it would seem that the World would be granted peace.

For the first few years after Magus had become imprisoned, men had tried to enter the realm of Caldoria and defeat the great Empire while its King and Emperor remained indisposed. However, the forces many and loyal to Magus, kept their grounds and Kingdom intact for the future turn of their Dark Lord and King.

Hope...had been lost to all.

And so begins my Ballad of Saints, as I will search throughout the land...and find those willing to aid me. Magus will be freed from Kelvin's spell in a week's time. Old habits die hard. He will look to expanding his Empire once again.

...I will die before letting that happen.

The way this game works is that the Game Master leads and moves the story along. This is not an open world game where you travel and go where you like. You can create any character, be they hero or neutral alignment, in this Ancient World as long as they:​

  • Do NOT rip off pre-existing heroes from myths and legends.
  • Do NOT criticize another poster’s character. We are not all as skilled as Homer or Shakespeare. Constructive criticism is okay as long as it is not offensive.
  • Do NOT kill other Player Characters unless specifically asked by the player to do so.
  • The Game Master has the final say in matters of character acceptance.
  • You can travel using your animals, vehicles, or your own two feet. Don't miraculously pop up unless you're using a teleportation spell, a magic item, etc...
  • You can reside in any place in the Ancient World (no Antarctica, or any of the Americas or Australia). Just Europe, Asia (including feudal Japan), & Africa.
  • Don't do anything RANDOM like chopping off board user's heads or what not, unless your a villain chopping off NPC victims heads, then whatever, go with it, as long as it's not technically RANDOM (Don't be killing people without reason).
  • If you want to take part in this, just fill out an app and your name and character will appear on the roster, pending approval...
  • Act like your characters; ASSUME their traits and personalities...
  • People who disobey these rules, some more major than the others, will get BOOTED by the Game Masters. Further problems will cause HYPE! Mods to get involved, which usually leads to user bannings, or the more severe IP Address banning.
  • No modern day religions are allowed in the game (Christianity, Islam, etc).

To apply as a character in this Short-Term game, simply visit the OOC (Out of Character) Thread and fill out the application which can be found at the bottom of the first post.

Note: When you apply for a character should the story of the game be at a certain place, you may have to wait to be written into the story by the Game Master.

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Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG - Caed

He finally reaches the top of the stairs, met by a door. Just a door, though. Just a simple, wooden, simple little door.

No. It is no mere door. He is more than familiar with the tower in which he has climbed. For like the door he stands on the steps of no mere regular tower. On the outside, it looks to stand but a mere somewhat daunting 30 feet. But inside...inside shows the true nature of the tower and its 3000 steps.

So as Caed gazes at the door he reaches not for the door knob, but for the very center of the door itself. And he closes his eyes.

"I come not for my own ambitions, but for the ambitions of a mighty King...a King who should have never had been slayed."

And suddenly, ancient runes of different languages of and magical dialect appear around the hand in which Caed touches the center of the door and begins to twirl about. It travels along his forearm up to his shoulders and then the circle expands, captivating his very body and in the next second...he is gone.

"This marks the second time that you have climbed my tower and spoken a true oath...or have you come again to deceive me, Caed? You spoke with such honor and valor a century ago, and look what you did with said honor and valor."

Appearing on the other side of the door, in the mighty room that sits atop the magical tower, Caed is less than humbly greeted by the wizard of said tower.

"The past is the past, my friend. Yes, that honor and valor was thrown away by my very hand for my cowardly and deceitful actions. However I come to you this time as a new man. A broken man. Simply trying to make amends for a World that will not bid me rest."

The wizard Lynx chuckles. He gets up from the table in which he was sitting, and takes a good look at the human bard before him.

"Yes. I can see that you've changed...you wield a crossbow and a guitar now...you ask me they might as well still be a longbow and a sword. Then you speak of your broken soul as though you do not have the means to end your torment. You simply need to take off your--"

"I can't do that. Many a times over the years...so many times I almost grew weak and did it. However, something always stopped me and I managed to come back from my sense from the very brink of insanity. Before he...before we parted ways...I made a promise. And now but in a week's time, I can finish said promise. Then..."

Clenching his chest, Caed lowers his head as he makes a solemn elven gesture.

"Then I shall remove it."

"You speak of Magus' imprisonment and Kelvin's spell."


Lynx walks over to the window that does not actually look out into the open field that lies outside of his magical tower, but looks at the very world itself. Anywhere and everywhere, at any time. For it is Lynx's precious gift of foresight. Should you or I take a look, we would see a vast nothingness. But what Lynx sees is exactly what Caed needs to be able to see for himself.

"Aid me this one last time, Lynx. Aid me, so that I may pay for my sins and this time, give the World its freedom."
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Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG - Caed

His face still looking through the magical window, Lynx clasps his hands behind his back.

"Fine. You wish to prove to me that you are a changed man, Caed? If I was to tell you now that should events unfold with your interference, and you gather hereos from around the world to rise up against Magus...that you would fail...would you then take it off?"

Turning around, and crossing his arms as he looks at Caed sternly, Lynx continues.

"For you know of my power, Caed. Should your fight hold no weight in the balance of things in the end...would you choose to end your life now? Your noble cause...rendered futile. Your promise...need not be carried out for you are destined to fail. Would you then finally accept Fate?"

A few short seconds pass. And there is nothing but silence. As there is silence there is also no movement on Caed's part as he simply stands straight up, looking back at Lynx. He looks at the wizard with a look of uncertainty which then changes to a look just as stern as the wizard before him as he makes his decision.

"Hmph. You are no different than before. Still you are afraid of Death, Caed. And yet you dare make claim that when you are victorious, you will abide by your words and accept Death rather than reap the spoils of this coming War? When you and your former companions first climbed my tower, and came to me...do you know what those who dared to look into their future asked? They asked "If I die this journey...will my family at least be safe?". But you...you were but the one of the few who asked about their future to asked about how you would die. And with that knowledge, just before the time would come, you betrayed the very world you swore to help save."

Taking a step aggressively towards the bard Caed, pointing his finger as he does so, the volume of Lynx's voice increases.

"And you ran. You are still that same man. Running from Death. Yet you climb my tower again, reaching my door with a noble oath...again, siding your loyalty to your cause...yet again...and--"

"And your tower bid me entrance. AGAIN. Had I been lying, Lynx...you and I both know it would not give me way. I would be trapped within these walls for eternity, walking up an endless flight of stairs...hoping to find another door that would never come to pass."

With those words, Caed has silenced the mighty Lynx. With those words, Caed causes Lynx to take a step back as he lashes back with such strong emotion and heart in his words.

"I've walked this Earth for a little past a century now since the day of my birth and that wretched day...I dare not walk a day longer than I have to. I see past your test and trickery, Lynx. As you said: I know your power. You again give me an example of my demise, however this time you choose to give me it, thinking that the reason I choose to cheat Death a little longer is the same. I stand here still living only to tell you it is not."

Lynx walks back towards the magical window, dipping his head as he lets out a sigh. Caed too sighs and takes a seat at the small table in the magical chambers.

"Enough of the games, old friend. You know where my heart truly lies. I beg of you. Tell me the events that are to come to pass. I cannot accept that no matter what I do, my life is always destined to be taken from me before I can succeed. I cannot accept that this time my promise will have meant for nothing. That Caldoria's call for free will still go unanswered as Magus awakens and takes the World by storm. And should my fate be in fact the same...that it is by Magus' hand that I am to die, lying in his throne room in my own pool of blood and ****...I still choose to cheat death but a little longer to grant me that chance rather than die here now. At least then I will have the satisfaction in knowing that I died trying."

In an emotional rage, Caed lifts up at the table in which he sits, flipping it over and when he comes to his senses, stumbles around before sitting back in the chair. His hands cradle his head for a brief moment before he can manage to get himself under control.

"...Something I failed to understand the value of all that time ago."

