The Marine Marvel
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Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG

Some people would call me a scholar, but I merely choose wisely with my words. Others would claim that I a man of god; a preacher. I have my beliefs, and fear the Almighty for his presence is indeed here, but I do not praise him. Many would go to label me a prophet, believing that my stories fortell possible future events, but I merely re-tell tales of the past, no trickery in this.
I am none of these. So who am I? That matters not. I am untamable, bearing ties to no one. My alliegance lies not with the elves, nor the dwarves, nor even the humans. My heritage, bears little, next to no, importance in why I am here. I have been away from home, for so long, after I have told my tale, you too will have forgotten me. For once I have sang my song, I will no longer be here. I am a recluse. I am a hermit. I am a nomad. I am an outcast. But you may call me Caed.
But, as I have already stated, my name and origin are insignificant; that is not why I am here. I am here to educate, but not as a scholar. I am here to enlighten, however please do not look at me like a preacher. And I am here to open your eyes and your mind, to worlds and adventure you have only dreamed of, without making me a prophet. I am a humble bard, at your service. And as is my service to entertain, this I shall do. And as is my service to inform, I shall do so as well.
Are you listening closely? First I must tell you this old bit of history. But before I begin, let me reveal to you that this no fairytale. No. You will not see the charming prince and the young and fair princess living happily ever after. You will not always see good triumph over evil, for we live in harsh times. Forgive me for I am not here to tease. But you will experience the pain, the sorrow, the grief, as well as the drops of happiness and joy as I tell my tale. I know this story too well, and hold it dearly too much to lie.
If you seek happy endings, then I am afraid here you will find yourself lost. I have lived...seen the world long enough to come here now and tell you such a thing is achieved by few, yet pursued by many. As I am honest with you now, so shall I be honest with my tale. But of course, such a thing is easy when the brief bit of history I speak of is of course past tense: already passed through the Sands of Time, already woven into the Threads of Fate. Now can you see why there are those who have claimed that I am many things such as a scholar, preacher, and prophet? Really? Neither do I.
Thus begins my first song, this first bit of history, and it's rhythm and beat help move the story forth as I play the first verse. You will not notice it though, for you will become entranced. But you need not worry, I do not deal in enchantments of trickery. Such an ability are pursued by only the most foolish and weak-minded of men. Shall I begin now? Listen closely to the wind. I begin to recite my poem of the wind. Are you listening? No? Listen closer. For it is the only ingredient I need.
Pay no attention to the plucking of my strings, just keep listening to the wind. If you fail to do so, you will be unable to hear my song. Oh, how hard I have worked on the melodies and harmonies I do wish it that you listen to the wind. Do you finally feel it? Can you hear my grand crescendo? Good. Now become lost in it.
Now begins my Ballad of Tears.
The elven Kingdom of Caldoria, if you can believe it, was once a beautiful and peaceful kingdom. All who dwelled in its realm were free to think and free to act within the reasonable laws under the reign of King Lance. This change in history started out like many conflicts began: between brothers. Lord Magus, twin brother to Lance, was forever jealous of his sibling. Soured and twisted by this anger and never-ending hunger for the throne one day Magus, harnessing the arts of Black Magic and mastering them, took it upon himself to finally face his twin brother.
And for the first time, as these two brothers waged violence against once another in the magical arena, Lance was not superior; Magus was successful. In challenging the King, with Lance having no choice but to except for it is Caldorian Law, Magus had finally gotten what he had wanted. But while his actions may have been within the law, his methods were not for Black Magic was forbidden in the lands of Caldoria. And for that, a resistance was formed.
Many elves, loyal to the memory of King Lance, challenged Magus' reign for the first century of Magus' reign and died. As Magus tried to spread the territories of the Empire to the lands, leagues of men, dwarves, orc, and all other types of creatures tried to rebel. Some were successful, and others were not during what is known today as the War of the Sentinels.
