Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG (Short-Term) - OOC Thread


Jul 13, 2007
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Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG



Some people would call me a scholar, but I merely choose wisely with my words. Others would claim that I a man of god; a preacher. I have my beliefs, and fear the Almighty for his presence is indeed here, but I do not praise him. Many would go to label me a prophet, believing that my stories fortell possible future events, but I merely re-tell tales of the past, no trickery in this.

I am none of these. So who am I? That matters not. I am untamable, bearing ties to no one. My alliegance lies not with the elves, nor the dwarves, nor even the humans. My heritage, bears little, next to no, importance in why I am here. I have been away from home, for so long, after I have told my tale, you too will have forgotten me. For once I have sang my song, I will no longer be here. I am a recluse. I am a hermit. I am a nomad. I am an outcast. But you may call me Caed.

But, as I have already stated, my name and origin are insignificant; that is not why I am here. I am here to educate, but not as a scholar. I am here to enlighten, however please do not look at me like a preacher. And I am here to open your eyes and your mind, to worlds and adventure you have only dreamed of, without making me a prophet. I am a humble bard, at your service. And as is my service to entertain, this I shall do. And as is my service to inform, I shall do so as well.

Are you listening closely? First I must tell you this old bit of history. But before I begin, let me reveal to you that this no fairytale. No. You will not see the charming prince and the young and fair princess living happily ever after. You will not always see good triumph over evil, for we live in harsh times. Forgive me for I am not here to tease. But you will experience the pain, the sorrow, the grief, as well as the drops of happiness and joy as I tell my tale. I know this story too well, and hold it dearly too much to lie.

If you seek happy endings, then I am afraid here you will find yourself lost. I have lived...seen the world long enough to come here now and tell you such a thing is achieved by few, yet pursued by many. As I am honest with you now, so shall I be honest with my tale. But of course, such a thing is easy when the brief bit of history I speak of is of course past tense: already passed through the Sands of Time, already woven into the Threads of Fate. Now can you see why there are those who have claimed that I am many things such as a scholar, preacher, and prophet? Really? Neither do I.

Thus begins my first song, this first bit of history, and it's rhythm and beat help move the story forth as I play the first verse. You will not notice it though, for you will become entranced. But you need not worry, I do not deal in enchantments of trickery. Such an ability are pursued by only the most foolish and weak-minded of men. Shall I begin now? Listen closely to the wind. I begin to recite my poem of the wind. Are you listening? No? Listen closer. For it is the only ingredient I need.

Pay no attention to the plucking of my strings, just keep listening to the wind. If you fail to do so, you will be unable to hear my song. Oh, how hard I have worked on the melodies and harmonies I do wish it that you listen to the wind. Do you finally feel it? Can you hear my grand crescendo? Good. Now become lost in it.

Now begins my Ballad of Tears.

The elven Kingdom of Caldoria, if you can believe it, was once a beautiful and peaceful kingdom. All who dwelled in its realm were free to think and free to act within the reasonable laws under the reign of King Lance. This change in history started out like many conflicts began: between brothers. Lord Magus, twin brother to Lance, was forever jealous of his sibling. Soured and twisted by this anger and never-ending hunger for the throne one day Magus, harnessing the arts of Black Magic and mastering them, took it upon himself to finally face his twin brother.

And for the first time, as these two brothers waged violence against once another in the magical arena, Lance was not superior; Magus was successful. In challenging the King, with Lance having no choice but to except for it is Caldorian Law, Magus had finally gotten what he had wanted. But while his actions may have been within the law, his methods were not for Black Magic was forbidden in the lands of Caldoria. And for that, a resistance was formed.

Many elves, loyal to the memory of King Lance, challenged Magus' reign for the first century of Magus' reign and died. As Magus tried to spread the territories of the Empire to the lands, leagues of men, dwarves, orc, and all other types of creatures tried to rebel. Some were successful, and others were not during what is known today as the War of the Sentinels.

There was a newphew of Magus, whose birth was unknown to Magus for the former and exiled Queen gave birth to him in secret shortly after Lance had been slained. After the great war, with Kelvin now being ready having studying the arts of magick and skills in swordsmanship, he rallied up 11 comrades--men and women of different race--willing to embark on a mission that was known to be suicide. And suicide it was for they were to sneak into the palace and attack Magus head-on. None, not even the newphew known as Kelvin, made it out alive they say; but the mission was not in vain. Before he met his Fate, as his evil uncle was about to finish him off, Kelvin casted a spell that would save the world.

Casting a stasis spell, that would keep both he and Magus imprisoned and animated in suspension, they say Kelvin smiled at his uncle as he drew his last breath. The spell, a rare and powerful one, would keep Magus prisoner for a century in his very own palace throne room where he stood. So for a century, it would seem that the World would be granted peace.

For the first few years after Magus had become imprisoned, men had tried to enter the realm of Caldoria and defeat the great Empire while its King and Emperor remained indisposed. However, the forces many and loyal to Magus, kept their grounds and Kingdom intact for the future turn of their Dark Lord and King.

Hope...had been lost to all.

And so begins my Ballad of Saints, as I will search throughout the land...and find those willing to aid me. Magus will be freed from Kelvin's spell in a week's time. Old habits die hard. He will look to expanding his Empire once again.

...I will die before letting that happen.

The way this game works is that the Game Master leads and moves the story along. This is not an open world game where you travel and go where you like. You can create any character, be they hero or neutral alignment, in this Ancient World as long as they:​

  • Do NOT rip off pre-existing heroes from myths and legends.
  • Do NOT criticize another poster’s character. We are not all as skilled as Homer or Shakespeare. Constructive criticism is okay as long as it is not offensive.
  • Do NOT kill other Player Characters unless specifically asked by the player to do so.
  • The Game Master has the final say in matters of character acceptance.
  • You can travel using your animals, vehicles, or your own two feet. Don't miraculously pop up unless you're using a teleportation spell, a magic item, etc...
  • You can reside in any place in the Ancient World (no Antarctica, or any of the Americas or Australia). Just Europe, Asia (including feudal Japan), & Africa.
  • Don't do anything RANDOM like chopping off board user's heads or what not, unless your a villain chopping off NPC victims heads, then whatever, go with it, as long as it's not technically RANDOM (Don't be killing people without reason).
  • If you want to take part in this, just fill out an app and your name and character will appear on the roster, pending approval...
  • Act like your characters; ASSUME their traits and personalities...
  • People who disobey these rules, some more major than the others, will get BOOTED by the Game Masters. Further problems will cause HYPE! Mods to get involved, which usually leads to user bannings, or the more severe IP Address banning.
  • No modern day religions are allowed in the game (Christianity, Islam, etc).

Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG - Application

Screen Name:

Character you have created (include known alias or nicknames here as well):

(What race is your character, and, if human, what culture does your character hail from, for example is your character Roman, Athenian, Celtic, Norse, Persian, etc):

Racial Traits
(traits specific to your race; a list can be found in the fourth post of the OOC thread) (For races not listed, GMs must create traits for that race first before player approval):

Character Class
(Choose One):

  • Fighter (the quintessential melee masters and weaponed warriors; fighters include soldiers, barbarians, gladiators, martial artists, rangers, and all general warriors)
  • Mystic (choosing to master The Art over physical tools, Mystics are the practitioners of the arcane; Mystic includes all mages, sorcerers, shamans, divine agents such as clerics, priests, and Celtic Druids, and all other spellcasters; Recommended that you read the magic system post below before choosing a Mystic)
  • Rogue (the classic cutthroat, rogues excel at the underhanded arts; rogues include thieves, highwaymen, assassins, smugglers, pickpockets, and general scoundrels)
  • Paladin (these holy knights are champions of their chosen deity and are able to wield low-level Protective magicks to compliment their martial prowess. However they must remain pure and true to their god and their god's doctrine. Any wavering, no matter how minor, will force them to lose favor with their deity and thus lose their spells. Once favor is lost the paladin must seek atonement to regain favor with their divine patron. Evil Paladins are called Blackguards and wield low level Necromantic spells instead of Protective magic; Paladins cannot be of Neutral alignment)
  • Spell Swords (these warriors mix the art of swordplay with spells from a specific school of magic; spell swords include the necromantic shadowdancers, elven bladesingers, and other magic-weilding warriors; Spell Swords have access to minor spells in a single school)
  • Minstrel (the wandering bard who spread tales of adventure and courageous deeds, but also adventures themselves; Minstrels are musicians and storytellers who mix the melodious songs from their instruments and/or voice with spells from the Enchantment school of magic)
  • Psion (the master of mental combat, the psionicists devotes their study to unlocking the mysteries of the mind; Psions include telepaths and telekinetics; a player can only choose one of the two disciplines, not both) (NOTE: Psionics are treated as they are seen in the comic world, but they are not as powerful. So there would be no Xavier level telepaths able to enslave an entire city or communicate with somebody on the other side of the known world, or telekinetics on the level of the Phoenix who can move mountains or topple an entire city in a single act)
Patron Deity (only required for those under the Paladin heading or those who are a priest, cleric, or other divine agent; others may choose one if they wish to flesh out their character more) (Your Patron Deity MUST be from the pantheon significant to your character's culture, I.E. no Odin worshipping Egyptian Priestess) (For the pantheons of the non-human races, see the links below the app):

(if your character is a Mystic, choose from the following schools of magic to specialize in. NOTE: A player will only be able to cast spells that deal with their schools, forsaking all others, so choose carefully. A mystic gets 4 points to spend in deciding their skill level in magic: 1 point equals minor skills in the chosen school, 2 points equal moderate skill, and 4 equals mastery in the school of choice. Paladins receive 1 point, and it must go towards Protection; Spellswords get only 1 point, and can choose any school to specialize in; Minstrels get 2 points and at least one must go towards Enchantment) (Descriptions of the schools and the point system can be found in a reserved post in the OOC Thread):

  • Necromancy
  • Protection
  • Elemental
  • Conjuration
  • Transformational
  • Enchantment
  • Phantasmal
  • Divination
  • Druidic
Speech Color and/or Font (actually say what you're using, i.e. Arial Black; don't go "Like this", or what not):

Character Alignment

Character Personality
(Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations):

Origin Info/Details
(As thorough as possible):

(Select one from each category) (some races are greater or weaker than a human in specific categories and will be noted below or in the racial traits section of the OOC thread):

Strength Level:
Weak Human, Normal Human, Peak Human (Dwarves in peak condition are slighty stronger than a man; Elves and Halflings are weaker than a man in peak condition; Orcs are the same)

Speed/Reaction Timing Level:
Weak Human, Normal Human, Peak Human (Elves in peak condition are quicker than a man in peak condition with Halflings being just slightly quicker; Dwarves are slightly slower than a man in peak condition; Orcs are the same)

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort/Durability:
Weak Human, Normal Human, Peak Human (Dwarves are more sturdy than a man in peak condition; Elves are less durable than a man in peak condition as well as are Halflings; Orcs are slightly more sturdy than a man in peak condition)

Weak Human, Normal Human, Peak Human (Elves are more agile than a man in peak condition; Halflings are slightly more agile than a man in peak condition; Dwarves are less agile than a man in peak condition; Orcs are the same)

Below Average/Average/Above-Average/Genius/Super-Genius (All non-human character races described above are treated normally, although keep in mind that an Orcish super-genius is a truly unique character)

Fighting Skill:
Untrained/Trained/Expert/Mastered (Due to their devotion to their arts, Mystics and Psions cannot be Experts or Masters, and Minstrels cannot be Mastered)


Notable Equipment
(Items your character has on them of relevance, such as thieving tools if they're a rogue, holy items if they're a priest, magic weapons and/or armor, magic items, etc; we assume you're character has basic stuff, like rations, waterskin, and a torch or lantern; be as specific as possible as well as realistic as possible, I.E. if your character is carrying a ton of stuff their mobility and endurance will be sorely hindered; also keep in mind that magic items are rare, expensive, and difficult to make) (For ideas for notable equipment, and magic items, check out the link below the app):

(If your character has any specific weakness, such as a vampire's weakness to sunlight (among other things) or a Faerie's weakness to iron, list them here):

Describe using proper English grammar what you think you can bring to the RPG:

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG:

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards:

Sample Post
(Minimum Four decent-sized paragraphs containing dialogue):
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Alric Coortan
Half-Elf/Half Anglo-Saxon Human Fighter
Andy C.