"Fine. So be it...should you gather a group of heroes...there is but a chance. However Magus' mind is not yet awake, therefore I cannot see the full scope of events that are to come. Although what I can see are the actions of the Archduke of Gladomain."

"Prince Tylen? He lives? But I thought that with Magus captive by Kelvin's spell were Tylen still alive he would have made a campaign of his own. He always did believe that he was destined for the throne for merely being a distant blood relative to Magus. And a half blood, at that."

"Yes but while Prince Tylen dreams of agendas of his own he is more than aware of the Kingdom's allegiance to Magus; those who are loyal at least. Besides, Magus' forces would never see a Caldorian elf that has also drow blood flowing through its veins sit upon the throne."

"Fair enough. And what it is that you see Prince Tylen doing?"

"He has been mustering up forces to search for Lance's Atelier ever since Kelvin encased Magus in his spell."

"What? Searching for an entire century? That's madness!"

"Madness to most, yes. However you are not aware of what lies within Lance's Atelier. Hidden away in the former King's magical study lies one of the two first magical Necklaces forged in the First Age of Magick. And forged with far too much power, for the understanding of Order and Chaos was not yet known to the first mystics of our world. Now that I'm sure you are more than familiar with it. What am I saying...of course you are more than familiar."


"But he will never find it. He's not destined to."

"Oh? Then there is nothing to worry--"

"No, Caed. He will not find it. That doesn't mean that someone else won't."


"Perhaps. But until Magus awakens and is of conscious mind once again, I cannot forsee what he will do. Destiny is a funny thing. Sometimes the gift of foresight is pleasant to me, other times it is fickle. However it is at least clear when it is pleasant and when it is fickle. But, come...let us talk of more pleasant things."

Taking a deep breath, and taking a new look at his magical mirror, Lynx starts to focus entirely on it. As he does so, he speaks to Caed who now stands behind him. He places his arm on Lynx's shoulder in order to see what Lynx sees.

"Let us seek out your Champions who are to answer your cause."


"By the gods. Do you realize how many times I have heard that?" I stick my staff into the creature's throat as he leaps at me, and ignite him with flame from the inside. His body dissapates in dark mist and ash. "One would think that immortal beings would take the time to devise more complex threats."

I hear behind me the hissing of the creature's vile breathren, and calmly reach into my robes. At the last moment, I slip to the side faster than most people can see. The vile things land where I was standing, and scream in pain as the purified salt I left on the ground seeps into their skin.

"Damnable ghouls." While they screem in pain, I pull out a blessed dagger and drive it into the brain of one while putting my hand to the other's face. Cleansing fire is the last thing it sees.

I clean my dagger as I walk away, being sure to carefully tuck the bloody rag into a pocket. One never knows when ghoul's blood may be valuable. Infact, there's a certain necromancer in Gaul...

"D-Did you kill them all?" A young woman, the village council leader's lovely daughter, to be specific, steps from behind a tree.

"I asked that no one follow me."

"I know...but...I had to see..."

I nod. "I understand." I do, actually. Danger tends to attract certain people. This is hardly the first village I've dealt with. Nor the first daughter of a village leader.

"So...we are safe now?"

"Yes. The graveyard has been cleansed."

"Thank you so much."

I nod. "Back to the village then."

"Yes. I'm sure you want your payment now," she says, smiling shyly at me.

I smile back. "Indeed." I do enjoy getting paid...


"You know...Gaul is a beautiful land. But the people can be..."


"That's certainly a more civilized word than I was looking for."

My friend smiles. "Why do you think I like it here so much."

I tilt my glass towards him. "For a necromancer, you're not such a bad person."

He smiles. "You only say that because you can be such a bad person."

"Fair point." I take another sip. "They do make excellent wines in this land. I'll give them that."

"Indeed. This rather heady blend is called 'sang de la vigne'."

"Blood of the grape?" I look at the red liquid with a bit of suspicion.

"Do not worry yourself. It is just a name. No actual blood involved."

"Knowing you as I do, you understand my caution."

Neirith chuckles. "I only use blood wines for their intended purposes. And the occasional diner." He continues to chuckle a little, but I know he's actually serious. One must always keep an eye on one's veins when in the presence of a necro. "So, with the pleasantries out of the way. What brings you to my humble dwelling?"

I glance around the lavishly decorated cabin, and all the various ingredients and enchanted objects that adorn the walls or hand from the ceiling. "If this is your version of humble, I may have to consider a change in profession."

"Heh, very unlikely, knowing you as I do." Neirith turns back to his work table and continues with whatever task I interrupted upon my arrival. I recognize a couple of ingredients, but the purpose of his concoction eludes me.

I reach into my robes and pull out a pouch. "Since we are on the subject of blood, I brought you this." I carefully remove the cloth and unfold it before Neirith, careful not to touch what coats it.

"Is that...is that what I think it is?"

I smile. "Indeed. Pure, untainted ghoul's blood, directly from the source."

Neirith is nearly salivating. I always bring him the best stuff, and he always gives me a good deal when I do. "You didn't acquire it using an enchanted weapon, did you?"

"Not at all. Just a standard dagger through the skull."

"Through the skull you say!" Neirith rubs his hands together. "Then there may be brain matter on the cloth as well." He leans in to examine it closely.


"Hmm...? Oh, yes. Go ahead and select something from the east table."

My eyebrows goes up. "The east table? I would think this much ghoul's blood would at least rate the north table."

"You must be joking. As useful as the blood is, and knowing the usual payment you collect from villages-"

"Oh, did I neglect to mention I killed this ghoul on a graveyard?"

Neirith bangs his head on a hanging pot, he straightens up so quickly. "You are such a bastard."

I grin proudly. "Yes, I know. Well...?"

He sighs. "Fine. North table."

Now it's my turn to rub my hands together as I peruse the items in question. "No...no...no...maybe...no...have some already...yes, that would be nice...no...wait." I pick a small tube and sniff one end. Brimstone. "You have dragon's breath?!"
The Unknown

90 Days Out of Norseland

The ocean waters lapped against the side of the boat. On the deck and below it, Viking warriors went about their duties while one man in particular sat perched in the ship's crow's nest, a telescopic lens on his eye.

"Confound it all where are you?" The Docktore muttered under his breath.

It was going on three months since their departure from Norseland. Three months out in the sea, searching for the new land that the Docktore knew was out here.

"Watts," he called from down below. The hefty man standing at the mast looked up at his boss.

"Yes, sir?"

"Get Vespucci out here right now!"

The Docktore began his climb down the mast. He touched the deck just as Watts and the thin man came out from below. Like the Docktore, he was an Italian. He, Watts, and the Docktore were the only none Vikings in the search party. The man had been handpicked by the Docktore. Like the Docktore, he was a man of logic.

"I believe that your calculations were incorrect," the Docktore hissed.

"What's wrong with it, sir?"

"You said that we should be in the new land within the month. It has been triple that time, and still here we are!"

"I never said a month. I said at least a month. You misunderstood me, sir."

"We need to find land soon. Supplies are running low, the crew is getting restless...I can sense that they have mutiny on their minds."

"And they are not the only ones, sir."

Without another word, Vespucci pulled a knife from his coat and whistled. On cue, Viking warriors came from below deck with battle axes at the ready.

"We're lost, Docktore, and it's your fault. If only you had listened to me and my directions."

"No!" The Docktore shouted. "I promise you all. Stay the course and we will reach Giovannia."

"I think not," Vespucci said. "It's time for you and your chubby friend to depart from the boat, Docktore, while we find the new land. The land named after me!"

"Named after you? Amerigo Vespucci?! What kind of land could they possibly name after you?"


Several hours later, the Docktore and Watts row against the current of the ocean inside their tiny rowboat. The larger Viking ship has already faded off in the distance.

"America," the Docktore mumbled under his breath. "What kind of name is that for a land?"

"Does have a nice ring to it."

"Oh, shut up."