There was a newphew of Magus, whose birth was unknown to Magus for the former and exiled Queen gave birth to him in secret shortly after Lance had been slained. After the great war, with Kelvin now being ready having studying the arts of magick and skills in swordsmanship, he rallied up 11 comrades--men and women of different race--willing to embark on a mission that was known to be suicide. And suicide it was for they were to sneak into the palace and attack Magus head-on. None, not even the newphew known as Kelvin, made it out alive they say; but the mission was not in vain. Before he met his Fate, as his evil uncle was about to finish him off, Kelvin casted a spell that would save the world.
Casting a stasis spell, that would keep both he and Magus imprisoned and animated in suspension, they say Kelvin smiled at his uncle as he drew his last breath. The spell, a rare and powerful one, would keep Magus prisoner for a century in his very own palace throne room where he stood. So for a century, it would seem that the World would be granted peace.
For the first few years after Magus had become imprisoned, men had tried to enter the realm of Caldoria and defeat the great Empire while its King and Emperor remained indisposed. However, the forces many and loyal to Magus, kept their grounds and Kingdom intact for the future turn of their Dark Lord and King.
Hope...had been lost to all.
And so begins my Ballad of Saints, as I will search throughout the land...and find those willing to aid me. Magus will be freed from Kelvin's spell in a week's time. Old habits die hard. He will look to expanding his Empire once again.
...I will die before letting that happen.
Some people would call me a scholar, but I merely choose wisely with my words. Others would claim that I a man of god; a preacher. I have my beliefs, and fear the Almighty for his presence is indeed here, but I do not praise him. Many would go to label me a prophet, believing that my stories fortell possible future events, but I merely re-tell tales of the past, no trickery in this.
I am none of these. So who am I? That matters not. I am untamable, bearing ties to no one. My alliegance lies not with the elves, nor the dwarves, nor even the humans. My heritage, bears little, next to no, importance in why I am here. I have been away from home, for so long, after I have told my tale, you too will have forgotten me. For once I have sang my song, I will no longer be here. I am a recluse. I am a hermit. I am a nomad. I am an outcast. But you may call me Caed.
But, as I have already stated, my name and origin are insignificant; that is not why I am here. I am here to educate, but not as a scholar. I am here to enlighten, however please do not look at me like a preacher. And I am here to open your eyes and your mind, to worlds and adventure you have only dreamed of, without making me a prophet. I am a humble bard, at your service. And as is my service to entertain, this I shall do. And as is my service to inform, I shall do so as well.
Are you listening closely? First I must tell you this old bit of history. But before I begin, let me reveal to you that this no fairytale. No. You will not see the charming prince and the young and fair princess living happily ever after. You will not always see good triumph over evil, for we live in harsh times. Forgive me for I am not here to tease. But you will experience the pain, the sorrow, the grief, as well as the drops of happiness and joy as I tell my tale. I know this story too well, and hold it dearly too much to lie.
If you seek happy endings, then I am afraid here you will find yourself lost. I have lived...seen the world long enough to come here now and tell you such a thing is achieved by few, yet pursued by many. As I am honest with you now, so shall I be honest with my tale. But of course, such a thing is easy when the brief bit of history I speak of is of course past tense: already passed through the Sands of Time, already woven into the Threads of Fate. Now can you see why there are those who have claimed that I am many things such as a scholar, preacher, and prophet? Really? Neither do I.
Thus begins my first song, this first bit of history, and it's rhythm and beat help move the story forth as I play the first verse. You will not notice it though, for you will become entranced. But you need not worry, I do not deal in enchantments of trickery. Such an ability are pursued by only the most foolish and weak-minded of men. Shall I begin now? Listen closely to the wind. I begin to recite my poem of the wind. Are you listening? No? Listen closer. For it is the only ingredient I need.
Pay no attention to the plucking of my strings, just keep listening to the wind. If you fail to do so, you will be unable to hear my song. Oh, how hard I have worked on the melodies and harmonies I do wish it that you listen to the wind. Do you finally feel it? Can you hear my grand crescendo? Good. Now become lost in it.
Now begins my Ballad of Tears.