Human Bard

Dante "The Doktore" Giovanni
Italian Human Scientist
Byrd Man

Caldorian Elf Sorceror-King

Niu Choi San "Pirate Queen of Shanghai"
Chinese Human Rogue

Rut Marrowdrainer
Goblin Rogue
Rain Dog

Hungarian Human Fighter

Telemnar "The Wraith of the Forest"
Elf Forest Ranger Spellsword

Xxymryx "The Thrice-Damned Elf-Man"
Half-Drow/Half British Human Mystic
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The following is a list of certain fictional spots throughout the world that will be explored in this RPG. Each spot is listed under a region and given a brief description. At one point in the story--sometimes more than once--each place will be visited in our story.

Abandoned Castle
As the Kingdom of Caldoria and the greater Caldorian Empire has been without their King and Emperor Magus for a century, they have left his former castle untouched. It is heavily guarded, for Magus remains in his throneroom frozen in time because of Kelvin's stasis spell.

Adventurer's Den

It is here that the lives and paths of many cross. If one seeks adventure, surely this is the first place one should go. With all the thrill seekers, it makes for a great place to obtain information about places throughout the land as well as myths and urban legends. Within the den is an inn, making it a great resting stop as well.

Cherry Blossom Forest

A most peculiar forest in all the land, its trees and plant-life are of gargantuan size. Like the plant-life, the insects are of larger size as well. It is rumored that the entrance to the fabled Fairy Kingdom, which was thought to have been burned down during Magus' conquest to expand the Caldorian Empire, is somewhere within Cherry Blossom Forest.

Elven Hideaway

Known as Drow or Dark Elf territory, it is feared by most in the land. The entire vicinity of the fortress is guarded by archers, and sentinel ground troops. They remain vigilant, silent, and hidden making for a nasty surprise for those foolish enough to dwell in their region.

Fairy Kingdom
Believed by many, this kingdom no longer exists. However there are some who claim that Prince Ace, after the death of his father during one of Magus' attack, was able to safely transport survivors of the once graceful kingdom. Those who think such a thing believe strongly that the only place he would have rebuilt the kingdom is in the gargantuan Cherry Blossom Forest.

Hi-Ho Mountain
The only way to get to the Valley of the Dwarves is to pass through Hi-Ho Mountain unless one is able to travel through the skies. The entire mountain is home to a variety of creatures such as Rock Golems, Worgs, and Trolls that cause most travelers to never make it to the Valley of the Dwarves. And traveling through the skies while safer is still not completely safe because of the wild Wyvern who rule the sky.

Lance's Atelier

Location to be unknown, it is said that King Lance before he died hid away an item of incalculable power. Hidden away in his secret atelier, if one were able to wield such a thing they would be able to create an entire new Age of Magick.

Shadow Realm
The Shadow Realm is a dimly lit dimension which can be used to travel through the land more quickly. However many fear to use it because centuries ago a group of Eladrin used the realm to lock away the dangerous Chaos Dragon after it had escaped from Limbo. Although it is known that a small group of Eladrin chose to remain within the Shadow Realm for all eternity to be wardens to the caged beast. Still, some remain concerned for aside from the Chaos Dragon other creatures such as Cloakers and Will-o'-wisps freely roam the realm from time to time.

Temple of the Damned

Guarded by the warlock Daemon are the treasures within the Temple of the Damned. Various artifacts of Olde and other precious relics is what draws brave and foolish travelers to enter the temple. And all who have failed are not killed but transformed by the evil warlock to forever roam the inner workings of the temple for all eternity. They remain forever his slaves and minions.

Tower of Wisdom

Said to have been built in the First Age of Magick, it is the humble abode of the Wizard Lynx. It is also said that Lynx was taught by the great Merlin himself and was trusted with the responsibility of watching over the entire Realm of Magick from the top of this tower. Lynx it said to have the ability to foretell future events before they occur.

Valley of the Dwarves

Home to the Dwarf Lords of the Land, the valley makes for quite the defensive stronghold. While the home to these dwarves is well guarded, they do leave a peaceful life for Hi-Ho Mountain is the only way to get to their civilization without the aid of flight; they rarely are visited by outsiders.
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There are eight schools of magic, and each spell caster chooses a number of them, limited only by their alignment, and their skill level in each school chosen. Certain powerful entities, such as the Advanced races (Dragons, Demons, and the like) are able to draw more powerful magic from more than one of the eight schools, although they too can have middling powers in the schools that if they spread their talents too thin. That character’s magic will fall within the limits of the chosen schools and none of the others (aside from Divination, as all spellcasters are assumed to have at least minor skill in that school).

Each spell-caster from the basic races has a maximum number of “slots” that will determine their capacity for magical aptitude. Mystics have the most at four slots apiece, while Paladins only get one slot (and must use it to gain Minor skill in the Protective school). Minstrels get two, and they must “spend” at least one to gain some skill in the Enchantment school, but what they do with the other slot is up to them. The Fairy Race gets one automatically, but that Minor Skill slot must be used in either the Protective, Enchantment, or Elemental School of Magic.

(The members of the Advanced races get two extra slots, regardless of their Class.)

The slots needed to be spent for each skill level is as follows:

Minor skill = 1 slot

Moderate skill = 2 slots

Mastery = 4 slots

(Examples of what each school can do at which skill level is given after the school’s description. The powers are NOT limited to these examples, and the GMs have final say on what power lies where.)

(Some Schools of Magic require that a character be of a certain alignment. However, with the approval and review of the GM that can be over-turned slightly.)

The Schools of Magic are:
Necromancy is power over death and the spirits of the recently deceased. This form of Black Magic manifests itself in ways that come from that power. Snuffing out living essences, raising undead armies, commanding ghostly powers, all are in the Necromancers grasp.
Minor powers include: animating and controlling weak undead such as skeletons and zombies, causing extreme terror to seize the mind of an individual of a basic race, reducing an individuals Strength level temporarily, speaking to the dead, etc.

  • Moderate powers include: outright snuffing out the life essence of an individual of a Basic race, creating and controlling moderately powerful undead such as ghouls, shadows, and wraiths, creating and spreading magical diseases (no AIDS, you sick bastards), etc.
  • Master powers include: creating and controlling major undead such as mummies, ghosts and vampires, snuffing out the life essences of a group of individuals of the basic races (or one of the Advanced races, although results may vary), becoming a lich.
(Necromancers must be of the Evil Alignment.)
Elemental Magic is power over the four basic elements of the world; fire, water, air, and earth. Elementalists are lords of their chosen element, shaping it within the confines of their imagination, and the most powerful of their number are able to manipulate it to the point of becoming one with the element and wielding its awesome power with the might of a demi-god.

  • Minor powers include: creating and controlling winds of various normal speeds (Air), turning stone and clay into mud and sand (Earth), emitting flames from your fingertips in a short but wide cone (Fire), breathing underwater, creating liquid water from water vapor (Water)
  • Moderate powers include: walking on air (not actual flight) (Air), giving the caster’s skin the hardness (and weight) of stone (Earth), fireball, the ever-loving classic ;) (Fire), raising, lowering or parting bodies of water (Water)
  • Master powers include: creating and controlling powerful winds of hurricane or tornado status, true flight (Air), creating and controlling massive earthquakes, becoming actual living stone (Earth), creating and controlling large infernos, complete immunity to flames and heat (Fire), drawing water out of a living body and controlling it, locating water deep underground and manipulating it (Water)
(Elementalists can be of any Alignment, but must choose one of the four elements to master: Fire, Water, Air, or Earth.)
Protective Magic is the ultimate defensive magic. Mystical shields, curative spells, the power to bring the freshly killed back to life, all this and more is at the fingertips of these White Mages. This magic is most commonly associated with divine powers such as angels, but can also be channeled through other sources.

  • Minor powers include: creating invisible shields to protect an individual from an attack, healing minor wounds, warding against minor undead such as skeletons and zombies, etc.
  • Moderate powers include: healing moderate wounds, destroying minor undead and warding against moderately powerful undead such as ghouls, shadows, and wraiths, curing diseases, etc.
  • Master powers include: healing (would be) mortal wounds, destroying moderately powerful undead and warding against major undead such as mummies, ghosts and vampires, resurrection
(White Mages must be of the Good Alignment.)
Conjuration grants the ability to summon and bind creatures and beings to your location and allow you to exert limited command over them for a short time. Wielding what is potentially the most powerful form of magic, the life of a Conjurer is also wrought with great peril. Summoning and controlling a mundane beast is usually simple task, but a Lord of Demons or a demi-god is a different story, and the hazards of losing control of those situations are great. (Note: the skill levels below give examples of creatures that can be easily summoned and controlled by a Conjurer of that skill level. You can still try to summon something out of your skill level, but may the gods help you if you do lose control. Which you will.)

  • Minor powers include: summoning and controlling animals and weaker monsters (tritons, azer, small elementals)
  • Moderate powers include: summoning and controlling members of the Basic races and moderately strong monsters (giant animals, dire wolfs, hell hounds, medium-sized elementals)
  • Master powers include: summoning and controlling powerful monsters (some minor demons and celestials, large elementals)
(Conjurers can be of any Alignment.)
Transformational Magic can change the world. Literally. Transmuters are able to shape the very fabric of reality, albeit for only a short time. Changing man into beast, mud into rock, lead into gold, sticks into snakes, these are just some examples of a Transmuters power.

  • Minor powers include: repairing minor damage in inanimate objects, increasing/decreasing a beings size up to 50%, changing the way an individual looks, short distance teleportation (“blinking”, distance up to 30 feet), etc.
  • Moderate powers include: changing an individuals form temporarily, turning living matter into a stone statue, transforming raw materials into finished products, etc.
  • Master powers include: permanent changing of an individuals form, disintegration, teleportation.
(Transmuters can be of any Alignment.)
Enchantment is a two-fold magic. It grants either the ability to grant magical powers to items and beings, or the power of compulsion (from dominating the mind, to inducing paralysis, to inducing sleep, and much, much more). An enchanter must choose one of those varients of the school to master, they cannot do both.

  • Minor powers include: charming individuals into thinking you’re their friend, inducing sleep in members of the Basic races, granting a minor magical effect to an object (it glows, blade never dulls, better/different flavor, etc.)
  • Moderate powers include: arousing a strong emotion in an individual, giving an individual a magical suggestion (“These are not the droids you’re looking for.”), granting temporary magical effects to an object (flaming bladed sword, arrows that seek their targets, rings of invisibility, etc.)
  • Master powers include: causing insanity in an individual, domination (complete mind control), granting permanent magical effects to an object/being.
(Enchanters can be of any alignment, with those specializing in compulsion leaning more towards neutral or evil.)
Phantasmal Magic is the ability to use magic to change others perceptions of the world. Creating illusions, making things invisible, altering one’s own outward appearance; such are the tools of an Illusionist.

  • Minor powers include: changing the way an individual appears, invisibility, creating and manipulating silent moving images, etc.
  • Moderate powers include: creating and manipulating moving images accompanied by sounds, smells, and heat, making one type of terrain appear to be another (like a controlled mirage), create and control illusory creatures (not actual physical beings, but it’s like the Matrix, if your brain’s convinced that you die, you die), etc.
  • Master powers include: creating illusions that are nearly real except they do not have physical mass, create and control illusory creatures (these CAN affect physical beings), etc.
(Illusionists can be of any Alignment, though their deceptive nature causes them to lean towards the Neutral or Evil ones.)
Divination is the only universal school, granting all mystics access to it’s minor powers (essentially limited clairvoyance and clairaudience). However, those who specialize in Divination, the Oracles, are granted the ability to see into the near future as well as the past, or the power to look into someone’s very soul and determine their Alignment.

  • Minor powers include: detecting secret doors, clairvoyance, clairaudience, understand any language, etc.
  • Moderate powers include: reading surface thoughts, psychometry, seeing invisible creatures, etc.
  • Master powers include: seeing a being/object/location’s past or (possible) future, immunity to illusions, etc.
(Oracles must be of the Neutral Alignment, as their power gives them a sort of detachment from the world of others.)
Druidic Magic is the power over the forces of nature itself. Encompassing many minor abilities related to elemental magic, such as manipulating the weather (air), causing tremors (earth), or shifting the tides (water). Druids also command power over the kingdoms of animals and plants, even allowing them to communicate with them (DISCLAIMER: Even though you can ask a tree a question, there's nothing saying that it has the capacity to give a detailed or even intelligent answer. It's still a tree, remember.)