Those who visit the harbour of Shanghai never leave unscathed, something that Zhu Yunwen, the Jianwen Emperor, was finding out firsthand. A knife was held by his throat while General Wu Chang gloated. They were seated next to each other, atop of a large fortress that afforded them a spectacular view of the East China Sea. The sun was setting on the horizon.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Wu Chang looked to his aide, Daiyu A-ching, who pressed her blade closer to the Emperor's throat.
"Y-y-yes," Zhu Yunwen responded in gulps.
"Enjoy it, old friend. It will be the last thing you'll see on this Earth."
The Emperor closed his eyes to pray and Wu Chang laughed.
"Ha! Nobody can save you now!"

Just then, one of his henchmen came running up the stairs to the roof. He saluted his superior, kneeled down before the company and hung his head.

Calmly, he stated: "General Wu Chang, Niu Choi San approaching."
"What do you mean, Niu Choi San approaching?" The General turned his gaze towards the horizon. A fleet of ships were now appearing on the line and approaching the harbour rapidly. And although there was still quite a distance between them, he was able to look straight in Niu Choi San's eyes, hanging from her sails. There was no fear in those eyes.
"Open fire! All weapons!"
He turned to the henchmen. "Dispatch War Qian and Nin Gong, to bring back her body!"

Minutes later, all over Shanghai cannons exploded. General Wu Chang looked satisfied until he noticed that the sound did not come from the cannons firing, but from them literally exploding. Looking out over the city, he saw townsfolk keeping soldiers at bay with the scythes and pitchforks they used for farming and fishing. Frightened, his eyes again turned to the approaching fleet and its leader.

Niu Choi San smiled. "Ready your bows," she called out to her men. Approaching her ship was General Wu Chang's Flying Squadron: soldiers using wings made of wood and silk to glide over land and sea. Responding to her orders, all available men drew arrows. When Niu Choi San yelled 'Fire!', they shot the entire squadron out of the sky.

The only one spared was War Qian, the General's most fearsome flying soldier. He narrowly avoided a string of arrows, before dropping the man he held in his arms onto Niu Choi San's ship. It was Nin Gong, the fiercest fighter under the General's command. He was immediately surrounded by Niu's pirates.

"Leave him to me," she said as she jumped from the sail. Nin Gong smiled, readying his curved blade. One of the pirates threw Niu her scythe. Her eyes locked with Nin Gong. Without speaking another word, they charged for one another.

Nin Gong attempted to strike first, raising his sword over his head. The blow was stopped by Niu's stick and while Nin Gong tried with all his might to break it - and her - Niu did not buckle. Instead, she managed to push him away, then swung her scythe around to catch Nin Gong's foot. With a sharp pull, she sent him to the floor. He moved to get up, but she was already on top of him, one foot on his throat, the other on the hand holding his sword.

With a small blade that she took from her pocket, she slashed at Nin Gong's armour, severing the ropes holding it together. It clattered as it fell to the floor beside him. Try as he might, he could not lift his sword to strike at her and did not even occur to him to use his other hand as she stared him down fearlessly.

Nine long seconds passed before Niu turned her attention to the sky. War Qian had been circling overhead and was readying a small bomb. Niu jumped from Nin Gong, leaving him to her pirate henchmen. She ran back to the sails, climbing to its top in mere moments.

"If you take me to your General, I might let you live," she said to the winged soldier, who looked down in horror as the pirates tore apart his comrade. Finally, he nodded, his hands shaking as they took hers.

By now, the fleet had entered the harbour and pirates flooded the streets, battling General Wu Chang's army fearlessly and relentlessly. It was a terribly mix of chaos, fire and blood and Niu Choi San flew above it straight to General Wu Chang. Her face showed no emotion.

"War Qian! You traitor!" the General shouted and cursed as Niu Choi San dropped onto the roof. Daiyu stepped away from the emperor to meet her. She twirled her blade and smiled vilainously, but Niu Choi San was not impressed. She readied her battle stance.

Daiyu came at the Pirate Queen with her knife, but Niu easily deflected the first blow. However, when she kicked in turn, her opponent caught her foot with similar ease. Niu quickly turned her upper body to the right, kicking Daiyu in the face with her other foot and sending both to the ground.

Niu got up first, delivering a series of brutal and relentless kicks to Daiyu's face and body until it was a bloody mess. Both General Wu Chang and Emperor Zhu Yunwen looked on in horror. When Niu's eyes then met Wu Chang's, he fell to his knees in pure unadultured panic.

"Don't hurt me," he begged.

Niu Choi San ignored him and she went about freeing the Emperor from his bonds. He trembled as she loosened the ropes around his arms and torso. He quivered as her fingers touched his hands. Around them, meanwhile, battles continued to rage on. Niu Choi San pulled the Emperor up and they walked to the edge of the roof. They looked out over the chaos that had befallen the city.

"Hai!" she yelled at the top of her voice. All of Shanghai stopped and looked up at the Pirate Queen.

The Widow.

Queen of the Impossible.

Niu Choi San, savior of the Ming dynasty.
Sitting in deep concentration, I begin chanting to the carved goddess in front of me. She may not be as detailed of an idol as can be found in one of the great forest temples, but I feel I've done a good job representing the protector of the forest. She has helped guide me all these years in the Cherry Blossom, and in return I have protected these woods from evil.

As my hymn's echoes die within the trees, a new sound, softer and undetectable for most ears flows through the air. It's a warning, passed from tree to tree. One I have heard often since moving to the Cherry Blossom Forest, and one I fear I will hear until my dying day.

Magus's troops have once again entered the wood.

I don't waste any time springing into action. I slide down a vince from my small worship space into my living quarters and grab my weaponry before leaping from my treetop fort into the canopy. Running and hopping from branch to branch, I move more quickly than any mortal could even imagine.

After a while, I can smell them and their filthy, unwashed hordes. I can see them, and the axes and fire they bring into my forest. I can hear them, and their loud, drunken laughter. They have come just as they have come for as long as I can remember. Magus's troops, coming to my forest for wood and resources to fuel their war machine. Even with their master frozen in time they come.

They come, but little do they know they come to die. I slide down a heft branch and launch myself to the adjacent tree, sliding down closer to their camp. I'm still incredibly far away, the giant trees of the Cherry Blossom allow me great stealth as I hunt, but I'm close enough to begin. I put my fingers to my mouth and emit a sound that's half hiss and half the sound the wind makes through the leaves. After a few moments, four unbelievably large spiders appear on the same branch as me. In their language, I say, "The fools will be easy pray. Wait for my signal."

They drop down and wait for fresh meat, as I slide further down the tree, all the way to the forest floor. Staying to the shadows, I place my hand on the trunk of the great tree I was just in, and beg for its help. After a few moments, its branches encase the soldiers and axemen in a wooden prison, and I vault into the center, spraying arrows into the chests of four of the ten men. My spider friends drop on top of the other four and drag them into the darkness, leaving two others.

One rushes at me, axe drawn, but a grey shadow springs from the darkness and tears his throat out as I slit the other's throat with one of my blades. After she feasts, Arya follows me back into the forest knowing the world is rid of some more of its filth.

"Getting bolder," my direwolf familiar says in her language as we trek back towards our home. "Haven't come this deep in years."

"Either bolder or more foolish," I respond, but I know she's right. The hordes haven't come this deep in over a century. They know I'm here, and they know what I do when they come to my forest. "If they indeed are growing bolder, it bodes ill for all the realms."

"Magus trapped," Arya barks. "Without leader, they cannot win. Will just become meat."

"We can only hope," I respond as we reach our home. "Now, let us rest. There may be more soon."
Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG - Caed

As Lynx's ever wandering eyes gaze upon his magical window, Caed keeps his own closed for the moment. The last time that Caed visited Lynx, and was shown his death, Lynx warned for him to keep his eyes shut as the mirror was at work. It is through Lynx's concentration that Caed will be able to see what he sees however Lynx must concentrate on finding what Caed desires. Should Caed have his eyes open the very nature of the magic at work could drive him mad for Lynx cannot safely channel the power while searching through the window.

