Welcome to The Pokémon "Turquoise Version" RPG
Much like the other RPGs within the SuperHeroHype! Boards, this roleplaying game is designed for a new Pokémon Region in which all of the Pokémon from Generations I through IV can co-exist. This is a mature look on the Pokémon Universe that has otherwise in the past been viewed as childish.
Given this is the first season, the only pre-established history is the history of the Toruko Region and the information provided about the Gym Leaders of this new region.
trustyside-kick - Game Master
SuperFerret - Assistant GM
Carnage27 - Assistant GM
You may play as any 2 human characters from the games, comics, anime, or you may choose to create your own character. Just be sure to assign them a class. You may not, however, be able to play any members of the Elite Four or the defending Champion of this Pokémon Leage.
Our region is the new Toruko Region, but your character can be native to either the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, or Sinnoh regions if you desire it to be so. Please note that the Seafoam Islands in the Toruko Regions is the same Seafoam Islands from the Kanto Region but the Mt. Pyre in the Toruko Region is not the same Mt. Pyre in the Hoenn Region.
You are allowed to carry 6 Pokémon at a time. If you have more than 6 Pokémon the rest must remain in some sort of storage.
Legendaries may not be caught, beaten, or killed. But you are allowed to interact with him by chasing them and challenging them.
When battling one of the Gym Leaders, keep in mind that just because they have 6 Pokémon at least for battling they will not always use six. Just like in the show, the Gym Leader will only use as many Pokémon as the challenger has. So if you are battling an NPC Gym Leader keep that in mind when you challenge them. If you are interacting with a PC Gym Leader, the player playing the Gym Leader must honor this rule.
Battling is like the show, so you can have your Pokémon dodge attacks and combo attacks like Agility+Quick Attack for example. You are not restricted to only 4 moves per Pokémon unlike the video games. Your Pokémon may perform any move they are able to naturally learn, but please be wise about this. I love Squirtle. He is my FAVORITE Pokémon, but if my trainer is a new trainer who just got his first Squirtle, my Squirtle shouldn't be performing Hydro Pump as though it was something as basic as Bubble. So we please ask that you be smart and mature about the moves your Pokémon performs depending on how powerful it is.
Hidden Moves (HMs) do not exist in this RPG. Just think about it, if you have to teach your Blastoise Surf just to ride on its back when it is a fairly large Water-type Pokémon, or if you have to teach your Charizard Fly just to ride on its back when it is a fairly large Fire-type Pokémon that can fly...that isn't realistic at all. You shouldn't have to teach a Pokémon Cut if they have claws. Just be reasonable here. Obviously, you aren't going to be flying on the back of a Pidgey or Spearow because they are so tiny. But it isn't so farfetched to hang onto your Squirtle and swim a distance but it shouldn't be a great distance because obviously the Pokémon would get tired from pulling on your weight with Squirtle being so small. So just be realistic given that this is not the video game. Technical Moves however are in the game and are explained below after the rules and other information.
Know your Pokémon an their weaknesses. Just because you are writing your own story does not mean you can ignore the fact that Water-type Pokémon have a weakness to Electric and Grass-type attacks, unless it is a Water-type Pokémon whose second type allows them to have an immunity or resistance (ex: Swampert is a Water/Ground-type so he Electric attacks do not work on it). If you are unsure what attacks your Pokemon is weaker against or has resistance or immunity against, please check this website and scroll down either numerically or alphabetically to find the Pokémon you are searching for. Undernearth the "Evolution Chain" box you will see a "Damage Taken" box which will tell you specifically what type of moves your Pokémon are affected by and how.
Constructive criticism of posts can be given, but don't be an jerk about it and openly criticize another's work.
Communication is the one word to live by for the RPGs. Good communication between players not only helps the flow of the arc and increases the enjoyment of the storytelling process, but it also helps create new twists and ideas that can make for some memorable stories.
Several stories can be going at once, and you have the freedom to interact with other characters.
You must post at least once every two weeks, though it is preferred that you post more. If you go two weeks without a post without prior notice, your character is up for grabs.
The Gamemasters have the final say in matters in the RPG. You may not always like their judgement, but that's life. Arguing about it is not only pointless, but does absolutely nothing to help your cause.
There should be minimal cursing and swearing in posts. Even though we are taking a mature spin on the world of Pokémon, you should not be dropping f-bombs just because it is "in character" all over the place.
There will be NO bypassing of the Hype! censor. This is a Hype! rule and no exceptions will be made.
People who disobey these rules, some more major than others, will get booted from the RPG by the Gamemasters. Further problems will cause the Hype! Mods to get involved and lead to bannings and possibly worse.
The Legend of Tereant

The Gym Leaders of the Toruko Region

The Pokemon League of the Toruko Region


Applications for this game as well as the current roster can be found in the OOC thread. For the World Map of the Toruko Region, as well as the Maps of the Towns & Areas of the Toruko Region, please click here.
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