  • Minor powers include: speaking with animals and plants, nurturing and controlling plant life, creating and manipulating minor weather effects (fog, rain, light winds, etc.), summoning and controlling animals, etc.
  • Moderate powers include: curing/spreading natural disease, creating and manipulating moderate weather effects (lightning, sleet, hail, etc.), moving instantly between one plant to another of the same species (“tree walking”), etc.
  • Master powers include: creating and manipulating major weather effects (hurricanes, tornadoes, lightning storms, etc.), reincarnation, causing earthquakes, etc.
(Druids can be of any alignment, but are mostly of the Neutral Alignment.)
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Certain, high-powered beings are available as playable characters, and these are known as Advanced Races, where as the standard races are known as Basic Races.

* = Advanced race (no more than one allowed at any given time). Advanced Races include: beholders, illithids, powerful undead (liches, vampires, mummies, etc.), demons, dragons, celestials, other planar creatures (slaadi, genies, etc.), elementals and sphinxes. Advanced Races are listed towards the bottom of the Racial Traits sections.

Dwarves: Darkvision (able to see in the darkness up to 60 feet, but in black and white only); Toxin Resistance (dwarven toughness allows them to resist most standard poisons, but it does not make them immune to them. They are just not as affected as strongly as a man would be, and large doses can still prove fatal); Stonecunning (due to spending most of their lives under the Earth, dwarves have a natural affinity for stone-workings and the like. Thus they are able to notice unusual stonework if they are close by it, such as stone traps, non-magical stone secret doors, unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, etc); Depth-Sense (Dwarves have the innate ability to sense how deep they are underground, but this is not accurate and usually falls in a window of a few miles); average life-span of 300 years.

  • Strength: Slightly stronger than a man
  • Speed/Reaction Time: Slightly slower than a man
  • Endurance/Durability: More sturdy than a man
  • Agility: Less agile than a man

Low-Light Vision (able to see twice as far as a human can in torchlight, starlight, moonlight and similar poorly lit conditions and is able to distinguish color and detail); Resistant to Magical Enchantment (spells from the Enchantment school of magic do not affect them as well as it would a man); Elves do not sleep but enter a state of deep meditation called Reverie; average life span of 800 years.

  • Strength: Weaker than a man
  • Speed/Reaction Time: Quicker than a man
  • Endurance/Durability: Less durable than a man
  • Agility: More agile than a man

Dark Elves:
The evil dark elves possess the abilities of elves as well as: Darkvision (able to see in darkness up to 60 feet, but in black and white only); Possess the innate magical ability to summon a globe of darkness impossible to see through without magical means (only able to use once a day as it is taxing to the Dark Elf's spirit; the globe is not mobile and must be fixed in a specific spot up to 30 feet away from the Dark Elf; globe is only a 10 feet radius and only lasts for a minute) and to call upon a faerie fire (ghostly blue flames outline an intended target within 30 feet from the Dark Elf, but the flames do no damage; as with the globe of darkness, this is usable once per day and only lasts for a minute); Daylight Sensitivity (Sudden exposure to bright lights (sunlight, a daylight spell, etc) blinds a drow for a few minutes, making them completely vulnerable to attacks. Even after a few minutes, their vision is still impaired enough to the point where their attacks, movements, and all other physical feats are slower due to the pain caused by the bright light and the concentration used to push through it. After a half an hour of exposure, the drow's vision has returned and is able to function normally in daylight).

  • Strength: Weaker than a man
  • Speed/Reaction Time: Quicker than a man
  • Endurance/Durability: Less durable than a man
  • Agility: More agile than a man

They try to be around anything that they find interesting, learning as much as they can before, invariably, they see something equally as interesting. Standing between 5 to 5-1/2 feet tall and weighing 100 to 140 pounds, they are exceedingly graceful, but tend to be a frail race. Typically, Fairies tend to be pale skinned, but blue, green, purple, and red-tinged skin is not uncommon. The majority is often red, black, or brown when it comes to hair color, but just as many differences can be found here as can their skin. Fairies are a strange race in terms of aging, reaching adulthood around 15 years, but they are long lived and will typically live to be around for 400 years or so.

  • Strength: Weaker than a man
  • Speed/Reaction Time: Quicker than an elf
  • Endurance/Durability: Less durable than a man
  • Agility: More agile than an elf

Low-Light Vision (able to see twice as far as a human can in torchlight, starlight, moonlight and similar poorly lit conditions and is able to distinguish color and detail); Average life span 200 years.

  • Strength: Same as a man
  • Speed/Reaction Time: Same as a man
  • Endurance/Durability: Slightly less sturdy than a man
  • Agility: Slightly more agile than a man

Heightened Hearing (The ears of a halfling are more astute than those of a human. As such, they are able to discern sounds that a human might otherwise mistake or not even hear); average life span of 80.

  • Strength: Weaker than a man
  • Speed/Reaction Time: Slightly quicker than a man
  • Endurance/Durability: Less durable than a man
  • Agility: Slightly more agile than a man

Low-Light Vision (able to see twice as far as a human can in torchlight, starlight, moonlight and similar poorly lit conditions and are able to distinguish color and detail); average life span of 50 years.

  • Strength: Same as a man
  • Speed/Reaction Time: Same as a man
  • Endurance/Durability: Slightly more sturdy than a man
  • Agility: Same as a man

Nature Sense (Centaurs are creatures of the wilds, living in tribes in tune with nature. As such, they have a vast knowledge of local flora and fauna in their tribal lands. Even in foreign lands, centaurs can usually tell if a plant is edible or not, or if it might have other properties by the smell, taste, look, or feel of it); Hunter's Stealth (Centaurs are natural hunters, stalking and killing game and animals for their very survival. As such, they have become adapt at moving silently through forested areas, provided they are not overly dense or the forest floor covered by items that would make moving silently impossible, such as thousands of dead leaves that crunch under their hooves); Being isolationists, centaurs are leery of humanoids, especially those who dwell in the cities and the so-called "modern" world. This paranoia is strong enough to keep most tribes as far away from towns as possible; average life span of 350 years.

  • Strength: Same as a man - top half; same as a horse - lower half
  • Speed/Reaction Time: As fast as a horse; reaction time same as a man
  • Endurance/Durability: Slightly more sturdy than a man
  • Agility: Less agile than a man

Lycanthrope (General):
Alternate Form (As an act of will, the lycanthrope may change it's form to that of a animal or a human/animal hybrid. This ability can be used whenever the lycanthrope desires and the lycanthrope retains it's normal intelligence in all forms); Low-Light Vision (able to see twice as far as a human can in torchlight, starlight, moonlight and similar poorly lit conditions and is able to distinguish color and detail. Only available in animal or hybrid form); Scent (The sense of smell of lycanthropes are much more attuned than that of a human. As such they are able to distinguish between specific scents in the immediate area and smells traveling down wind. They may also track others via their sense of smell. This ability is only available in animal or hybrid form); Curse of Lycanthropy (A lycanthrope may pass it's affliction onto others with a simple bite. When a lycanthrope bites a normal human, there is a chance of the disease getting passed on to the victim); Average life span is same as the base race.

Nature Sense (Werebears are creatures of the wilds, living a life in tune with nature. As such, they have a vast knowledge of local flora and fauna in their homelands. Even in foreign lands, werebears can usually tell if a plant is edible or not, or if it might have other properties by the smell, taste, look, or feel of it).

  • Strength: Same as base race (same as animal in animal form; much stronger in hybrid form)
  • Speed/Reaction Time: Same as base race (same as animal in animal form; faster in hybrid form)
  • Endurance/Durability: Same as base race (same as animal in animal form; more durable in hybrid form)
  • Agility: Same as base race (same as animal in animal form; same as an average man in hybrid form)

Feline's Grace (Werelions have an almost supernatural ability to maintain their balance in even the most hazardous situations, and their claws in hybrid form make them extremely gifted climbers)

  • Strength: Much stronger in hybrid form
  • Speed/Reaction Time: Faster in hybrid form
  • Endurance/Durability: Slightly more durable in hybrid form
  • Agility: More agile than a man in hybrid form.

Poseidon's Grace (Merfolk are beings born of the sea and, as such, are at home beneath the waves. Merfolk are able to move a freely through bodies of water as a human would on land, garnering no drawbacks a human might to moving and fighting beneath the waves.); Creature of the Sea (Merfolk are beings bred for life under the waves, and are not fit for life on land. Any merfolk on land is practically immobile due to their fishy bottom half, and their movement is relegated by their hands and upper body strength. As such, their land speed, agility, and reaction timing is severely hampered if not nonexistent. After two hours spent on land, the merfolk will begin to feel dehydrated and drained, and their abilities will be reduced by half (strength, agility, racial traits, etc). If the merfolk does not reach and submerse themselves in a non-polluted body of water before another two hours passes, they will become comatose and too weak to perform any action of their own. If the merfolk does not find a non-polluted body of water within a half hour from this point, they will die. A merfolk in a dying state that is submersed in water will immediately begin to feel rejuvenated, but they must remain within the waters for at least an hour before being fully recovered. Polluted waters act as poison to merfolk, worsening their dehydrated conditions and some can even die outright due to the pollutants.); Aquatic Empathy (Merfolk have a natural ability to empathically communicate with sea life, much as a skilled ranger can communicate with animals on land.); Water Sense (Merfolk have the natural ability to sense if water, be it a body or a simple glass of, is pure and safe to either drink or swim in.); Being creatures of water, Merfolk are unable to focus their talents in any other form of elemental magic save water elementalism, though other schools of magic are available to them; Average life span 80 years.

  • Strength: Same as a man
  • Speed/Reaction Time: Much faster than a man and capable of reaching speeds of 30mph with bursts up to 60mph (in water); Severely slower than a normal man, bordering to immobile (on land)
  • Endurance/Durability: Same as a man (endurance); more durable than a man due to having to survive the high pressures of deep ocean life
  • Agility: Much more agile than a man (in water); Severely less agile than a normal man, bordering to immobile (on land)


*Lich: Lichsight (the eerie glowing red-pin points of light in a lich's empty, black eye sockets see much more accurately than any mortal. The lich has darkvision at a distance of 60 feet; the lich cannot be blinded or impaired by any light no matter how bright, even from a magical source; likewise, magical darkness does not hamper a lich's vision either. In the eyes of a lich, it is as though neither light nor darkness exist); Fear Aura (Liches are shrouded in a invisible aura of death and dread. All those withing a 30ft radius are unnaturally shaken to the core and are a bit slower to react because of it; the lich can suppress this aura if it chooses); Paralyzing Touch (with but a simple touch the lich can paralyze a victim by channeling the negative energies coursing through it's body to it's hand. A person who falls prey to this attack will immediately become paralyzed and immobile. So much so that others checking them, even a skilled healer, would think that they are dead. The paralysis lasts for an hour, but can be magically removed as though it were a curse. Due to the touch requiring the focus of negative energies, the lich can only perform this attack once every few minutes.) Damaging Touch (The negative energy flowing through a lich's body is damaging to living creatures; the touch of a lich fills the touched area of a victim with a deathly coldness from the grave that ignites the area in agony equal to the pain caused from any blade strike); Immune to cold attacks, electrical attacks, negative energy attacks, disease, aging, poisons, polymorph, and paralysis & can only be harmed by magic and/or magical weapons; Being undead, the lich does not need to eat, sleep, or breath and is beyond the physical wants and desires of mortals.