"There. You can open your eyes now."

The bard opens his eyes, and in his sights is an elf ranger of some sort in the view of the magical mirror. Although it is not the elf himself that causes Caed to grow with confusion but rather the weapon he carries.

"A Caldorian Ranger Bow? How could he possibly have his hands on that? Do you play tricks with me, Lynx, and instead of showing me a Champion a thief?"

"Your eyes do not deceive nor do my intentions, old friend. That indeed is a Caldorian Ranger Bow in his hand, and he has moreso than earned it. His name is...Telemnar."

"I haven't seen that crest which rests on his bow in over a century...no doubt he remains loyal to the memory of King Lance?"

"At the very core of his being? Perhaps. Tales speak of a forest wraith that seems to wander and protect the gargantuan Cherryblossom Forest but I know the truth behind the myth. It is Telemnar himself who is the Wraith of the Forest. You see, after the betrayal of one of his own, and being the only survivor Telemnar has since become allied with only the very forest itself."

"That does me little good then, old friend, if I have a Caldorian Elf Ranger that dare not trust me."

"At first he will not. At first the only thing that will drive his heart on embarking on your campaign will be revenge for his fallen brethren. But should you share your sad and shameful tale with him...I have no doubts that he may yet turn around."

"Very well. We have a Ranger, now. But the next champion I wish to choose for myself."

Raising his eyebrow in curiosity, Lynx smirks and chuckles for a brief moment.

"Oh? And who might that be, old friend?"

"The Mighty Massamo Giovanni. I believe he takes residence within his homelands of Rome still. A powerful white wizard like he would definitely tip the scale in our favor."

Lynx nodding, Caed closes his eyes once more as Lynx pinpoints Massamo's current location. He is at his home with his beloved wife having breakfast. Lynx pays closer attention to the way that he touches his wife's stomach, realizing that she is only a month pregnant. After this much time passes, Caed grows a bit impatient as he is confused.

"Lynx? Shall I open my eyes now?"


"No? Are you telling me that the Great Lynx, pupil of Merlin, cannot locate the Mighty--"

"His wife is with child."

"And? Surely she would understand--"

"It is not meant to be, Caed. Should we recruit Massamo Giovanni he will be a valuable asset to the team, yes...however in his absence his wife will have a miscarriage, and without his presence for comfort...will lead down a possible suicidal fate."

"This is about the greater good of the world, Lynx. The second that Magus finally has full reign on Caldoria he will move onto all the other continents of the world including Europe and therein Rome."

A few seconds longer and Lynx continues to search through the magical window until he stops.

"There. Now you shall open your eyes."

"Hmm? Who is this? He...someone resembles Massamo but this is not the man I asked for, Lynx."

"He is the reason that we cannot recruit Massamo, old friend. The reason that Massamo must be present for when his wife has a miscarriage is that they must try again and bare another son. A son in which will live and grow to become this man's father. The man before you is Dante Giovanni. Years from now, during his time, an Ancient Roman Lich will rise up again and seek to devour this world. Without Dante Giovanni as one of those who will rise up against the Lich, the Lich will succeed."

"Ah! And is he as powerful a wizard as his grandfather? More powerful? The most powerful wizard in the history of their family?"

"He's not a wizard at all."

Frustrated, Caed lets go of Lynx's shoulder and starts to pace back and forth. There are no other great wizards that come to mind. He can wield a degree of Magics of Enchanment but he was hoping for the power of another to aid in his journey.

"Stop pouting like a child and come and take a look again, Caed."

Grunting, Caed walks back over to Lynx and cautiously places his arm upon his shoulder as he begins to yet again see what Lynx sees.

"What I am proposing, Caed, is that we transport Dante Giovanni back 110 years into our present timeline. I have looked into the possible turn of events and it will have no effect on our time so long as he doesn't visit his grandfather in Rome."

"But he is not a wizard! What good can he serve me, Lynx?!"

"He is no wizard however he is a Scientist."

"Scientist? Scientist? What is that supposed to mean to me?"

"He is a much more improved profession of Alchemy, old friend. Do not pass quick judgement on that information alone, either. Trust me...he would be a good addition to your team."

Sighing, Caed reluctantly agrees to the wisdom and council of the great wizard and closes his eyes.

"Fine. But do your best to find me a true wizard, old friend."

Caed closes his eyes as Lynx chuckles, and the search continues yet again. While Caed's yearns for a powerful wizard to add to his ranks, the next candidate Lynx locates is nothing at all of the sort. However Lynx can see the value in the individual just like the rest, and speaks up.

"You can open your eyes again, and this one is not a wizard either but surely you will notice the value right away."

"That shield is that...does that shield the crest of the House of Coortan?"

"Indeed. The warrior in which you see before you now is none other than the...well...is more or less the Alric Coortan. Beloved and most famed son of the House of Coortan. And he can be much more than just that. He just...needs to see it for himself. This journey will not only better the world, but...Alric...himself."

"A fine fighter at that from the looks of him and he holds such an honor of bearing that crest. Good genes that is. A fine bloodline of men and warriors through that House.Sounds good to me. Another."

The next warrior that Lynx finds...he decides to skip for a brief moment and search for another. For surely that one will take much more convincing on Lynx's part than his efforts in persuading Caed to trust in the power of the Scientist. He comes across a pirate ship and spots the captain of said ship and looks into the possibilities of her future. Lynx clears his throat as he readies himself to speak to Caed about this one.

"Open your eyes again, old friend, and bear witness to the elegance and deadliness that is the Pirate Queen of Shanghai. But do not be so quick to judge this one, Caed. Niu Choi San is a woman who has lived quite the life to lead her to where she is now. See...for yourself."

Lynx delves deeper into natures of his magical mirror to show Caed some of the Pirate Queen's past that made her what she is today. He sees and experiences all of it as though it were happening to his very self. And when Lynx pulls them out of that sense of being, as he is fully conscious of the true state in the magical tower, Caed understands.

"Yes. She will do."

"I found a wizard for you, Caed, before actually coming across the woman...however I was afraid of how you might react. Nay. I know how you will react. Precisely how."

Lynx walks away from the magical window and Caed grows curious just as much as he grows worried. Caed starts to think to himself of whom he could possibly be referring to. Lynx found him a spellcaster...that is superb news! What could possibly be the problem? Who is it that Lynx knows Caed will not enjoy the idea of working with? He just accepted a Pirate into his ranks for goodness sake!

"I know that he doesn't...wear the proudest legacy upon his shoulders. But I have looked into his future and the possibilities...it would be very wise to bring Xxymryx into our ranks."

Caed is struck silent for a moment as he is struck with awe at the mention of the name. And the very next moment, his blood is boiling as his anger is trying to let itself explode.

"The Thrice-Damned Elf Man, Lynx? You..."

He walks up to the wizard pointing his finger and looking at him with anger and confusion mixed into one expression.

"You...you'd have me be in league with...a demon hunter? The Ghost Killer? YOU'D HAVE ME TRUST THE WRETCHED THRICE-DAMNED ELF--"

"Do not raise your voice at me, Caed. You asked me to find you a wizard. A magic user. He is whom I have found. He is the most capable. He will aid you in ways you never thought possible with the enemies you will be coming to face on your journey. And...believe it or not, old friend...I after all only bear the gift of foresight after all...but along this journey, you will owe a great debt to him. As he will save your life not once, not twice...but thrice."

Caed spits at the ground before Lynx's feet. He then takes a seat and crosses his arms. Lynx shakes his head and walks over to his troubled friend. Frustrated, as Lynx places his hand upon the bard's shoulder Caed looks up as an idea has popped into his head.

