Batman Begins Batman Begins Concept Art?


Jul 20, 2004
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Has anything leaked out over the last few months? I'd love to see some alternate Batman costumes from Begins. For whatever reason, i'm all about alternative costumes these days (superman, spiderman, etc.)
i did find this: somesort of 'stage 2 scarecrow' mask. Might be BS, i don't know.

Here's some early concept art that really resembles the one used in Begins.

Mr. Socko said:
Here's some early concept art that really resembles the one used in Begins.

Whack Arnolds said:
That's a good suit. :up:
I can't argue against Black&Gray, even when I'd want to... it's my curse ;) but that outfit is teh puffy!!!
I wonder how many people I actually tricked with that...
Wow.....hard to believe they decided to not use the paper bag.

Hmmmm.....the Incredible Bag Man. Scare Bag Crow........the ScareBag....hmmmmm.......we got something here....
Who cares about BB concept art? There's a very early concept piece showing how Ms. Dawes will look in BB2:

PSU442 said:
Has anything leaked out over the last few months? I'd love to see some alternate Batman costumes from Begins. For whatever reason, i'm all about alternative costumes these days (superman, spiderman, etc.)

Dude, there's a whole book on this. Look it up on Amazon or go to a bookstore. :up: :)
I couldn't see the phase 2 scarecrow mask!!!

That was a real image from BB, though . . . something they were thinking of using as part of the hallucination sequences, but never did . . . I've never seen it though!!
okay . . . I saw it . . . pretty bad-ass, but they never used it . . . which they should have . . .
David Ford said:
Who cares about BB concept art? There's a very early concept piece showing how Ms. Dawes will look in BB2:


oh god,thanks a fricken lot man,yuck.
chi-boy said:
Dude, there's a whole book on this. Look it up on Amazon or go to a bookstore. :up: :)

No, because that book only has artwork that was created after a final look for the suit was more or less settled on. There's some very nice pictures but it doesn't chronicle the design process at all.

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