  • Strength: Same as base race
  • Speed/Reaction Time: Same as base race
  • Endurance/Durability: Undead (does not tire; no need for sleep, food, or air)
  • Agility: Same as base race

Hypnotic Gaze (A vampire can crush the will of mortals by looking into their eyes. The vampire must concentrate for this ability to work, and those merely looking at the vampire are not affected. Those with strong enough will power can fight off a vampire's dominating gaze, but it is difficult to do and takes all their concentration to do. The longer the vampire goes without blood the weaker and easier to resist this power gets.); Blood Drain (A vampire can suck the blood from a living creature via it's fangs. The vampire must successfully grapple their victim to bite them and begin draining their blood. With the vampire's unnatural strength this is usually not a difficult task to accomplish. The opponent begins feeling their life essense being drained away within a handful of seconds, and within a minute their abilities begin to weaken (physical attributes, racial traits, etc). If the victim is still grappled after a minute of feeding, they grow even weaker to the point of immobility. Once the vampire has completely drained the victim of their blood, they die and rise three days later as a vampire spawn under the yolk of the vampire that slayed them until their master's death. Drinking the blood of a living creature energizes a vampire, empowering their abilities and healing wounds they have sustained. The longer a vampire goes without blood, the weaker they become. After a few days without fresh blood, a vampire's physical abilities begin to weaken, as well as some of their other racial traits. If a vampire goes without blood for over a week, they become extremely weak (movement rates, certain powers, and physical abilities reduced by 3/4). After another few days, the vampire will become immobile and catatonic, and a day later they will die of blood starvation. If the vampire can consume the blood of a living creature before becoming immobile, they will immediately feel refreshed and strengthen. The more blood they consume the better they become until they are back to their normal, vile selves.); Children of the Night (Vampires command the lesser creatures of the world, and, once per day, can control a swarm of rats, bats, or a pack of wolves. The vampire can summon whatever of the three types of creatures are known to be in the area and they will arrive as soon as possible (1 mile radius) and serve the vampire for up to one hour.); Gaseous Form (A vampire can assume the form of mist at will, and can remain gaseous indefinately with a fly speed of 3 mph with perfect manuverability. The vampire cannot perform any physical attack or use it's gaze when in this form, but can still cast spells. Likewise, a vampire in mist form can only be damaged by spells and weapons able to hit incorporeal creatures. A vampire gains this ability after 100 years of unlife.); Alternate Form (A vampire can take the shape of a bat or a wolf once per day. Once the vampire chooses that form, it gains all the attacks and abilities associated with that form, and may remain in that form for the night, or until the vampire reverts back to it's original shape. A vampire gains this ability after 200 years of unlife.); Heightened Senses (A vampire is the consumate hunter in the darkness, and, as such, their senses are much more attuned then that of a human. Their hearing and sense of smell is much more astute than a mortal, as they are able to hear a creature's heartbeat up to 30ft away and smell the fear in a victim that's before them. Their sight is also enhanced, as a vampire can see in the blackness of night as though they were a hunting cat.); Weaknesses (Despite all their powers, vampires have a few major weaknesses. Vampires are extremely allergic to sunlight and exposure to the rays of the sun for even a handful of seconds could be deadly. A daylight spell will also injure a vampire and potentially kill it, though it is not as strong as a reaction as if it were true sunlight. A vampire is highly allergic to garlic and silver, and both materials can severely weaken a vampire if they are injested or come into physical contact with them as both will burn the skin of a vampire causing extreme pain. A large enough exposure to either garlic or silver will kill a vampire. A vampire is helpless when it is at rest during the day, and can be killed by beheading or either completely destroying or removing it's heart from it's chest. The old wive's tale of a stake through the heart will not kill a vampire, but it will immobilize the vampire thus appearing as such. If the stake is ever removed, the vampire will immediately regain it's mobility and woe to any in it's way. The blood of certain races can also have adverse affects on vampires, for instance the blood of fey creatures is said to act as a hallucinegin. Vampires are resistant to the power of a holy man, but, if the priest or cleric has enough faith, they are able to drive the vampire away from the area for a day); Being undead, vampires are immune to cold, poisons, negative energy attacks, disease, aging, paralysis, is highly resistent to polymorph and electrical attacks, and can only be truly harmed by magic or magical weapons.

  • Strength: Much stronger than a man (able to lift up to 1 ton)
  • Speed/Reaction Time: Reacts much faster than a man in peak condition; Faster than a man (able to run at speeds of 25 MPH)
  • Endurance/Durability: Undead (does not tire or need to breath, but does need to consume blood and rest during the day. Non-magical weapon damage heals instantly.)
  • Agility: Much more agile than a man

*Death Knight:
Fear Aura (Death knights are shrouded in a invisible aura of death and dread. All those withing a 30ft radius are unnaturally shaken to the core and are a bit slower to react because of it; the death knight can suppress this aura if it chooses); Nightmare Mount (A Death Knight has the unique ability to summon to his side a nightmare loyal to him to serve as his steed. For info on a nightmare, see Bestiary); Dread Inspiration (A Death Knight has the unnatural ability to rally lesser undead creatures to his side. These undead remain obedient to the Death Knight until their destruction and gain a resistance to clerical turning when in it's presence. The Death Knight may only use this ability once per day); Hellfire Blast (The Death Knight has the ability to summon a blast of hellfire within a range of 400ft. The blast explodes in a radius of 20ft and harms even those immune to natural fire. The Death Knight may use this ability once per day); Undead (immune to mind-attacks, cold attacks, electrical attacks, negative energy attacks, disease, aging, poisons, polymorph, and paralysis & can only be harmed by magic and/or magical weapons; Being undead, the death knight does not need to eat, sleep, or breath and is beyond the physical wants and desires of mortals.

  • Strength: Stronger than peak condition of base race
  • Speed/Reaction Time: Same as base race
  • Endurance/Durability: Undead (does not tire; no need for sleep, food, or air)

Here is a listing of fantasy monsters that can be used in the game by the PCs, such as Aboleths, Beholders, Dragons, Mind Flayers, Shades, and Wolfweres. This listing is similar to the OU's Character Suggestion Posts and will provide a link to information about each creature or monstrous race. Each link contains a bit of info on the monster or monstrous race and (usually) contains a link to a pic of the creature.
Even though some of these monsters appear in myths, these are the versions of them that will appear in the game as their D&D version is better suited/easier to work with.


  • Make sure you do a little research on the monster(s) before you use them as some have some special traits that are relevant where combat is concerned. And that goes with any creature you use, be them D&D monsters or creatures of Myth. Either use a search engine, the OGL Stats links within the links below, or simply ask for help.
  • Keep in mind the climate and terrain a creature or monstrous race favors when using them (I.E. Don't have a frost worm attack you in the Sahara). If you're unsure about a monster's climate/terrain, just ask and we'll be more than happy to help.
  • If a creature listed has a mythological counterpart then they are native to the region where the myth comes from (I.E. pegasi are native to Greece).
  • If you have any questions regarding a creature or race (such as special abilities, habitat, etc) ask a GM as we'd be happy to help you any way we can.

Assassin Vine
Astral Dreadnought
Blink Dog
Brain in a Jar
Carrion Crawler
Cave Fisher
Chaos Beast
Cloakers (More Cloaker Info
Corpse Gatherer
Crawling Claw
Crimson Death
Dark Tree
Death Knight
Dire Animals
Displacer Beast
Dragons (All Types)
Drow (Dark Elves)
Ethereal Filcher
Ethereal Marauder
Feyr (Pic)
Frost Worm
Gelatinous Cube
Giant Eagle
Giant Insects
Githyanki (Pic - one on left)
Githzerai (Pic - one on right)
Gibbering Mouther
Gray Render
Hangman Tree
Hell Hound
Hook Horror (Pic)
Illithids (Mind Flayers)
Invisible Stalker
Ixitxachitl (Pic)
Krenshar (Pic)
Marilith (Demon-type)
Myconids (Fungus Men)
Nabassu (Demon-type)
Neogi (Pic)
Night Hags
Phase Spider
Purple Worm
Rust Monster
Sea Cat
Shadow Mastiff
Shambling Mound
Shocker Lizard
Shrieker (paired with Violet Fungus)
Skum (Aboleth created minions)
Spider Eater
Succubus (Demon-type)
Thoqqua (Pic)
Umber Hulk (Pic)
Violet Fungus (paired with Shrieker)
Winter Wolf
Yeth Hounds
Yochlol (Demon-type)
Yuan-Ti (Pic)
Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG - Application

Screen Name: Byrd Man

Character you have created (include known alias or nicknames here as well):
Dante "The Docktore" Giovanni

: Human/Italian

Racial Traits
: He's a human, so I don't see any traits listed.

Character Class
: Scientist/Alchemist

Patron Deity:N/A


Speech Color and/or Font: Georgia and navy blue

Character Alignment
: Good

Character Personality

Dante is a very rational guy. He thinks every scenario through and doesn't go into anything unprepared. His calculating nature can also make him seem cold and distant at times. Due to his being picked on heavily as a child, he has a inferiority complex and sometimes doesn't trust himself like he should. But other times he's at the other end of the spectrum, being a smug know it all.

Origin Info/Details

Dante Giovanni was born into one of Italy's most prominent magical families. His five other brothers and sisters attended the Athenian School of The Art and all five of them finished their schooling early. Dante is the black sheep of the family, due to the fact that when it comes to magic, he can't do it. At all. Instead, he has devoted his life into something all together: logic. Leaving home at the age of 15, Dante traveled around the world and learned everything he could learn, from England to Asia, he has learned from the best and brightest. Returning home at the age of 25, Dante crowned himself the Docktore of a new branch of logic: Science. Now at the age of 30, he travels the world in hopes of educating people that you don't need magic, all you need is brain power.


Strength Level:
Normal Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level:
Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort/Durability:
Normal Human

Normal Human


Fighting Skill:


Notable Equipment
: The Docktore carries a variety of tolls and inventions in his covered wagon

: He can be killed by conventional means.

Describe using proper English grammar what you think you can bring to the RPG:
I believe I can bring a damn fine RPer and an amusing character to boot.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG:
Much as needed.

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards:

Sample Post:

The Unknown
90 Days Out
The ocean waters lapped against the side of the boat. On the deck and below it, Viking warriors went about their duties while one man in particular sat perched in the ship's crow's nest, a telescopic lens on his eye.

"Confound it all where are you?" The Docktore muttered under his breath.

It was going on three months since their departure from Norseland. Three months out in the sea, searching for the new land that the Docktore knew was out here.

"Watts," he called from down below. The hefty man standing at the mast looked up at his boss.

"Yes, sir?"

"Get Vespucci out here right now!"

The Docktore began his climb down the mast. He touched the deck just as Watts and the thin man came out from below. Like the Docktore, he was an Italian. He, Watts, and the Docktore were the only none Vikings in the search party. The man had been handpicked by the Docktore. Like the Docktore, he was a man of logic.

"I believe that your calculations were incorrect," the Docktore hissed.

"What's wrong with it, sir?"

"You said that we should be in the new land within the month. It has been triple that time, and still here we are!"

"I never said a month. I said at least a month. You misunderstood me, sir."

"We need to find land soon. Supplies are running low, the crew is getting restless...I can sense that they have mutiny on their minds."

"And they are not the only ones, sir."

Without another word, Vespucci pulled a knife from his coat and whistled. On cue, Viking warriors came from below deck with battle axes at the ready.

"We're lost, Docktore, and it's your fault. If only you had listened to me and my directions."

"No!" The Docktore shouted. "I promise you all. Stay the course and we will reach Giovannia."

"I think not," Vespucci said. "It's time for you and your chubby friend to depart from the boat, Docktore, while we find the new land. The land named after me!"

"Named after you? Amerigo Vespucci?! What kind of land could they possibly name after you?"


Several hours later, the Docktore and Watts row against the current of the ocean inside their tiny rowboat. The larger Viking ship has already faded off in the distance.

"America," the Docktore mumbled under his breath. "What kind of name is that for a land?"

"Does have a nice ring to it."

"Oh, shut up."
Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG - Application

Screen Name: Andy C.

Character you have created (include known alias or nicknames here as well): Alric Coortan

Race/Culture: Half-Elf, Anglo-Saxon (on the human side)

Racial Traits:
Low-Light Vision (able to see twice as far as a human can in torchlight, starlight, moonlight and similar poorly lit conditions and is able to distinguish color and detail); Average life span 200 years.

Strength: Same as a man
Speed/Reaction Time: Same as a man
Endurance/Durability: Slightly less sturdy than a man
Agility: Slightly more agile than a man

Character Class (Choose One): Fighter

Patron Deity: Thunor, the Thunderer and Friend of the Common Man

Magic: None

Speech Color and Font: Georgia, Royal Blue, Bold

Character Alignment: Good.