"You. You come with me, old friend. Together, with you by myself, we shall more than enough magical power to overcome--"

"Do not fool yourself for a second, Caed. You know how the state of things are. I am bound to this tower. For eternity. Such is my calling and purpose. Should I step outside into the open world, my body would eventually betray me and decay much like yours would should you remove the item that has blessed you this past century with youth and life in a way you see as a curse. I must remain here. There are others I am meant to help before the End of Time."

Dipping his head in defeat and frustration, words escape Caed's lips that he fears he will regret very soon.

"So be it. Xxymryx will aid me on this quest. But he will be watched with an ever watchful eye. I care not if he is to save me three times along this journey. I'm sure that Fate would not be as cruel as to take my life before I am ready this time around anyway."

"Ok. I shall start the summoning spell. You may...want to step back for a moment. And for some who may be...less comfortable from the journey and annoyed you may want to ready yourself for a natural...aggressive reaction."

Abiding by the great wizard's words, Caed takes a step back, and suddenly magical runes of all types of languages appear on the ground around Lynx. In a moment's time, the champions who will stand up to fight off Magus will be gathering. In a moment's time, Hope shall truly be a thing of present.
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“Blegh! How can ya eat this garbage, Pasha?”

I toss my dinner on the ground as Pasha stuffs anover loaf in’is mouth and starts munchin’ away. He swallows the mess and grabs the half-eatin’ loaf what I threw down and wolfs it down as well.

“I’m sicka ‘avin stale bread fer dinner. What’s this, our third day wifout a decent meal?”


Pasha frowns and rubs’is belly.

“Yer still ‘ungry?! Ya ate all that was left, ya lug! Ya ate mine for frack’s sake!”

Pasha whimpers and slumps forward, makin’ a big spectacle so’s I feels bad for shoutin’ at’im. It don’t work, though.

“What we needs is some meat in our bellies—meat that’s still warm’n bloody…”


Pasha whimpers louder’n starts writhin’ on the ground.

“…Like a hen…or a hare…or a goat. Imagine if we found ourselves a goat, Pasha!”

Pasha starts droolin’ and whines s’more. Poor oaf looks like he’s ready to start bawlin’.

“Feh. You’d probably eat the ‘ole damn thing and leave me with the horns to chew on, I bet.”


“You want cherries? What are ya, some sorta dainty, fairy priss?”

Pasha raises’is arm and points towards the massive trees in the distance.

“Well, ya can look fer’em yerself, ya ugly—wait a minute…the Cherry Blossom Forest? That’s genius!”


“Fink about it! The trees, the flowers, the vines—all of’ems is massive inna Cherry Blossom Forest. Even the bugs is real big-like! That must mean that the other animals is big too, right?”

Pasha shrugs’n grunts.

“Imagine—a hare as big as me! Or a deer as tall as you! We’d be eatin’ well fer days, we would! And then, we could take their skins’n furs and sell ‘em to the trappers in the west! Then we’ll ‘ave the gold to buy even better food!”

“Dlho caminuss…”

“Yeah, it is a long walk,” I says, climbing onto’is shoulders.

“Ya better get started now
The Unknown

180 Days Out of Norseland

Ouga chaka," the native's chant as they walk down the dirt path of the jungle. On their shoulders is the Docktore and Watts.

"Ouga chaka, ouga chaka, ouga ouga, ouga chaka!"

"Where are we going, sir?"

"Who cares? We're Gods to these poor, simple people. We can do whatever we wish!"

The natives lead them to a clearing in the jungle. Hundreds of natives are crowded around a giant pit where a fire roars. A cheer goes from the crowd as they see the two foreigners

"Excellent. It seems, old friend, that we are just in time for a feast."

The natives slide the two men off their shoulders and begin to rub their arms with red powder.

"What are they doing?"

"I'm...not sure. I believe they are anointing us with their finest fragrances. This smells good....very...mouth watering."

While the two men are covered from head to toe in the powder, the natives begin to stoke the fire and pull out large sticks and ropes.

"Ouga chaka! Ouga ouga, ouga chaka!" They continue to chant.

Suddenly, the two men are pushed towards the fire.

"Stop! We, your Gods, command you! Cease and desist-"

The Docktore stops short as a native presses the tip of a spear into his neck. The Italian scientist holds his hands up, his eyes wide with sudden awareness.

"Good Lord...Watts, I believe we're dinner."

"Do something, sir!"

"Listen to me," he shouts. "I am a powerful wizard! I warn you now of my magic!"

The native presses the tip of the spear into the Docktore's neck and breaks the skin.

"Ow! That really hurt!"

The natives press their spears and make the two men walk towards the fire.

"Please!" He shouts to the heavens. "I know I've never been one for deities....but please God, Zeus, Ra, Odin, Allah, or whoever is out there! I'm sorry for my misdeeds and sinful ways! Is this about the time with the maiden and goat? I said I was sorry for that! I am SORRY! SAVE ME AND I'LL PROMISE I'LL NEVER DO WRONG AGAIN!"

Suddenly, the Docktore disappears in a flash of brilliant white light. The stunned natives gaps collectively and look at Watts.

"I am a....God? My will be done?"

The natives drop their spears and the hundreds gathered in the clearing drop to their knees, bowing to Watts.
One year ago...

"So it's that bad, is it?" I say as my brother's words hang between us in his darkened room, the bitter anger in his voice palpable.

"'That bad?!' I've ruined everything!" He says, shifting painfully on his crutch. "There is no recovering from this, I'm afraid. Even when the bones set, my leg will never have the same spring to it. My footwork is completely undone."

For most, a broken leg is a painful injury, to be sure, but one from which they inevitably recover. After a month or so of rest and rehabilitation, they can return to work, as if nothing had ever happen.

For a swordsman, however, it is disastrous. While most pay attention to the flashing blade, the seemingly wild swings and daring feints and lethal thrusts, the importance of proper footwork is often sorely overlooked. The ability to be swift and agile yet maintain complete balance, to lunge into an attack or juke away from an enemy's slash, to be as graceful as a leaf on the wind or as sturdy as a mountain within the blink of an eye, is the true mark of a master swordsman.

Alric Coortan is far beyond a master swordsman--he is far and away the greatest swordsman that England has ever known. Were he born just a few generations sooner, he would have been counted among the mythical Knights of the Round Table, at the side of Arthur himself, the mighty Launcelot and the noble Galahad his companions.

As it is, we of the House of Coortan have been entrusted with holding many of Camelot's old secrets, not the least of which was the Order's training regimen. From the day he was old enough to pick up a stick, Alric spent his life perfecting the fighting arts of Camelot--with me as his sparring partner, learning the lessons of the English sword the hard way.

When he was old enough to fight, he joined our father to fight in the endless feudal wars, one lord pitted against another in a constant power struggle for the remains of Camelot, to earn the right to wield Excalibur (metaphorically, of course--the true sword of the King was lost shortly after his death). There, my brother gained the reputation of being a truly great warrior. In his wandering adventures later, he gained the reputation of a hero.

I, however, would not join Alric on these quests. The bastard son of a duke could not be seen with his heroic half-brother, especially when that bastard son was also the bastard son of an Elf--nobles abhor the mingling of bloodlines between the races. Instead, my role was to tend to the manor while my father and brothers were away (my middle brother Eadlyn having left for London years ago to study at the schools of magic), to protect our home should any of the rival lords attempt to attack. It is a role of importance, to be sure, but not one of glory or prestige. Still, I knew that given the nature of my heritage, this would be the only way I could serve my family.

Until tonight.

"To think that a slick stone would be what did me in," Alric practically spits. "I spent my life rediscovering the ways of the Round Table, to restore what it means to be a Knight of England, all for the good of our family and for our land........and I'm ruined because I decided to go swimming and didn't watch my step."

"You could retrain yourself," I say helpfully. "Adjust your fighting style to suit the disability of your leg."