The elven Kingdom of Caldoria, if you can believe it, was once a beautiful and peaceful kingdom. All who dwelled in its realm were free to think and free to act within the reasonable laws under the reign of King Lance. This change in history started out like many conflicts began: between brothers. Lord Magus, twin brother to Lance, was forever jealous of his sibling. Soured and twisted by this anger and never-ending hunger for the throne one day Magus, harnessing the arts of Black Magic and mastering them, took it upon himself to finally face his twin brother.
And for the first time, as these two brothers waged violence against once another in the magical arena, Lance was not superior; Magus was successful. In challenging the King, with Lance having no choice but to except for it is Caldorian Law, Magus had finally gotten what he had wanted. But while his actions may have been within the law, his methods were not for Black Magic was forbidden in the lands of Caldoria. And for that, a resistance was formed.
Many elves, loyal to the memory of King Lance, challenged Magus' reign for the first century of Magus' reign and died. As Magus tried to spread the territories of the Empire to the lands, leagues of men, dwarves, orc, and all other types of creatures tried to rebel. Some were successful, and others were not during what is known today as the War of the Sentinels.
There was a newphew of Magus, whose birth was unknown to Magus for the former and exiled Queen gave birth to him in secret shortly after Lance had been slained. After the great war, with Kelvin now being ready having studying the arts of magick and skills in swordsmanship, he rallied up 11 comrades--men and women of different race--willing to embark on a mission that was known to be suicide. And suicide it was for they were to sneak into the palace and attack Magus head-on. None, not even the newphew known as Kelvin, made it out alive they say; but the mission was not in vain. Before he met his Fate, as his evil uncle was about to finish him off, Kelvin casted a spell that would save the world.
Casting a stasis spell, that would keep both he and Magus imprisoned and animated in suspension, they say Kelvin smiled at his uncle as he drew his last breath. The spell, a rare and powerful one, would keep Magus prisoner for a century in his very own palace throne room where he stood. So for a century, it would seem that the World would be granted peace.
For the first few years after Magus had become imprisoned, men had tried to enter the realm of Caldoria and defeat the great Empire while its King and Emperor remained indisposed. However, the forces many and loyal to Magus, kept their grounds and Kingdom intact for the future turn of their Dark Lord and King.
Hope...had been lost to all.
And so begins my Ballad of Saints, as I will search throughout the land...and find those willing to aid me. Magus will be freed from Kelvin's spell in a week's time. Old habits die hard. He will look to expanding his Empire once again.
...I will die before letting that happen.
The way this game works is that the Game Master leads and moves the story along. This is not an open world game where you travel and go where you like. You can create any character, be they hero or neutral alignment, in this Ancient World as long as they:
The way this game works is that the Game Master leads and moves the story along. This is not an open world game where you travel and go where you like. You can create any character, be they hero or neutral alignment, in this Ancient World as long as they:
- Do NOT rip off pre-existing heroes from myths and legends.
- Do NOT criticize another posters character. We are not all as skilled as Homer or Shakespeare. Constructive criticism is okay as long as it is not offensive.
- Do NOT kill other Player Characters unless specifically asked by the player to do so.
- The Game Master has the final say in matters of character acceptance.
- You can travel using your animals, vehicles, or your own two feet. Don't miraculously pop up unless you're using a teleportation spell, a magic item, etc...
- You can reside in any place in the Ancient World (no Antarctica, or any of the Americas or Australia). Just Europe, Asia (including feudal Japan), & Africa.
- Don't do anything RANDOM like chopping off board user's heads or what not, unless your a villain chopping off NPC victims heads, then whatever, go with it, as long as it's not technically RANDOM (Don't be killing people without reason).
- If you want to take part in this, just fill out an app and your name and character will appear on the roster, pending approval...
- Act like your characters; ASSUME their traits and personalities...
- People who disobey these rules, some more major than the others, will get BOOTED by the Game Masters. Further problems will cause HYPE! Mods to get involved, which usually leads to user bannings, or the more severe IP Address banning.
- No modern day religions are allowed in the game (Christianity, Islam, etc).
To apply as a character in this Short-Term game, simply visit the OOC (Out of Character) Thread and fill out the application which can be found at the bottom of the first post.
Note: When you apply for a character should the story of the game be at a certain place, you may have to wait to be written into the story by the Game Master.
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