Character Personality:

Alric is an imposing figure, one with the command and confidence that comes not from ego or arrogance, but an exact knowledge of his own capabilities. He abides by a strict code of honor and ethics, and would rather die than bring shame to his House. He carries with him an unshakable morality that is every bit the shield as the one that bears his family crest, every bit the divining blade as the heirloom sword he carries with him.

At least, that is how Alric behaves in public. In private, he is shy to the point of paranoia, soft-spoken and elusive when asked about his personal life. He is incredibly private, not wanting to be seen without his helm and armor. Though he is friendly and generous, he does not trust easily, at least not about personal things.

Origin Info/Details:

The House of Coortan is known through most of England as one of the most powerful and influential families in the country, the Duke Bellinus a benevolent ruler, one of the few lords trusted with much of the land that was once Camelot, his house trusted with the hidden histories of Merlyn.

As the Duke grew older, he sired two sons by the Lady Diera. The younger son, Eadlyn, traveled to London and became a student of magic.

The older son, Alric, became something of the stuff of legend.

They say Alric is the greatest swordsman England has ever produced. They say he has never been bested in a duel or battle, that he only ever gestured or made actions with his left hand, using his right only to wield his sword in blinding deadly flashes of steel.

They say he witnessed the Wild Hunt and lived to tell the tale. They say he learned the ways of the Knights of the Round Table, that had he been born a generation or two sooner, he would have been every bit as famous as Lancelot or Galahad.

They say all of these things of Alric Coortan.

They say none of these things, however, of Avery Coortan, the Duke Bellinus's bastard son, fathered with an Elf woman named Kyra.

While Bellinus cared for Avery, the youngest of his sires could never hold rank or prestige, and had to be kept at arm's length. A bastard son was bad enough, but being a half-breed as well sealed his fate. Despite this, Avery yearned to be accepted by his family, and in many ways was even more loyal to the honor of the Coortan name than either of his brothers.

Still, as he grew older, Avery grew bitter, especially as his half-brother Alric became known as a hero. Avery himself was absolutely brilliant with a sword, the strength of a man and the speed of an Elf making him deadly with nearly any long blade in his hand. However, he lacked Alric's confidence, his patience, his charisma and command.....and most importantly, his name and status. While Alric traveled England and Europe fighting the forces of evil, and Eadlyn gained knowledge of magic and wizardry far off in London, Avery looked after their home, custodian of a land that would never be his.

Eventually Alric was struck down, not in battle with a horde of enemies or a terrible monster, but by slipping on a wet rock while swimming. The hero's knee was broken severely by the fall, hobbling him for life. Alric was distraught by such an ignoble end to so many years of adventure, knowing that he could no longer honor his family by fighting evil, giving hope to the hopeless.

Seeing his brother's despair, Avery knew he was the only one who could keep the House of Coortan from being swallowed up from enemies, as the Duke was old and ill and Eadlyn had not returned from London in years. It was then that the great hero and his forgotten bastard brother conceived a plot: the one would become the other.

Alric would spend the rest of his days protecting their home and its secrets, as well as getting some well-earned peace and quiet. Avery, on the other hand, would go out into the world with his half-brother's sword and armor, facing down evil and bringing honor to the family name.

And so the grand legend of Alric Coortan would continue......albeit with a different man bearing the name.


Strength Level: Weak Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Peak Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort/Durability: Normal Human

Agility: Peak Human

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Mastered

Resources: Large

Notable Equipment: 'Alric' carries two heirlooms with him at all times. The first is a sword, a one-handed broadsword with the sigil of Thunor etched into the pommel. Once a day, it can channel a powerful bolt of lightning through the blade. Secondly, his shield bears the crest of the House of Coortan, and when touched with the fresh blood of a Coortan, reflects any attack back onto the attacker (i.e. a cone of cold would instead freeze the caster, a blow from an axe would wound the man swinging it, etc), an effect that lasts until the blood has dried.

Apart from that, he wears a steel chain shirt and helm, with a tabard and cape in the red and blue colors of his house. The only personal items he carries with him are a holy symbol of Thunor, a small locked journal, and a case for something which may be a pipe (although Alric was never known for playing the pipe before).

Weaknesses: Apart from being slightly more frail than a human due to his Elvish heritage, 'Alric' is incredibly paranoid about his helm, refusing to be seen in public without it on, lest anyone see his pointed ears. He also has a very short temper when his father or brothers' honor is questioned.

Describe using proper English grammar what you think you can bring to the RPG: I can bring well-constructed and interesting storytelling, not to mention a take on the archetypical 'knight in shining armor' that's a little different than usual.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: As many as it takes.

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards: I do indeed.

Sample Post (Minimum Four decent-sized paragraphs containing dialogue):

"This village is a peaceful one," I say, my voice full of righteous indignation. "Its people have done you no wrong, have done nothing to deserve the damages you have inflicted upon them. Your raids stop. Now."

The band of hobgoblins laugh riotously, until their leader silences them by bashing the nearest one on the head with the pommel of his sword.

"Awful lot of us, human," he says, gesturing to the dozen or so heavily armed and armored raiders. "And only one of you. You don't scare us."

"If you are unafraid, then perhaps I can propose a challenge," I say, throwing back my cape with my left hand, revealing my sword still sheathed at the hip. "I, hereby challenge you to a duel. Should I win, you end your raids on the village and leave this region for good. Should I lose, you can do as you please."

The hobgoblin sneers, and draws his sword. It's a fat chopping blade, curved like a scimitar, obviously meant for wide swinging cuts. My shield will likely hold against his blows, but should a stray swing get through, he could easily take my head clean off.

"Challenge accepted," the hobgoblin says. "I look forward to adding your skull to my collection."

"I think you'll find the skull of Alric Coortan a prize not easily won," I say, my left hand unfastening the shield's strap to take it off of my back, then sliding it one-handed onto my forearm. At the mention of the name, the hobgoblin's sickly yellow skin goes just a little bit white.

He circles me, while I stay still, projecting as much pure confidence as I can muster, the sword still resting in its sheath.

Once he charges in I can swat his blade away with my shield, force it away long enough to draw my own sword and cut his belly. If his armor holds, I'll need to keep him off his guard, a series of quick cuts and thrusts towards his wrists and legs, to keep that big blade making small motions, stop him from taking a big swing. Once I put him on the defensive, I can pry into one of the few openings I've noticed into his armor.

My first fight under my brother's name, with his honor at stake. It won't be easy, but I think I can do it.


The hobgoblin charges in, that huge killing blade brought up over his head for a massive blow. As he grows closer, I move my right hand from my side and take hold of my sword.

Before I can even draw the blade from its sheath, the hobgoblin drops his sword, his eyes wide with terror.

"I surrender!" he yelps. "I surrender! We'll leave, I swear! Just don't kill me!"

I raise my eyebrow for a moment, then regain my composure and take my right hand off the sword. This may be easier than I had thought.
Last edited:
Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG - Application

Screen Name: Byrd Man

Character you have created (include known alias or nicknames here as well):
Dante "The Docktore" Giovanni

: Human/Italian

Racial Traits
: He's a human, so I don't see any traits listed.

Character Class
: Scientist/Alchemist

Patron Deity:N/A


Speech Color and/or Font: Georgia and navy blue

Character Alignment
: Good

Character Personality

Dante is a very rational guy. He thinks every scenario through and doesn't go into anything unprepared. His calculating nature can also make him seem cold and distant at times. Due to his being picked on heavily as a child, he has a inferiority complex and sometimes doesn't trust himself like he should. But other times he's at the other end of the spectrum, being a smug know it all.

Origin Info/Details

Dante Giovanni was born into one of Italy's most prominent magical families. His five other brothers and sisters attended the Athenian School of The Art and all five of them finished their schooling early. Dante is the black sheep of the family, due to the fact that when it comes to magic, he can't do it. At all. Instead, he has devoted his life into something all together: logic. Leaving home at the age of 15, Dante traveled around the world and learned everything he could learn, from England to Asia, he has learned from the best and brightest. Returning home at the age of 25, Dante crowned himself the Docktore of a new branch of logic: Science. Now at the age of 30, he travels the world in hopes of educating people that you don't need magic, all you need is brain power.


Strength Level:
Normal Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level:
Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort/Durability:
Normal Human

Normal Human


Fighting Skill:


Notable Equipment
: The Docktore carries a variety of tolls and inventions in his covered wagon

: He can be killed by conventional means.

Describe using proper English grammar what you think you can bring to the RPG:
I believe I can bring a damn fine RPer and an amusing character to boot.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG:
Much as needed.

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards:

Sample Post:

The Unknown
90 Days Out
The ocean waters lapped against the side of the boat. On the deck and below it, Viking warriors went about their duties while one man in particular sat perched in the ship's crow's nest, a telescopic lens on his eye.

"Confound it all where are you?" The Docktore muttered under his breath.

It was going on three months since their departure from Norseland. Three months out in the sea, searching for the new land that the Docktore knew was out here.

"Watts," he called from down below. The hefty man standing at the mast looked up at his boss.

"Yes, sir?"

"Get Vespucci out here right now!"

The Docktore began his climb down the mast. He touched the deck just as Watts and the thin man came out from below. Like the Docktore, he was an Italian. He, Watts, and the Docktore were the only none Vikings in the search party. The man had been handpicked by the Docktore. Like the Docktore, he was a man of logic.

"I believe that your calculations were incorrect," the Docktore hissed.

"What's wrong with it, sir?"

"You said that we should be in the new land within the month. It has been triple that time, and still here we are!"

"I never said a month. I said at least a month. You misunderstood me, sir."

"We need to find land soon. Supplies are running low, the crew is getting restless...I can sense that they have mutiny on their minds."

"And they are not the only ones, sir."

Without another word, Vespucci pulled a knife from his coat and whistled. On cue, Viking warriors came from below deck with battle axes at the ready.

"We're lost, Docktore, and it's your fault. If only you had listened to me and my directions."

"No!" The Docktore shouted. "I promise you all. Stay the course and we will reach Giovannia."

"I think not," Vespucci said. "It's time for you and your chubby friend to depart from the boat, Docktore, while we find the new land. The land named after me!"

"Named after you? Amerigo Vespucci?! What kind of land could they possibly name after you?"


Several hours later, the Docktore and Watts row against the current of the ocean inside their tiny rowboat. The larger Viking ship has already faded off in the distance.

"America," the Docktore mumbled under his breath. "What kind of name is that for a land?"

"Does have a nice ring to it."

"Oh, shut up."

You created your own Class which is fine so long as it is well thought out and makes sense with the times (something I want people to make note of should they choose to do the same in creating a new class). After review everything looks good.

Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG - Application

Screen Name: Andy C.

Character you have created (include known alias or nicknames here as well): Alric Coortan

Race/Culture: Half-Elf, Anglo-Saxon (on the human side)

Racial Traits:
Low-Light Vision (able to see twice as far as a human can in torchlight, starlight, moonlight and similar poorly lit conditions and is able to distinguish color and detail); Average life span 200 years.

Strength: Same as a man
Speed/Reaction Time: Same as a man
Endurance/Durability: Slightly less sturdy than a man
Agility: Slightly more agile than a man

Character Class (Choose One): Fighter

Patron Deity: Thunor, the Thunderer and Friend of the Common Man

Magic: None

Speech Color and Font: Georgia, Royal Blue, Bold

Character Alignment: Good.

Character Personality:

Alric is an imposing figure, one with the command and confidence that comes not from ego or arrogance, but an exact knowledge of his own capabilities. He abides by a strict code of honor and ethics, and would rather die than bring shame to his House. He carries with him an unshakable morality that is every bit the shield as the one that bears his family crest, every bit the divining blade as the heirloom sword he carries with him.

At least, that is how Alric behaves in public. In private, he is shy to the point of paranoia, soft-spoken and elusive when asked about his personal life. He is incredibly private, not wanting to be seen without his helm and armor. Though he is friendly and generous, he does not trust easily, at least not about personal things.

Origin Info/Details:

The House of Coortan is known through most of England as one of the most powerful and influential families in the country, the Duke Bellinus a benevolent ruler, one of the few lords trusted with much of the land that was once Camelot, his house trusted with the hidden histories of Merlyn.