"It would take months to adapt," he says hopelessly, "years, perhaps, to achieve the level of mastery I had. By the time I could be worthy of wielding the family's sword and shield again, all the work I've done will be swept away. The remnant lords of the Orkney faction have been gaining ground, those who once sided with Morrigan le Fey and her incestuous spawn Mordred. Father is too old, and Eadlyn is removed in London. With no one bearing the standard of Coortan to stand against them, England will fall."

I pace the room, looking for a solution to the problem, when my eyes catch the glint of his helm.

"There is someone who can bear the family's standard," I say. "Me."

Alric shakes his head.

"Avery, I know you're a capable swordsman. With the speed of an Elf and the strength of a Man, you may even be better than me. But you would never be accepted by the nobility. A bastard and a Half-Elf? I wish it were otherwise, but that is a barrier you simply cannot overcome."

"You're right. I cannot overcome the obstacles of my birth," I say as I put on the helm, careful that it covers my pointed ears. "*ahem*.......but maybe you can."


"There's no need for this," I say, holding up my left hand in a submissive gesture to show I don't have any desire for bloodshed. "Just let the girl come with me, and there won't be any need for confrontation."

The darkened chamber resounds with chittering laughter, the sound of chitinous limbs skittering about in the dark. Two days ago, the city of Wokefield was attacked by some kind of horrible beasts, who kidnapped a handmaiden of the duchess by the name of Esma. Now she is bound by webs above a sinister looking spike, her clothes in tatters and her cheeks stained with tears.

"I swore an oath to the people of Wokefield that Esma would be returned safely to her home," I say, my left hand grabbing the holy symbol around my neck. "I am Alric Coortan, and I keep my vows. You can let me take her and be on my way, or you can fight me and die. Either way, Esma is coming home."

The chittering laughter becomes a hiss, and a figure rushes towards me from the dark. From the waist up, it seems to be a man, spear in one hand, small sword in the other. From below, however, it is a scrambling mass of long, arachnid legs.

Dryders. Whereas the Dark Elves are a perversion of my mother's race, these half-spiders are an even further perversion of them. The Elven blood in my veins roils at the sight of such a blasphemous creature.

My left hand reaches behind my back and produces my brother's shield.

The hardest part of this life is maintaining the little things, the small mannerisms that most would not notice unless they were looking for it. Chief among these is the fact that my brother always did everything with his left hand, saving his right hand only for use of his sword.

As the dryder bears down on me, my right hand finds the hilt of the family's sword. With a flash, the length of steel whips out from its sheath, lunging forward as I duck low, swatting the creature's spear away with my shield. The tip of the blade finds its mark in the dryder's abdomen, and it shrieks in pain, a shriek which is cut short when I withdraw the thrusting point and slash open its throat with a backhanded cut.

More dryders rush in, and now I am ready for them. Acting like my brother is difficult. Fighting as well as him, however, is second nature.

Push the spear point aside with the shield, then turn inwards to block the short sword, spinning around to lop off two legs with the blade. Slip underneath the next incoming spear and stab upwards, catching the dryder in the underarm, severing an artery. Slam the edge of the shield down hard onto the next attacker's polearm, forcing him to drop it, then overwhelm the short sword with a flurry of down-right blows, chopping the arm off at the elbow. Catch the blade of the incoming scimitar on my crossguard, then slip inwards and bash the dryder's nose into its brain with my pommel.

One by one or en masse, the spider abominations rush me, to be cut down like wheat. Those that live slink off into the darkness, knowing the terror that is Alric Coortan.

The illusion maintained, I sheathe the sword and let my right hand fall to my side once more, climbing with only my left hand up the dryders' web to where Esma hangs suspended.

"Are you all right?" I ask as I go about the difficult business of cutting her down while still hanging onto the strands of web myself, all using only my left hand.

"I'm fine," Esma says, not entirely convinced of the fact as I pull a glob of webbing off of her mouth. "I'm a priestess of Eostre, a healer. I believe the dryders wanted to sacrifice me to the Spider Queen."

"Lolth will not have you this day," I say as I cut her last bond and carefully climb down. "We should get you out of here before the Dryders--"

Before I can finish my sentence, the world erupts into brilliant white lights. Instinctively I reach out and grab Esma's hand.

When my vision returns, the young woman and I are somewhere very different indeed.

".....what was that? Where are we?" Esma asks nervously.

"I don't know," I say as I unsling my shield, still keeping the sword sheathed, "But whatever entity has brought us here, had better make a good account of itself."

She had been sailing away from Shanghai, the Emperor safe, when it happened. A flash of white light engulfed Niu Choi San’s ship and all of the crew gasped in terror as they closed their eyes. When they opened them again, they found that their captain, their queen, had vanished.

Niu Choi San had accepted the light with open eyes, letting it blind her until it faded away. Once it had, she found herself standing in a strange tower. Before her were strange creatures with pointed ears, to her right an armoured knight and a frail companion. Immediately, the Pirate Queen of Shanghai readied her battle stance.

“Who are you? Where am I?” she yelled in her native Chinese.

Her eyes flitted about the room.

If the answer was not to her satisfaction, she would go for the girl.
I hold the reigns loosely in one hand while I lean back in the seat of my wagon, enjoying the breeze on the warm day. A lazy smile is plastered on my face as my horse slowly plods along and my mind floats back to the memory of just a couple of nights ago with the council leader's daughter...

"Twas you, you shook me all night long!" I sing out in a loud voice. "Twas you, you shoot me-"

"I hate that song!"

I smirk and turn my head back into the cart at the sound of the voice. "Allll niiight looong!"


I laugh and pull the reigns bringing the cart over to the side, off the road, and to a halt. I hop of the cart and step over to a tree to relieve myself.

"What's got up your backside today?" I shout back to the cart.

"I just have an ominous feeling."

"What's new about that? You always think something is going to jump out of the shadows."

"And how often am I right?"

"...yeah, well." I sigh. I finish up and head back to the cart to grab a drink of water. But I let the water skin drop away from my lips as I start to look around.

"Do you feel that?"

I swallow the mouthful of water. "Yes, I do. It's like a crawling sensation."

"Like something..."

"...is trying to sneak up on us."
I spin around, dagger in hand, but see nothing. And my elf senses tell me nothing is out there either. And yet, I can still feel...


"Yes, magic."

I run over to the back of my cart and start digging through items. I pull out the quicksulfer and pour a circle around myself, saying a protective incantation. But I can feel it's too late.

"No!" I scramble up the back of the cart, reaching out for my companion. "I need to bring-"

There's a blinding light that brings an intense pain to my sensitive eyes. But even with my eyes shut down, my other senses instantly tell me that I'm elsewhere. And where ever I am, is a completely different environment.

I maintain a defensive magical stance, using sound to face where I think another person might be. And as my eyes clear, and a shape comes into focus, I finally realize-

A sudden creeping feeling wakes me from a dreamless sleep and instantly I know something is not right. Arya stands poised and growling next to my bed, obviously awakened by the feeling that has fallen over my woodland home. I scramble out of my bed and head for my goddess's grove that I built high in the trees and begin praying for her protection.

Whomever may be casting this spell is powerful to be able to reach me this deep in the forest, and that does not bode well. If Magus's troops have become stronger and braver, this current spell may finally seal my doom.

I take up my weapons, and Arya prowls around me, waiting for whatever this is to finish. The endgame comes in a blinding flash of light, and instantly I am transported to another area with a group of beings I have never seen before.

Instantly, I draw my bow, and Arya growls violently at the new comers, "Who are you!? Why have you brought me here!? Answer my questions or receive a new orifice!"
Three figures emerge from the forest trees that surround Lynx's Magical Tower. They would appear to be, at first glance, nothing more than three merely very old and very ugly women. There is a sinister laugh from one as behind each one, three tall and gargantuan ogres emerge from the darkness of the forest as well.

"It doesn't appear to be much, sister."

"Yes, it is not even very tall."

