Batman Beyond?

But that would be the idea man. Young Bruce in JL, solo films are set in the future where that Bruce is older teaching the young guy.
I'm fine with it. Batman Beyond could be used to differentiate from the Nolan's Batman. Besides they could set up the shared universe fine in this aspect. JL's Bruce Wayne/Batman is the same Bruce Wayne in the Batman Beyond franchise decades later.
Sorry, I've always thought it was crap. Two reasons I've never completely liked the DC Animated Universe: it gave us Batman Beyond and Harley Quinn.

I love the DCAU beyond reason for a man my age. It feels like the "best parts" of the DC universe improved to me.. but I never cared for Barman Beyond and try to pretend it never existed. And Harley rocks.
I'd prefer a solo Bat film with Bruce, we need a comics/BTAS/Arkham City accurate Batman in a solo film before Batman Beyond. BUT, I am fine with young Bruce being in JL and Terry being Batman in Beyond. I LOVE Batman Beyond, I've been rewatching it lately, it's a great show, and I completely support a live action film.

As for villains, the greatest Batman Beyond story they ever did was Return of the Joker, I say they adapt that, while combining Terrys origin into the story
As for villains, the greatest Batman Beyond story they ever did was Return of the Joker, I say they adapt that, while combining Terrys origin into the story

That's exactly what I'm thinking. I say take elements of ROTJ and lead with that as the first film combined with Terry's origin. I can see the urge to do Blight , but with something as bold as Beyond as your launch pad for a film universe, it'd be better to use someone like the Joker from not only a story pov but from a marketing pov. It could also explain why this Batman is retired making it further clear that this Batman isn't the same one who retired at the end of TDKR and didn't retire for those same reasons.
If they do actually make Batman Beyond, I want an old cranky Mel Gibson as Bruce Wayne.

I'm dead serious.
That's exactly what I'm thinking. I say take elements of ROTJ and lead with that as the first film combined with Terry's origin. I can see the urge to do Blight , but with something as bold as Beyond as your launch pad for a film universe, it'd be better to use someone like the Joker from not only a story pov but from a marketing pov. It could also explain why this Batman is retired making it further clear that this Batman isn't the same one who retired at the end of TDKR and didn't retire for those same reasons.
Yeah it's very important, if theyre doing a Batman Beyond next, to make sure the general audience are aware that this isn't a sequel to TDKR set 30 years later, with a recast. Which might be a good reason as to why they should reboot the solo films Arkham style FIRST.

If they do actually make Batman Beyond, I want an old cranky Mel Gibson as Bruce Wayne.

I'm dead serious.
You know, that's a damn good idea. Wasn't he in the running back in the 80s?? I always thought he would have made a great Two-Face in the 90s. But he would make a good aged Bruce Wayne, even though Clint and Peter Weller come to mind too.

If they do a Batman Beyond in 10, 15 years...I think Mel would be perfect.


Hehe, he would make a good Dark Knight Returns Bruce right now. But in 10 or 15 years im down for OLD grumpy Bruce Gibson!
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While I love Batman Beyond, I'm not so sure how good of an idea this is. Maybe if Justice League has time travel in it, then the JL of present and future can team up.... Then a spinoff? It has to at least slightly make sense to the GA.

I hear they've been thinking of a game as well, which would have no problems. The future of the Arkhamverse would be SO cool. But I still want Arkham 3 as well.
I really liked BBy, although I think it never reached its full potential. I'd welcome it more than Batman/Superman, but what's done is done, I guess.
Dude a Beyond anything would be awesome. I reall think the series needs a reboot. New show but with real animation not that 3d garbage they all use now. I absolutely love the Beyond series, been re-watching it on Netflix yeah its on there currently watching an episode as I type this lol. Old man Wayne is just too awesome to pass up on, and Terry's story arc is quite good. Haven't had any books since last year, ned mor lol. Is there some way that we can like get a petition going or something? Write a mass signed letter to WB to bring it back? I think after the justice league movies they should definitely bring it to fruition. I mean Batman Begins started as Beyond so I think we can all have a positive look at this coming sometime in the future.
Batman Beyond can work, and here is my idea...

While not a traditional Beyond, I would use Red Hood here. No Joker, I don't think the character needs used for some time because Ledger comparison and the Joker storyline in BB might be too hokey even in a futuristic story. Insert the Red Hood angle with Jason Todd. Fanboys would love it and the general audience would be hooked with the promotion being based around a new Batman vs. Robin gone bad. They wouldn't care that it was Jason Todd, they would just see the name Robin. Its an easy money maker and as a huge BB fan I think it could work. Try to make it as quality as possible, like Nolan's films.

Michael Keaton would be my older Bruce Wayne. He deserves it after being the only good thing about the first four movies. Throw him a bone. And you don't have to directly tie in too his movies, just say he was Batman and move on. Maybe even have a flashback with a new Alfred. My Terry McGinnis choice has always been Ben McKenzie. He is in his thirties, but he could pull off a college age character, which I would make Terry to avoid Spider-Man comparisons. I'm debating on working in Bruce being his biological father. It would have to be handled delinquently.

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