As the Duke grew older, he sired two sons by the Lady Diera. The younger son, Eadlyn, traveled to London and became a student of magic.

The older son, Alric, became something of the stuff of legend.

They say Alric is the greatest swordsman England has ever produced. They say he has never been bested in a duel or battle, that he only ever gestured or made actions with his left hand, using his right only to wield his sword in blinding deadly flashes of steel.

They say he witnessed the Wild Hunt and lived to tell the tale. They say he learned the ways of the Knights of the Round Table, that had he been born a generation or two sooner, he would have been every bit as famous as Lancelot or Galahad.

They say all of these things of Alric Coortan.

They say none of these things, however, of Avery Coortan, the Duke Bellinus's bastard son, fathered with an Elf woman named Kyra.

While Bellinus cared for Avery, the youngest of his sires could never hold rank or prestige, and had to be kept at arm's length. A bastard son was bad enough, but being a half-breed as well sealed his fate. Despite this, Avery yearned to be accepted by his family, and in many ways was even more loyal to the honor of the Coortan name than either of his brothers.

Still, as he grew older, Avery grew bitter, especially as his half-brother Alric became known as a hero. Avery himself was absolutely brilliant with a sword, the strength of a man and the speed of an Elf making him deadly with nearly any long blade in his hand. However, he lacked Alric's confidence, his patience, his charisma and command.....and most importantly, his name and status. While Alric traveled England and Europe fighting the forces of evil, and Eadlyn gained knowledge of magic and wizardry far off in London, Avery looked after their home, custodian of a land that would never be his.

Eventually Alric was struck down, not in battle with a horde of enemies or a terrible monster, but by slipping on a wet rock while swimming. The hero's knee was broken severely by the fall, hobbling him for life. Alric was distraught by such an ignoble end to so many years of adventure, knowing that he could no longer honor his family by fighting evil, giving hope to the hopeless.

Seeing his brother's despair, Avery knew he was the only one who could keep the House of Coortan from being swallowed up from enemies, as the Duke was old and ill and Eadlyn had not returned from London in years. It was then that the great hero and his forgotten bastard brother conceived a plot: the one would become the other.

Alric would spend the rest of his days protecting their home and its secrets, as well as getting some well-earned peace and quiet. Avery, on the other hand, would go out into the world with his half-brother's sword and armor, facing down evil and bringing honor to the family name.

And so the grand legend of Alric Coortan would continue......albeit with a different man bearing the name.


Strength Level: Weak Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Peak Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort/Durability: Normal Human

Agility: Peak Human

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Mastered

Resources: Large

Notable Equipment: 'Alric' carries two heirlooms with him at all times. The first is a sword, a one-handed broadsword with the sigil of Thunor etched into the pommel. Once a day, it can channel a powerful bolt of lightning through the blade. Secondly, his shield bears the crest of the House of Coortan, and when touched with the fresh blood of a Coortan, reflects any attack back onto the attacker (i.e. a cone of cold would instead freeze the caster, a blow from an axe would wound the man swinging it, etc), an effect that lasts until the blood has dried.

Apart from that, he wears a steel chain shirt and helm, with a tabard and cape in the red and blue colors of his house. The only personal items he carries with him are a holy symbol of Thunor, a small locked journal, and a case for something which may be a pipe (although Alric was never known for playing the pipe before).

Weaknesses: Apart from being slightly more frail than a human due to his Elvish heritage, 'Alric' is incredibly paranoid about his helm, refusing to be seen in public without it on, lest anyone see his pointed ears. He also has a very short temper when his father or brothers' honor is questioned.

Describe using proper English grammar what you think you can bring to the RPG: I can bring well-constructed and interesting storytelling, not to mention a take on the archetypical 'knight in shining armor' that's a little different than usual.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: As many as it takes.

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards: I do indeed.

Sample Post (Minimum Four decent-sized paragraphs containing dialogue):

"This village is a peaceful one," I say, my voice full of righteous indignation. "Its people have done you no wrong, have done nothing to deserve the damages you have inflicted upon them. Your raids stop. Now."

The band of hobgoblins laugh riotously, until their leader silences them by bashing the nearest one on the head with the pommel of his sword.

"Awful lot of us, human," he says, gesturing to the dozen or so heavily armed and armored raiders. "And only one of you. You don't scare us."

"If you are unafraid, then perhaps I can propose a challenge," I say, throwing back my cape with my left hand, revealing my sword still sheathed at the hip. "I, hereby challenge you to a duel. Should I win, you end your raids on the village and leave this region for good. Should I lose, you can do as you please."

The hobgoblin sneers, and draws his sword. It's a fat chopping blade, curved like a scimitar, obviously meant for wide swinging cuts. My shield will likely hold against his blows, but should a stray swing get through, he could easily take my head clean off.

"Challenge accepted," the hobgoblin says. "I look forward to adding your skull to my collection."

"I think you'll find the skull of Alric Coortan a prize not easily won," I say, my left hand unfastening the shield's strap to take it off of my back, then sliding it one-handed onto my forearm. At the mention of the name, the hobgoblin's sickly yellow skin goes just a little bit white.

He circles me, while I stay still, projecting as much pure confidence as I can muster, the sword still resting in its sheath.

Once he charges in I can swat his blade away with my shield, force it away long enough to draw my own sword and cut his belly. If his armor holds, I'll need to keep him off his guard, a series of quick cuts and thrusts towards his wrists and legs, to keep that big blade making small motions, stop him from taking a big swing. Once I put him on the defensive, I can pry into one of the few openings I've noticed into his armor.

My first fight under my brother's name, with his honor at stake. It won't be easy, but I think I can do it.


The hobgoblin charges in, that huge killing blade brought up over his head for a massive blow. As he grows closer, I move my right hand from my side and take hold of my sword.

Before I can even draw the blade from its sheath, the hobgoblin drops his sword, his eyes wide with terror.

"I surrender!" he yelps. "I surrender! We'll leave, I swear! Just don't kill me!"

I raise my eyebrow for a moment, then regain my composure and take my right hand off the sword. This may be easier than I had thought.

Little half-bro sustaining the honor of his older bro by posing as him. Sounds good to me.

Roster updated.

Here's hoping more of the new applicants will be of diverse race since we have 2 full humans so far and 1 half human/half elf on the hero side. I'd love to see this band of characters as diverse as possible. :woot:
I was thinking human too, actually. But I'll see if I can diversify.

By the by, Byrd, is 'Docktore' meant as a sort of early version of 'doctor' or like an Italian-English hybrid?
By the by, Byrd, is 'Docktore' meant as a sort of early version of 'doctor' or like an Italian-English hybrid?

A little bit of both. I originally intended it to be an Olde English version of doctor, but the pronouncement sounds awfully close to the Italian word for doctor.

So, let's just say the last meaning wasn't an accident and I'm a genius.
I was thinking human too, actually. But I'll see if I can diversify.

It's not like I'm not going to accept anymore human applications. You are welcome to do what you like, Harl, as is anyone. Was merely pointing out I was looking forward to multiple races from the whole group.
Well, hopefully someone else will go with a dwarf or something, because I thought of a kick-ass (magical, not sure yet) human that is just gonna be awesome.
Apparently Bounce cannot play the game after all so just making note since I was allowing him to play an Evil Alignment character to work with the villain of the story.

There is no "slot" up for grabs I'm terminating that idea completely to go back to doing the villainy stuff 100% on my own via the G&MRPG account for the posts.
[FONT=&quot]Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG - Application[/FONT]

Screen Name: Carnage27[FONT=&quot]

[/FONT]Character you have created (include known alias or nicknames here as well):[FONT=&quot][/FONT]Telemnar AKA “The Wraith of the Forest”
: Elf[FONT=&quot]

Racial Traits[/FONT]: Low light vision, resistance to enchantments, meditative Reverie, 800 year lifespan[FONT=&quot]

Character Class[/FONT]:
[/FONT]Elven Forest Ranger(Spell Sword)

[FONT=&quot]Patron Deity: Ehlonna, Goddess of the Forest[FONT=&quot]

Magic[/FONT]: Druidic

[FONT=&quot]Speech Color and/or Font : Arial Narrow Bold[FONT=&quot]

Character Alignment[/FONT] (Good/Neutral): Good[FONT=&quot]

Character Personality[/FONT]: Telemnar is a quiet, reserved elf who prefers speaking with animals and plants rather than the sentient races. After being betrayed in the great war, he has become extremely distrustful of all other sentient creatures.

He prefers ranged combat where he can hide from his opponents, but is formidable in close range as well.[FONT=&quot]

Origin Info/Details
: Telemnar was but a young elf at the outset of the War of the Sentinels being only 75 years old. He was raised in a forest in Caldoria know for producing the greatest rangers in the Kingdom. From birth, it was known that the boy held the power of the forest talkers granted to him by the goddess of the forest Ehlonna, and animals and plants flourished around him. He was taught the ways of the bow, the hunt, and the blade. On his first hunt, the young elf killed a female direwolf who had stayed unusually far from their normal hunting grounds. A pup was found with the dead mother, and Telemnar took the beast as his own, naming her Arya. From that moment on, the two were inseparable.[/FONT]

The elf volunteered to become one of the forest’s rangers, who would help guard the edge of Lance’s kingdom from any threat that may attempt to sneak into the kingdom through the wilds. He excelled, and was quickly promoted to the region’s top unit, led by the venerable ranger Riven. The elder ranger took a liking to the young newcomer, and began grooming him as his successor, much to the dismay of another veteran known as Laron. [FONT=&quot]
After five years of defending the realm from outside threats, the rangers were called to defend it from threats from within, when Magus turned against his brother and began his conquest of the earth. The rangers began attacking and striking out against the dark wizard’s forces as they crossed through the forest into the other kingdoms. They affected supply lines, took captives, as well as destroying entire battalions.

But the Forest Rangers were undone by one of their brothers. Laron sold them out to the dark lord in return for power and glory. On one of their raiding parties, their target turned out to be a trap, and a host of Magus’s forces fell upon them, killing all, save for Telemnar, who managed to escape with the help of Arya.

The elf fled towards the Cherry Blossom Forest, where he has resided ever since. It is here that he crafted a home from one of the mighty trees of the giant forest, and became friends with the many creatures that live there. He had then forsaken the civilized world, preferring his wild home, and he has spent these long years since the war attacking and destroying any of Magus’s troops or bandits foolish enough to wander into his forest.

Strength Level: [/FONT]Elf peak
Speed/Reaction Timing Level:
Peak [FONT=&quot]

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort/Durability: [/FONT]Peak for an elf
Peak [FONT=&quot]

Intelligence: [/FONT]Above-Average[FONT=&quot]

Fighting Skill: [/FONT]Mastered [FONT=&quot]

Resources: [/FONT]Minimal[FONT=&quot]

Notable Equipment[/FONT]: Telemnar carries with him his trusty bow at all times. It is a highly crafted Elven longbow used by all rangers. He also has two Elven short swords which never dull that he was given by the leader of his unit as he died.[FONT=&quot]

Weaknesses[/FONT]: Telemnar, being so tied to the forest, loses much of his mystical powers when not surrounded by nature. Therefore he is not as powerful in cities.[FONT=&quot]

Supporting Characters[/FONT]: Arya, Telemnar’s direwolf familiar.[FONT=&quot]

Describe using proper English grammar what you think you can bring to the RPG: [/FONT]
[/FONT]I believe I have an interesting and different character. Also, I'm a fairly good writer, and have a love for the fantasy genre.
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: I would hope to be able to post a few times a day.

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards:


[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]Sample Post (Minimum Four decent-sized paragraphs containing dialogue):

I can smell them and their filthy, unwashed hordes. I can see them, and the axes and fire they bring into my forest. I can hear them, and their loud, drunken laughter. They have come just as they have come for as long as I can remember. Magus's troops, coming to my forest for wood and resources to fuel their war machine. Even with their master frozen in time they come.

They come, but little do they know they come to die. I slide down a heft branch and launch myself to the adjacent tree, sliding down closer to their camp. I'm still incredibly far away, the giant trees of the Cherry Blossom allow me great stealth as I hunt, but I'm close enough to begin. I put my fingers to my mouth and emit a sound that's half hiss and half the sound the wind makes through the leaves. After a few moments, four unbelievably large spiders appear on the same branch as me. In their language, I say, "The fools will be easy pray. Wait for my signal."