The older of the three hags chuckles and lifts out from her garments an enchanted Gem of Truth.

"It is but the point, my sisters. For centuries Lord Magus' forces have been trying to locate the wizard known as Lynx with the gift of foresight, knowing that he is hidden away in a magical tower. Like fools for all these years those who have embarked on said journey looked for just that: a tower of true majesty and grace."

"Ah, I see where you are going, sister...and with the Gem of Truth it has indeed shown you for what it truly is?"

Before the Hag lifts the gem to her eye level, what she sees is a measly abandoned and damaged tower barely standing 30 feet tall. However when the gem meets her gaze as she peers through its emerald lens she sees the true form of Lynx's tower. And it is indeed majestic.

"Indeed, sister. Sisters! Formation!!"

The three hags step away from another, standing still about 10 feet apart making a large triangle. The eldest of the hags gestures the 9 ogres to walk within the triangle as the spell begins to be channeled. Around the neck of one of the ogres, the mightiest and most trusted of all the minions, is a hag's eye hanging so that the three Hags may bear witness as to what happens inside the tower.

Seconds later, the ogres suddenly vanish.
Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG - Caed

The Champions are summoned. Some are in their new surrounds much more angry than others but to Caed's luck not one have made an actual physical violent attack. Much to his surprise not even the Thrice-Damned Elf Man. However the tension indeed is building as they each look at each other, with Caed being simply the only one that is remaining calm. And soon the summoned heroes come to notice as he takes the center stage, standing calmly and sternly at the center of the room in the tower.

He spreads his arms wide open, his guitar hanging loosely from his back, and his crossbow as well hanging from the side of his waist.

"You need not concern yourself with thoughts of an incoming danger coming your way. I understand the confusion you must be going through right now, for I too before have been brought together with a group in which I had little to no desire to be in the presence of. 'Course, not in the same way by magical means. For that, I apologize. We are indeed a diverse group and I can only hope that you listen to what I say and heed my call."

As he says this, he takes look solely at the demon hunter.

"Some of you are from distant lands. Others are from regions well within the continent of Caldoria. It matters not. Believe me when I say that the actions that are to come to pass within a week's time--"

"Indeed, sister. Sisters! Formation!!"

The three hags step away from another, standing still about 10 feet apart making a large triangle. The eldest of the hags gestures the 9 ogres to walk within the triangle as the spell begins to be channeled. Around the neck of one of the ogres, the mightiest and most trusted of all the minions, is a hag's eye hanging so that the three Hags may bear witness as to what happens inside the tower.

Seconds later, the ogres suddenly vanish.

Caed's words are cut off entirely as suddenly before their very eyes transports 9 ogres into the magical chambers of the tower. Immediately, Caed turns to Lynx and yells.


Immediately Lynx runs over to his magical mirror and Caed draws his guitar as one of the ogre's charges at him. Humming a silent tune with his mouth, suddenly his guitar glows for a brief moment. As the gargantuan creature strikes at Caed he too strikes back and the hit of his guitar knocks the beast back as though he struck it with a mighty hammer.

As the mighty beast gets back on its two feet, Lynx notices the item dangling from around its neck.

"Hags...CAED!! Those ogre were sent here by Hags!!! Magus' forces have found the location of my tower! You take care of the ogres, I will tend to the wretched Hags myself!"

Caed runs towards the ogre, and slides right under it as it tries to swipe at him, and backhands it with his enchanted guitar once more.

"If you exit your tower, old friend, you know what will happen!!"

"If I don't they will be able to continue to send fiend after fiend and we will ALL die!"

With the gesture of his hands, the magical wizard Lynx teleports outside of the tower, meeting face to face with the three ugly hags.
Well isn't this a right ****storm. Good to see I can always count on the Bard to provide one.

"What have you gotten me into this time, Caed?!" I pull a pair of daggers from my robes and say a quick spell. Their blades erupt in flame, and I throw them at one of the ogres with uncanny accuracy.

Then I do the smart thing and run away.
Well isn't this a right ****storm. Good to see I can always count on the Bard to provide one.

"What have you gotten me into this time, Caed?!" I pull a pair of daggers from my robes and say a quick spell. Their blades erupt in flame, and I throw them at one of the ogres with uncanny accuracy.

Then I do the smart thing and run away.

Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG - Caed

Despite them being in a battle with several ogres Caed is unable to control his emotions as it is Xxymryx of course who calls into question the situation at hand somehow being Caed's fault.

"If it really interests you that much, demon hunter, I've brought you along for a journey that could possibly repair your reputation and glory. Nothing more. So just kill these damn orgres so we can get on to more pressing matters at hand! Like, oh I don't know...preventing the end of the World?"

The charging ogre that Caed had been fighting for some time now manages to grab hold of him as he is distracted by the Thrice-Damned Elf Man's words and tosses him across the room. Landing on his feet and projecting forward Caed pulls out his crossbow and in mid-air enchants it as he kisses the tip of an arrow just before shooting the yet again oncoming ogre in the eye. As the behemoth screams and shrieks it starts to burn and dissolve from the effects of the enchanted arrow.

"You of all know of the legend of Kelvin and his sacrifice for creatures of all races. In due time his dreaded and evil uncle shall return! So will you fight with me, put aside all grudges as I am doing my best to, and not think of yourself for once?"

"What is this all about?" Her brother shifted uneasily at the question and continued on as if delivering bad news.

"They are fighting to see who is worthy of you." Szandra’s head snapped back to face him and this time it was his turn to wither under his little sisters glare.

"What?" Her tone was perfectly even but he could already sense her anger.

"Father has decided that it is time you settled down, started having children." She opened her mouth to protest but he cut her off before she could get a word out. "This has been long in coming Szandra, you are not so young anymore." She did not reply but he could almost see the anger burning in her eyes as she turned back to the fight. The brawl ended with a cheer from the crowd and the victor preening in the center of the circle as the looser was helped away.

"Will anyone else challenge me!"

At the rather boastful invitation Szandra smiled ruefully before pushing her way into the crowd, ignoring her brothers protests. Snatching a dagger from an onlookers belt as she reached the front she hurled the weapon which stuck in the ground just at the winners feet.

Whispers broke out among the crowd and the dagger was taken away by a guard as the young man looked to his new challenger. His face fell and he looked to his leader questioningly but Szandra’s father just folded his arms waiting to see what would transpire. Szandra herself never took her eyes off her opponent as she entered into the circle, too afraid of meeting her fathers eye and finding them disapproving. The young man looked to his would-be intended as she readied herself, circling him slowly. He was unsure, if he met the challenge he risked harming her which would surely incur the wrath of her father but to decline would make him a cowered in his eyes and therefore unworthy. The decision was taken away from him however when with a sudden cry she rushed him.

He planted his feet and brought his arms up to block the oncoming blow but when she was step away from striking distance Szandra hit the ground in a slide and swept his legs out from under him. He hit the dirt with a dull thud and before he could get his breath back she swung her leg up bringing her heel down into his stomach. As he coughed and wheezed Szandra rolled back into a defensive crouch allowing her opponent to get to his feet.

The crowed was in an uproar as the two traded blows, neither showing any mercy. Her initial attack erased any hesitation in her opponent and Szandra found herself on the defensive before she found her opening. Managing to block a puck aimed for her face she griped his shoulder using his momentum and brought her knee up in a swift motion. As fell to his knees she griped him by his long hair bringing his head down as her knee came up again with a sharp crack. She released her grip on him allowing him to fall to the ground, groaning, blood flowing freely from his nose.

Sweaty, dirty, out of breath and bruised Szandra stood victorious. Only then did she look to her father who stood, face impassive, eyes hard, his jaw set. With out a word he turned and left, their shaman at his heel and his disappointment clear to all watching. Szandra’s face hardened as she looked down at her opponent in disgust.



