Eh, I'm not sure. I'd think that someone like Batman would know that he could never live if taken out by a bullet, no matter how much he tries to "work through pain" so I'd think he'd try to put some sort of armor on himself.
I disagree. This is a contemporary viewpoint, and it certainly has it's validity. But I've already said, I have no interest in an overly contemporary ultra-realistic approach to The Batman. First and foremost, this is supposed to be a fun comic book
fantasy. Virtually ALL of the writers and directors of Batman films (who by their own admission know very little about The Batman's comic book history / exploits) have missed this basic point.
The Batman is an extraordinary man. And I don't think he should operate by the standards of an ordinary man... especially within the context of a comic book fantasy.
For MANY years, The Batman got along just fine in the comics WITHOUT armor. He took more than his share of occasional scrapes, to be sure, but he
didn't wear any armor. That was a big part of the drama of his exploits. He HAD to be really good at what he did because he was un-protected... working without the proverbial "safety net".
But what do you mean by a "traditional" Batman outfit? Do you mean like a suit made of just fabric or something EXACTLY like the comics?
Yes. Preferably something like that. And while I know this would probably NEVER fly for you, for me (since it have never even been tried) it is SORELY missed. I'm sick and tired of live action movie
Batmen looking overly stiff, restricted, and
cocooned in a suit that
should look and function like his second skin instead. I'm sick and tired of an overly sculpted rubber monkey suit dominating the traditional functions of
the character. To my eyes, there are no worse offenders of this than the costumes worn by Christian Bale in the last two Batman films. Those costumes are horrible eye sores to me. The Batman is supposed to be a mysterious
specter stalking criminals throughout the streets of Gotham
with his cape CLOSED in front of him (in the tradition of the cloak-wearing night-watchmen and constables of old, rain-slick, gothic, european cities). But instead, in these big-budget Batman movies by Nolan, they don't DARE depict the character in a way that is appropriate. NO!!! That would mean covering up the multi-million dollar butt-ugly rubber monkey suit.
And what of other super hero films?
THE AVENGERS is this summer's runaway movie blockbuster, and by the estimation of many, possibly THE all-time best comic book movie ever made. Yes,
Iron Man (who is armored) is a fun character. Yes,
The Hulk (who is a mutant) virtually steals the movie. And Yes, it was great to see
Captain America (who uses a shield) in action.
But what about some of the other characters?
Black Widow's greatest defensive weapon is her fighting skill... (No ARMOR). In fact, her first scene in the film is SO INTERESTING specifically because she faced off against several armed adversaries COMPLETELY un-armed and un-protected.
Hawkeye (Non-super-powered and armed only with a bow and arrow) also wore no armor... even as he charged into open COMBAT, against multiple adversaries, in the film's highly-charged climax.
In the film
Daredevil (love it or hate it), the (non-super powered) character gets along just fine WITHOUT ARMOR. And that character is about as similar as you can get to The Batman in terms of level of "realism".
I could go on, but honestly, I'm so tired of writing about this subject since I have done it ad-nauseum for years, and it feels like the beating of a dead horse.
Suffice it to say, I know people like it very much, and more power to them. I am not interested in taking away anyone's enjoyment from anything.
But as far as
I am concerned,
The Batman does NOT need armor.