They drop down and wait for fresh meat, as I slide further down the tree, all the way to the forest floor. Staying to the shadows, I place my hand on the trunk of the great tree I was just in, and beg for its help. After a few moments, its branches encase the soldiers and axemen in a wooden prison, and I vault into the center, spraying arrows into the chests of four of the ten men. My spider friends drop on top of the other four and drag them into the darkness, leaving two others.

One rushes at me, axe drawn, but a grey shadow springs from the darkness and tears his throat out as I slit the other's throat with one of my blades. After she feasts, Arya follows me back into the forest knowing the world is rid of some more of its filth.
[FONT=&quot]Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG - Application[/FONT]

Screen Name: Carnage27[FONT=&quot]

[/FONT]Character you have created (include known alias or nicknames here as well):Telemnar AKA “The Wraith of the Forest”
: Elf[FONT=&quot]

Racial Traits[/FONT]: Low light vision, resistance to enchantments, meditative Reverie, 800 year lifespan[FONT=&quot]

Character Class[/FONT]:
[/FONT]Elven Forest Ranger(Spell Sword)

[FONT=&quot]Patron Deity: Ehlonna, Goddess of the Forest[FONT=&quot]

Magic[/FONT]: Druidic

[FONT=&quot]Speech Color and/or Font : Arial Narrow Bold[FONT=&quot]

Character Alignment[/FONT] (Good/Neutral): Good[FONT=&quot]

Character Personality[/FONT]: Telemnar is a quiet, reserved elf who prefers speaking with animals and plants rather than the sentient races. After being betrayed in the great war, he has become extremely distrustful of all other sentient creatures.

He prefers ranged combat where he can hide from his opponents, but is formidable in close range as well.[FONT=&quot]

Origin Info/Details
: Telemnar was but a young elf at the outset of the War of the Sentinels being only 75 years old. He was raised in a forest in Caldoria know for producing the greatest rangers in the Kingdom. From birth, it was known that the boy held the power of the forest talkers granted to him by the goddess of the forest Ehlonna, and animals and plants flourished around him. He was taught the ways of the bow, the hunt, and the blade. On his first hunt, the young elf killed a female direwolf who had stayed unusually far from their normal hunting grounds. A pup was found with the dead mother, and Telemnar took the beast as his own, naming her Arya. From that moment on, the two were inseparable.[/FONT]

The elf volunteered to become one of the forest’s rangers, who would help guard the edge of Lance’s kingdom from any threat that may attempt to sneak into the kingdom through the wilds. He excelled, and was quickly promoted to the region’s top unit, led by the venerable ranger Riven. The elder ranger took a liking to the young newcomer, and began grooming him as his successor, much to the dismay of another veteran known as Laron. [FONT=&quot]
After five years of defending the realm from outside threats, the rangers were called to defend it from threats from within, when Magus turned against his brother and began his conquest of the earth. The rangers began attacking and striking out against the dark wizard’s forces as they crossed through the forest into the other kingdoms. They affected supply lines, took captives, as well as destroying entire battalions.

But the Forest Rangers were undone by one of their brothers. Laron sold them out to the dark lord in return for power and glory. On one of their raiding parties, their target turned out to be a trap, and a host of Magus’s forces fell upon them, killing all, save for Telemnar, who managed to escape with the help of Arya.

The elf fled towards the Cherry Blossom Forest, where he has resided ever since. It is here that he crafted a home from one of the mighty trees of the giant forest, and became friends with the many creatures that live there. He had then forsaken the civilized world, preferring his wild home, and he has spent these long years since the war attacking and destroying any of Magus’s troops or bandits foolish enough to wander into his forest.

Strength Level: [/FONT]Elf peak
Speed/Reaction Timing Level:
Peak [FONT=&quot]

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort/Durability: [/FONT]Peak for an elf
Peak [FONT=&quot]

Intelligence: [/FONT]Above-Average[FONT=&quot]

Fighting Skill: [/FONT]Mastered [FONT=&quot]

Resources: [/FONT]Minimal[FONT=&quot]

Notable Equipment[/FONT]: Telemnar carries with him his trusty bow at all times. It is a highly crafted Elven longbow used by all rangers. He also has two Elven short swords which never dull that he was given by the leader of his unit as he died.[FONT=&quot]

Weaknesses[/FONT]: Telemnar, being so tied to the forest, loses much of his mystical powers when not surrounded by nature. Therefore he is not as powerful in cities.[FONT=&quot]

Supporting Characters[/FONT]: Arya, Telemnar’s direwolf familiar.[FONT=&quot]

Describe using proper English grammar what you think you can bring to the RPG: [/FONT]
[/FONT]I believe I have an interesting and different character. Also, I'm a fairly good writer, and have a love for the fantasy genre.
How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: I would hope to be able to post a few times a day.

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards:


Sample Post (Minimum Four decent-sized paragraphs containing dialogue):

I can smell them and their filthy, unwashed hordes. I can see them, and the axes and fire they bring into my forest. I can hear them, and their loud, drunken laughter. They have come just as they have come for as long as I can remember. Magus's troops, coming to my forest for wood and resources to fuel their war machine. Even with their master frozen in time they come.

They come, but little do they know they come to die. I slide down a heft branch and launch myself to the adjacent tree, sliding down closer to their camp. I'm still incredibly far away, the giant trees of the Cherry Blossom allow me great stealth as I hunt, but I'm close enough to begin. I put my fingers to my mouth and emit a sound that's half hiss and half the sound the wind makes through the leaves. After a few moments, four unbelievably large spiders appear on the same branch as me. In their language, I say, "The fools will be easy pray. Wait for my signal."

They drop down and wait for fresh meat, as I slide further down the tree, all the way to the forest floor. Staying to the shadows, I place my hand on the trunk of the great tree I was just in, and beg for its help. After a few moments, its branches encase the soldiers and axemen in a wooden prison, and I vault into the center, spraying arrows into the chests of four of the ten men. My spider friends drop on top of the other four and drag them into the darkness, leaving two others.

One rushes at me, axe drawn, but a grey shadow springs from the darkness and tears his throat out as I slit the other's throat with one of my blades. After she feasts, Arya follows me back into the forest knowing the world is rid of some more of its filth.

Good character choice. When we venture through Cherryblossom Forest I imagine it's going to create some interesting character moments and character interaction moments.

I just need to get this out of the way. Sample post this weekend.

Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG - Application

Screen name: Harlekin

Character you have created: Niu Choi San, Pirate Queen of Shanghai, The Widow, Queen of the Impossible, Savior of the Ming dynasty.

Race/culture: Chinese human.
Racial traits: In essence, Nui Choi San is a normal human. And yet, she moves as gracefully and softly as water, can be as swift and untouchable as the wind and has fists that are as strong and as unbreakable as rock.
Character class: Fighter meets rogue.
Character alignment: Neutral.
Character personality: Niu Choi San is a woman hardened by life. She is often silent, but her facial expressions will speak volumes (unless she does not want them to). Her pirate crew knows her as a fearless leader, who will stand by them until the very end. In return, she expects them to die for her when necessary.

Niu Choi San upholds a specific moral code that is flexible but unbreakable. It allows for thieving and murdering, but she draws a line at hurting the innocent. Those who would seek to do them harm will suffer a swift end at her hand. As will any of her enemies, for that matter.

Niu Choi San was born into a farming family in one of the small villages outside of Shanghai. She lived in poverty and was punished daily by her father for not being born a male. It was a wretched, hard life in which there was no time for leisure, only work. Niu learned to walk with buckets of water in each hand.

When she was nine, Niu (which simply means 'girl') met Cheung Ng-tsai. It was the first happy day of her life. They fell in love almost immediately and managed to stay together despite her father, who considered romance only a distraction from work. Meanwhile, Niu's mother continued to bear children. Niu's father killed all eight in their first week on this Earth.

At the age of eightteen, Niu and Cheung fled their families and settled down in another village, again not far from Shanghai. They became simple rice farmers and while life was still hard, they were certainly happy. They enjoyed nine years of bliss in each other's arms.

Then the pirate Chui Po Tsai raided the village. Men and women were murdered in cold blood, houses torched, food and goods stolen. But this was not enough for Chui Po Tsai, the most fearsome pirate China knew. He was the killer of hundreds of Japanese Wokou but just as many, if not more, innocents as well.

Now, it should be noted that Niu, despite the hardships of her life, defied description. A beautiful ravenhaired woman, she was graceful even when hard at work. She was slender, yet strong. Her determination and will power lent her aura that captivated most of the men in the village. Of course, she remained faithful to her husband despite all offers.

It was an inconceivable loss then, when Chui Po Tsai stole not only food and goods, but also Niu. Killing Cheung, he claimed her for his own, taking her from her village and caging her on his boat.

Niu became the betrothed of Chui Po Tsai, for while her grief was immense, she had accepted all life's misfortunes before Chui Po Tsai and she would endure him as well. She sailed with his crew for nine years, a time in which the ship was often assailed by storms that seemed unnatural.

Finally, one day when a storm raged unparallel to any before it, Niu made it onto the deck with a knife in her hand. At the storm's apex, she slashed Chui Po Tsai's cheek, challenging him to a duel right there and then. He had no choice but to accept, for she surely would've killed him otherwise.

The entire crew looked on as the two fought through wind and rain. In the 27 years of her life until then, Niu had learned all manners of skills from farmers and pirates. She fought like the devil that day and as the thunder rolled, Niu and Chui charged forward simultaneously. They were locked in embrace as the lightning crackled.

Then, in what seemed like an instant, the clouds were swept away, the sea calmed itself and the sun shone brightly onto the deck. Lying on its wooden floors was Chui Po Tsai, his hands on the knife portruding from his belly. He gasped his last breath as Niu turned to the crew, her crew now, as she claimed the title of the Pirate Queen of Shanghai.

That was nine years ago.

Strength: Normal human.
Speed/reaction timing: Peak human.
Endurance: Peak human.
Agility: Peak human.
Intelligence: Average.
Fighting skill: Mastered.
Resources: Large.

Notable equipment: Thieving tools and various other small deadly instruments (little daggers, throwing stars). She also carries a long staff with a reasonable blade on top of it, curved like a scythe.

Describe using proper English grammar what you think you can bring to the RPG: A truly awesome character, bringing with her unique interaction possibilities - she only speaks Chinese. She's also the sole female (for now) on the team and is generally a badass. I think she may be one of my favourite creations. As to what I can bring to the RPG? Well, just me.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: As much as time allows me.

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards:
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I'm still figuring out which character I want to play.
Now in full.

Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG - Application

Screen name: Harlekin

Character you have created: Niu Choi San, Pirate Queen of Shanghai, The Widow, Queen of the Impossible, Savior of the Ming dynasty. (Trebuchet MS, Bold, Green.)

Race/culture: Chinese human.
Racial traits: In essence, Nui Choi San is a normal human. And yet, she moves as gracefully and softly as water, can be as swift and untouchable as the wind and has fists that are as strong and as unbreakable as rock.
Character class: Fighter meets rogue.
Character alignment: Neutral.
Character personality: Niu Choi San is a woman hardened by life. She is often silent, but her facial expressions will speak volumes (unless she does not want them to). Her pirate crew knows her as a fearless leader, who will stand by them until the very end. In return, she expects them to die for her when necessary.

Niu Choi San upholds a specific moral code that is flexible but unbreakable. It allows for thieving and murdering, but she draws a line at hurting the innocent. Those who would seek to do them harm will suffer a swift end at her hand. As will any of her enemies, for that matter.

Niu Choi San was born into a farming family in one of the small villages outside of Shanghai. She lived in poverty and was punished daily by her father for not being born a male. It was a wretched, hard life in which there was no time for leisure, only work. Niu learned to walk with buckets of water in each hand.

When she was nine, Niu (which simply means 'girl') met Cheung Ng-tsai. It was the first happy day of her life. They fell in love almost immediately and managed to stay together despite her father, who considered romance only a distraction from work. Meanwhile, Niu's mother continued to bear children. Niu's father killed all eight in their first week on this Earth.