The tribe was on the move, ever pushing westward, the riders patrolling the outskirts keeping watch. Szandra rode at a leisurely pace towards the back, avoiding as many of her fellows as possible. Her little display had been little more then a week ago and instead of the desired effect it had done just the opposite, earning her even more unwanted attention. Not to mention many arguments with her father, there was only so much she could say to dissuade him. Once he had decided something he rarely changed his mind. As Szandra continued to dwell on her unavoidable fate she noticed the flow of the crowd lessening as the line came to a stop.

Spurring Turul into a gallop she made her way to the head of the line where her father was situated. They appeared to be approaching a forest but as Szandra and her brother both reached their father’s side she could see something wasn’t right. The trees were far larger then normal making the forest appear far closer than it actually was. The shaman stood watching the forest with a critical eye.

"What is it?" Vilmos questioned breaking the shaman’s almost trance like stare.

"Magic… old and strong." He looked to his leader and long time friend, "I do not think traveling through here would be wise."

"Are you suggesting we skitter around it like frightened children?"

"Vilmos!" Their father cut off his son with a sharp tone, he paused taking in the shaman’s words, eyeing the forest and looked to a few of the riders listening curiously. "We camp here, send the word down the line." He dismounted as they rode off to do as instructed, his children following suit. He looked to the noon sky before turning to his son.

"Get a few men, go in and have a look at what we face and get back before nightfall."

"I should go." Szandra addressed her father before Vilmos could leave, he opened his mouth to protest but she cut him off before any words could be spoken. "In that sort of cover who knows what could be lurking, you’ll need good archers." Her father paused to consider this, while Vilmos out classed Szandra in armed combat, no one could match her with a bow.

"Alright, gather some men," his eyes seemed to soften as he put a hand on her shoulder, "and be careful."

Szandra beamed as she leaped onto Turul’s back and rode off to round up some provisions and a few more scouts.

“Blegh! How can ya eat this garbage, Pasha?”

I toss my dinner on the ground as Pasha stuffs anover loaf in’is mouth and starts munchin’ away. He swallows the mess and grabs the half-eatin’ loaf what I threw down and wolfs it down as well.

“I’m sicka ‘avin stale bread fer dinner. What’s this, our third day wifout a decent meal?”


Pasha frowns and rubs’is belly.

“Yer still ‘ungry?! Ya ate all that was left, ya lug! Ya ate mine for frack’s sake!”

Pasha whimpers and slumps forward, makin’ a big spectacle so’s I feels bad for shoutin’ at’im. It don’t work, though.

“What we needs is some meat in our bellies—meat that’s still warm’n bloody…”


Pasha whimpers louder’n starts writhin’ on the ground.

“…Like a hen…or a hare…or a goat. Imagine if we found ourselves a goat, Pasha!”

Pasha starts droolin’ and whines s’more. Poor oaf looks like he’s ready to start bawlin’.

“Feh. You’d probably eat the ‘ole damn thing and leave me with the horns to chew on, I bet.”


“You want cherries? What are ya, some sorta dainty, fairy priss?”

Pasha raises’is arm and points towards the massive trees in the distance.

“Well, ya can look fer’em yerself, ya ugly—wait a minute…the Cherry Blossom Forest? That’s genius!”


“Fink about it! The trees, the flowers, the vines—all of’ems is massive inna Cherry Blossom Forest. Even the bugs is real big-like! That must mean that the other animals is big too, right?”

Pasha shrugs’n grunts.

“Imagine—a hare as big as me! Or a deer as tall as you! We’d be eatin’ well fer days, we would! And then, we could take their skins’n furs and sell ‘em to the trappers in the west! Then we’ll ‘ave the gold to buy even better food!”

“Dlho caminuss…”

“Yeah, it is a long walk,” I says, climbing onto’is shoulders.

“Ya better get started now

We’s made it into the forest, but so far we ain’t seen nuffin to hunt.

“Keep yer eyes peeled, Pasha,” I says.

“Doz meleko vos?”

“I dunno! A hare, a deer, a squirrel, anyfin’ worf eatin’. And ‘member, it’s gotta be big!”

Pasha lifts’is nose up into the air and start’s sniffin’ around. He grunts’n starts runnin’ off in one direction and slows down once we come upon an enormous briar patch. He starts creepin’ through the patch, shruggin’off all the huge thorns jabbin’ into’is flesh like they weren’t nuffin. He may be big, fat’n ugly but Pasha’s still a goblin. And like all goblins, he can move real quiet-like when he needs to. The only sounds he makes is the slight cracklin’ of the branches bein’ crushed under’is feet and a rustlin’ so light, you’d swear it was a breeze what was causin’ it.

We’s deep into the patch now, an’in the center there’s a small clearin’. I can already see what Pasha was smellin’—a family a hares. An’ just like I thought, the mama and papa was as big as me. The kits was half my size. A bit scrawny, but they’d make fer a decent snack.

I hop off Pasha’s shoulders and draw me blade.

“You stay ‘ere,” I whisper, “I’ll go fer the big ones and scare the little ones yer way.”

Pasha nods an’I start creepin’ towards ‘em. I’m ten times as light and twen’y times as quiet as ol’ Pasha. I make it within blade’s reach of ‘em without makin’ a sound. I take a step closer, ready to swipe me blade clean ‘cross the mama hare’s throat.

Then I hear a real loud rustle.

The hare’s ears twitch and it, along with its family, darts off into the brush. I chuck me blade into the ground and turn back towards the big idiot.


Pasha whines’n starts pointin’ at somethin’.

“Fer that you ain’t gettin’ so much as a single bite ofAAAAAH!”

Long, black legs wrap around me waist and lift me up into the air. I turn me head and see eight glossy eyes starin’ back.


Pasha stomps out of the brush an’into the clearin’. He reaches up and grabs me ankle before just before I get too high. He pulls down with all’is might and whips me’n the giant spider onto the ground. The nasty bug tries to make a run fer it but Pasha swings’is club an’ smashes the thing. Its body explodes, sendin’ spider guts every which way, includin’ all over me face.

“Good work, Pasha,” I says, wipin’ some slime outta me eyes.

“Fer savin’ me, ya get to eat as much of it as ya want.”
Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG - Caed

Despite them being in a battle with several ogres Caed is unable to control his emotions as it is Xxymryx of course who calls into question the situation at hand somehow being Caed's fault.

"If it really interests you that much, demon hunter, I've brought you along for a journey that could possibly repair your reputation and glory. Nothing more. So just kill these damn orgres so we can get on to more pressing matters at hand! Like, oh I don't know...preventing the end of the World?"

The charging ogre that Caed had been fighting for some time now manages to grab hold of him as he is distracted by the Thrice-Damned Elf Man's words and tosses him across the room. Landing on his feet and projecting forward Caed pulls out his crossbow and in mid-air enchants it as he kisses the tip of an arrow just before shooting the yet again oncoming ogre in the eye. As the behemoth screams and shrieks it starts to burn and dissolve from the effects of the enchanted arrow.

"You of all know of the legend of Kelvin and his sacrifice for creatures of all races. In due time his dreaded and evil uncle shall return! So will you fight with me, put aside all grudges as I am doing my best to, and not think of yourself for once?"

"I'd think you'd learn by now, bard, that only one thing matters to me. Me."

Everyone scatters as they counterattack the ogres. And seeing no ogres coming for me, I decide to stop and watch. See how this group handles themselves. Any mage will tell you that information is power. And I have a feeling, knowing where I've found myself in now, this is the kind of information that I'll find very useful.


Oh hells...guess the daggers weren't enough.

Reaching into my robes, I spin around, blowing the dust in my hand up towards the ogre's face. "Licht!"

The dust erupts into a blinding light, disorienting the oger. I open my eyes. "Retorno." My staff launches itself from the ground into my hand.

I plant one end on the ground, and the other end extends upwards, smashing into the creature's jaw with a resounding crack.

"You're lucky your interests coincide with mine, this time!"
I shout over my shoulder to the bard.

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