At the age of eightteen, Niu and Cheung fled their families and settled down in another village, again not far from Shanghai. They became simple rice farmers and while life was still hard, they were certainly happy. They enjoyed nine years of bliss in each other's arms.

Then the pirate Chui Po Tsai raided the village. Men and women were murdered in cold blood, houses torched, food and goods stolen. But this was not enough for Chui Po Tsai, the most fearsome pirate China knew. He was the killer of hundreds of Japanese Wokou but just as many, if not more, innocents as well.

Now, it should be noted that Niu, despite the hardships of her life, defied description. A beautiful ravenhaired woman, she was graceful even when hard at work. She was slender, yet strong. Her determination and will power lent her aura that captivated most of the men in the village. Of course, she remained faithful to her husband despite all offers.

It was an inconceivable loss then, when Chui Po Tsai stole not only food and goods, but also Niu. Killing Cheung, he claimed her for his own, taking her from her village and caging her on his boat.

Niu became the betrothed of Chui Po Tsai, for while her grief was immense, she had accepted all life's misfortunes before Chui Po Tsai and she would endure him as well. She sailed with his crew for nine years, a time in which the ship was often assailed by storms that seemed unnatural.

Finally, one day when a storm raged unparallel to any before it, Niu made it onto the deck with a knife in her hand. At the storm's apex, she slashed Chui Po Tsai's cheek, challenging him to a duel right there and then. He had no choice but to accept, for she surely would've killed him otherwise.

The entire crew looked on as the two fought through wind and rain. In the 27 years of her life until then, Niu had learned all manners of skills from farmers and pirates. She fought like the devil that day and as the thunder rolled, Niu and Chui charged forward simultaneously. They were locked in embrace as the lightning crackled.

Then, in what seemed like an instant, the clouds were swept away, the sea calmed itself and the sun shone brightly on the deck. Lying on its wooden floors was Chui Po Tsai, his hands on the knife portruding from his belly. He gasped his last breath as Niu turned to the crew, her crew now, as she claimed the title of the Pirate Queen of Shanghai.

That was nine years ago.

Strength: Normal human.
Speed/reaction timing: Peak human.
Endurance: Peak human.
Agility: Peak human.
Intelligence: Average.
Fighting skill: Mastered.
Resources: Large.

Notable equipment: Thieving tools and various other small deadly instruments (little daggers, throwing stars). She also carries a long staff with a reasonable blade on top of it, curved like a scythe. She's also got your usual ninja gear, like smoke bombs.

Describe using proper English grammar what you think you can bring to the RPG: A truly awesome character, bringing with her unique interaction possibilities - she only speaks Chinese. She's also the sole female (for now) on the team and is generally a badass. I think she may be one of my favourite creations. As to what I can bring to the RPG? Well, just me.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: As much as time allows me.

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards:

Sample post:
Those who visit the harbour of Shanghai never leave unscathed, something that Zhu Yunwen, the Jianwen Emperor, was finding out firsthand. A knife was held by his throat while General Wu Chang gloated. They were seated next each other, atop of a large fortress that afforded them a spectacular view of the East China Sea. The sun was setting on the horizon.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Wu Chang looked to his aide, Daiyu A-ching, who pressed her blade closer to the Emperor's throat.
"Y-y-yes," Zhu Yunwen responded in gulps.
"Enjoy it, old friend. It will be the last thing you'll see on this Earth."
The Emperor closed his eyes to pray and Wu Chang laughed.
"Ha! Nobody can save you now!"

Just then, one of his henchmen came running up the stairs to the roof. He saluted his superior, kneeled down before the company and hung his head.

Calmly, he stated: "General Wu Chang, Niu Choi San approaching."
"What do you mean, Niu Choi San approaching?" The General turned his gaze towards the horizon. A fleet of ships were now appearing on the line and approaching the harbour rapidly. And although there was still quite a distance between them, he was able to look straight in Niu Choi San's eyes, hanging from her sails. There was no fear in those eyes.
"Open fire! All weapons!"
He turned to the henchmen. "Dispatch War Qian and Nin Gong, to bring back her body!"

Minutes later, all over Shanghai cannons exploded. General Wu Chang looked satisfied until he noticed that the sound did not come from the cannons firing, but from them literally exploding. Looking out over the city, he saw townsfolk keeping soldiers at bay with the scythes and pitchforks they used for farming and fishing. Frightened, his eyes again turned to the approaching fleet and its leader.

Niu Choi San smiled. "Ready your bows," she called out to her men. Approaching her ship was General Wu Chang's Flying Squadron: soldiers using wings made of wood and silk to glide over land and sea. Responding to her orders, all available men drew arrows. When Niu Choi San yelled 'Fire!', they shot the entire squadron out of the sky.

The only one spared was War Qian, the General's most fearsome flying soldier. He narrowly avoided a string of arrows, before dropping the man he held in his arms onto Niu Choi San's ship. It was Nin Gong, the fiercest fighter under the General's command. He was immediately surrounded by Niu's pirates.

"Leave him to me," she said as she jumped from the sail. Nin Gong smiled, readying his curved blade. One of the pirates threw Niu her scythe. Her eyes locked with Nin Gong. Without speaking another word, they charged for one another.

Nin Gong attempted to strike first, raising his sword over his head. The blow was stopped by Niu's stick and while Nin Gong tried with all his might to break it - and her - Niu did not buckle. Instead, she managed to push him away, then swung her scythe around to catch Nin Gong's foot. With a sharp pull, she sent him to the floor. He moved to get up, but she was already on top of him, one foot on his throat, the other on the hand holding his sword.

With a small blade that she took from her pocket, she slashed at Nin Gong's armour, severing the ropes holding it together. It clattered as it fell to the floor beside him. Try as he might, he could not lift his sword to strike at her and did not even occur to him to use his other hand as she stared him down fearlessly.

Nine long seconds passed before Niu turned her attention to the sky. War Qian had been circling overhead and was readying a small bomb. Niu jumped from Nin Gong, leaving him to her pirate henchmen. She ran back to the sails, climbing to its top in mere moments.

"If you take me to your General, I might let you live," she said to the winged soldier, who looked down in horror as the pirates tore apart his comrade. Finally, he nodded, his hands shaking as they took hers.

By now, the fleet had entered the harbour and pirates flooded the streets, battling General Wu Chang's army fearlessly and relentlessly. It was a terribly mix of chaos, fire and blood and Niu Choi San flew above it straight to General Wu Chang. Her face showed no emotion.

"War Qian! You traitor!" the General shouted and cursed as Niu Choi San dropped onto the roof. Daiyu stepped away from the emperor to meet her. She twirled her blade and smiled vilainously, but Niu Choi San was not impressed. She readied her battle stance.

Daiyu came at the Pirate Queen with her knife, but Niu easily deflected the first blow. However, when she kicked in turn, her opponent caught her foot with similar ease. Niu quickly turned her upper body to the right, kicking Daiyu in the face with her other foot and sending both to the ground.

Niu got up first, delivering a series of brutal and relentless kicks to Daiyu's face and body until it was a bloody mess. Both General Wu Chang and Emperor Zhu Yunwen looked on in horror. When Niu's eyes then met Wu Chang's, he fell to his knees in pure unadultured panic.

"Don't hurt me," he begged.

Niu Choi San ignored him and she went about freeing the Emperor from his bonds. He trembled as she loosened the ropes around his arms and torso. He quivered as her fingers touched his hands. Around them, meanwhile, battles continued to rage on. Niu Choi San pulled the Emperor up and they walked to the edge of the roof. They looked out over the chaos that had befallen the city.

"Hai!" she yelled at the top of her voice. All of Shanghai stopped and looked up at the Pirate Queen.

The Widow.

Queen of the Impossible.

Niu Choi San, savior of the Ming dynasty.
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Now in full.

Ballad of Saints: A Fantasy RPG - Application

Screen name: Harlekin

Character you have created: Niu Choi San, Pirate Queen of Shanghai, The Widow, Queen of the Impossible, Savior of the Ming dynasty. (Trebuchet MS, Bold, Green.)

Race/culture: Chinese human.
Racial traits: In essence, Nui Choi San is a normal human. And yet, she moves as gracefully and softly as water, can be as swift and untouchable as the wind and has fists that are as strong and as unbreakable as rock.
Character class: Fighter meets rogue.
Character alignment: Neutral.
Character personality: Niu Choi San is a woman hardened by life. She is often silent, but her facial expressions will speak volumes (unless she does not want them to). Her pirate crew knows her as a fearless leader, who will stand by them until the very end. In return, she expects them to die for her when necessary.

Niu Choi San upholds a specific moral code that is flexible but unbreakable. It allows for thieving and murdering, but she draws a line at hurting the innocent. Those who would seek to do them harm will suffer a swift end at her hand. As will any of her enemies, for that matter.

Niu Choi San was born into a farming family in one of the small villages outside of Shanghai. She lived in poverty and was punished daily by her father for not being born a male. It was a wretched, hard life in which there was no time for leisure, only work. Niu learned to walk with buckets of water in each hand.

When she was nine, Niu (which simply means 'girl') met Cheung Ng-tsai. It was the first happy day of her life. They fell in love almost immediately and managed to stay together despite her father, who considered romance only a distraction from work. Meanwhile, Niu's mother continued to bear children. Niu's father killed all eight in their first week on this Earth.

At the age of eightteen, Niu and Cheung fled their families and settled down in another village, again not far from Shanghai. They became simple rice farmers and while life was still hard, they were certainly happy. They enjoyed nine years of bliss in each other's arms.

Then the pirate Chui Po Tsai raided the village. Men and women were murdered in cold blood, houses torched, food and goods stolen. But this was not enough for Chui Po Tsai, the most fearsome pirate China knew. He was the killer of hundreds of Japanese Wokou but just as many, if not more, innocents as well.

Now, it should be noted that Niu, despite the hardships of her life, defied description. A beautiful ravenhaired woman, she was graceful even when hard at work. She was slender, yet strong. Her determination and will power lent her aura that captivated most of the men in the village. Of course, she remained faithful to her husband despite all offers.

It was an inconceivable loss then, when Chui Po Tsai stole not only food and goods, but also Niu. Killing Cheung, he claimed her for his own, taking her from her village and caging her on his boat.

Niu became the betrothed of Chui Po Tsai, for while her grief was immense, she had accepted all life's misfortunes before Chui Po Tsai and she would endure him as well. She sailed with his crew for nine years, a time in which the ship was often assailed by storms that seemed unnatural.

Finally, one day when a storm raged unparallel to any before it, Niu made it onto the deck with a knife in her hand. At the storm's apex, she slashed Chui Po Tsai's cheek, challenging him to a duel right there and then. He had no choice but to accept, for she surely would've killed him otherwise.

The entire crew looked on as the two fought through wind and rain. In the 27 years of her life until then, Niu had learned all manners of skills from farmers and pirates. She fought like the devil that day and as the thunder rolled, Niu and Chui charged forward simultaneously. They were locked in embrace as the lightning crackled.

Then, in what seemed like an instant, the clouds were swept away, the sea calmed itself and the sun shone brightly on the deck. Lying on its wooden floors was Chui Po Tsai, his hands on the knife portruding from his belly. He gasped his last breath as Niu turned to the crew, her crew now, as she claimed the title of the Pirate Queen of Shanghai.

That was nine years ago.

Strength: Normal human.
Speed/reaction timing: Peak human.
Endurance: Peak human.
Agility: Peak human.
Intelligence: Average.
Fighting skill: Mastered.
Resources: Large.

Notable equipment: Thieving tools and various other small deadly instruments (little daggers, throwing stars). She also carries a long staff with a reasonable blade on top of it, curved like a scythe. She's also got your usual ninja gear, like smoke bombs.

Describe using proper English grammar what you think you can bring to the RPG: A truly awesome character, bringing with her unique interaction possibilities - she only speaks Chinese. She's also the sole female (for now) on the team and is generally a badass. I think she may be one of my favourite creations. As to what I can bring to the RPG? Well, just me.

How many times do you intend on posting a DAY IN the RPG: As much as time allows me.

Do you know how to post pictures on the hype boards:

Sample post:

Cool choice. Especially that she's asian. The most diverse character the G&M games had human wise was Carnage27's character who I believe was Egyptian or something.


What title did you want me to use for the roster, Harl? I just picked one for now is all.
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